Agents of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 602 5 Questions

As the sound of gongs echoed outside the city, the [-] vanguard troops of the Jizhou Army withdrew like a tide.At the same time, the advancing siege vehicles, cloud vehicles, catapults and other equipment also immediately turned around and headed towards the army formation.

This scene made Guan Jing laugh from ear to ear, his eyes were full of complacency, he waved his hands and said, "Ming Jin retreats!"

"Clang! Clang! Clang!!"

The sound of the gong came from the tower.

The white-clothed soldiers under the city gate quickly divided into two teams, outflanking the old and weak women and children who left the city.A group of people were vicious, like driving ducks, and quickly drove the old, weak, women and children back to the city.

Guan Jing walked down the tower, followed by Lin Sheng and Ji Yuan.

With a flattering expression on his face, Ji Yuan clasped his fists and said: "Guan Shi Miao Ji Wushuang, this battle blocked the attack of tens of thousands of Jizhou troops without any effort, it is really amazing."

Guan Jing said: "This battle has just begun, don't rush, take your time."

Lin Sheng followed behind, thinking of the old and weak children who were killed or injured outside the city, and remained silent.

After the three of them got off the tower, they each went about their own business.


The Jizhou army withdrew its troops and stationed outside the city.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Wang Lei, Guo Jia, Tian Feng, Xu You, Shen Pei, Lu Bu and other guests sat down with heavy expressions on their faces.Guan Jing used countless old and weak women and children as a human wall, which is really surprising.

This way of fighting is not common, because it hurts the peace too much, and it is easy to be stabbed in the back.

However, Guan Jing frantically adopted it.

Xu You's expression was serious, and he said slowly: "My lord, I know very well the consequences of cutting through the human wall made up of the old and the weak, women and children. Once the human wall made up of the common people is cut through, it will definitely cause countless casualties."

"However, I think it's a necessary process."

"If we don't break down the human wall made up of old and weak women and children, it is impossible to conquer the county seat of Ji County. We are now withdrawing our troops to respond, and the people are temporarily safe, but in my opinion, this is the greatest harm to the people. Even, I I think that if we don't make up our minds to kill the past, it will also have a great impact on our army."

Xu You sat up straight, with an increasingly serious expression, and said loudly: "I think there are five main problems as follows."

"First, we gave up the siege this time, but the next time we attack the city, the opponent will still adopt the same strategy. A human wall composed of people will still appear, and if we attack the city, there will still be casualties."

"Secondly, if the city is not conquered for a day, the people will be imprisoned for one more day, tortured by the Youzhou army for one more day, and will face the fear of death at all times. We are ruthless in killing the past because we have a compassionate heart Killing. I believe that the dead people can also understand the truth."

"Third, the war is protracted, and the morale of the army is easy to fluctuate."

"Fourth, the tens of thousands of soldiers in the army have to eat with every mouth, and consume tens of thousands of catties of food every day. Although Jizhou has a good harvest year after year, there is enough food supply. Such a long delay will cause a great loss of food , The logistical pressure is also very heavy. Furthermore, there is still a war in Ye County, so there is no room for delay."

"Fifth, it's now September, and the weather in the North has entered winter earlier. After October, the weather will be even worse, with cold winds and freezing temperatures, which will be even more unfavorable to the army."

On the way back, Xu You had already thought about this question.

Given the opportunity, Xu You made a crackling conversation and made five key points.

Xu You's eyes fell on Tian Feng, and his eyes became even sharper.Tian Feng is an old courtier under Wang Lei's command and is well-known.In Xu You's opinion, only by comparing Tian Feng can his talent be more prominent.

Tian Feng snorted, but did not answer Xu You directly.

When the subject changed, Tian Feng said indifferently: "I don't know the pros and cons, I only know one truth. It is wrong for us to slaughter unarmed people, the old, the weak, women and children, that is a fresh life."

Xu You retorted: "Absurd theory!"

Tian Feng snorted, and continued: "All of you present here are resourceful people with a strategy to stabilize the country. With so many people's talents, does it have to be based on massacring the people to win this battle? Can't we think of other ways? You can use any means to attack the enemy, and you can use any means to win, but the people are innocent."

Speaking of this, Tian Feng said loudly: "These unscrupulous methods do not include ignoring the lives of the people."

Xu You snorted, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

In fact, Xu You's analysis is sound and reasonable.

However, Tian Feng's rebuttal took a different approach, expounding a fact from another direction, which made it difficult for Xu You to refute.If he insisted on defending himself, it would seem that he had no other strategy.

Wang Lei was very calm after listening to the debate between the two.

How to make a decision, Wang Lei has the final word.

The one who decides is Wang Lei after all.

Without any hesitation, Wang Lei said unquestionably: "When I withdrew the troops, I already made it very clear that I would not use the strategy of massacring the people. Therefore, the debate on whether to massacre the people to attack the city can come to an end, and no longer Arguing about it."

Xu You's complexion changed slightly, he looked at Wang Lei, and sighed.

At the same time, a hint of enlightenment suddenly appeared in his heart.

This is the difference between Wang Lei and Yuan Shao. When Yuan Shao's subordinates are arguing endlessly, they are in a dilemma, swinging from side to side, making it difficult to make a decision, so that opportunities are lost, and subordinates fight among themselves.Wang Lei is different, he has his own judgment in doing things, no matter what Wang Lei's judgment is?But more decisive.

Suppressing the helpless thoughts in his heart, Xu You began to turn his head and think about other ways.

At the same time, everyone in the camp also began to think about strategies.

Wang Lei continued: "Not being able to do anything to the old, weak, women and children in Ji County means that we cannot take the strategy of storming Ji County for the time being. Because once they storm Ji County, the other party will push out the people in the city as a human wall. Therefore, something to consider Tactics are more of a slant strategy."

Shi A, as the person in charge of intelligence, introduced: "According to the information we have received before, Gongsun Zan is now willing to degenerate, hiding in the mansion and singing every night, regardless of the military and political affairs of Youzhou. All matters are handed over to Chang Shi Guanjing I have little talent and learning, so I can't think of a solution. But based on the information I have obtained, I think Guan Jing is the focus of this battle."

When everyone present heard the words, their eyes lit up, as if they were enlightened.

Knowing the specific background, there is a direction to start.

The judge suddenly said, "My lord, if we want to target Guan Jing, I think we can adopt a strategy of alienation. As long as Guan Jing is abandoned by Gongsun Zan and no longer holds power, there will be no one in charge of the overall situation in Jixian County. Moreover, Guan Jing will do his best to implement it." The practice of using the common people as a human wall to resist will also be abandoned. At that time, Ji County can be defeated in one fell swoop."

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