Chapter 179
The headquarters of the Kinki Reijutsu Institute, Yase Rurikoin, is located at the Hiei Pass in the northeast of Kyoto.

Driving from Fuyun Shrine, you take another road that is completely different from the tram line, and you don't pass through the urban area of ​​Kyoto at all.

Speeding all the way, the red coupe drove onto the Piwa Lake Bridge toll road without slowing down.

Looking out of the car window, Soya saw that the vast Lake Biwa converged here. The east and west banks were less than two kilometers apart. With the bridge as the boundary, Lake Biwa was also divided into a wide North Lake and a relatively long and narrow South Lake.

Looking north to the North Lake, the water meets the sky, and it feels vast and boundless.


The window suddenly fell down.

The wind was blowing fiercely, and he turned his head to take a look. Minami Noma was holding the steering wheel with both hands, and his eyes were looking ahead.

"This is the feeling of going out for a ride."

"No, we're going to do something serious..."



Soya looked outside again, and leaned against the window.

The sports car was speeding, and the wind kept pouring in, so that he could only squint his eyes—it was indeed very comfortable.

It would be even better if it was sunny.

Looking at the rippling Lake Biwa, Soya looked back to the back seat.

The blue hair fluttered, Jingzi put one hand to her ear, brushed her long hair, looked out at the lake and mountains, with a calm expression.


She also quickly noticed his gaze and looked over.

"what happened?"

Soya shook his head slightly and turned back.

After crossing the Biwako Bridge, the fallen car windows climbed up again, and the seams were tightly sealed to isolate the wind and noise.


Noma Minami had something to say, "Take a look at the report in your hand, I seem to have forgotten something."



"I get motion sickness when I read information in a moving car."


Minami Noma glanced at him in his busy schedule, then turned his face away, "Then show it to Kyoko."

"I sorted out the report, and I basically remember the contents, so you just say it."

"Really, I have a good memory... Have I compiled the investigation of last week's 'God's Watching' incident into the report?"


Sogu raised his eyes and replied calmly: "No."

"you sure?"


Minami Noma suddenly showed a bit of a headache, "I have to run again tomorrow."

"You have worked hard."

"Since Soya remembers, please remind me."

Soya understood that she was just complaining and didn't respond, Kyoko in the back seat was thoughtful.

The so-called "God's Attention" incident was the vision caused when Soya and Tsukiyomi went to the Ise Shrine last week, triggering and activating the "Five Elements Divine Power Net" laid down by Tachibana;
Because all the enlightened people who experienced this incident all over the country had the feeling of "being watched from the sky by someone". After going back and forth, it was gradually spread that the gods of Gao Tianyuan were watching the world, for "the gods are watching" .

Of course, the spiritual organizations in various places will not stop there, and are still conducting various investigations.

Simultaneously with the "God's attention", there is also the event that the mysterious object buried in the ground suddenly rises into the sky, and this is the only part where the psychics can conduct substantive investigations.

The atrium of Fuyun Shrine is one of the places where countless incidents occurred. In Noma Minami’s investigation report, more than half of the content described the small gaps that appeared after the floor was lifted.

"In the end, I couldn't find any other tricks..."

Minami Noma slowed down and stopped at the intersection, "I might as well use the recently circulated 'God's Eyes' as the final conclusion."

Soya looked at the taillights of the car in front, with an attitude of having nothing to do with him.

"I can't think of any other possibility."


"There are all sorts of weird things."

"Who said it wasn't."

More than 50 minutes later, Minami Noma drove to Hiei Pass and parked his car in a nearby parking lot.

There is still some distance from here to Liuliguangyuan, and you need to walk there.

The stream is gurgling, the mountains are verdant, and it is not yet the season for viewing maple leaves. At this time, there are not many tourists at the Hiei Pass.

Along the clear stream, the three of them walked towards the mountains for a while, when Noma Minami, who was walking in front, suddenly turned around.

"Does Soya have that black card with him?"

"Take it."

"That's good. You have to swipe your card later to get in. It would be a bit troublesome if you didn't bring it with you."

"Such an important matter, Miss Noma only remembered it when she was about to arrive?"

"Yeah, how?"


