Beast Patrol.

Chapter 52 1 pair of eyes

Chapter 52 A Pair of Eyes

Qi Yunhan said before that the teleportation into the secret realm is random, and it is not surprising to appear in any position in the secret realm. If you are unlucky, you may even be teleported directly to the nest of elite-level aliens.

There are not many elite-level alien beasts in the Nirvana Mystery Realm, mainly juvenile-level alien beasts, so the probability of this is not high, and it will only appear once in a few decades.

Lin Su, who entered the secret realm of Nirvana, soon realized that he was probably the seed of this great injustice that would only appear once in a few decades.

When he regained his footing after spinning around for a while, the cave he was in happened to be the den of elite-level alien beasts.

And it's not just one elite class, it's two!

And there are five or six young beasts in the nest of these two elite beasts! !
But his situation is not that bad.


With his fingers, he poked the two elite-level bright light clusters that exuded warmth and light, and the fine fluff on the surface felt great. Lin Su's face was a little eager to try.

If the Mingguang group of the young class is only as big as a small pillow, which can barely fit under the head, then the Mingguang group of the elite class is much larger.

The elite bright light group, which was the size of a single sofa, could even let him lie on it.

"Big guy, can I try lying on top of you?" Lin Su's eyes lit up.

Without waiting for the Mingguang Tuan to answer, he directly lay down on Ming Guang Tuan's body with a satisfied face.

Hearing a sound of "Puff Chi", Mingguangtuan's soft body instantly sank into the word "Tai", and the warm light shone on Lin Su's back, as comfortable as basking in the sun. Gently rubbing the neck and other parts, the touch is excellent.

As a low-level elite race alien beast without any attack skills and only a core skill Nuanzhao, the Mingguang Group is recognized as an alien beast without any aggressiveness, and has an excellent racial personality. Weak, but because it cannot be used as food for other alien beasts, few alien beasts will attack it for no reason.

After entering the Nirvana Secret Realm, Lin Su could clearly feel that every corner here is filled with extremely strong supernatural energy. As long as he enters the state of meditation, even without the assistance of the Heart of Space, he can practice two or three times as fast as usual. quick.

But he can only enter for two days, so it is naturally impossible for him to use this precious opportunity for meditation.

After briefly getting close to the bright light groups, Lin Su and Qiu Qiu walked out of the cave where the bright light groups lived.

"Mi~(≧ω≦)" (Da Mingguang Group is so fun~)

In the habitat of the bright light balls just now, Lin Su lay on one of the bright light balls, while Qiuqiu used the other bright light ball as a trampoline to jump around.

As a soft-bodied beast without a bone structure, this kind of interaction does not make the Mingguang group feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, it can be seen from the flickering light of the two Mingguang groups that they also like this kind of game.

"After we go back, let's help the bright light group in the yard advance." Lin Su smiled, "In this way, you can play trampoline games with it every day."

Although it is also an elite race, the Mingguang Group is the weakest low-level elite race. It is difficult to grow to the elite level under normal circumstances. If there is no division method of young races, it may be directly kicked out of the elite race.

The bright light group in the secret realm probably advanced smoothly because of the special nature of the accelerated growth in the secret realm, but the bright light group in the Lin family's yard did not have such conditions, so far it was only a young one.

However, this problem is not difficult for Lin Su to solve. As long as he prepares a light-type energy liquid and a second-level light-type supernatural resource, he can easily advance a bright light group to an elite level. order.

"Mi!" (Bouncing on the trampoline!)

"Okay, let's go out and talk about this. Now that we have arrived at the Nirvana Secret Realm, it's time to get down to business." Lin Su coughed lightly and stopped the topic, "There may be strange beasts attacking us in the secret realm at any time, so we must be vigilant at all times. Row."

"Mi! (ω)" (Got it!)

Qiuqiu nodded, and lightly landed on Lin Su's head in two or three steps to lie down. A pair of big ice-blue eyes were filled with a strong sense of frost. You can see everything.

Ball ball card scanning radar!
Lin Su took out a map from the space ring, and checked it with confidence under Qiuqiu's vigilance.

The Nirvana secret realm has been mastered by Nanyu for many years, and there are naturally many maps inside the secret realm.

According to the original plan, Lin Su needs to take Qiuqiu to Nirvana Pool to complete the evolution first, and then go to the places where supernatural resources appear with Qiuqiu who has reached the elite level to obtain various supernatural resources as the harvest of this trip. Nirvana Secret Realm.

In order to achieve this goal, he needs to judge his position first.

At this moment, Lin Su was surrounded by tall trees, which looked like an environment suitable for the survival of wood-type beasts, but there was only one similar environment on the map.

After quickly locking his position, Lin Su shook his head helplessly, "Qiaoqiu, I'm afraid it won't be so smooth if we want to go to Nirvana Pool."

"Mi?" (What's wrong?)

