Kyoto Shenyin Love Story

Chapter 314 Want to eat more meat

Chapter 314 Want to eat more meat

Before seven o'clock in the morning, before the alarm clock rang, Yuzi woke up by herself.


Looking at the ceiling, she climbed out of bed in less than half a minute, without changing her pajamas, and walked out of the room first.

The sound from downstairs told her that mom and dad had already woken up.

Yuzi was a little happy, and didn't go downstairs. She walked to the door of her sister's room and knocked lightly.

"Yuzi?" There was a quick response from inside.

"Sister." She opened the door, only to see that Kyoko was wearing neat maiden attire, obviously she had been up for a long time.


Looking at the clothes on her body, Yuzi's mouth puffed up, with obvious regret on her face.

Kyoko knew what she was thinking and just smiled, "Good morning, Yuzi."

"Good morning……"

"It's not even seven o'clock yet, did Yuzi wake up by herself?"

"Yeah, I woke up suddenly."

Jingzi understood that it was only because she was full of anticipation for today's itinerary, "Let's change clothes first."

"it is good……"

Yuzi came over and hugged her waist before returning to her room, ready to change clothes.

Looking at the priestess costume hanging in the closet, she picked up another set of regular uniforms next to it, which was also red and white, and the color tone was similar to the priestess costume.

Even though she doesn't like being a shrine maiden very much, she still likes the combination of red and white.

After changing clothes and coming out, there was no one in the next room, and my sister also went downstairs.

Yuzi went downstairs, and her parents were still busy with their own work, so they had no time to take care of her for the time being.

"Kyoko, help Yuzi comb her hair."

"it is good."

The elder sister took her to the bathroom, facing the mirror, the two sisters looked at each other and smiled.

"Sister, I want to change to a more mature hairstyle."

Jingzi picked up the comb and brushed her sister's long hair to the end, "What kind of hairstyle is considered mature."

"Hmm..." Yuzi thought for a while, "I don't know, it would be nice to be as mature as my sister."

Jingzi smiled, the hairstyles of the two sisters were not much different, they both wore long hair, "Isn't that the same as before?"

"But my sister looks very mature."

"It shows that maturity is not determined by hairstyle."

Yuzi turned to look at her, "Then what decides?"

"It's very complicated." Jingzi continued to sort out, "Although maturity is not necessarily related to age, Yuzi's age is still a time when maturity has nothing to do with it. Deliberately pursuing maturity is the biggest immaturity."


"Why does Yuzi suddenly want to become mature?" Jingzi asked again.

Yuzi said: "Because my mother said that the people who will participate in the camping activities together in the next few days will be famous people, let me behave a little more mature then."

Jingzi was silent for a while, leaned down slightly, and said in her sister's ear: "Mom just doesn't want Yuzi to do something too rude, as long as you do as usual."

As the hot air blew, Yuzi shrank her neck and smiled at her sister in the mirror: "Is it the way she is in front of her, or is she not in front of her?"


Jingzi also smiled, and continued to comb her hair.

"Yuzi thinks so."


After combing my hair, I went outside, my mother was preparing breakfast, and my father hadn't finished calling.

After a while, the family finished their breakfast together, and then it was time for departure.

The change of clothes and the things needed for camping have been packed into the trunk, and the car is driven to the door with the windows down.

"Kyoko." Sugawara Takayuki looked at the eldest daughter who stayed at home, "The shrine and family will be handed over to you these few days."

Jingzi lowered her head slightly, "Yes, father."

"What's up, you decide for yourself."

"I understand."

The mother next to her moved to the car window: "Take care of yourself."


The window of the front seat was raised, and the window of the rear seat was lowered. Yuzi poked her head: "Sister, we are leaving."

Jingzi smiled, "Be careful on the road."

Watching the car go away, Jingzi turned and went back home.After cleaning up the mess on the dining table, he went out.

Although it was later than usual, it was still early, and the shrine halfway up the mountain was empty.

Opening the doors of the three main halls one by one, opening the shrine to welcome the worshipers, Kyoko took a broom to clean up the conspicuous garbage in the atrium, and then returned to the shrine office, waiting for the arrival of the worshipers and colleagues.


