Kyoto Shenyin Love Story

Chapter 244 Scorching Summer

Chapter 244 Scorching Summer
After the Kamiko Matsuri, the Mikoto moved to the imperial brigade, and the grand festival in Kyoto also temporarily came to an end.

As the crowd receded, the bustle also subsided, but the heat of midsummer did not decrease at all, but intensified instead.

Two or three o'clock in the afternoon is the hottest time.

Even if the doors and windows are wide open and there is no wind, the heat and humidity mix together and fill every corner of the room, making people uncomfortable all over.

Kirino's old house, the living room.

Disassembled the electric fan that stopped suddenly, checked the simple internal structure, and confirmed that there were no problems with the switch and the connected lines. Soya spread his arms and let out a long sigh.

"It's probably because the inside of the motor is broken... It's been used for more than ten years, and it's about the same."

Akane Kirino was lying on the side, holding a round fan in her hand, fanning herself a few times, and fanning him a few more times.

"Electric motor... so what should I do?"

"Throw it away."

"Hey, is it hopeless?"

"It can be saved, just replace it with a new motor, but it's better to just buy a new electric fan."

And that's what he intended.

Wiping the endless sweat on his forehead with his arm, Soya glanced at the round fan in Akane Kirino's hand, then shook his head suddenly.

"I'm dizzy from the heat... There are two electric fans upstairs. You wait, I'll take them off after I wash my hands."


She waved the round fan vigorously at him a few more times.

"Take it easy."

"Oh, I see."

Packing away the electric fan that was no longer necessary to assemble, Soya looked at Akane Kirino's ankle, the redness and swelling still did not subside.

Her foot was sprained yesterday morning.

The pain was not severe at the time, and she was anxious to see the Yamahoko parade, so she didn't take it seriously;
Because of the dull pain in her ankle, she walked carefully afterwards.And when I left Kyoto at night, the pain recurred.

This time, the pain in the ankle continued and couldn't be stopped.

After getting off the tram, Soya carried her back to Kirino's house.

After receiving the news, Keiko Kirino took a doctor friend from a nearby clinic home to have a look, and the latter did some simple treatment for her.

"Fortunately, the problem is not serious... Pay attention to rest, avoid strenuous exercise, and don't overdo it. In short, for the next week or so, Xiaoqian should rest at home."

"it is good……"

After all, the pain from the ankle was real, and Akane Kirino also followed the doctor's advice honestly and basically did not move.

In other words, don't move by yourself.

——After eight o'clock this morning, she sent a message to Zongya, asking him to carry her back to the old house.

"Why are you here? You still have an air conditioner at home."

"Staying alone at home is too boring... It's almost enough to have an electric fan."

Then the electric fan broke down.

Throwing the disassembled old electric fan into the utility room temporarily, Soya went to the kitchen to wash off the motor oil on his hands, then went upstairs to Akane Kirino's room, and took down the electric fan that was still working.

As for the broken one, it was in his room, and now he can only buy a new one.


Sogu turned his head and looked at the yard outside. The scorching sun in the afternoon was scorching the earth, and the fluctuations in the air could be seen with the naked eye. Now is not the time to go out.

"Let's wait until the sun goes down before going to the supermarket..."

"Going to buy a new electric fan?" Lifting her ankle, Akane Kirino turned over on the tatami, "I'll go too~"

"Climb over?"

"Soya took me there on a bicycle."

He sat down in front of the electric fan and pulled his neckline.

"Don't even think about it."


Yoshikawa's family had relatives here today, Hongzi didn't come, and Tsukiyomi only went downstairs at noon and evening. Today, there were only Soya and Akane Kirino in the living room of Kirino's old house.

【"...Then, I saw it."】

【"How do you feel, Mr. Yamada?"】

Interviews with passers-by on the streets of Kyoto are being broadcast on TV.Mr. Yamada from Tokyo told reporters that he finally saw the Yamaboko parade that he had been thinking about for a long time, and now he is very satisfied.

"Hearing what you said, the people of Kyoto are also very satisfied..."


Akane Kirino was lying on the tatami mat, watching the TV with both eyes, turning over from time to time, being close to Soya and sometimes far away, which also made him look frequently.

"Can't you be more honest?"


