Agents of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 595 Please go to the Academy

Tai Shici led the crowd to wait at the gate of the camp. Not long after, a mighty army appeared in sight.

A large banner fluttered in the wind, hunting in the air.

Wang Lei came to the camp in a carriage, followed by Tian Feng, Shen Pei, Xu You, Guo Jia and others, as well as Dian Wei, Zhou Tai and other generals in the army. The headquarters moved from Zhuo County and arrived in Ji County. Seeing Wang Lei's carriage, he immediately led Gan Ning, Lu Bu and others to meet him.

"Meet my lord,"

Everyone bowed and saluted, Wang Lei nodded and got down from the carriage.

The moment he saw Tai Shici, Wang Lei frowned slightly.

In front of him, Tai Shici's complexion was slightly pale, his eyes were bloodshot, giving people a haggard and tired feeling. Seeing such a situation, Wang Lei had a bad feeling in his heart.

Could it be that something went wrong in the barracks.

The camps that can be stationed are in order, and there are no abnormalities.

Wang Lei suppressed the doubts in his heart and said: "Go back to the camp." The army entered the camp, Wang Lei, Guo Jia, Tian Feng and others entered the camp, and Dian Wei and the generals in the army settled down with the accompanying soldiers.

Back in the tent, everyone sat down.

Wang Lei sat directly above, his eyes fell on Tai Shici, and he said in a deep voice: "Ziyi, the army has approached Ji County, what is the specific situation of the battle?"

Hearing this, Tai Shici stood up and went to the center of the tent, lifted his robe and knelt down, kowtowed and said, "My lord, I'm guilty."

With a click, Wang Lei felt that the situation was not good. At this moment, Wang Lei was finally sure that something must have happened. Wang Lei took a deep breath and said slowly: "What's going on,"

Tai Shici's voice was choked up, and he said slowly: "Last night, our army and the Youzhou army fought [-] miles south of Jixian County. Our losses amounted to more than [-] people. Although nearly [-] Youzhou soldiers were killed, we were also defeated. However, the loss is so great that the minister is guilty." Immediately, Tai Shici explained the whole process in detail, without any concealment or exaggeration, and reported the news truthfully.

When Cui Puyuan heard this, he sighed in his heart, his persuasion was ultimately useless.

Tai Shici still told the truth.

Wang Lei fell silent immediately after hearing this.

The loss of nearly [-] troops is a considerable amount for Jizhou.

This is the first time since Wang Lei took over the army.

Cui Puyuan rolled his eyes and couldn't help but said: "My lord, our army was ambushed, but it was not the fault of General Taishi alone. I was guilty if I didn't find out in advance. Moreover, General Taishi carried out the attack later." Remedy, killing as many as [-] Youzhou soldiers, this is a great victory for our army,"

Gan Ning nodded, and echoed, "My lord, the Youzhou army has been beheaded by [-] people, the general has been killed, the loss is heavy, and the morale is even lower. The next step is to attack Ji County, and it will be conquered in one fell swoop."

Lu Bu said again: "My lord, I agree with what Cui Puyuan and Gan Ning said."

All the people in the army pleaded for Tai Shici one after another.

Wang Lei glanced at the crowd, his gaze finally fell on Tai Shici, and said: "As the commander in chief of the army, Tai Shici didn't pay attention to the enemy's situation, so that the army suffered heavy losses. However, nearly [-] enemy troops were wiped out in this battle. , severely wounded Gongsun Zan, made great contributions, and the merits and demerits can be offset, but the responsibility for dereliction of duty must be punished. From today onwards, Tai Shici will no longer lead the army, and stay in the army at his disposal."

"The minister obeyed,"

Tai Shici nodded in response, then stood up and returned to his seat.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

Just taking away the responsibility of commanding the army has little impact.

Wang Lei flicked his sleeves, and ordered: "The army rests for a day, and tomorrow morning, we will leave camp and go to Ji County."

Everyone got the order and withdrew from the camp.

Tai Shici looked decadent, bowed his back, and left behind the crowd.

Wang Lei suddenly said, "Ziyi, you stay here."


Tai Shici was just about to leave, but after listening to Wang Lei's words, he sat still, only Tai Shici and Wang Lei were left in the tent, Tai Shici looked depressed, and suddenly said: "My lord, I have failed your expectations, my lord, please surrender." crime,"

Wang Lei looked slightly disappointed, and said lightly: "You have followed me for several years, you should understand my character, now, I don't want to hear these words,"

However, Tai Shici was quite depressed, with a helpless expression on his face, and said: "During Yang's County, due to the negligence of the minister, he fell into Tian Kai's scheme. If the lord and Shi A hadn't appeared in time, the consequences would have been disastrous. In the final decisive battle, another 2 soldiers died in this battle, [-] people, [-] lives, "

Hearing this, Wang Lei was even more disappointed.

Such a frustrated Tai Shici was not what Wang Lei wanted to see.

Tai Shici breathed a sigh of relief, adjusted his emotions, and said loudly: "I am 28 years old this year, and I am still very young. I still need more training. Please give me two years. The brand-new Tai Shici, the king of Chu Zhuang has not made a name for three years, and he is a blockbuster. I also need time to hone it. I implore the lord to re-arrange the candidates for the prefect of Julu County."

"What do you think," Wang Lei said.

