Chapter 307

Finding a flat boulder, they put their mobile wallets and Hongzi's glasses on it, and Soya also sat in the pool.

"It's so cool..."

The water reached the waist, and the dry shorts were completely submerged in the stream, and tiny bubbles could be clearly seen floating on the surface.


Suddenly there was water splashed towards him, Soya looked over, Kirino Akane smiled at him: "Soya is coming here too."

Hongzi floated beside her, waving her arms back and forth, and also looked at him.

"If you can't go up or down, you might as well sit like this."

"What?" Akane Kirino was puzzled.

Zonggu got up and walked to the deepest point, and the pool of water did not reach his shoulders.

"That's it."

If you sit down, you will drown, and if you stand up, you will feel a little tight in your chest. If you want to swim, the water will become shallow again, and there are women around you, so you can't stretch your arms and legs to your heart's content.

"Tall people's troubles." Akane Kirino smiled slightly, swam around him, and supported his shoulders when she stopped, "That Zongya should stand here as a security officer, just like a beach and a public swimming pool The kind that's in there."

"Nobody can drown here."

Even in the deepest place, when she and Hongzi tiptoed, they could still stick their heads out of the water.

"Hongzi and I are fine, but it's still a bit dangerous for Ling."

Zong Gu glanced at her, "You are finished."


Akane Kirino turned her head and sat on the boulder by the water towards Wuling, looking at her expressionlessly.

"Let's also come and play with Ling..." She smiled dryly.

Zhao Wuling ignored it until Soya nodded to her, then she put down her phone and walked into the pool step by step.


For Soya, the water pool is a bit restrictive, but for her, there is a lot of room for her to display it.

After swimming to the depth, she nimbly swam two laps, then lay on the back of the temporary security guard and hugged his neck.

Soya tilted his head, "Ring..."

She didn't let go, "I can't swim anymore."


Akane Kirino drifted aside, regretting for no reason, but such thoughts soon lurked again.

"Ah." Hongzi suddenly called out in a low voice.

"what happened?"

"I think I saw something swim past in the water."

"Are you sure you 'saw' it... Can you see it?" Soya asked.

Her glasses were still on the boulder by the water.

"That's rude... that's why I said 'like'."

There was a sound of splashing water, and when Soya turned his head again, Akane Kirino was gone.

She dived to the bottom of the water, looked around with her eyes open, and it took a while before she floated up.

"I saw a small fish." She gestured with her hand, "It's very small, just this long, and its body is silver."

Hongzi nodded repeatedly, saying that what he vaguely saw was almost like this, and then looked at the place where the stream flowed down, "Are there any fish in this mountain stream?"

"It's hard to say, it might come in upstream from the downstream." Soya guessed, then looked at Akane Kirino, "Grab it and ask where it came from."


Akane Kirino smiled and plunged into the water again.

"Don't bully Qian." Hongzi said.

"There's no bullying her." Zong Gu patted Chao Wuling's hand, signaling her to come down, "Doesn't she also enjoy it?"

He let go of Wuling and didn't move away, just swimming slowly beside him.

And Akane Kirino, who was busy catching fish at the bottom of the water, was as flexible as a fish, going east and west, taking a long time to come up to take a breath, and then plunged down to continue searching.

After watching for a while, Hongzi swam to Zongu's side unintentionally, then stopped, paddling water up and down in front of him.

The water-soaked T-shirt clings to the skin, outlining the curves of the body, especially the chest. Fortunately, the color is darker so that the inner lining will not be reflected outside.


Sensing his gaze from top to bottom, Hongzi pursed her lips, and then heard him say: "Go ashore early later, go there to dry in the sun, maybe you can dry it before going back."

He pointed to a boulder under the sun, which was fairly flat enough for people to sit on, or even lie down if the angle was right.

Hongzi pointed to another boulder next to him, "You stay with me."


The summer clothes are flimsy and the sun is strong, so they can dry quickly, which is what he originally planned.

Asagiri stopped again, grabbed Soya's shoulder, and floated beside him.


Akane Kirino got out of the water, Soya thought she was just taking another breath, but she put her hands together and staggered over, with a mysterious smile on her face.

He froze for a moment, "Did you really catch it?"


When she was approaching, the soles of her feet suddenly slipped, but this time she fell down and did not let go of her hand, and let out a short "ah".

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Sogu grabbed her arm and made her stand still.

"Thank you~"

Akane Kirino was very happy, and opened her palm directly after standing still.


There was no small fish in it as he expected, nothing at all.


Sogu got closer, and saw a nearly transparent small shrimp on the edge of her palm, trembling.


"Hmm, it's amazing!"

Soya thought it was more miraculous that she could see and catch it underwater.

Akane Kirino put her hands together, dipped into the water again, held a little water, and the little shrimp started to swim on her palm again.

Zhao Wuling leaned on Sogu's shoulder and watched, but Hongzi got very close to see clearly: "Qian's eyes are really good..."

"It's okay, I happened to see it, and it hit my face." Kirino Qian said.She also has a little short-sightedness, but she loves beauty and finds it bothersome, so she seldom wears glasses.