"Don't move around, be careful not to touch your feet."

"But lie down for a while, and the tatami mat will become hot..."

She rolled to the side again and let him touch the place where she just lay down with her hand.

"Just sit up."


Soya shut up and didn't look at her anymore.

"I don't want to watch the news anymore, let's change the channel."

He pushed the remote control over, and she changed a few channels casually. There was no program she wanted to watch, and she pointed to the paper bag next to the TV.

"Sogu, the horror movie that Hongzi brought the day before yesterday is still over there."


"I want to see."

"Okay. Put it in the scariest place later, and I'll go upstairs."


Kirino Qian stared, then rolled over again, pinched his calf, and quickly let go.

"so boring……"

Moving her body, the girl lay down flat, with her head resting on the pillow.

"I want to sleep."

"Well, are you going upstairs?"

"Hmm... Soya wants to go back to the room with me?"


He glanced at her.

"There's only one electric fan."

"I can go and grab Yuezi's electric fan."

She giggled for a while, "Forget it, I'll just lie down in the living room for a while."

"Yeah." Soya stood up, "I'll get you a blanket."

"no thanks."

Akane Kirino held him back, "It's so hot... I don't want to cover it."

He sat down, turned down the volume of the TV, and looked down at the phone again.

Cicadas chirping in the yard.

On TV, a live broadcast of a baseball game.

The sound of an electric fan.

"Aren't Soya going to the shrine today?"

"too hot."



Kyoko: I see.

Kyoko: Wait for Kirino-san's leg to recover, and Soya-san will come over again.

Soya: Sorry.

Putting down the phone, Soya glanced at the girl next to him who was staring at the ceiling in a daze, and then shifted his gaze to the baseball game on TV.

【"It's a hit! It's Yangchun's home run. Now, the batter is running to third base at a leisurely pace..."】

Hot, chaotic.


After an unknown amount of time, rustling sounds continued, and Soya opened his eyes.


The world in front of you is located on a plane called the floor.

The rustling sound came from Akane Tongye. She half-kneeled on the ground, crawled all the way to the low table, picked up the water glass on the table and gurgled to drink.

The raw-edged hot pants are very short, tightly wrapping the rear buttocks, unable to cover the white and well-proportioned thighs, and a pair of bare feet facing him.

After staring at it for a while, his consciousness gradually returned, Soya closed his eyes again, and turned over on the floor.

He fell asleep……

Although I can't remember when I lay down.

Opening his eyes again, Akane Kirino at the low table heard the movement and was looking back at him.

"You're awake."


"Soya has slept longer than I have."


Zonggu supported himself to sit up, only feeling sore in his body, and twisted his neck again.

"Soya, go pour another cup of barley tea, I'm so thirsty..."


He got up and went to find that the two glasses on the table were empty.

"I also drank Soya's barley tea."


When he came to the kitchen, he opened the refrigerator, and after feeling the cold air blowing towards his face for a while, Soya took out barley tea and poured himself a cup first.


Looking away from the water glass in front of him, the sky outside the window was no longer so blue, and he looked at the time again.

"Did you sleep for more than two hours..."

Returning to the living room with two cups of barley tea, Akane Kirino took it and drank half of it in one go.


"Don't make the sound of uncle drinking beer."

"Hahaha, I'm just imitating."

Soya sat down and looked at her ankle again, "Will it hurt now?"



"If you don't touch it, you won't feel anything."

"Continue to rest."

Akane Kirino nodded, "I still have to go to the beach."

Sogu looked out at the yard, the sun was slanting, the shadows of the trees were elongated, and the hottest period of the day had passed.

"It doesn't matter if you wait a few more days, I won't leave you behind."


After sitting for a while, although the sun has not yet set, it is no problem to go out.

Soya went to the backyard to ride his bicycle, and Kirino Akane was waiting at the door.


"Hey. I'll be careful, it's okay."

"It doesn't matter if something happens, anyway, it's not me who hurts, and it's not me who can't go to the beach."

"Soya said just now that he would not abandon me!"

After struggling for a moment, she still sat up and hugged his waist.

"Are you going to my store later? Mom said Soya hasn't been there for a long time."

"Alright. Hurry up."

"Let's go~"

(End of this chapter)

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