Kyoto Shenyin Love Story

Chapter 252 Night Battle

Chapter 252 Night Battle

The black mark on Soya's left arm comes from the first god he personally killed, the eight gods of thunder, Zhilei.

The imprint that implied divine power remained silent after it was attached to his arm. It was not until he got close to the flying evil spirit at a certain distance that he suddenly "lived".


The divine power flowed, the imprint became faintly hot, and some simple information flowed into his mind.

Accompanied by it, is an extremely complex emotion: disgust, hatred... and a trace of sympathy and sorrow.

Sogu stopped and looked at the evil spirit who also stopped on the hillside from a distance.

The two sides looked at each other for a short while, each other's faces were full of disbelief.

"Fire Thunder..."

Discovered by a spiritualist in Gunma County, the evil spirit who fled to Nagano and Gifu successively, and is now besieged in front of him, turned out to be Huolei, one of the eight gods of thunder.

——No wonder he only wanted to run away, and no spiritual sense person could stop him.

The thought was fleeting, Soya clenched his sword tightly, and in addition to being surprised and pleasantly surprised, an uncontrollable strong killing intent quickly filled his heart.

Ninety-nine percent of this killing intent came from Zhilei's divine power, and he didn't intend to suppress it.

Hunting and killing the Eight Thunder Gods was originally his main goal. He had only planned to do his best to eliminate the spirits, but now he had to go all out.

After a brief pause, Zong Gu rushed towards Huo Lei again.

However, driven by the killing intent, he was surprised to find that his speed had increased a lot.

Naturally, this is also Zhilei's divine power at work.

"Is this power only useful when hunting your own brothers..."

Soya didn't have time to feel too much emotion, because Huo Lei, who recovered, also started to run away again.

He approached quickly from below, Huo Lei had no intention of confronting him head-on, turned around and fled back up the mountain.


When the evil spirit turned his head, the spiritualists on the mountain and down the mountain were all in a daze for a moment, and the former's bewilderment contained a bit of surprise.

The pocket array surrounded from the other side of Ibuki Mountain has shrunk to a very fine level at this time. When it collides head-on, the evil spirits will only end up being caught in a net of heaven and earth!
After a little hesitation, the spiritualists at the bottom of the mountain also started to surround the mountain, but the speed dropped a lot-after all, they were going up the mountain.

Only later Soya was an exception.

The slow and sometimes steep hillside was like walking on flat ground under his feet, and his speed increased instead of decreasing. He quickly passed them and left them far behind.

Looking at the two figures who were chasing and fleeing, Kyoko was also dazed for a few seconds, and just about to continue the pursuit, Noma Minami and Hanai Mayuri rushed here together.


With the help of moonlight and powerful spiritual sense, Minami Noma also saw the two figures on the mountain.

"Where are the Soya people... Wait, is that Soya?"


She looked in surprise: "Did that guy take a stimulant? How could he run so fast?"

Jingzi shook her head, "I don't know..."

"Hurry up and catch up." Huajing rushed to the front, "If you go late, you won't get the credit."


Whether it was for credit or not, the two quickly followed.

And one or two minutes later, Huolei, who was fleeing up the mountain, collided with hundreds of spiritual beings who were descending with momentum.

There was no suspense about the outcome, and before the pocket formed by the spiritual sensers could close together, a bigger hole was torn open.

Huo Lei still only cared about escaping, but this time the threat chasing after him was far greater than before. Facing the obstruction, although his counterattack was hasty, it was also more ferocious.

With a left punch, the skull burst and red and white splashed;
With an elbow to the right, the blocker's chest is sunken.

Head-on collision, two or three people fly into the air;
Kicking back and forth, the body that flew upside down was thrown over again.

The gap in the pocket array was torn open by the terrified spiritual sense people in their escape.


No one expected that the evil spirit, who only cared about fleeing along the way, would be so horrifying in its ruthless attacks, and no one dared to stop it anymore.

It's just that it takes time to react, and the same is true for the spread of fear, not to mention that many psychics haven't seen the tragedy in the "pocket", and the encirclement still hasn't stopped.

