Kyoto Shenyin Love Story

Chapter 10 Snow Night

Chapter 10 Snow Night

Soya turned over and made a slight movement, the girl on the bed looked over again.



"Are you tired?"


There are too many things on his mind, he is not yet sleepy, but now it is time to sleep anyway.

——He didn't sleep, and the curious beast on the bed wouldn't fall asleep either. The two of them had been chatting for more than two hours since they lay down.

"Well, I want to sleep."

"It's about time..."

There was a light in the darkness, "Hey, it's already three o'clock in the morning!"


Soya closed his eyes, "Although I won't go to school tomorrow, if I wake up too late, I won't be able to sleep at night... Don't forget, there is an entrance exam the day after tomorrow."

Kirino Akane immediately dropped the phone.

"……Good night!"

"Good night."

He was also getting drowsy, and kept using the reason that "outside things only need to know the result" to convince himself, but the actual situation was that the more he thought about it, the more energetic he became.

He opened his eyes again, looking at the ceiling where he couldn't see anything.

When there is silence in the middle of the night, everything is silent. When vision temporarily takes a backseat, even a little sound in the darkness becomes obvious.

Snow fell outside the window, accompanied by the low whistle of the cold wind.


But Soya's attention was unconsciously focused on the bed, listening to the more subtle breathing.

Slow and regular, probably asleep.

He slowly turned over, trying not to make a sound, with his back to the bed.

As a child who grew up in a child welfare institution, whether he wanted to or not, it was not the first time he had experienced sleeping in the same room with a girl;

On the contrary, on Akane's side, according to her, he was the first person of the same age and the opposite sex to enter this room - the old house of Kirino's house had many rooms, and boys from relatives had no chance to come here.

If she was defenseless against him, when she walked into this room, she showed him the bamboo knife hidden on the bed, and bluntly said that she had practiced kendo for several years;

But if he really has evil intentions, this kind of deterrence of premature exposure is useless.

Is it natural?
Soya doesn't want to use this one-sided attribute to define any girl, after all, he grew up with many opposite sexes, and has seen the other side of them that they never show to outsiders;
He only hopes that Akane Kirino can take herself a little more seriously as the opposite sex, and at least have a sense of distance, otherwise she will feel at a loss occasionally when she regards her as a benefactor.

Apart from getting his life back on track as soon as possible, he has no extra thoughts now.


After wearing it for more than a week, the amulet on his chest no longer had any sense of existence. Sogu held it in his hand and squeezed it, and let out a breath slowly.

In the final analysis, the main reason why things have fallen into the current situation is his body that constantly exudes the breath of hell.But if we go back to the source, we have to blame Izanami, the mother god of creation who escaped from the underworld thousands of years ago.

If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have fallen from the world into the underworld;
If he didn't live in the underworld, he wouldn't eat the food there, be contaminated with the atmosphere of the underworld, and even face endless pursuit after escaping from birth.

More importantly, if he didn't disappear, the teacher at the orphanage wouldn't take the blame and resign, and he wouldn't even leave any clues to contact him.

【"Like me?...You are really bold."】

Holding the amulet tightly, Soya unconsciously fell into a deep sleep.

"Teacher Tangerine..."

Glancing at the ground, Akane Kirino closed her eyes again and continued to sleep.

Boom, boom, boom—





With her head sunk in the pillow, she kept calling from outside the door, and Akane Kirino showed no signs of waking up until her body was shaken.

Opening her eyes in a daze, she immediately woke up when she saw the person standing at the head of the bed.



Soya raised his finger to signal her to keep silent, then pointed to the door of the room.

"Cy, are you in there?"

"Ah... I'm here. Sorry!"

Akane Kirino rubbed her face to wake herself up faster.

"I just woke up……"

Kirino Keiko outside the door also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Really, didn't I tell you not to study too late...Why did you lock the door?"


"Really. Give Akane 5 minutes to hide the secret. Mom will come in and clean the room later."


Soya's eyes straightened immediately.

He was awakened just now, but now he had to start thinking about how to jump off the balcony on the second floor covertly.

But the sun was shining brightly after the snow, as if to make everything invisible.


Akane Kirino glanced at him, gestured for him to feel relieved, and continued to respond.

"Sleep for half an hour and wake up—"

"Sleep for too long during the day, and can't sleep at night again."

"It's all right."

Keiko Kirino didn't insist either, and let Soya feel relieved, "Akane, Dad is going to drive us to Kyoto, don't make him wait too long."

"Eh, Kyoto?"

"Go to Yoshida Shrine and pray for Akane's entrance exam tomorrow. Didn't Uncle Sato say that it is very effective there?"

"I see……"

"That's it, get up early."

After chanting a few more words, she finally went downstairs, and the two people in the room were relieved at the same time.


Akane Kirino sat up and looked at Soya who was arranging the bedding on the floor in front of the French window, "Do you want to come together?"


"Yeah. After going to Yoshida Shrine, you can also take a stroll in Kyoto."

"Don't go."

Soya shook his head and refused very simply.


Akane Kirino didn't care, she lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

"Whether you go or not, Soya can't appear in my room right now. I'll go downstairs first and give Soya a chance to go out."

He took a deep breath, "Please."

She smiled, and saw the blue sky outside through the gap in the curtains.

"With such good weather, the evil spirits should have been wiped out."

Zong Gu looked back and stared, and the dark clouds in his heart also dissipated a lot.

"Well... probably everything went well."

Kirino Akane didn't change her clothes either, and went downstairs in her pajamas with her messy hair.

Things seemed to be going well from the start, "Where's Dad?"

"Akane, hair..." Keiko Kirino felt a little helpless, "Dad drove the car to check and will be right back."

The daughter came over and hugged her waist, "I'm hungry."

"Go wash first..."

The two went to the kitchen together, but of course she couldn't see her daughter's little gesture of waving behind her back, signaling Soya to take the opportunity to leave.

After finding the hidden shoes, he tiptoed away from Kirino's house, and Soya was exposed to the sun again, inevitably feeling a little guilty.

"It will be troublesome if I lose my job at the izakaya..."

There was a faint sound of an engine from the other side of the house. It seemed that Hiroyuki Kirino, who was driving to check, had returned to this side.

He returned from the stone step path that he came over last night until he entered the courtyard of the Kirino family's old house, and he met no one else along the way.

About half an hour later, he saw Akane Kirino who had been redressed outside the yard, and the Kirino couple who were driving were waiting at the intersection.

"Soya, are you going to visit Kyoto?"

The snow-covered yard was shining brightly in the sun, and the two smiled at each other.

"Next time."

After the Kirino family left, Soya was about to go back to continue his self-study, when he suddenly noticed something unusual among the bushes beside the road.


Pushing aside the snow, looking at the witch with bruises all over her body and her eyes closed, he suddenly had another extreme guess about the outcome of last night's disturbance.

(End of this chapter)

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