Chapter 330

The morning sun is gradually rising, swaying the still immature sunshine, which is not so hot as to make people feel warm, but rather warm.

Standing at the entrance of the Children's Welfare Institute for a while, Soya was about to say something to Chao Wuling when a figure suddenly walked out, a middle-aged woman with long hair.

The two looked over together, although they were a little older than two years ago, Soya recognized each other immediately, and his lips moved.

"Teacher Dan Sheng..."

She also recognized the two children at the door, and she walked faster and faster, and even started to trot.

"Fangming! Bell!"

She hugged Sogu, and after letting go, she looked left and right at him, and held his arm tightly, unwilling to move her gaze away for a second.

"where have you been!"


Dansheng Saeko, like the former Tachibana Tenko, is also one of the life teachers of Aoba Children's Welfare Institute. In her 40s, she is not as young and beautiful as Tianzi Ju, but she is the second mother in the hearts of many children in the orphanage.

I haven't seen him for more than two years, she seems to have collapsed, and she has to raise her head when looking at him.

Sogu understood that it was because he grew up too fast.

"Sorry, teacher..."

He took a step forward and hugged her for a moment before letting go.

"I am back."

Saeko Dansheng stared at him for a while, and then looked at Zhao Wuling beside him.

"Ling, you're back too."


"Did Ling find Fang Ming?"

She looked at Zong Gu, took his hand, then nodded, "Yes."

"Great...I never thought I'd see you two again."

Saeko Dansheng patted her head, then took their hands, "Let's talk first."

Walking into the main building of the Children's Welfare Institute, Soya looked around, and everything in front of him seemed to have not changed, but everything was different from before.

When passing through the hall, the three met several children who looked less than ten years old.

"Teacher Dan Sheng—"

The young children greeted Saeko Dansheng, and then looked at him and Zhao Wuling without moving, with indifference or curiosity on their faces, faces Soya had never seen before.

It should be the child who was sent here in the past two years, he thought.

Walking through the hall, he brought the two of them to his office. When Saeko Dansheng spoke again, the person who asked was still Soya.

"Where did Fang Ming go in the past two years? You suddenly disappeared, and even when you contacted your relatives, they said they didn't know about it. Everyone thought you were kidnapped."

She is just an ordinary person, Zong Gu didn't want to add troubles to her, so he didn't mention Huang Quan and the other world related to it.

On the way here, he had already made up a set of rhetoric.

"I was taken over by my father's former friend and lived in Kinki. Because I left in a hurry, I didn't have time to tell everyone."

"Kinki... Yoshiaki's father's friend." Saeko Dansheng didn't have too many doubts, only complaining that he shouldn't have left without saying a word.

"Uncle said that he will handle the affairs of the orphanage and relatives, so I don't have to worry about it..."

"—So Fang Ming didn't even say hello? Someone is willing to give Fang Ming a home, and the teacher is also very happy, but at least let me know about it." Saeko Dansheng still misses him without saying goodbye.

"I'm really sorry……"

"After Fang Ming disappeared, everyone was very worried. The teachers in the orphanage looked for you like crazy. Whenever they had time, they went to the station to distribute leaflets, trying to find your whereabouts. Because Fang Ming disappeared so suddenly. "


It was originally made up, and Soya didn't refute a word.

Looking at Zhao Wuling who was at the side, Saeko Dansheng added: "Before Ling left the orphanage, she was also crying for Fang Ming all day long."


He was really surprised at this point.

Looking at Chao Wuling, she didn't say anything, didn't look at him, and pretended she didn't hear.

"Is Ling still living with Miss Tachibana?" Saeko Dansheng asked.

"It was before." Zhao Wuling glanced at Soya, "Later, I met Ming in Kyoto, and now I live with him."

" are still the same as before, inseparable, always together wherever you go."

Saeko Dansheng looked at the two of them, and suddenly asked, "Is Fang Ming planning to marry Ling?"

"...Teacher, it's too early to say this now."

She didn't refute, but nodded along with his meaning:
"That's right. Although I believe in Fang Ming and I also believe in Suzu, getting married is a very important matter and must be carefully considered. Many of our children here were thrown over by irresponsible parents who married hastily. "

"You mean..."

After Saeko Dansheng finished feeling, she casually asked some other things that she cared about.

"By the way, Fang Ming is 17 years old this year? Is he still in school?"

"Yes. I go to a high school next to Lake Biwa, and Suzu is with me."

"Lake Biwa, what a good place... Where is Ms. Tachibana, what is she doing now? It's really rare for someone as young as her to become a teacher in an orphanage. When I first came here, I thought she wouldn't last long. I didn’t expect to work for more than ten years.”

"Teacher Tachibana's words... in retirement..."