"Such a small shrimp should have grown here."

"Hmm. Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat dried shrimps. This should be the food of small fish..." Akane Kirino suddenly fell silent, and looked around thoughtfully.

"I want to use this for fishing."

"I think it's more reliable for you to catch the fish by yourself," Soya said.

The bait was alive and kicking, but the fishing line could not be replaced by dogtail grass. Akane Kirino looked around for a while, but still couldn't find a substitute, so she had to give up her plan to use small shrimps to catch small fish.

"Forget it."

She opened her mouth, raised her palm and slapped her mouth, then frowned and chewed a few times, "I'll eat it myself."


Hongzi was stunned for a few seconds, then grabbed her shoulder again, shaking her back and forth.

"Cy! Don't throw everything in your mouth!"


Akane Kirino laughed for a while before opening her other hand, "Here it is."


Hongzi complained, and Sogu shook his head beside him.

After staring at the small shrimp in her hand for a while, Akane Kirino dipped her hand into the water, but chose to put it back into the water.

"Don't look for that fish either, it's probably scared away by such a big commotion," Zong Gu said.

She felt the same way, but she had nothing to do when she was free.

"Let's hold our breath."

"Hmm..." Hongzi agreed with some hesitation, she didn't really want to get her hair wet.But when she saw Zongya agreeing, she immediately nodded again.

"Is Suzu taking part too?"


Kirino Akane asked the three of them to stand on one side and form a circle so that they could see each other.

"Three, two, one, start!"

Taking a deep breath, the four dived into the water at the same time.

Although it looks clear and transparent, the underwater world is another color.Soya looked left and right, Chao Kirin was looking at him, the red hair who got underwater for the first time was fluttering, and there were some tiny bubbles floating on his face, and he himself probably did the same;

Akane Kirino was opposite him, taking a big breath before entering the water, puffing out her cheeks on both sides.When he looked over, she squinted her eyes, the corners of her mouth became more and more obvious, and soon spit out a series of "wow" bubbles, and she was the first to get out of the water.


Slapping the water and stomping her feet, she seemed to say something else, but Zongya couldn't hear her clearly at the bottom of the water.

After more than ten seconds, Hongzi, who had been closing her eyes tightly, couldn't hold on any longer, and the second one surfaced.

Only Soya and Chao Wuling were left, he looked at her, she looked at him, and it took another half a minute before they floated up one after the other.

"Soya is lying." As soon as he got out of the water, he heard Akane Kirino framing her for her failure.

"I did nothing."

"You stare at me, I just want to laugh..."

After holding his breath for a long time, Zhao Wuling still did not change his face, Soya took a deep breath of fresh air in the mountains and forests, "This is not my problem."

"Again!" Kirino Akane said, "Don't stare at me this time."

"no problem."

She looked at Hongzi again, "Keep your eyes open so you can hold back longer."

Hongzi probably understood a little bit, "Because I can see other people's situation."


"let me try……"

This time, Soya shouted the number, and the four of them dived again at the same time.

With the lesson from the last failure, Akane Kirino quickly glanced around, then ignored no one, only stared at the rocks at the bottom of the water, paying attention to the movements of the three of them from the corner of her eye;
After listening to her suggestion, Hongzi opened his eyes and looked back and forth at the other three.

Soya and Asagiri remained calm.

After persisting for about half a minute, Hongzi still couldn't hold on and floated up first.

When the voice came, Sogu glanced at Mizugami, she was coughing while clutching her chest, as if she had choked on water.

He looked at Akane Kirino and Zhao Wuling, pointed at himself, then at the top, and then got up.

"It's alright."

"Ahem... It's okay... I just accidentally took a sip of water... Cough!"

Zong Gu stretched out his hand and patted her on the back, Hong Zi immediately felt a lot relieved.


She looked at the two people who were still holding on at the bottom of the water, "I don't know who can hold on longer..."

Soya didn't hesitate, "Ring."

"I think it's Qian." Hongzi looked at him, "Want to bet?"

"What do you want to do?" Zong Gu was a little wary.

She smiled slightly, "Why are you nervous, I just want Sogu to stay with me for a while."

And before the two made their bets, the bet was over.

Kirino Akane got out of the water, took a big breath, and then looked at the Asagiri Bell who floated up later in disbelief.

"I held back for more than 20 seconds longer than last time."


In the swimming pool of the Ibusuki Onsen Hotel, the two had compared several times.

"Hasn't the bell reached its limit yet?"


Akane Kirino waded into the water and touched her belly, "How much air can such a small belly hold?"

Chao Wuling just looked at her and didn't say anything, Zongu couldn't stand it anymore: "The lungs are not there."

She moved her hand up again and stopped on her chest. Fortunately, she didn't say anything about "such a small chest", and quickly put it down.

"Hongzi choked on the water just now? Does it matter?"

"It's all right."

Hongzi took a look at Zongya, feeling a little thankful and a little regretful that the bet had been declared a failure.

"Take a break and compete again." Akane Kirino said to Chao Wuling.

The latter nodded, expressing his will.

"I'll let it go."

