Kyoto Shenyin Love Story

Chapter 173 Show Me

Chapter 173 Show Me
Waking up from sleep, looking at the somewhat unfamiliar room in the haze, Yoshikawa took a while to react.

This is not her room, but a vacant room at my grandmother's house in the country.

Early yesterday morning, she followed her parents to visit her sick grandmother, and did not go back at night.


Fumbling to put on his glasses, Yoshikawa sat on the head of the bed, looking out the window ecstatically.

The courtyard wall, the distant mountains, the gray sky.

"I can't go back until evening today."

I don't know how long Soya and Akane will stay in Ise Shima...

Thinking of the two traveling together, Yoshikawa was stunned for a while, then picked up his phone and looked at it.It was only a few minutes past seven, and it was so early that she couldn't help but recall when she went to bed last night.

"Did you get enough sleep for eight hours..."

Sleep is an important factor affecting the skin, less sleep is not enough.

Opening Line, the last message she sent last night was before eleven o'clock, and the target was Soya.

She knew that he always woke up early because he had to prepare breakfast, and he might have woken up at this time.

Although today is the weekend, and in a hotel that provides breakfast...

Holding the phone, he lost his mind for a while, and Yoshikawa still sent a message.

Yoshikawa: Good morning.

Her guess was a little off.


Soya, who was far away in the Ise Shima Hotel, would not wake up until the mobile phone next to the pillow vibrated, and he broke free from the last shackles of the dream.

"Who sent a message so early..."

Before opening his eyes, he raised his hand beside the pillow to fumble for the phone, but first he touched a touch of smoothness and softness.


Soya regained consciousness in an instant and opened his eyes.

Kirino Akane was lying next to his futon, fast asleep.

Her eyes were closed, her long hair was disheveled, and a small part of her face was covered.The bathrobe on her body became loose during sleep, half-opened and half-closed, her chest was slightly exposed, and it was rising and falling regularly with her breathing.

Fortunately, his groping hand stopped at the side of her face.


After regaining consciousness, Soya realized that he had unconsciously held his breath.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, he stood up sideways, looked past her body, and looked at the futon next to her that was one or two meters away.

What kind of sleep is this... Did it roll over all the way?
Can you roll one more time in front of him?

The line of sight stretched further, and there was light outside the window, and it was already morning.

He glanced at the phone next to his pillow.

By the way, news...

Picking up the phone and taking a look, Soya was surprised at how early it was, and also surprised at Yoshikawa's early waking up.

Soya: Good morning.

Yoshikawa: Is Soya already up?
Soya: Just woke up.

Yoshikawa: Because of my news?
Soya: It’s still too late to apologize.

Yoshikawa: [Dogeza]
"This is too dishonest..."

Sogu shook his head, and chatted with her a few more words.

Yoshikawa: Is Akane awake?
Soya: None.

Yoshikawa: Show me her sleeping face.

Soya: You restrain yourself a bit.

Yoshikawa: Show me!
Soya: Is reason restrained?


Yoshikawa pouted, and threw the phone aside.

If I had restrained my reason, I wouldn't still be talking to you like this.

Originally, before Soya replied the first message, she was ready to get up, and now she lay back under the blanket again.

Buried in the pillow for a while, she picked up the phone again, clicked on the camera, and switched to the front camera.

Facing the screen of the mobile phone, she tidied up her somewhat messy short hair. She turned her head and watched her face from various angles.

"Such a beautiful girl, why do you pretend not to see it..."

The thumb moves involuntarily towards the dot in the middle.

The picture is frozen to preserve the beauty of this moment.

"What a strange expression..."

She herself was dissatisfied, and quickly deleted the photo she had just taken.

After adjusting her sleeping position, she looked at herself on the screen for a while, and slowly raised the phone up.

"It would be better to turn your face to the left..."

"The expression is too stiff."

"Smiling is too stupid... No, why did you suddenly start taking selfies!"

She switched to Line again, only to realize that she hadn't replied to Sogu for a long time, and the conversation was still stuck on his doubts about her rationality.


She clicked on the few selfies just now.

