Chapter 128
The clouds were thick and the rain was pouring.


The rapid and powerful raindrops kept hitting the roof of the bus platform, making the sound like a thunderous music.

The bus stops on the side of the country road are simple and dilapidated, no more than two or three meters long, and the interior is even narrower.Even if you stand against the innermost damp wooden wall, you will still be exposed to the raindrops coming in from outside the platform.

It's just that besides the woods, there is only a large area of ​​open farmland left, and there is no second place to shelter from the rain.

Some water accumulated on the road, and the flow converged, setting off tiny waves, and shattering the reflection of the sky.

The clouds are gray and still refuse to fade.

The rain will probably last for a while.


The roof was incomplete and dilapidated, it was raining heavily outside, and it was raining lightly on the platform.

Another large drop of rainwater hit his shoulder, Soya Yoshiaki raised his hand to wipe it away, moved his body to the side, and bumped into another person on the platform.

"Soya...the rain is leaking here too."

There was no way to avoid Hongko Yoshikawa, who was shoulder to shoulder and her hair was dripping.

Soya turned his head, "Sorry..."

"Don't look this way."

She hugged her chest quickly and turned her body to the other side.

It's just that it can't completely cover up, the side of the already soaked summer uniform also reveals the inner color.

Consciously or not, Zong Gu has seen clearly for a long time.

He looked out at the heavy rain again.

"I would have brought my coat if I knew it earlier. I left it in the department room."


"So are umbrellas."


The rain fell down the hair before his eyes, and the tiny water droplets on the lens could not be wiped clean. Yoshikawa looked at the sky and sighed slightly.

"...Obviously it's still the rainy season."

After the golden week, time flies quickly.

In summer, the trees lose their new green and the temperature gradually rises.

At the beginning of June, the Meiyu front landed in Kagoshima, all the way north.The air became dull and heavy, with a lingering muddy feeling.When the Meteorological Agency belatedly announced that the Kinki region had entered the plum season, it had been raining for more than a week near Kyoto.

Since entering the rainy season, even if there is no rain, the sky is always cloudy, and sunny days are rare.Umbrellas have become a must, but there are always times when people are negligent.

To be precise, it is the result of being lucky but not lucky—the result of laziness.


The wet uniform sticks to the skin, which is very uncomfortable.

Yoshikawa twisted the corner of his clothes, and immediately squeezed out a puddle of water.Just wearing clothes, only the corners of the clothes can be wrung dry.

She glanced at Sogu's side face.

Although no one is around, you can't take off your uniform in front of him, right?

Even now that he has almost seen it...

"Fortunately, Qian and Ling didn't come over."

Looking at the heavy rain outside, Sogu nodded and frowned slightly.

"I don't know what happened to Kirino's house..."

The reason why he and Yoshikawa appeared at the bus stop in the countryside was because the Unnatural Phenomena Research Department received another commission.

【"My dog ​​seems to be able to see unclean things, I hope you can go and have a look."】

The client was a girl from Class A of the first year, and she lived not too far away, at least in Takayama Town where Danhai High School was located.It's just that it was a little troublesome in the past, and I had to wait for the bus every half an hour.

Jingzi would never show up in the club room, and Chao Wuling had to be on duty in the library today.

And Akane Kirino, who was going to travel with Soya and Yoshikawa, received a call from Keiko Kirino and hurried back after learning that something seemed to happen at home.

Maybe it was because the weekend was approaching, or maybe it was because he didn't have much expectations. When Yoshikawa contacted the client in the same class, the latter had already forgotten about it and was almost home.

But after receiving the contact, she strongly invited them again, so the two had no choice but to take the bus by themselves.

Not long after getting out of the car, the sky was already overcast, but unexpectedly, it rained heavily.

Without an umbrella and nowhere to hide, they could only turn around and squeeze into the narrow platform temporarily.

"I don't know when this rain will fall..."

Yoshikawa took out his mobile phone from his school bag and checked the time.

"I've been waiting for 10 minutes. I want to go back."

Zong Gu didn't turn his head back, "That will have to wait until the next bus arrives."

"...Do you really want to go back?"

"Unless Kasukabe comes to pick us up with an umbrella, I will get on the bus when we go back."

Holding the hem of his clothes, Yoshikawa didn't comment, and she didn't care about the girl in the same class.

After waiting for a while, the bus didn't come, and something else was suddenly added to the steady sound of rain.

Zonggu poked his head out and took a look. In the rain, someone was walking towards this side wearing a coir raincoat, and what he heard was the sound of the other party stepping on the water.

Looking at the face under the bamboo hat, it is an old man in his 60s and [-]s, who seems to be a nearby farmer.

"What's wrong?" Yoshikawa asked.

"Someone is here."


"Hmm... maybe old Kasukabe."


"An old man."


There were some noises behind him.

Just as Soya was about to turn around, he put his hands on his shoulders.

"do not move……"

Yoshikawa squeezed behind him, "Help me block it, I don't want the old man to see my underwear."


The rain splashed on his face, Soya didn't say anything, just stood there.

The old farmer in coir raincoat and bamboo hat quickly walked to the platform.Seeing Soya who was drenched all over, and Yoshikawa who only showed his head behind him, he stopped and looked at it for a few seconds.

Out of politeness, the two greeted him.

"I didn't bring an umbrella."


"It's plum blossom, you can't go out without an umbrella."

"You mean..."

"Don't do bad things here."


The old man looked at the two of them again, turned the bamboo hat on his head, and continued to move forward stepping on the stagnant water.

The two still maintained their forward and backward postures, a large drop of rainwater fell from the ceiling, just hitting the back of Sogu's neck.

He shrank his neck, covered it with a soft hand, and wiped the wet hair gently.

"Soya's hair is a bit long."

"It's been a while since I cut it."

Yoshikawa wiped it a few more times, and his hands fell on his shoulders again.

"Soya is too tall, it's a bit difficult to keep raising his arms."

"The old man has gone far, come out."

She didn't let go, but pinched his shoulder.

"What if he comes back suddenly?"

Zong Gu glanced at the back of the person who had gone away, "It's raining so heavily, people don't come out to play."

"There is a beautiful girl here, I can understand if I want to look back a few more times."

"It's lighter on the left, beautiful girl."


Yoshikawa laughed, but squeezed his hand twice.

She let go before he cried out in pain.His hands clenched into fists again, beating down his back all the way to his waist.


She leaned forward slightly, her forehead pressed against his back, and they both felt wet.

And the free hands hesitated for a long time, but finally did not wrap around his waist.

That's it.

They are closer than ordinary friends, but there is still an undeniable distance from the next stage of the relationship.

For now, that's enough...


Soya only tilted his head slightly at this time.

"Have you caught a cold?"


Yoshikawa rubbed his nose, a little embarrassed, and wiped his back on purpose.

"I wiped everything clean."


"I... Ah Choo!"

She sneezed again, and this time, her head was a little dizzy.

Zongya turned his head, "Sure enough, I caught a cold."

"Your clothes are soaked."

Yoshikawa didn't cover his chest again this time, but kept staring into his eyes.Wet hair sticks to both cheeks, and the background color gradually becomes rosy.

"It's really embarrassing..."

Zong Gu only looked at her face, and quickly turned around, "Let's go back today, and come over next time."


She leaned against his back again, staring at her toes, suddenly wanting to be a little willful.

"Soya, I'm so cold."

"The clothes are all soaked, of course it will be cold. You should take off the wet clothes."

"What are you talking about... nasty."

Soya chuckled, stepped back, and pressed his warm back against her.


Just keep warm.

She closed her eyes and put her arms around his waist.

(End of this chapter)

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