Kyoto Shenyin Love Story

Chapter 250 Ibukiyama Operation Conference

Chapter 250 Ibukiyama Operation Conference

After restarting, the white commercial vehicle gradually accelerated and drove forward along the slightly narrow alley.

In the rearview mirror, Hongzi's figure quickly disappeared, and the silence in the car lasted until Minami Noma took the initiative to speak.

"It's really youthful."


In the passenger seat, Soya didn't say a word, and looked ahead.

"If Yoshikawa-san is really worried, let her go with us." Minami Noma said again.

He pursed his lips, "Stop joking."

"Let her stay in the car and not participate in the action."

"That's not OK."

Minami Noma glanced at Kyoko in the rearview mirror again, and she was much calmer than she'd expected.

After all, it was the child who hugged Soya, not Soya who hugged her... If it was the other way around, what expression would Kyoko have now?

Work is more important, Minami Noma reminded herself.



"Any new news over there?"


After driving for a while, the small road in front of her finally came to an end. She slowed down and turned into the wide county road, and the speed increased sharply.

"Two bread sandwiches, the momentum is not small... It would be funny if it was empty."

Minami Noma held the steering wheel, "I heard that guy is very good at running away, otherwise he wouldn't be able to escape from the horses all the way here."

Soya couldn't laugh at all, "If it escapes, all the spiritualists in Kinki will have to work overtime."

"Yes. Is Soya worried that his travel plans will be ruined?"

"Well, I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

Minami Noma gave him a look, "To go to the beach with Kyoko?"


Soya understood, "Of course."

"That's makes me want to go to the beach to relax for a few days, why don't you take me with you?"

Minami Noma glanced at the Miss Shinto in the back seat again, "What does Kyoko think?"

"Please don't talk about irrelevant things while on a mission."

"...Ah, yes, Missy."

The driver kept silent and concentrated on driving.

Looking ahead, Kyoko sat up tight and sighed from the bottom of her heart.

Although she is currently performing a rather important task, she doesn't want to be distracted by the little thing she witnessed just now, but she is still inevitably affected;
For the sake of herself and the safety of the people in her company, she wanted to eliminate the trace of hesitation in her heart as soon as possible...

A rustling movement brought Jingzi back to her senses.

Between the small gap between the passenger seat and the car body, a hand poked back.


She glanced at Sayaka Hasegawa, who was seated next to her, who turned her head and looked out the window.

The hand stopped quickly, as if waiting.

After looking at it for a while, Jingzi raised his hand to pinch one of the fingers, and pressed it a few times with a little force.

She couldn't deny that there was a bit of vent in her strength.

And that hand didn't hide or evade, and stretched back again, slowly wrapping her stopped hand.


Her body gradually relaxed, and Kyoko leaned back in the chair.

After holding it like this for a while, she held him back, squeezed it lightly again, and then let go.

Sensing her attitude, Soya also withdrew his hand.

"Miss Noma, there is new news."

Minami Noma looked in the rearview mirror, and Kyoko looked down at the phone.

"Evil spirits appear near Mount Ibuki."

It takes more than an hour to drive from near the lake to Maibara.It was almost dusk when we set off, and it was completely dark when we arrived in Yonehara.

While waiting for the red light at the intersection, Minami Noma received the latest instructions.

"Go to Ibuki Mountain to participate in the siege? Are you sure that the evil spirit is still on Ibuki Mountain? How can such a big mountain be surrounded? By car? It's not possible to drive anywhere... OK, okay, I know .”

Hang up the phone, and there are only a few seconds left for the red light.

"Look over there."

She raised her hand and pointed out the window, Sogu looked over, only a large piece of darkness could be seen in the distance.

"If it was daytime, I would have seen Mount Ibuki long ago."

Mount Ibuki is the highest mountain in Shiga Prefecture and one of the [-] famous mountains in Japan. From the top of the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Maibara City, and you can also overlook the jasper-like Lake Biwa. The view is very wide. Unfortunately, they are not here for tourism today.

"Get ready to work all night and watch the sunrise from the top of Mt. Ibuki."


Soya shook his head, "Do you want to bring something to eat?"

"You really plan to stay on the mountain overnight... There are a lot of instant noodles in the trunk."

"There is no hot water."

"Dry Chew."


The red light had turned green, Minami Noma stepped on the accelerator and crossed the slightly busy intersection.

There is still some distance from here to Mount Ibuki, so we need to pass through downtown Maibara first.Looking at the feasting and feasting on both sides, she proposed to find a place to eat a bowl of ramen first, but was rejected by Kyoko without any surprise.

After more than ten minutes, the surroundings became deserted again, and the bustling cities on both sides turned into large farmlands that could not be seen clearly at night.

After walking for a while, the terrain gradually rose, and Zongya realized that they had entered the mountain range.

At the parking lot at Ibuki Yamaguchi, Fuyun Shrine and his party finally met up with the enlightened people who came from other places.

Just looking at the few dozens of people in front of him, Soya didn't know how the commander should dispatch to block this invisible Ibuki mountain.

"It is now certain that the spirit body escaped into Ibuki Mountain. At present, the four mountain passes have been stationed, and we are in charge of the south."

A middle-aged man stood up, and he seemed to be the highest-ranking person among their small group of psychics.Shortly after the arrival of several people from Fuyun Shrine, he began to explain the specific action arrangements to the heads of each shrine.

"According to the information gathered by all parties during this period, that spirit body is very vigilant.

When encountering a psychic, the highest priority is to evade and escape, and only attack when it cannot be evaded.

Although very fierce, the main goal is still to escape..."

"Taking advantage of its fear of war, the organization has made some deployments... The task of the rest of the units is to drive it away, create as much momentum as possible, and urge it to flee to the four mountain passes where the ambush was set."

He paused for a moment, looking around at the group of spiritual sense practitioners present.

"And the task of you and me is to intercept and kill the spirit body when it chooses to flee to this side."


After a short silence, the discussion broke out.

Stopping and killing the evil spirit is an important task assigned by the organization, and the more important thing is to save your own life. After all, the evil spirit is fierce, and the fighting ability of the spiritual sense people in the field is also strong or weak.

"Sayaka, you and Kobayashi stay in the car." Minami Noma arranged, "Soya, you and Kyoko take care of each other, and Mayuri and I will go up the mountain with you."


There was still a scar on his heart from the last time he was pierced, Hasegawa agreed with a complicated expression.

"it is good."

Zongya also came down, smiled at Kyoko, and looked down at the black sword in his hand.

This is a spiritual weapon made of special materials. It is not made of metal, but its strength is extremely high. The efficiency of spiritual power coverage is much higher than that of ordinary wooden swords, and its size and weight are specially designed according to his hand feeling;

For him, when dealing with spirit bodies, there is no better weapon than this sword.

Noma Minami and Kyoko are more proficient at using bows, but they also have a spare short knife pinned to their waists.

The combat meeting ended quickly, and the shrines went up the mountain and the people who stayed were about [-]-[-].

The middle-aged man in charge looked around and nodded again.

"Everyone, let's go up the mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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