Letting out a long breath, she looked up at the sky.

The sky was so blue that not a single cloud could be seen from the shrine surrounded by pine trees.There was a heavy rain yesterday, and it passed overnight without leaving a trace. Today is a sunny day.

She liked the brief silence of the moment.

Kyoko Sugawara: Good morning.

The sent message quickly became read, followed by a reply.

Student Fangming: Good morning.

Kyoko looked up at the direction of the stairs, but still no worshipers came, so she lowered her head to reply to the message.

Kyoko Sugawara: Have you seen the sunrise?

Instead of replying, he called directly.

Kyoko hesitated for a moment, but still answered the phone.

Don't let anyone come here at this time...

"Good morning."

"Well... good morning, Fang Ming."

Getting up and locking the door, Soya lay back on the quilt, "I got up at four o'clock and went down the mountain around six o'clock. I have already watched the sunrise and came back."

Kyoko nodded, then realized he couldn't see, and responded again.

"What does it feel like."

"I don't have any special feelings... If I have to say it, I am very happy to be able to see the sunrise alive. After all, the sun does not rise and the moon sets in Huangquan."

Soya paused, "Thinking about it this way, I feel a little more touched: it's good to be alive, it's great to be able to live in the same world and the same era as Kyoko."

Jingzi smiled, stepped back and leaned against the doorpost, "I think so too."

"Where is Kyoko, has Yuko gone out yet?" Zongya continued to ask.

"Well, it's not long since Yuzi and her parents set off."

"Then Kyoko is in the shrine now?"


He looked at the ceiling, "Is it okay?"

Jingzi understood what he meant, "It's one is there now."

"No one?"

Raising her eyes, she scanned the silent shrine in the morning light, "There is no one there."

"Are you lonely?" he asked.

"will not."



There was no one around, she still squatted down, as if she wanted to hide herself in the crowd, and when she spoke again, her voice was so soft that only he and herself could hear.

"I want to see you."

Soya turned over, put the phone in front of his eyes, and touched the tip of his nose: "I also want to see Kyoko."

"Hmm..." Kyoko looked down at the white shoes, "Is Fang Ming coming back tomorrow?"

"Well. If there are no accidents, I will be back tomorrow afternoon."

"Want to see me?"

"of course."


She hesitated a little, and she could clearly feel the heat on her face between the ups and downs of her thoughts.

Soya heard her hesitation, "Kyoko?"

After another ten seconds, she finally said, "Let's talk about it when Fang Ming comes over tomorrow."


She had her own plans, and Soya didn't ask too much, but she was looking forward to the meeting tomorrow.

"Student Fang Ming is resting now?"

"Just laying down."

He listened to the vague conversation in the next room, so he lowered his voice again, "For an idler like me, getting up too early will make him at a loss."

Jingzi smiled, "It's only temporary."

"Compared to Jingzi, one day is too much."

She lowered her head and touched the upper, "Who made me a child of the Shinto family."

"Is this a complaint?"


"Does Kyoko know what a complaint is?"

"'Fang Ming went out with other girls again', is that true?"


Zong Gu pursed his lower lip and said after a long time: "Almost."




"Hmm... how's the weather on Kyoko's side?"

Jingzi smiled, took another deep breath, and stood up: "The weather is fine."

Just as Soya was about to say something, her speech speed suddenly became much faster: "Ah...someone has come to pay homage. Student Fangming, I...I'm going to hang up the phone."

"Yeah." He was taken aback for a moment, but responded quickly, "Bye."


After hanging up the phone, Kyoko first looked down at the clothes on her body, and found that they were not messy, before facing the middle-aged woman who had climbed the long steps.

"Welcome to Fuyun Shrine, Ms. Sanae."

"Good morning, Kyoko."

Today's first worshiper is a nearby resident who often comes here.Visiting and praying, asking for a lottery, seeing that there was no one in the shrine, she took Kyoko to let her explain the content of the sign, and then left with half joy and half worry.

