Kyoto Shenyin Love Story

Chapter 284 It Takes Time

Chapter 284 It Takes Time

Looking at each other without words, the living room of Sugawara's house fell into an unspeakable silence, until Yuzi suddenly ran down from upstairs.

"Mom, Dad—my sister brought a lot of Kagoshima..."

Running down the stairs, facing the four eyes projected from the living room at the same time, she paused, and her voice stopped abruptly.

"Excuse me for a moment."

Mrs. Sugawara stood up, and took her little daughter back upstairs.

Zongya didn't wait too long, watched the two of them go upstairs, and then got up.

"Mr. Sugawara, there are still a lot of things to do at the shrine, so I will take my leave first."


Takayuki Sugawara looked at him, hesitant to speak, feeling very complicated.

One foot two boats?

Can't tell.

After all, if you like it, you like it. He is neither dating Jingzi, nor is he with another girl.This is all too common for high school students of this age.

——What's more, he has a good appearance and is not controlled by his family, so there must be many suitors.

Less common is his candor.

He didn't hide it at all, and admitted it directly.And judging from Jingzi's reaction, she seemed to have known it for a long time.

But he also said that his favorite is Kyoko...

It's just that Kyoko seems unwilling to accept this.

But considering the character of the eldest daughter, it is indeed impossible to accept it.

Things get complicated.

Takayuki Sugawara, who had some kind of plan in mind from the beginning, was suddenly hit in the face when he was full of expectations, and couldn't think of any suitable words for a while, so he could only nod his head and get up to see him off.

Soya said goodbye to him again, and Kyoko followed him out without staying.

"Father, I went to the shrine."

"it is good……"

Watching the two go away, Sugawara Takayuki thought deeply again.

It is obvious that Kyoko has a crush on Soya.The two children like each other, and he is very satisfied with him, but now there is a little flaw.

How can blemishes disappear?
Or, how to make Kyoko turn a blind eye to this flaw that is not very important to him?
The most important thing is to let the eldest daughter stay in the shrine.

This is not only for him, but also the best choice after considering the future of the shrine and the daughters... Sugawara Takayuki himself thinks so.

"—Have Soya-kun and Kyoko left already?"

He turned his head, and his wife came down from upstairs.

"I went to the shrine."


She walked to her husband's side, crossed her arms, and looked at the two figures who had gone away.

"What an unexpected change."

"Unexpected, but reasonable." Sugawara Takayuki sighed, "Maybe I was too impatient."

"You almost have 'want to marry your daughter' written on your face."

Mrs. Sugawara glanced at him, "Kyoko and Soya-kun have only known each other for half a year."

"Lets see……"

On the other side, Soya and Kyoko came to the bottom of the stairs leading to the shrine.

It was hot in the afternoon, and there was no one figure to be seen up and down the long steps, and it was probably the same in the shrine.

Climbing up the steps, when only shadows and cicadas were left around, Kyoko stopped and broke the silence that had been going on all the way.

"Father wants Yoshiaki-san to marry into Sugawara's family, so that I can stay in the shrine and Kinki."


Soya turned his head to look at her, turned around, and sat down on the steps.

"It turned out that there was such a plan. That's why Jingzi said that she didn't want to associate with me."

"I don't want myself and Fang Ming to be coerced."

When she was in Ibusuki, Kyoko had said that she would talk to him when she came back, and the incident just now was the perfect opportunity.

Holding the scarlet hakama, she also sat down on the stone steps.

Before speaking, she raised her head and looked at the mottled spots among the dense branches and leaves above her head.

Only when there is light outside can you find the tiny gaps in the grains, otherwise you can only see the layers of branches and leaves overlapping, completely covering her sky.

Tilting her head, she leaned on his shoulder.

"After I came back, I realized that I miss this place too."

Sogu looked down at her, his eyes were drooping, and the lower eyelashes trembled slightly.

What she misses is not the view of the shrine in front of her, but the peace of being alone with him without being disturbed by others.

"Travel is hard."


The smile on the corner of his mouth didn't have time to spread, it was fleeting.