"Look." Lin Su pointed to a certain area on the map, and then slid his finger to the most conspicuous mark on the map, "We should be in this forest now, and the Nirvana Pool is here. Even if we walk in a straight line, we still need to get out of the forest first, and then cross the snow-capped mountain where the ice-type beasts live before we can reach it."

"Mi!" (It's okay, let's go faster.)
"That's right, then let's speed up." Seeing that Qiuqiu was still optimistic, Lin Su smiled, "First fly over the treetops and see which direction the snow-capped mountains are in."

Although it is not close to the Nirvana Pool, it is the home field of the ball passing through the middle, and the ice and snow environment is considered a lucky situation. If encountering some unfriendly attribute environments, Lin Su may even consider detours to Nirvana. pool.

Qiuqiu took a few light steps into the air, and soon returned with the direction of the snow mountain. Lin Su did not hesitate, and quickly headed towards the destination after Qiuqiu helped guard the four weeks.

Although not all the alien beasts in the secret realm are aggressive, it is impossible for them all to be close to humans. It is impossible not to be attacked by any alien beasts in the whole process.

Probably because they chose a good route. At the beginning, Lin Su and Qiuqiu were relatively safe, but there were still some problems when they were still about half the distance from the snow-capped mountains outside the forest.

"Mi!" (Careful!)
Following Qiuqiu's warning, Lin Su paused in his running movements, and almost at the same time, a light green whip shadow passed in front of him, whipping into the air with the sound of "咻咻".

If his movements hadn't stopped, the shadow of the whip should have fallen on him at this moment.

Lin Su's expression changed, and he quickly backed away a few steps towards the other side of the whip shadow's direction, and turned his head to look at it while opening the distance.

Five meters away, a strange beast with a slender body, two arms as slender as a whip, and three long willow-like leaves hanging from its head appeared in Lin Su's sight.

"Fei Ye Miao?"

His expression changed slightly. This is a wood-type beast of a middle-level commanding race, with the core skill Flying Blade and the talent skills Vine Whip and Absorption.

Judging from its body shape, the flying leaf seedling in front of it is still in its infancy stage.

At the same time that Lin Su recognized the race of alien beasts in front of him, Fei Ye Miao, who had been whipped in the air, tossed his head, and the long and narrow light blue leaves swirled in mid-air like flying knives, heading towards Lin Su's face with a slight sound of breaking wind. hit.

"Frost Storm!" Lin Su gave the command without hesitation.

Already furious because of Fei Ye Miao's sneak attack, the ball slapped down, and a large storm emerged with frost and snow, and swept towards Fei Ye in an instant, but the first-level Fei Ye blade was swept back by the raging storm. , like a flat boat in the flood was instantly shattered.

After shattering the Flying Leaf Blade, Frost Storm remained undiminished, roaring to devour the Flying Leaf Seedlings that could not dodge in the future.

Should be resolved?

Lin Su murmured in his heart, carefully looking at the battlefield where the energy gust had not dissipated, but the sound of the ball above his head suddenly became hurried.

"Mi!" (A lot of flying leaf seedlings!)

"What are so many flying leaf seedlings?" Lin Su asked subconsciously, and then seemed to think of something, picked up the ball and ran away without saying a word.

Grass! (a plant)
He suddenly remembered that a strange beast like Fei Yemiao didn't live alone.

Under normal circumstances, twenty or thirty flying leaf seedlings gather together for activities.

Qiuqiu just mentioned a lot of flying leaf seedlings, it should be the other flying leaf seedlings who heard the movement and rushed over.

The skills of wild juvenile-level flying leaf seedlings are generally at level I, even if it is a leader race, Qiuqiu can defeat it.

But it was one-on-one, facing twenty or thirty flying leaf seedlings at the same time, there was no other choice but to run away.

"Mi!" (Left!)

Qiuqiu, who had been staring at the rear all the time, suddenly made a sound.

Lin Su, who was running, took a step to the left without hesitation. In the next instant, seven or eight light green vine whips came through the air, whipped in the void, and intertwined with each other to make a crisp sound of "pop".

Hiss... so dangerous, so dangerous.

While dodging, he took a glance behind, and only then could he clearly see the number of flying leaf seedlings chasing him behind him. Looking at the densely packed long and narrow leaves, Lin Su's scalp suddenly went numb.

"The frost storm strikes back, covering all the flying leaf seedlings and holding them back!"

After giving the order, Lin Su lowered his head and continued to run forward. On his head, Qiuqiu slapped his palm fiercely, covering all the flying leaf seedlings behind him in the raging storm.

Facing the oncoming frost storm, Feiye Miao, who had already been completely enraged by the severe injuries of their companions, moved surprisingly unanimously.

Shake your head, Flying Leaf Blade!

Countless cyan flying leaf blades pierced into the frost storm and shattered under the scour of the storm. However, such flying leaf blades seemed endless under the continuous release of dozens of flying leaf seedlings. Make up one piece.