While Kyoko was unwrapping the lottery, several other maidens also came to the shrine together in Noma Minami's car. Hasegawa spent the night there, and Hanai and Kobayashi were too lazy to climb the mountain, so they specially stayed at the foot of the mountain. After waiting in the coffee shop for a while, I took a ride up.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, Kyoko..."

Early in the morning, Noma Minami didn't seem to be in a good mood. As soon as he came, he went straight to the social affairs office, ready to go in and be lazy.

"By the way." She stopped before going in, "Miyaji Sugawara has already gone out today."

"Yes." Kyoko nodded.

Noma Minami smiled slightly, "Then I'll take a rest first, is it okay, Acting Palace Secretary?"


It was useless to object, Kyoko simply didn't say anything.

Hasegawa followed in, Hanai and Kobayashi came over and said a few words to her, and went to their respective places when the next worshiper came to the shrine.

Jingzi looked at the sky and then at the phone, but there was no new news for the time being.

Putting down the phone, Soya stared at the ceiling for a while, trying to brew sleep.It's just that he couldn't fall asleep until the sun was high.

Listening to the movement outside, after nine o'clock, Akane Kirino seemed to go out alone.At ten o'clock, there was a little movement downstairs, and then the movement became louder and louder, reaching the second floor, and stopped in front of his room.

"Soya, are you awake?"

He sat up, "Come in."

"Hmm... um? Can't open it."

Only then did he remember that he had locked the door behind him.

Standing up to open the door, Akane Kirino stood outside with her hands behind her back, wearing a white dress, and smiled at him.

"How about it?"


"Of course it's the dress."

"Yes, it suits you quite well."

Zongya looked at it twice, but he hadn't seen her wear it before, "Is it new?"


Akane Kirino walked in, glanced at the sliding door, "What are you doing locking the door?"

"I'm afraid you'll harass me."

Lifting his foot to avoid her attack, Zongu turned around, and just about to say something, he suddenly yawned.


The sleepiness came at an inopportune time.

"Hasn't Soya gotten enough sleep yet?"

"I didn't fall asleep before." He lay down, "Did you go out just now?"

"you saw it?"

"I heard you use the bike in the backyard."

Holding the hem of her skirt, Akane Kirino sat down beside her, "Guess where I went."

Zong Gu glanced at her, "If I guess, you can go back to the room and let me sleep for a while."

Akane Kirino was startled, and then agreed, "Okay."

"I found the place where crucian carp migrated yesterday."


She stretched her foot over and stepped on his waist, "Sogu heard me talking to Hongzi, right?"

"No, I guessed it. I heard that you were in a hurry when you went out, which means that you are not wandering aimlessly; you need to use a bicycle, which means that the place you want to go is some distance... Well, we haven't been anywhere , I guessed it as soon as I guessed it."

Akane Kirino pursed her lips, her feet didn't move away, her toes were bent, trying to pinch the soft flesh around his waist through the clothes.

Sogu dodged to the side and distracted her, "Did you see anything over there?"

Sure enough, she stopped, but looked a little depressed.

"I didn't see anything. I can't even see a crucian carp over there. It's a waste of time."

"After all, it only rained once, and the water level has dropped by now."


Kirino Akane straightened her legs, and continued to tell him what she had seen and heard since she went there.

"The water level has become lower, and it can only slightly submerge the cement culvert, and the water flow has also become much smaller. The canal underneath is even shallower..." She pulled up the hem of her skirt and gestured with her calf, "It's so deep... No, it's almost here."

"You went down?" Sogu glanced at her legs, they were smooth and fair, and nothing else could be seen.

"No." She smiled at him, "I feel that the gap will not be too big."

Zong Gu expressed his belief and said, "Maybe it's because the water is too shallow, so the crucian carp won't swim there."


Akane Kirino nodded, and then the main point: "By the way, the bridge Soya built for the crucian carp, the stones and planks are gone!"

"It should have been demolished by some kind-hearted person."

"'Good-hearted man'?" Kirino Akane thought he was talking ironically.

"With such a big stone, if the water flow is always strong, it will have no effect. Once the water flow becomes smaller, it will stop the garbage and block the drain." Zongya explained.

