Chapter 192
Kyoto.New style apartment near Women's University.

In the innermost room on the second floor, Yueyue who never came back at night
pat, pat.

The color of the keyboard on the bottom of the hand is pink and tender, and there are cute patterns on the corners, but it does not affect the feel.

The mouse drifted, constantly adjusting the orientation, Yueyue controlled his character to jump on the wall a few times, and quickly supported his teammates who were dying.

"I am coming!"

Throwing down the life-saving props, he shot back with a burst of fire, repelling the enemies trying to approach from outside the bunker.

"Hua Nachan, quickly pick up the first aid kit."


The two who successfully met in the hail of bullets hid together.

This round of the game is coming to an end, there are not many enemies and teammates left, and the safety zone is about to shrink to the limit.

On the screen, Yuedu's character squatted beside the only remaining teammates, scanning the surroundings vigilantly;

In reality, the two who met for the first time today sat opposite each other, with only a low table between them.

Yuedu keeps turning the angle of view, and at the same time directing, "Huana sauce, you stare at the wall on the right, and I'm in charge of the left."

The female college student sitting opposite looked up at the delicate face behind the laptop screen.

"Just stare at the gap in the wall?"

"No, that gap is too obvious, they won't show up from there, pay more attention to the corners on both sides."


Observing the terrain within the safety circle, Yueyue looked at the remaining throwing props in the backpack, and was considering how to compress the enemy's range of activities when a gunshot sounded suddenly.

In the teammate's status bar, Hua Nachan's blood bar instantly turned red, and she entered a state of dying.


Got headshot.

Hua Najiang shouted nervously: "Mr. Yuezi, they are attacking!"

There were only two of their enemies left, and now another one fell, if it was him, he would also choose to force him at this time.

The thought was fleeting, Yuedu didn't think much about it, and a grenade rolled out against the corner of the wall.

In the next second, the bullying enemy had already started shooting.

He rolled over immediately, hid outside the bunker, got up and shot a shuttle into the air, attracting the opponent's attention.

"There is the power grid over there, and the damage is already very high..."

Hua Najiang quickly reminded him, but she didn't dare to make too much noise, lest he would be distracted.

Of course Tsukuyomi also knew this, so he carefully kept his distance, while reloading, while waiting for the results from the inside of the bunker.

And it's only a matter of seconds.


Looking at the victory sign that jumped out on the screen, Yuedu let out a long sigh of relief, his hands left the mouse and keyboard, and his tense body went limp.

Hua Najiang froze for a moment, then cheered: "We won!"

"Well, I won."

"How did Mr. Yuezi do it?"

"I guess after they attack, they will definitely hide behind the bunker, quietly throw a rolling mine over there before moving, and then shoot outside to attract their attention..."

"A grenade... I didn't even notice it." The female college student laughed, "Mr. Yuezi is so sinister."

"You can win."

Yueyue stretched her waist long, held the mouse and clicked again.Returning to the team formation interface, he was about to start the next game when Hua Najiang suddenly withdrew from the team.

He looked up, but the female college student opposite fell back and lay down on the floor.


Her foot came out from under the table and brushed against his leg.

"After playing for so long, doesn't Mr. Yuezi feel tired?"

Yuedu looked down, "I feel fine."

"Take a break."


After the afternoon party, he planned to go home directly, but Hua Najiang, who had left with the other two, came over alone and invited him to sit in his apartment.

She clearly said they were playing games together, but there was only one computer in her apartment.

After watching him play two games alone, Hua Nachan borrowed another computer from a friend who lives nearby, and has been playing until now.

"Mr. Yuezi really likes this game."

Her feet rubbed against his legs, from calf to thigh.

"Didn't we meet because of this game?" Yuedu said.

"Hehe...that's exactly what you said."

Hua Najiang sat up, crawled around the low table to his side, and lay lazily beside him.

"After getting to know Mr. Yuezi, I want to know you better."

"That won't work."


"No... that... I mean, confinement is my real identity."

"What?" Hua Najiang laughed, "Mr. Yuezi is really strange."

Yuedu followed with a sneer, for fear that she would ask further questions about her identity.

"It's so hot..."

After returning to the apartment, Hua Nachan changed into a thin short jacket.At this time, he suddenly unbuttoned two buttons and wrapped it in the purple-red patterned underwear.

Tsukiyomi just glanced at it and nodded again.

"It's a little hot."

"Mr. Yuezi is wearing such thick clothes, don't you feel hot... By the way, why are you wearing girls' clothes?"

"Huh? Because it looks good."

"Are you wearing women's underwear too?"

"That's not it."

Unbuttoning the buttons completely, Hua Najiang took off the short jacket on the upper body, and straightened her chest again.

"Does Mr. Yuezi think my underwear looks good?"

"Hmm..." Looking at her chest, Tsukiyomi pondered for a few seconds, "I think maybe white underwear is more suitable for you."


Hua Najiang was startled, and then covered it up with a coquettish smile.

"I hate it...don't deny girls' clothes."

"Oh, sorry." Yuedu quickly apologized.

Hua Najiang looked at him for a while, and secretly made up her mind, "Actually, this is a whole set."





She gritted her teeth, touched her waist, and took off her short and thin hot pants.


"It really is."


Hua Nachan didn't want to be patient anymore, she stretched her long bare legs over his, and slowly moved up.

"Is Mr. Yuezi going to let me take the initiative all the time... Stop pretending to be stupid at a time like this."


Staring at her body, Tsukiyomi took a deep breath.

"I see."

The night was dark and it was getting late.


When he was about to go to rest, the phone on the table vibrated suddenly.

is the phone.

Phone call at this time?
Soya was a little surprised, picked up the phone, and was even more surprised when he saw the name of the caller.

"Yuezi, what's the matter?"

"Well, I was kicked out..."

Zongya was startled, "Did you get kicked out?"

Akane Kirino moved her ears and looked over.

"Kicked out by Hua Na Jiang."

"Who is Hana sauce?"

"The friend I went to meet the one who brought me home."

"Yes. What evil have you done?"

"No!" Yuedu was very aggrieved, "I just played games with her all afternoon, and I massaged her calves during the break just now, and then I was kicked out."


"She asked for it herself."


Sogu was a little dazed, "That may be because you pressed too badly."

"She was very angry and said that all the clothes were taken off, and I was still playing stupid."


Soya was taken aback for a moment, and only then did he understand.

Glancing at Akane Kirino who was quietly approaching, he got up and left the living room and walked to the corner.

"She wants to sleep with you."


"that is……"

Soya struggled with how to explain the intention of the female college student to him, but Tsukiyomi understood it by himself.

"You mean bed?"


"How does this work."

"Well, no way..."

"I don't have the ability."


He opened his mouth, Yuedu went on to say:

"I'm the hermaphrodite Takako of the Moon. I don't feel love for any gods or humans, and I don't have the corresponding ability. I can't sleep with men or women."


Soya didn't know what to say anymore.

No wonder I have never seen Yuedu have similar emotions towards anyone. I thought it was because he looked down on human beings, but I didn't expect it to be the truth.

"What should I do now?" Yuedu asked again.

Soya came back to his senses, "If Tsukiyomi-sama doesn't want to sleep on the street, then he can only stay in a hotel or come back."

"But there are no trams going back now."

"Ah, that's's so late."

"It seems that you can still take a taxi?"

"...If you can afford it, I won't object."

"I've run out of money . . . and I can't afford a hotel."

Kami-sama hinted, but Soya ignored it.

"Sleep in the bridge hole."

(End of this chapter)

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