Kyoto Shenyin Love Story

Chapter 167 1 bundle of hair, 1 piece of forest

Chapter 167 A bundle of hair, a forest
From Kyoto to the Ise Shrine in the Mie Ise-Shima area, the most convenient way is to take the Kintetsu.

Depart from Kyoto Station, pass through Kyoto Line, Kashihara Line, Osaka Line and Yamada Line, and finally get off at Uji Yamada Station. It only takes about 10 minutes to walk to Ise Shrine.


There were people coming and going at the station, and Soya stood in front of the train timetable, swipe on the phone screen with his fingertips.

"Counting the transfer, waiting for the bus, and the time spent on the will take about three hours to get there."

He raised his head again and looked at Akane Kirino, "I don't know how long I will stay there, and it will take the same time to come back. I can't go home until very late today."

"Yeah." She just nodded without any intention of retreating, "No problem."

Having said all of this, Soya didn't say any more, and took her and Tsukiyomi to the platform, and got on the Kintetsu Kyoto Line that then entered the station.

After a while, the starting train pulled out of Kyoto Station and sped across the fields.

Leaving the city, the train passed through the green fields and crossed the turbulent river. The scenery outside the window was constantly changing, and the only constant was the gloomy sky.

In the carriage, Soya and Tsukiyomi sat on one side, Kirino Akane sat opposite them, and the other seat was temporarily vacant.

In the hands of the three of them, they all held the golden pork chop rice bento bought at the station.

I didn't feel anything when I was running, but when I stopped, I realized that it was time for lunch.

Picking up a piece of pork chop dipped in sauce, Soya took a bite and chewed in his mouth, then he ate at a much faster speed.

"Isn't the taste bad?" Akane Kirino noticed the change in him.

If he is satisfied with the taste, it is his habit to chew slowly.

Soya shook his head and gave a rather polite evaluation.

"Not bad."

But it's not delicious either.

She laughed, and then picked up a piece of pork chop from her bento and put it in his bento.

"Come and taste mine~"

"Aren't they all the same?"

"But food always tastes better in other people's bowls, doesn't it?"

Soya laughed, picked up her piece of pork chop and put it in his mouth, then nodded slightly.

"It really is."

Kirino Akane smiled even more happily.

"It would be even more delicious if it was snatched by myself!"

She deliberately put on an evil smile, and then stared at the pork chop rice in Yueyue's hand.


He got up immediately, took his lunch and sat on the empty seat on the other side of the aisle.


There was no one in the carriage, and there were many empty seats, Soya just glanced at him and didn't say anything.

The three continued to eat.



"Why are we going to Ise Shrine?"

"Did you follow here without knowing anything?"

Akane Kirino took a bite of the pork chop, "Because I don't want to go home alone."

After all, we will act together next time, and Zongya didn't expect to completely hide it from her, so he said, "Does Tongye still remember why Yuezi stayed?"

"Because Yuezi has no ability to take care of herself at all, if she doesn't care, she will die quietly."

"Well... this is also one of the reasons..."

Soya glanced at Yueyue, but his face was indifferent.

"I remember." Akane Kirino smiled, "Yuezi is going to help Soya find some trace of a spirit body, right?"


Soya nodded, "Because there are some subtle connections between those spirit bodies and Tsukiyomi God, so now we are going to pay homage to Tsukiyomi Shrines in various places to see if we can find any clues from them."

"I see……"

This has always been the case, as long as it is related to the spirit body, Akane Kirino will believe what he says, and rarely asks.

She licked the sauce on the corner of her lips, "Sogu can go wherever he wants, as long as he takes me with him."

Soya smiled, "Okay."

"We will probably go to Kagoshima and Kanto during the summer vacation..."

Kirino Akane's eyes widened: "Kagoshima! The sea! I want to go too!"

"Well, I will take Kirino with me."

"And Hongzi."

Soya paused for a moment, lowered his head and continued to pick up the rice, "We didn't travel in the past."

"Hongzi and I will pay our own expenses."

"It's not about the cost... okay, let's go together."

Looking out the window, the sky was still not clear, so he decided to leave the problem to himself a month later to deal with.