Sogu rolled his eyes and turned his head to look at the scenery.

Kyoko followed him and said in a low voice, "It doesn't matter if you forget to bring your black card, I can bring Soya-san in."

"Then I'll go with Kyoko."

The corners of her mouth curled up, "It's the first time Soya-san came here, so it's better to get familiar with it by yourself."

"That's right."

Continuing to move forward, Zonggu saw a courtyard surrounded by green maples on a section of stone steps.

The courtyard wall extends to both sides. The entrance is a simple wooden door. There is a wooden board hanging on the left and right sides, respectively, with the words "Xihe Pavilion" and "Liuliguangyuan of Wuliangshou Guangming Temple".

The former is the name when it was built, and the latter is the name it got after it was converted into a temple.

Kyoko signaled Soya to take off the amulet, and he saw a few more words on the moss-covered wall next to it: "Kinki Spiritual Enlightenment Organization".

"come in."

Noma Minami walked up the steps and looked at Soya from inside the door, "Ordinary people can't even come here at this time."

Liuliguangyuan is only open for two months each year in spring and autumn, and is closed for the rest of the time.Of course, this is only for ordinary tourists.

Walking into the courtyard, dense maple trees can be seen everywhere, and there is a two-story building inside.The courtyard is small and small, but it can also be said to be one step at a time, beautiful to the extreme.

Going around the pond where the koi fish were swimming, Soya followed Kyoko and Noma Minami straight forward, and walked out from the other side of the two-story building after a while.

The dense branches and leaves blocked the line of sight, but there were still a few buildings hidden on the other side of the courtyard.

"Ordinary people's visits can only go so far."

Noma Nan stepped down the steps and continued walking along the stone-paved path among the green grass.In front of the dense tree wall, the path is still unbroken, but it is hidden under the thick shade of trees.

"The road inside is a bit dark, Kyoko, take care of Soya."

"I see."

Minami Noma walked in first, and Kyoko looked back at Soya, "Songya, follow me."

"Hmm." He looked at the entrance of the path that seemed to be dug out of the tree wall, "Is it a maze inside?"

She smiled.

"No, it's just that the interior is dark and long, and the roots on the ground are coiled, so it's not easy to walk."

"Can ordinary people be stopped in this way?"

Jingzi shook her head, turned her head and pointed to the path they came from.

"Ordinary people are not even allowed to enter the courtyard here."


This is probably a compromise made by the organization in order not to damage the interior view of the courtyard, Soya can only understand it in this way.

When she came to the entrance, Soya followed and walked into the dark path one after another.

It was indeed extremely dark inside, and the little lights leaking from the bushes were like stars in the sky, but they couldn't illuminate the path under our feet.


"I am here."

Her voice stopped in front of him, "A little bit to adapt to the darkness, and then I can see clearly."


Soya took a small step forward tentatively, and then bumped into her shoulder.


In the darkness, she seemed to be looking towards him.

From the shoulder to the arm, Sogu groped, his fingertips passed over the silky sleeves, stroked the white wrist and the back of the hand, and finally took her hand.

"too dark."


After a while, there was a low voice in front of him.

"Let's go."


Kyoko walked ahead, Soya was only half a step behind, walking hand in hand.

After adapting to the darkness for a while, he was able to see a little bit more clearly, so he wouldn't bump into the branches and trunks.When lifting your feet and landing, slow down your movements so you don't get tripped.

"The outside can't be destroyed... at least a few dark lights can be placed inside."

"Miss Noma said that too."

"Is there any resistance?" he asked again.

There was firmness in Jingzi's calm voice, "The road is difficult and long, but it will eventually see the light... This road seems to have such a meaning, so it has always maintained its current appearance."

"Is the road difficult and long..."

Soya read it silently again, but there was nothing to comment on it.

After walking slowly and steadily for a while, a ray of light appeared in the darkness.

"It's the exit."

The light and shadow shook, and someone was waiting for them there.


Arms folded, Minami Noma waited for a moment at the exit, and turned her head when footsteps approached.


Seeing Soya and Kyoko walking out of the dark path hand in hand, she raised her eyebrows.

"The organization seems to be on holiday today, you two should go back the same way."

(End of this chapter)

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