Tai Shici said: "I want to enter Xuehai Wuya Academy to study for two years. After the two years are over, I will serve for the Lord."

Wang Lei said, "Have you thought about it clearly?"

Tai Shici nodded, and said: "Reporting to my lord, I have already considered it clearly. In order to paralyze the princes from all walks of life, my lord can directly dismiss my official position. In this way, it will create an illusion for the princes."

Wang Lei flicked his sleeves and said loudly: "Jizhou is powerful and full of talents. It has not yet reached the point where it is necessary to use this kind of reason to paralyze the rest of the princes. Since you plan to study in the academy for two years, I agree. I hope that after two years , can you give me a brand new Taishi Ci, "

"My lord's kindness, I will remember it in my heart,"

Tai Shici bowed and saluted, his eyes full of gratitude.

Wang Lei sighed softly in his heart, agreeing to Tai Shici to study in the academy was a helpless move. Tai Shici had experienced what happened to Xu Xiaoyu and encountered the current war. If Wang Lei disagreed, it would be easy to irritate Tai Shici. Ci rested for a while.

When the subject changed, Wang Lei said, "Let's go, follow me to see the wounded soldiers."


Tai Shici followed behind Wang Lei, and went to the rear battalion to arrange for the wounded soldiers.

When they came to the camp, some of the wounded soldiers had been healed, but there were still many soldiers receiving treatment. Wang Lei and Tai Shici went straight into the camp without alarming others.

"The state shepherd is here, I see the state shepherd,"

Suddenly, a soldier shouted, and in an instant, countless people looked at Wang Lei and Tai Shici.

Wang Lei appeared frequently, and many soldiers knew Wang Lei.

Seeing Tai Shici following behind, everyone confirmed Wang Lei's identity.

When he came to a row of soldiers who had already been bandaged for diagnosis and treatment, Wang Lei's eyes fell on a soldier in the front whose body was bandaged like a rice dumpling, with only one head exposed. When this soldier saw Wang Lei, he wanted to stand up excitedly, but As soon as the body moved, a painful look appeared on his face.

Wang Lei quickly reached out to stop him, and said, "You don't need to get up, just lie down."

For the soldiers fighting on the battlefield, Wang Lei respected from the bottom of his heart. Twenty thousand soldiers were blocked, unable to advance, unable to retreat, and faced endless bows and arrows. Under such circumstances, no one surrendered, and all chose to fight to the end ,impressive.

The soldier had a smile on his face, opened the clip, and said with a smile: "Lord Zhou Mu, when I joined the army, my old mother said that it is all thanks to Master Zhou punishing corrupt officials and cracking down on bandits, so that my family can live in peace. , now there are no exorbitant taxes, and my family has surplus food, "

After finishing speaking, the soldier continued: "In this battle, I killed a total of 23 Youzhou soldiers. I didn't embarrass my old mother or Lord Zhou Mu. Our Jizhou man is a famous man, and he would rather die." won't surrender,"

After hearing this, Wang Lei was moved in his heart.

The reason why the soldiers fought desperately was as simple as that. With a smile on his face, Wang Lei gave a thumbs up and praised: "You are really good. It is not easy for one person to kill 23 people. When I was in the army, I didn't You are so good,"

The soldier smiled innocently, looking a little embarrassed, and said: "There is nothing simple and not simple, you don't know, Youzhou soldiers are all cowards, I fought hard with him, and they were persuaded, and then I kept killing them." , kept killing, and killed 23 people.”

Wang Lei nodded and said, "Heal your injury well. I look forward to your performance when your injury is healed."

"Yes, I will definitely not disappoint Lord State Shepherd,"

The soldiers were high-spirited, and their eyes were shining with excitement. To the soldiers, Wang Lei was Jizhou Mu, a man of great power and unattainable. He was injured a little, and he actually had a conversation with Wang Lei. The joy in his heart can be imagined Well, after he returned home, he was able to brag with his old mother, brothers and sisters, and he was the one who had spoken to Master Zhou.

Thinking of this, a thick smile appeared on the soldier's face.

After Wang Lei comforted the soldiers, he continued to walk down.

When he came to a soldier with a broken arm, Wang Lei's eyes were shocked. Not only did this soldier have a broken arm, but his body was also covered with scars.

The soldier smiled when he saw Wang Lei, but he didn't feel sad about losing his arm.

After some conversation, the soldier suddenly said, "Lord Zhou Mu, can I make a request?"

"If you have any request, just say it,"

Wang Lei thought to himself, as long as the request is not excessive, he will agree to the soldier.

The soldier looked excited and said, "I want to shake hands with Master Zhou, is that okay?"

Wang Lei was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect such a request.

Seeing the anticipation on the soldier's face, Wang Lei stretched out his hand, gently took the other injured hand, and held it tightly, but he felt mixed feelings in his heart.

The soldier's request is as simple as that, just shake hands.

These people are worthy of respect.

These soldiers are amazing.

Wang Lei went down one by one, talking with the soldiers in the tent one by one, the more he talked, the deeper his feelings, these soldiers moved him so much, after leaving the tent, Wang Lei looked at Tai Shici and said: "Looking at these soldiers, I feel very touched in my heart, think about it for yourself, I hope you can have a transformation in the two years in the academy, "

Tai Shici nodded silently, with a serious expression on his face,

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