Kyoto Shenyin Love Story

Chapter 224 Cherry radish

Chapter 224 Cherry radish
Back at Kirino's old house, Soya didn't see anyone in the living room, thinking Akane Kirino had already returned home.

The weather was sweltering, and when he went to the upstairs room to get the electric fan, he heard some movement in the backyard. Looking through the window, he found her bent over and squatting in the vegetable field.



Akane Kirino turned her head and glanced behind her, but there was no one on either side.


He raised the electric fan in his hand, "Here."

"Don't drop it!"

"...I won't drop it."

Soya put down the electric fan, "What are you doing?"

Akane Kirino raised her arm and waved at him, a flash of red flashed in the palm of her hand.


No, the tomatoes that were planted in early May are not yet ready for harvest.

"Pull the radish~"

She showed the green leaves hidden on the back of her palms, the cherry radishes her parents planted in late May.

Zongya watched from a distance, "Have you matured yet?"

"Yeah. After the cherry radish is planted, it can be harvested in 30 days at most! Soya, come down too~"


Going downstairs to the vegetable field in the backyard, Akane Kirino has piled up a lot of freshly pulled radishes at her feet.

"When I was filling out the questionnaire just now, I suddenly thought that these radishes should be almost ripe."


Zong Gu didn't ask her how she thought of it, after all, he might not understand what she said.

"Cherry radishes seem to be edible raw."

"Yeah, you can eat it after washing it." Akane Kirino nodded endlessly, "But you have to peel the skin first, otherwise it will be very spicy."

"I see."

Cherry radishes are not planted deep, or very shallow. After maturity, the upper part of the radish is exposed to the soil, and the soil can be unearthed by pulling it out lightly.

After pulling out a few radishes, Soya looked at Akane Kirino, who was very efficient next to her, "Are these radishes for dinner?"

"'s not good to eat only radishes, right?"

"That much is enough."


Akane Kirino folded her hands together, picked up the muddy radish on the ground, and took it to the sink to wash it.

Patting the dirt on his hands, Soya also went to help.

There was a sound of rushing water, and the two of them used both hands to wash away the mud and sand on the radish, revealing a brighter color.

"It seems a bit much..."

"Whoever makes Kirino pull it up will be endless."

"Put all the responsibility on girls, you will become unpopular, Zong Gu Jun~"

"...Where did you learn such words?"

"Hahaha - I saw it on TV!"

While washing and washing, Akane Kirino suddenly found a perfectly round cherry radish. After washing it, she held it in her hand and looked at it for a while, and let Soya admire it together.



After playing with it for a while, she put the special carrot aside.

Sogu glanced at it, "Do you want to keep it for collection?"

She smiled, "It will be deflated...I want to give it to Hongzi."

He nodded and said nothing.

"Zong Gu went to Hong Zi's house just now, did you see her?" Akane Kirino asked again.

"Looked at it and came down."

"How about it?"

Zong Gu turned the water shut down a bit, "It's still relatively weak."


"It's just the flu. It will recover quickly, so don't worry too much."

She smiled again, "Yeah!"

Since cherry radishes were to be used as condolences, it was unreasonable to give only one, and Akane Kirino planned to go to the field to pull some more.

Soya stopped her, "It's still fresh before I go to visit her."


"I don't know, it depends on the situation."

After the washing was almost done, Sogu turned off the tap, and suddenly a question came from above his head.

"What are you doing?"

Looking up, Yuedu was lying on the window, looking at them below.

"Wash the radish."

"Huh?" He didn't hear clearly.


Soya didn't speak, but glanced at the earphones on his head.

Fortunately, Yuedu himself realized this quickly and took off the earphones.

"It's pretty...can I eat it?"

"It's just for eating."

"how to eat?"

Soya casually picked up a cherry radish, shook off the remaining water stains on it, and threw it towards the upper window.

"Eat raw."

Tsukiyomi stared at the flying carrot, clasping his hands together as it approached.

His movements were a beat slower at the end, the carrot passed through the palms that were about to close, and hit the front door.



Soya shook his head, helped Akane Kirino pick up the remaining radishes, and returned to the house.

"It hurts……"

Tsukiyomi rubbed her forehead, looked down again, and picked up the red radish that had rolled aside.

After rubbing it casually twice, he took a bite.

"so spicy!"

When eating dinner, seeing a plate of cold radish on the table, Yue Du still had lingering fears.

He didn't touch a piece until after dinner.

"Don't you like it? What a pity."

"I can't finish my guys are pretty good."

After working for a while, Soya came out of the shower, Kirino Akane was lying in the living room, occupying his electric fan.

She took a shower before him, and she will live here tonight, wearing a set of beige pajamas, with her mobile phone on her face.

"Don't get too close... Be careful that your eyes become like Yoshikawa's."

"Got it."

Soya sat obliquely in front of the electric fan, so he could get some wind.Akane Kirino looked away from the phone, then turned the electric fan to him.

"A little wind is enough."

"I'll be here too."

As she spoke, she rolled around on the tatami and stopped in front of him, "This way, everything can be blown."


Soya glanced at her stomach.

During the tumbling, the pajamas lifted up slightly.

"What are you looking at, pervert."

Akane Kirino quickly discovered this, and she didn't take it seriously, she pulled her pajamas, stretched out her feet intimidatingly, and then stepped on his leg.

Finding that it was unexpectedly comfortable, she simply put both feet up.


Soya didn't move as his bare feet dangled in front of his eyes.

She continued to look at the phone, "It will be Qixi Festival in a few days."


"But the Tanabata Festival in Kyoto is in August."

"Because the old customs of the old calendar are preserved. By the way, the Tanabata festival in Sendai is also in August." Soya said.

Akane Kirino looked over, "Soya's hometown..."

"Yeah. Sendai's Tanabata Festival is one of the three major festivals in Tohoku, and it's very lively every year... There's also the Tanabata Fireworks Festival."

"I want to go."


Soya didn't answer, grabbed her ankle, put it on the tatami, and thought of some reason to fool her.

Just the next second, her feet were up again.

"I want to visit the Northeast."

"From Kinki to Tohoku, the transportation fee is very expensive. What's more, it's a one-way trip."


The phone vibrated, interrupting Kirino Akane's hesitation.

After glancing at the newly received message, she froze for a moment, "Hongzi sent a message."


Soya didn't pay much attention, "Probably enough sleep."


After chatting with Yoshikawa for a few words, Kirino Akane suddenly sat up and faced him face to face.

"... Kirino."

Compared with the distance between each other, she cares more about what she wants to tell him, "Look."


Soya glanced at her phone.

Hongzi: One more thing.

Hongzi: Tell Soya to come to my house after school tomorrow.The questionnaire has been filled out, and I still need to ask him to bring it back to school.

"I see."


The phone vibrated again.

Hongzi: Right, let him come here alone.

"Wait a minute... I'm not going."


(End of this chapter)

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