Soya walked aside and sat on a rock in the water with his chest above the water.


"I'll forget it too." Hongzi said to Akane Kirino, "I'll be the referee."

"Um... well."

Akane Kirino's goal of comparison was only Zhao Wuling, and the two withdrew from the competition, which for her eliminated interference.

"Let me start." Soya said.


After resting for three to two minutes, Soya counted down to three two one, and Kirino Akane and Asagiri dived into the water again.

Hongzi swam over, changed into a half-swimming, half-crawling posture halfway, and finally sat down beside him.

Soya could sit, but this depth was still a little uncomfortable for her, so she stood up again and supported his shoulders.

"Do you want to continue betting?"



She moved closer to him again, getting closer.

Soya glanced to the side, the slightly raised buttocks wrapped in raw-edged hot pants were completely soaked, "It can be seen even underwater."

"It's okay... Akane won't care about this now."

Not long after, the two people at the bottom surfaced again, but the result remained unchanged.

Akane Kirino leaned close to Zhao Wuling again, groping around, and sticking to her chest to listen to the movement inside, trying to find the reason why she kept holding her breath without changing her face, but of course there was still no gain.

"Forget it." Soya said.

Akane Kirino also knew that she had no hope of surpassing her, so she was temporarily convinced.

"We will compete next time."

"There's another time."

"I can come over tomorrow too."

Soya was noncommittal.

Sitting in the water for a while, he crossed the pool to the sunny side and climbed up the hot stones.

"It's too hot..."

He was in a dilemma and had no choice buttocks.

"Sunbathing?" Akane Kirino swam to him and looked at him in the water.

"No, drying clothes."

Soya gritted his teeth and sat down, and soon found that the temperature was not unbearably high.


Akane Kirino was taken aback, but quickly understood, "Has Soya stopped playing?"

"Are you going to spend the afternoon here?" he asked rhetorically.

Hongzi also swam towards this side.

"It's not impossible." Akane Kirino took a big breath, then relaxed her body, allowing herself to float on the water, floating freely, "It's so comfortable."

"You can't go back wet." Soya said.


Looking at the sky surrounded by branches and green leaves, she suddenly turned over and plunged into the water again.

"Then I'll come up later."

Hongzi stopped because Akane Kirino was swimming around her in the water, "Akane..."

After two laps, she swung her legs and swam elsewhere.

Walking to the water's edge, Hongzi touched the boulder in the sun, and immediately withdrew his hands from the heat.

"Wow... Teppanyaki?"

Soya smiled, "Then I'm already familiar with it."

"It's too hot."

"Be patient, you will get used to it soon."

Hongzi hesitated for a few seconds, climbed up from the other side, and sat on another boulder beside him.

"Hot hot hot-"

Shouting that it was hot, she still gritted her teeth and persisted for a while, gradually adapting to the temperature of the stone.

"The ass must have been hot red..."

Soya was only silent for a moment, and she immediately reacted: "Don't imagine!"


"Can it really be dried in the sun? I feel like I might suffer from heat stroke first."

"Hongzi can also just let the clothes hang here."

"...You think beautifully."

Hongzi laughed, then moved towards him again, looking down.

Akane Kirino is like a fish that doesn't know the size of the world. Even though the pool is pitifully small, she still swims freely and contentedly, immersing herself in her own happiness. Occasionally, she looks at the two people on the boulder and smiles.

"If Akane were a boy, I would definitely like her."

Soya glanced at her, "Gender is not an issue."

Hongzi pouted, "That's what I said, but I'm not looking for a partner—I already have someone I like."

She looked over, and Soya looked down.

Chao Wuling was immersed in the pool on the other side, looking at him and her, as if he was considering whether to come up.



"When are you going to respond to me?"

He pursed his lower lip, "I want to know when Hongzi will give up."

"I will not give up."

"I won't give up on Kyoko, I can't respond to you."

Hongzi just sighed, she didn't expect much at all.

"Will we maintain this ambiguous relationship forever?"

"Sooner or later it will end."

"The day Soya and Sugawara-senpai dated?"

Soya didn't speak, he didn't even know when this day would come.

She looked over again, "But I don't think Sogu can bear me."

Seeing that he still didn't speak, Hongzi continued, "Songya wants to maintain the status quo, right?"

"Maybe." He finally said.

Hongzi hugged her legs, rested her head on her pillow, and looked at him: "But if this is the case, neither side will be satisfied."


"For what you want, as long as you get a little, you want everything. This is not greedy, everyone is like this. I want to be closer to Soya, I want to kiss you, hug you, make be completely connected .”

When she said the last word, her face was completely red, but her eyes were still firm, looking straight at him.

Soya took a deep breath, looked down, and soon noticed Asagirizuki's gaze.

He looked aside again, "I want to get all of Jingzi more, you should give up."

"Don't...ah." She stretched out a leg to kick him, but she tended to slide down, and she fumbled for a while before stabilizing on the boulder.

After sitting still, Hongzi noticed that Chao Wuling had swum to the bottom.

She looked up at Zonggu without saying a word, and looked at her after a while.

"Do you want him?"

(End of this chapter)

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