"If it's really just a business trip, it won't feel hard."

Soya pursed his lower lip, "Sorry."

Jingzi took a deep breath, put her head on his shoulder, and turned left and right.

Only when she was alone with him would she let go of her superficial skills and the awkward posture she had been holding these days.

"When I went back to the room, Fang Ming said something to my father."

"Mr. Sugawara asked me what I think of Kyoko." Soya looked at her, "I said, I like Kyoko."


This time, she heard it.

"I like Kyoko."

"I heard."

She closed her eyes, put her arm into his, and kept her head down.

"Me too."

"What is it."

"I also like student Fangming."

Zongya immediately held her hand, "Please associate with me."


Kyoko smiled, and then remained silent for a while.

"Feel sorry."

"Isn't it okay to have a private relationship without telling Mr. Sugawara?"

"What I said in front of my father was not all lies." She looked up at him, "Fangming still likes Yoshikawa, I can't ignore it."

Soya looked back, meeting her eyes.

"I'm not lying, my favorite person is still Kyoko."

She frowned and smiled, then sighed softly, "Should I be happy?"

Soya shook his head, "I should apologize."

"Yesterday morning, I met Yoshikawa-san at the hot spring, and she told me a lot of things. It's not entirely Yoshiaki-san's fault that you spend more time together...I also know that Yoshikawa-san has rejected her several times. "

Kyoko lowered her head, clasped his palms, and grabbed his arm with the other hand.

"Just now, I still can't agree to your request for a relationship."


Looking at her tightly pursed lips, Sogu moved his eyes to look down the steps again, the ground was whitened by the sun.

After everything was confessed, this was the result he had foreseen a long time ago.

"I see."

It's just that he won't let go of Kyoko, and neither will she.

After a brief silence, she lowered her voice and clenched her hands tighter.

"Don't think of a way anymore...'Soya-sama' who can kill even gods."


The so-called finding a way can only be to cut off the ambiguous relationship with Hongzi.

"Hongzi won't give up easily."

Soya paused for a while, and did not hide his weakness, "I also need time."

"No matter what, I will always follow Fang Ming." Kyoko looked at him, "I will not give up on this relationship. We still have a lot of time."

"It may be a long time."

"It won't be longer than I have liked Fang Ming."


Zong Gu took her hand in his palm, buried his face in it again, and took a deep breath.

"I see."

Kyoko reached out with the other hand and stroked his cheek.

"Sorry... I only know how to deal with spirit bodies, shrines and institutions, but I don't know how to deal with Yoshikawa-san. If I could have done something earlier, maybe it wouldn't be like this."

Soya raised his face, shook his head again, and took both of her hands.

"Then it's not the Kyoko I know."

She has almost no friends of the same age, and she is used to showing a cold face, and others also respect her at a distance.

Hongzi, who suddenly becomes aggressive when encountering a rush, can maintain the calm posture of her senior and favored person, but she has no other way to deal with it;
In other words, for Kyoko, who is so serious and rigid, losing her composure means being rude and embarrassing.

Hongzi is not an evil spirit that can be slashed with a knife, and she can't retort, so silence has become her protective color.

He should have realized this earlier.

"Hongzi, leave it to me later."

She complained in a low voice: "It is because I believed in Fang Ming that the matter developed to this point."

"...Kyoko is really rude to me."

"Because it is."

A little smile appeared on her face, and she stood up again, "However, I will continue to trust Fangming."

Soya got up after him and looked at her.

"I don't want to disappoint Kyoko's expectations, but I also need time."


"No matter what, I will always like Kyoko."


She nodded, without moving her eyes, and took a step closer to him.

"I will always like and follow Fang Ming..."

Holding her shoulders, he also slowly moved closer to the distance where each other's breath could be heard.

Looking at each other, Kyoko raised her head slightly and closed her eyes.

His hands moved to the back of her neck, supporting her head.

In the next second, warm thin lips covered her.

Gentle and aggressive, entering the lips and teeth.


(End of this chapter)

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