The roaring storm gradually weakened, and finally it was riddled with holes under the endless flying leaf blades and completely dispersed.

A frost storm that Qiuqiu exerted with all his strength delayed for a few breaths, which was enough for Lin Su to escape Fei Yemiao's attack range.

However, this group of flying leaf seedlings seemed to be red-eyed. Even if they couldn't attack Lin Shu, they still chased after them. From time to time, they swung a flying leaf blade in Lin Shu's direction, showing their determination to avenge their companions. .

This made him complain endlessly, and he could only continue to run towards the snow mountain with all his strength.

Soon, Lin Su's physical strength was gradually exhausted under such continuous explosions, and his running speed gradually slowed down.

He turned his head to look backward, his face changed instantly.

Before he knew it, the Fei Ye Miao behind him had gradually drawn closer to him, and his physical strength had been consumed a lot, but this group of Fei Ye Miao was still alive and kicking.

It's broken, it's extraction!

Lin Su smiled wryly, and instantly understood why the group of flying leaf seedlings were chasing after him.

They should be sure that their physical strength is consumed quickly, and they can absorb the supernatural energy around them to restore themselves more quickly with the ability to absorb, and this is an environment suitable for the life of wood-type animals...

"Mi!" (over there!)
Qiuqiu opened his mouth suddenly. Through telepathy, Lin Su subconsciously looked to the side, and then his face showed joy.

It was a low hill, and there was a cave with a very narrow entrance on the mountainside.

There is still a distance from the snow-capped mountains. Lin Su's physical strength will be consumed quickly if he continues to run, and he will definitely be overtaken by these flying leaf seedlings in the end. After Qiuqiu released two frost storms, he has no time to replenish his physical strength with energy liquid , the strength in the body has not recovered at this moment, if you continue to use the frost storm, you will soon be exhausted.

Entering that small cave and blocking the entrance should give one person and one pet time to recover their strength.

The only uncertain factor is that Lin Su is not sure whether there are any strange beasts in that cave.

If anything, their situation would be even more dangerous.

Turning his head to look at Fei Yemiao who was getting closer and closer behind him, Lin Su gritted his teeth.

Take a gamble!
I don't believe that there are strange beasts in every cave.

He quickly rushed towards the cave on the mountainside, and rolled into the cave with the ball in his arms.

Seeing that the cave is much more empty than the outside world, and there is no room for strange beasts, Lin Su's eyes flashed with excitement.

Bet right!
Hearing the movement outside the entrance of the cave, Lin Su gritted his teeth, hugged a big rock slightly larger than the entrance of the cave with all his strength, and blocked it firmly at the entrance of the cave.

Pressing one hand on the stone, Lin Su breathed a sigh of relief as he felt the shock from the attack outside the cave on the stone.

I don't know if it's because of the special secret realm, but this stone is very strong, and easily withstood the attacks of the flying leaf seedlings. There was no sign of damage at all, and even the vibration was very weak.

There should be no need to worry about the flying leaf seedlings breaking into the cave.

The cave, which originally had sparse light coming in from the entrance of the cave, was completely plunged into darkness as Lin Su blocked the entrance of the cave.

He took out an oil lamp from the space ring and lit it with flint and placed it on the ground, sat casually on another rock in the cave, hugged Qiuqiu in his arms, and took out a bottle of energy liquid and passed it over, " You've worked hard, Qiuqiu, let's recover as soon as possible."

"Mi!" (Got it!)
"This group of flying leaf seedlings will not let it go. When we recover our strength, we will have to run away after we get out." Lin Su sighed lightly, took out a piece of jerky from the space ring and gnawed it.

This is jerky made of exotic animal meat. Eating it not only gives you a strong sense of satiety, but also allows martial arts experts to quickly recover their physical strength. Although Lin Su is not a serious martial arts expert, it is also effective in restoring physical strength. So after knowing that he was going to enter the secret realm, Mother Lin specially asked someone to prepare some dry food.

"Mi! (◣_◢)" (I must take revenge after I evolve!)
"It's not impossible." Lin Su was dumbfounded, stroking Qiuqiu's head lightly, "After the evolution, we will go to the snow mountain to search for resources suitable for you, and then we can go back to this forest to find wood resources, although you don't need them. on, but it’s also good to sell it or change it to a resource that suits you.”

"Mi!" (OK!)

"... "

One person and one pet were talking while replenishing their strength, completely unaware that under the dim light of the oil lamp, in the shadow of the big rock they were sitting on, a pair of eyes quietly appeared.

It was a pair of eyes with a lot of white parts and only small black pupils. After it appeared, it first looked at Lin Su and Qiuqiu curiously, and then noticed Lin Shu's movement of stroking Qiuqiu.

There was a bit of envy in those unattractive eyes, watching Lin Su's hand stroking the ball, it slowly became dim after a while, and finally merged with the shadow completely.

(End of this chapter)

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