Akane Kirino didn't think about this aspect at all, she thought for a while before letting out a long breath.

"There are so many things to consider..."



"Then go back and call me when you eat."

She snorted softly, did not violate what she had just promised, got up and left his room.

Although sleepy, Sogu still couldn't fall asleep after she left.When it was time for lunch, Akane Kirino and Hongzi came over and told him to go down.

"It feels like the more Soya sleeps, the less energetic he becomes."

There was a creaking sound when the floor was stepped on, Sogu turned his head to look at the hand on his shoulder.

"Actually, I wasn't very sleepy, I shouldn't have slept."

"I'm sorry."

He didn't answer, but turned to look at Hongzi on the other side, "Have you slept till now?"

She held down her half-yawned yawn and looked over, "Can't you?"

"No, I'm envious."

No wonder they didn't come over to harass him all morning.

The lunch prepared by Grandma Hongzi was still hearty.Perhaps because Akane Kirino accidentally blurted out "I want to eat more meat" at lunch yesterday, there is an extra shabu-shabu on the table today, with a large plate of beef next to it.

"Um... don't want to go home..."

Stuffing the cooked meat slices into her mouth, Akane Kirino was so satisfied that she almost shed tears.

"You should eat some vegetables, too."

"Got it."

The beef was cut into large slices, Zong Gu waited for a while, felt that it was almost hot, then picked up the meat slices, put another slice of lettuce in his mouth, and couldn't stop being satisfied.

The drink is iced plum juice, sweet and sour, very delicious and appetizing.

After eating and drinking enough, Soya only felt that it was difficult to get up, Kirino Akane and Hongzi also sat slumped on the chairs, not wanting to move.

"Such a big plate of meat, I've eaten all of it..."

Only Zhao Wuling stopped eating almost, and at this time was drinking a half cup of plum juice left, his eyes swept over the faces of the three of them one by one.

After resting for a while, Soya got up to help grandma clean up the dining table.The two girls also said they wanted to help, but they didn't move for a long time.

"Oops, I can't stand up..."

"Me too... I'm so supportive."

Let them go to the living room to rest, Soya finished cleaning the table, and then went to the kitchen to help wash the dishes.

"Souya-kun go rest too."

"It's ok."

Grandma smiled slightly, and did not refuse his help again.

After washing a few dishes, Soya picked up the chopsticks that had soaked for a long time, and scrubbed them under the faucet.

"Mr. Soya."

"Grandma?" He turned the water down a little.

The old man wiped the plate in his hand slowly, but the words in his mouth could not be more direct: "Does Zongya like Hongzi?"


Soya paused for a moment, without hesitating too long, "I like it."

Grandma put down the plate with her normal expression, "Hongzi also likes Sogu-kun, do you know that?"

"I know."

"But Soya-kun seems to have rejected Hongzi."



"Because I have a girl I like more." Soya said.

Grandma nodded, and asked after a while, "Has this matter been communicated to Hongzi?"

"I think that couldn't have been communicated more clearly."

She pondered for a moment, then picked up another plate, "Is the girl Zongya likes Xiaoqian, or Xiaoling?"


Soya was a little embarrassed, "No, it's another girl...she didn't come."

Grandma couldn't help looking at him a few more times, but in the end she just shook her head.

"It's really 'youth'..."

After washing all the dishes, Soya helped put them into the cupboard, and grandma sat at the dining table beside her.

"Thank you. It was a great help, Soya-kun."

"No, where..."

"Mr. Soya go to rest. There is still a little finishing work, let Hongzi do it, please call her over."

Zongya was startled, then understood, "Okay."

Back in the living room, Akane Kirino and Hongzi sat in front of the electric fan, holding the remote control to Wuling, and changed another TV program when he came over.

"Hongzi, grandma asked you to wash the dishes."

"Hey... haven't you finished washing?"

Hongzi was stunned, but got up and went over.

When they came to the kitchen, grandma was more direct than before: "Can't Hongzi give up on Sogu-kun?"


Hongzi was taken aback again, then became firm: "No."

"It will hurt."

"It's already hurting."

(End of this chapter)

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