Sitting all the way to Yamato Saidaiji, the terminal station of the Kyoto Line, the three of Soya got off and transferred to the Kashihara Line. At this time, they had already arrived in Nara.

Continue south, transfer to the Osaka Line at Oga Yagi Station, then turn eastward, and take the Yamada Line train at Ise Nakagawa Station.

Finally, by the time the trio got off at Ujiyamada Station, it had been three hours since they boarded at Kyoto Station.

There were many transfers on the way, and they had to wait for the train to get on and off the train. The three of them did not have long sleep time, and they were still awake. It was only when they walked out of the station that they regained their spirits.

Akane Kirino: "Are we going to the outer palace or the inner palace?"

Soya: "We all have to go. Go to the outer palace first."

The Ise Grand Shrine with a long history is mainly composed of two parts: the inner palace, the Emperor Daijingu and the outer palace, the Fengshou Daijingu. The Tsukuyomi Palace and the Tsukiyomi Shrine, which worship Tsukiyomi, are the other palaces under the control of the inner palace and the outer palace respectively.

The outer palace is closer to the station and relatively smaller in scale.And the Moon Night Palace located in the corner of the outer palace is even more deserted and not worth mentioning.

Passing through the ancient stone torii, the trees on both sides are lush and green, covering the sky above, and the gravel approach below is quiet.

There was no one around, it seemed that only the three of them were visiting the Moon Night Palace at this time.

"To be honest, I quite like this place..." Yuedu murmured.

Soya glanced at Akane Kirino who was walking ahead, and said in a low voice, "This is Tsukiyomi-sama's territory."

"It's just plain."

"It is because of the simplicity that this place can remain quiet."

Yue read nodded.

Passing through the dark approach, the main hall of Moonlight Palace appeared in front of them.

The simple wooden palace, although lacking in grandeur, is also a dignified shrine in the style of the Ise gods: flat rectangle, long-side entrance, excavated columns, mountain flower columns on the gable, and a suspended gable roof with a straight-line roof.

There is also a stone torii in front of the main hall.

Passing through the bottom, stepping on the white sand and stones into the hall, just as Yuedu stopped, two clapping sounds suddenly came from beside him.

Turning his head to look, Soya gave a deep salute to the inside of the temple, and muttered words when he got up.

"Please Yueyejian-sama, that is, Yueyue-sama, help me realize my wish."


Pop, pop!

On the other side, Akane Kirino finished her salute and said the same thing.

"Please ask Tsukiyomi-sama, also known as Tsukiyomi-sama, to help Soya and I realize our wishes, please, please."


Yuedu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and the two withdrew after finishing their visit.

【let's start. 】

Soya winked at him from outside.

Tsukiyomi took a deep breath and turned around.

There is no god statue here, but he has already felt the power of faith attached to all directions.With a thought, all the power of faith around him gathered towards him.

Even if it has a history of more than 500 years, it has not accumulated much power of faith...

Tsukiyomi sighed and closed her eyes.

Outside the temple, Soya and Kirino Akane waited for a while, seeing that he hadn't moved for a while, they went for a casual walk around.

It's just that the moonlit night palace is surrounded by forests on all sides. The area is actually not big, and it can be walked around in a few minutes.

The two quickly returned to the front of the palace.

"It's obviously part of the Ise Shrine, but there's no one here at all."


Akane Kirino just sighed casually, while Soya was more helpless.

After waiting for another half an hour or so, Tsukiyomi came out of the temple.

"How about it?"


"Be more specific," Soya said.

Yuedu took a look at him and pinched a small lock of long hair from his shoulder.

"If we talk about the efficiency of looking for those guys, it was like this at first..." He first separated a few hairs from it, and then counted a dozen or twenty, "It was like this before coming here."


Tsukiyomi pinched the lock of hair.

"It has become like this."

Seeing Soya showing a little bit of relief, he couldn't hold back after all.

He pulled him around, and pointed at the layers of deep forests surrounding Moonlight Palace with that little lock of hair.

"However, their hiding so big."

 I like to read it while coding, "I have come to Nara" makes me tongue-tied
(End of this chapter)

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