Chapter 135

At the end of the song, facing the applause all over the box, Jingzi gave a slight salute, then silently put down the microphone and sat back in her original seat.

"It sings really well."

Soya moved closer, as if whispering, the voice only she could hear.


Jingzi turned her face away slightly, the blush on her cheeks was still there.

"Thank you."

The two high school students gave their voices shyly one after another, and then never touched the microphone again, leaving all the time to the adults.

Ding Ning Ding Ning Ding Ning

("New Treasure Island")
Minami Noma sang at the top of her voice, Soya looked at the MV on the projection screen, then at her, and continued flipping through the menus on the table.

Their package is free-flowing drinks, and food needs to be à la carte.

"It's all fried food."


“Try the fried chicken tenders here.”

Kyoko nodded, then reached out to flip through the menu, pointing to the dessert on another page.

"The creamy waffles with strawberry jam here also have a very good taste. Soya-san should like it."

"Really." Sogu took a second look, the strawberry jam was bright in color and looked very attractive, "Then let's have some too."

The few people in the private room came directly after work, and there were staple foods such as fried rice and pasta on the menu. Sogu decided to order some to taste first. If he was satisfied, it would be okay to have dinner here.

He and Jingzi each ordered a few kinds of food, but the singing adults only ordered a piece of French fries to eat and play.

"Miss Noma and the others will go to other places..." Kyoko reminded.

"I see."

Soya picked up the phone on the wall and conveyed the need to the waiter.

Not long after, a few drinks came first, followed by food such as French fries, chicken tenders, and waffles.

"I say……"

Minami Noma raised her slender eyebrows with a potato fries in her mouth, "This is not a dim sum shop or a restaurant."

"If you're hungry, why don't you go to the 'True Taste' on the corner and have a bowl of ramen—soya and Kyoko will sing together again."

Soya glanced at her, took a bite of the waffle sandwiched with strawberry jam and cream, his mouth kept moving, but he didn't speak.

"How is it?" Kyoko asked.

He nodded, "I like it very much."

The two smiled at each other.

Minami Noma, who was ignored, didn't say anything, and grabbed a few more French fries and stuffed them into his mouth.

The two microphones were passed back and forth in the hands of the four adults. After singing like this for more than an hour, Minami Noma said something in a low voice, and the other three nodded one after another, and then indicated that they were going to leave first.

"If we're not here, Soya and Kyoko can relax a bit and sing as much as they want."

"...I'm not interested in singing. Neither is Kyoko."

"Really, what a pity."

Soya looked at the witches who got up and asked, "Are you going to drink next?"

"Yeah, go to the izakaya." Minami Noma nodded, "But I can't take the two of you with me. If you don't plan to continue singing, you might as well go home early."


Just in case, Soya asked, "Which izakaya is Miss Noma planning to go to?"

Noma Minami blurted out, "Rakusen Pavilion."


What a coincidence.

She went on to say: "Lizi has been there a few times, and said that the store manager there is good at craftsmanship. And I remember, the izakaya is run by Kirino's family, right?"


Soya nodded, "But in the past few days, Laquan Pavilion has been temporarily closed."

"Eh, why?"

"A relative in the Kirino family passed away, and they all went to Kanto to pay their respects."


Noma Minami was startled, and looked at the other people in blank dismay.

"Then there is no way, let's change to another one."

"It can only be this way."

After leaving the karaoke, Noma Minami, who was driving, planned to send the two students back first, but changed his mind in the end.

"There is no room in the car. Soya, you are in charge of taking Kyoko home."

"...You are too irresponsible, the deputy is Noma-sensei."

"Because I believe in Soya."

Noma Minami held the steering wheel, and the people who got in the car quickly put on their seat belts, "Here are all our own people, and everyone knows that you are actually good at fighting. There will be no problem with safety or anything."

"That's not the same thing."

"In short, Kyoko will be handed over to Soya. Send her home or take her home, it's up to you. Goodbye~"

After all, she stepped on the accelerator and walked away.

When the two people holding the umbrellas disappeared in the rearview mirror, Mayuri Hanai in the co-pilot looked away.

"By the way, Anan's matchmaking was too deliberate."

"No idea."

Holding the steering wheel, Noma Minami sighed, "Our Miss Kyoko is serious and awkward, warm water can't melt her ice."

"I think Soya is quite gentle."

"That may be what attracted Kyoko, and it's not the same thing as the external force that brought them together."

She looked ahead, "Two people are attracted to each other, and both have their own persistence or stubbornness. At this time, I need to push them with enthusiasm."

"Anan." Reiko Kobayashi, who looked younger, leaned forward from the back seat, "I'm also very optimistic about Soya and Missy, but I still think it's better to let nature take its course."

"You get out of the car."


Hanai Mayu smiled, and looked up at the neon lights in the distance.

"However, since getting to know Soya, Kyoko has indeed smiled much more than before."


Minami Noma looked serious, "That's why I don't want Kyoko to miss Soya even more."

"The girls who fall in love with him are not just our eldest lady."

The location of the karaoke is not far away, and it takes about half an hour to walk to Sugawara's house.

It was raining lightly, but fortunately Soya and Kyoko both brought umbrellas.

The fancy and simple umbrellas are slanted to one side, as intolerant as each other's colors, but the people underneath are getting closer.

"By the way, did Yuzi stay at home alone?"

"No. Mother is at home today."

"Really." Soya nodded, "That's good."

The eldest daughter has outstanding abilities and has been able to take charge of her own affairs early on. The Sugawara couple rarely intervene in specific social affairs on weekdays, and devote more energy to social activities and entertainment as priests.Soya often visited Sugawara's house, and hadn't seen them a few times.

"It was also my mother who asked me to come here with Ms. Huajing." Kyoko said.

"It's okay to relax once in a while."

She glanced aside, and made a few hand movements while holding the umbrella handle, "This isn't relaxation..."

Soya smiled.

The two were walking in the alley, when the sound of a car came from behind, he stopped and gave way to the side.

Kyoko stood behind him.

The light went from far to near, illuminating half of his face.


He looked over.

Kyoko looked at him, "Will Soya-san leave Kinki in the future?"


Soya was startled, then nodded.


The car drives by, the lights disappear.

"Although there is little hope, I have to find traces of them."

"That's true." Jingzi already knew the answer to this question, "This is the most important thing..."

And after that, she didn't want to think about it for the time being.

Soya, who was also aware of this, also felt embarrassed.

The red taillights gradually drifted away, and the two continued to move forward.More than ten minutes later, Soya stopped outside Sugawara's house.

"I won't go in and disturb you."

Kyoko nodded and looked at him.

"Good night."

If she doesn't say anything, she probably won't be able to sleep well tonight, Sogu thought.

"Although I haven't found my future goal yet, I used to want to be a doctor... But before leaving Kinki, I want to finish all my studies from high school to university."


Kyoko opened her mouth and squeezed her hands together.

"That's still many years..."


Soya nodded, and then glanced at Okja who was peeking behind the door.

"Since it has been chaotic for so many years, let the world wait a little longer. What's more, I am not a savior who can save the world with a single shot."

Jingzi frowned, but the corners of her mouth also raised.



"It's slack."

(End of this chapter)

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