Fist to flesh, the subsequent collision was still the result of the bursting of muscles and bones and the flying of the human body, but Huo Lei's escape was inevitably delayed.

He had just rushed out of the pocket formation that penetrated at both ends, and the figures who had been chasing finally drew closer to each other for the last distance, and raised their hands with a knife.


Slashing with a knife, a long and narrow cut was made behind Huo Lei's shoulder, and Zonggu rolled sideways again, narrowly avoiding the heavy punch from his backhand.

Clap, the scabbard that was thrown out fell to the ground at this moment.


After tumbling, Zonggu got up quickly, and Huolei also stopped, one person and one spirit guarded each other and looked at each other.

Only now did he have a chance to see the appearance of another god among the Eight Thunder Gods.

Completely different from the old Zhilei, Huolei is neither tall nor short, with a young face, and looks like an ordinary college student.

Of course, the eyes of ordinary college students can't shine, and they can't break out of the siege of spiritual beings with bare hands.

When he spoke, Huolei's voice was more in line with his actual age, "You killed Zhilei."

With a sword in hand, Soya was on guard with all his heart.


Huo Lei looked at the spiritual sense practitioners under his eyes. The formation was destroyed, and their courage was completely wiped out. No one dared to catch up...


At the foot of the distant mountain, there are still some figures moving up.

He looked at Soya in front of him again, "Why?"

"I need the strength in you."

"You want to become a god."


Zong Gu was stunned, and this slight flaw was also caught by Huo Lei, who rushed up like lightning.

He already understood that if he didn't kill the human being in front of him who had robbed the juvenile Thunder God's power, he would not be able to completely get rid of the massive pursuit right now.

hunt down...

He's been hunted down for ages, ever since he punched a human who broke into his hideout.

At first, he thought that as long as he dodged for a while as before, he would disappear and be safe.But no matter where he hides, there will always be a few human beings who don't know how to live or die;

Even if he hides in the deep mountains and old forests where no one lives, once he leaves, he will still be discovered by humans soon.

And as more and more human beings he knocked into the air, and the scale of his pursuit became larger and larger, he gradually became unable to escape.

Traveling all the way west, from Kanto to Kinki, it is not so much that he is escaping this way, it is better to say that there is only one way to escape.

This inescapable feeling was unprecedented, as if someone was watching his every move from the sky.

And this is not unfounded speculation.

——On that day, he really felt the gaze from the sky.

who is it?

Is it the mother Izanami, or the gods of Takamahara?

Or is it the human being who is about to die under his fist?
Oh...he ducked.

With a punch, dust and smoke rose everywhere, and the human had time to slash back after dodging.


Huo Lei had a second wound on his body.

He turned back and swept across, his legs were windy, forcing Zongya back again.

Holding the sword that was as dark as night, Soya made some adjustments and took the initiative to attack again.

Relying on the sharp blade wrapped in both spiritual power and divine power in his hand, his offensive is quite fierce, and his purpose is also very clear-cut off the head or waist, or cut off the two arms first, he wants to divide him into several sections, After removing the threat, carefully search for the gods from the remains.

Of course, Huo Lei wouldn't do what he wanted, the attack became more rapid, and he didn't even care about the wounds on his body.

The bodies of these eight brothers are all condensed by the power of the underworld. As long as they return to the underworld once, there will be endless power of the underworld to absorb, and no matter how serious the injury is, they can immediately recover as before—if they die here, everything will be destroyed. It's all over.

Punch after punch, the body is the weapon, and the fire and thunder rushed up desperately, and the blade continued to attack, Zonggu could only roll and dodge in embarrassment, after all, his body was still very fragile.

He was waiting for a turnaround, which came quickly.


With another punch, a magic-breaking arrow pierced through Huo Lei's arm.


He turned his gaze, and another arrow quickly zoomed in before his eyes.

 [It's poorly written, let's just settle for a while, the next chapter will end the battle. 】

(End of this chapter)

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