Swiping left and right, she chose for a long time, but she didn't find any satisfactory ones, so she simply deleted them all.

Turning on the camera again, she looked at herself on the screen, driving away rationality with the divergent impulse.

Pulling down the quilt wrapped around her chest, she unbuttoned the top two buttons of the pajamas, and moved the neckline to the two sides, revealing a little bit of snow-white skin.

"It seems too deliberate..."

She fastened a button and undid it again.


So be it!

She raised the phone again, adjusting the angle and facial expression.


Soya, who was staring at the ceiling in a daze, turned his head to look at the phone that had been silent for a long time, and picked it up.

Yoshikawa: [image]
Yoshikawa: In exchange, let me see Akane.


Click on the picture.

Zoom in, drag.

His eyes stayed on a certain white spot for a few seconds, and he took a deep breath.

"I didn't reply for a long time, so I was preparing for this..."

She wanted to get closer to him, and took the initiative to take another step forward.

That should be the end of it, he thought.


Returning the photo to its original proportions, the girl trapped in the pillow looked at the camera pretending to be calm, but it was difficult to hide the tension in her eyes.


He just felt embarrassed.

Now is not the time.


His face became red and hot, Yoshikawa threw the phone aside after sending the message, and hurried to look for it, but it was nowhere to be found.


Just as she was anxious, the second message that came later finally allowed her to find the mobile phone hidden in the folds of the quilt.

Soya: Do you want me to hand over the photos and chat history to the police?

Soya: I see. This photo is used on the arrest warrant.It's so beautifully shot, I don't think you will object to it yourself.


Yoshikawa: Idiot!
Yoshikawa: Fool!
Yoshikawa: Unbelievable!
Yoshikawa: ...

Yoshikawa: Don't call the police.

After sending out five messages in a row, she turned over and buried her face completely in the pillow.

"Baka, baka, baka..."

(ba ka)

Soya didn't reply for a while.

After laying on the bed for a long time, feeling a little dizzy from boredom on the pillow, she turned around again and picked up the phone again.

"Pretending to be confused's disgusting."

It's just that when her eyes focused on the sentence "It's so beautifully shot", her dissatisfaction was forgotten again.


She couldn't help shaking her legs, kicking the quilt back and forth.



She stopped hurriedly and looked back at the door.

"Don't open the door suddenly!"

Looking at her daughter with a ruddy complexion, Mrs. Yoshikawa just raised her eyebrows, said "Get up and help prepare breakfast", then closed the sliding door and turned to leave.


Glancing at Line again, Soya still didn't reply any message, so Yoshikawa could only get up first.

And Zong Gu didn't mean to neglect her.

He was just in a little trouble and had no time to reply.

——Akane Kirino, who had been resting for an unknown amount of time, finally rolled over again, pulling the last distance between them to the limit.


He turned sideways, his arched legs prevented her from advancing further, so she put her legs up; half prone and half on one side, the already loose bathrobe hung down naturally, and opened up even more, so that Yoshikawa's hesitation and repetition seemed extremely pale.

The most important thing was that after rolling around, her head was already attached to his pillow.


From the small and delicate Qiong nose and slightly parted cherry lips, her breath gushed out one after another, blowing him continuously.

The two couldn't get any closer, and she was still sleeping.


Soya moved his head back and called softly.

It's just that he soon realized that it would be better for her to remain unconscious - no matter how natural a silly girl is, she would still be shy in this situation.

In the worst case, give her the quilt and go to sleep on her vacant quilt.

Besides, it was time for him to get up.

Slowly pulling out the legs that were being pressed by Akane Kirino, Soya distanced herself a little from her and sat up.


Her bathrobe was still open.

He wanted to gather the bathrobe on her chest a little bit for her, but when he stretched his hand halfway, he suddenly realized that it didn't fit, and instead covered her with his quilt.

After doing all this, Zong Gu felt something and looked back.


On the outermost quilt, Yueyue stared, then slowly turned around and pulled the quilt over her head.

"I won't tell Kyoko..."

" just wait for me."

 My phone is broken and I can't see the picture, can anyone post a selfie of Hongzi
(End of this chapter)

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