Kyoto Shenyin Love Story

Chapter 260 Hotel

Chapter 260 Hotel
After the registration was completed, Sogu and the others followed the hostess of the homestay, Ms. Hongo, to the guest room in the backyard.

"The room between the plums, the chrysanthemums, and the bamboos here are the rooms of the guests."

How to allocate the room is a matter for them to decide. She opened the door, left the key, and explained some things such as breakfast and dinner time, and then left first.

"Please feel free."


Soya nodded, and looked at the other four people.

"Let's take a look first."

Putting down the suitcases, they walked into the plum, bamboo, and chrysanthemum rooms to have a look.

The three rooms are about the same size, and the furnishings inside are almost the same. The biggest difference is the scenery outside the window.

The location of the homestay is slightly higher, and the bay below can be vaguely seen by the window of Meijian, while the windows of Zhujian and Jujian face Unzendake in the center of the peninsula.

The area of ​​the peninsula is small, only a dozen kilometers from east to west. The active volcano in the middle can be seen everywhere.

"Which room do you want?"

Soya looked back at the girls, "You guys choose first."

Akane Kirino walked to Mei Jian's door without hesitation, "I want to live in this room."

He nodded, and she looked at Kyoko again.

"Is it okay, sister?"


Kyoko was a little surprised that she asked him about this, but he didn't say much, and turned to look at Zhao Wuling.

"Student Asagiri, you decide."

Looking around at Wuling, he dragged his suitcase and walked into Chrysanthemum.

The rest is Soya's room.

Put the suitcase into the bamboo, there are two single beds inside, he chose the one by the window.

When they came outside the room, several people were sorting the clothes in the suitcase in their respective rooms, and Soya walked out of the backyard to look for his roommate outside.

Although Kirino Akane asked who he wanted to share a room with, there was no other answer to this multiple-choice question.

"Have you finished vomiting?"

When I came outside the homestay, Yuedu was still squatting on the side of the road, and the ground was wet a lot.


He rinsed his mouth and looked back at him, "It's so uncomfortable..."


Soya shook his head, "You can stay in the room later."

The puddle of indescribable mixture on the ground was still smelling under the scorching sun, and he couldn't count on the half-dead Tsukiyomi, so he could only clean it up for him.

After Ms. Hongo found out, she said that it would be fine to leave it to her.

"After all, this is caused by my family's poor driving skills."

"I'm sorry to trouble you... But, Mr. Hongo is already the most stable person I've ever seen driving."

Dragging Yuedu back to the room, he opened the suitcase and sorted out the clothes to be changed in the past two days.

When I first arrived in Kyushu, I won’t go too far in the afternoon, at least I won’t go to the beach, so I don’t need swimming trunks for the time being.

"I put Mr. Yueyue's clothes in the closet. If you want to take a shower first, remember to change your clothes. Don't take it by mistake. This set is yours... Well, I forgot to ask if there is a dryer here, later Ask Ms. Hongo again when you go out."

Yuedu behind him didn't respond at all.

Zong Gu glanced back, he was already lying on the bed.


Wrapped the clothes into a ball, before throwing them away, Kyoko appeared at the door of the room.

He still threw it over, and Yuedu just turned his head and looked at him without any further reaction.


Kyoko walked in and gave him a slightly complaining look.

Soya continued to tidy up, "Kyoko and Suzu share a room, is it okay?"

"No problem... at least I'm satisfied."

"It's enough for Kyoko to be satisfied."

He looked over, "If Ling is not satisfied, she will speak out directly."

"There seems to be something in Soya-san's words."

"Yes, no."



After chatting with him, Jingzi picked up the scattered clothes on the bed, refolded them, and put them on the bedside.

"Master Tsukiyomi, we will go to Iki Island to visit Tsukiyomi Shrine tomorrow morning. Before that, please rest well."

Lying on the soft bed, Yueyue let out a muffled reply.

Since Condensation appeared in this body, he has not been lying on the bed, and has been sleeping on the floor. At this time, he has been corroded by the softness under his body and is drowsy.

Kyoko didn't say much, and looked at Soya, "What is Soya-san's plan for the afternoon?"

"No plans."

He pulled up the suitcase and pushed it to the corner to lean against, "The travel plan is made by Tongye and Hongzi, it depends on where they want to go."

For the trip to Kyushu, Soya only decided on the two destinations of Nagasaki-Iki Island and Kagoshima-Sakurajima, as well as the point of bringing Kyoko. The son discussed and decided.


Kyoko thought for a while, "I'm going to Tsukiyomi Shrine on Iki Island tomorrow, will Kirino-san and Yoshikawa-san go there too?"

Zong Gu was startled, and said, "It's okay, they won't ask more questions."

She pursed her lower lip and nodded again.

"Master Yueyue, sleeping on your stomach is not good for your health, please pay attention to your posture when you fall asleep."


Yuedu was almost falling asleep, he glanced at her inexplicably, then turned his head to look at Soya.

"Listen to her."

He had no choice but to turn over and lay flat on the bed, looking around.

"Aren't you going out yet?"

"Let's go out now."

Soya went around the bed and walked out, "When we're not around, Tsukiyomi-sama don't run around, just stay at the hotel."

"We'll be back at the hotel before dinner," Kyoko continued.


When they came to the room of Akane Kirino and Hongzi, they stood by the window, overlooking the Ariake Sea.

"Soya, can you go out?" Hearing the movement, Akane Kirino looked back at Soya.


He nodded, "Any plans for this afternoon?"

"I want to go to Koi Street in Shinmachi and Mishiba Inu in Sakuramachi first, they are all nearby."

"No wonder you want to live here."


Kirino Akane smiled, "Then take the Shimabara Electric Railway and walk around the seaside. One of the stations seems to be quite famous."

"Dasan East Station." Hongzi added.


Soya: "Then let's go."

Called Zhao Wuling who was staying in the room, and they went out together.

Ms. Hongo heard that several people were going to Shinmachi, so she recommended them to stop by the nearby Shimabara Castle.The castle tower is majestic and majestic, and the observatory can have a panoramic view of Shimabara city, and she can buy tickets here, which are [-] yen cheaper than the ticket office of Shimabara Castle.

It's a pity that none of them were interested, so they politely declined.

The hostess remained enthusiastic and sent them out, reminding them that dinner was at seven o'clock.

"Okay, I know."

"Be careful on the road."

Walking out of the yard, you can see the tall Shimabara Castle in the center of the city, and the straight-line distance is within one kilometer.The two places Kirino Akane and Hongko wanted to go were around Shimabara Castle, and it was not far to walk there.

Walking down the empty street, no one can be seen on either side.It took a long time for a vehicle to come from the seaside, pass by them, and disappear in the crisscross streets and alleys in a blink of an eye.

"Tomorrow, I will go to Iki Island with Kyoko and Tsukiko to pay homage to the Tsukiyomi Shrine. The shrine is cumbersome and it used to take a lot of time..."

Soya suddenly opened his mouth and pointed at Akane Kirino, "When the time comes, will you stay in the hotel, or go to Hirado and Sasebo first?"


She was startled for a while.

"Then... let's go shopping first?"

Something doesn't seem right...

(End of this chapter)

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