"No...she is now living in Kyoto, and I don't know exactly what she is doing."

Saeko Dansheng didn't have much free time. After chatting for a few words, she was called out by a child. It seemed that the children who were playing around in the lobby started a fight.

She let the two of them do whatever they want, they can stay in the office, or wander around in the orphanage.

Soya expressed that he would like to sit in the office for a while.

"Is what the teacher just said true?"

Chao Wuling squatted down in front of a pot of green plants, reaching out to touch the broad leaves, "What."

"The thing about Bell crying for me."

She didn't look back, "Yeah."

Soya looked at her profile, "I haven't seen Suzu cry before."

She looked over, "Do you want to see it?"

"I don't want to." Soya shook his head, "If possible, I hope that Ling will never cry."

Chao Wuling turned around again, and nodded after a long while.


Not long after, there was a rush of footsteps outside the office.

"Fang Ming!"

Another familiar welfare home teacher came over.

Soya stood up and smiled, "Mr. Kamorida, long time no see."

He waited here to say hello to the staff of the orphanage who had taken care of him.

"I heard that Fangming is back?!"

"Fang Ming and Ling are back?"

The two stayed in the office for more than half an hour and met many familiar people.After repeating the same reason for disappearance over and over again, Soya himself almost believed it.

"Currently, I live in Lake City in Shiga..."

"My father's friend is named Kirino, and he runs an izakaya. I usually go there to help out occasionally."

"Ms. Tachibana's recent situation? I don't know too well..."

In addition to the staff of the orphanage, some children also came to say hello to them when they heard that Soya and Chao Wuling had returned.

After the age of 16, if you fail to enter a public high school, you have to leave the orphanage and work for a living by yourself, so now there are not many people of the same age left, all of whom are girls.

"What's high school like in Kinki?"

"Kinki is in Kyoto, right? I haven't been to Kyoto yet. It would be great if I could go to Kyoto for my school trip. I want to visit Kiyomizu it too far away?"

"Fang Ming and Ling still live together? Have they dated? Are they going to get married in the future?"

While chatting, the former companion led the two of them around the children's welfare home.

"Nothing has changed here."

"Not much has changed. But everyone has changed."

"That's natural. I'm not an old man. I also think Fang Ming is taller and more handsome than before. Only Suzu doesn't seem to have changed at all. She still has a small body and small breasts... ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. "

Soya first went to the room where he and Asagiri had lived.

After Soya disappeared and Asagiri left the orphanage, the room was reassigned, and now one of the accompanying girls lives in it.

Except for the removal of a bed, the appearance of the room has not changed much, and there is even a sticker he left behind the door.

"Fang Ming's things haven't been touched much, most of them are still in the room, do you want to take them away?"

"My stuff?"

She dragged out a familiar box from under the bed, "Such as clothes and books, they are all here."

He didn't have much in those poor days.

Soya knelt down to browse for a while, then shook his head, "No need. If you think it takes up space, just throw it away."

"Then let's keep it here."

Another girl next to her chuckled, "Bow must use Fang Ming's clothes as a side dish."

"Don't talk nonsense! ... Do you want one?"


"I said you..."

Sogu turned his head and paused.

A few children who had never seen him poked their heads at the door, avoiding his gaze, and whispered to the familiar sister, who were the high school student brother and junior high school student sister.

"They are also children who came out of the orphanage, and now they are back to visit everyone."

"Visiting... No gift?"

"Hey, Sata, you're too ignorant."

Zong Gu was stunned for a moment.

He didn't prepare any gifts, because he didn't think of himself as someone who came back from outside.

But he is already a person who came back from outside.

"Sorry, I forgot."

Zongya smiled at those children, then looked at his companions, "I want to go to the mall to buy some gifts, so please help me get some."

"Is there any share for us?"

"of course."

"Let's go then."

After saying hello to the teacher, they left the children's welfare home and walked towards the station.

"Do you want to buy it at the Central Station? Speaking of which, today is the last day of the Qixi Festival, so it must be very lively there." One of the girls said.

"That's too far away." Another girl shook her head, "We're not going shopping. The teacher just said that we have to go back before noon."

"What's the matter? Fang Ming is here, the teacher will definitely not be angry."

"It is."

"Don't always use me as a shield..."

"Who made the teachers like Fang Ming the most?"

That being said, they didn't go very far either.

After taking a tram stop to the nearest shopping mall, Soya temporarily separated from the girls to pick out gifts for boys, while Zhao Wuling was dragged by them to pick out gifts for girls.

"No matter what age boys are, they probably can't refuse mechas..."

Soya wandered around the toy section, picking among a bunch of mecha toys.

Whether he likes it or not, in the children's welfare home, children's toys are in circulation, and he tries to choose toys that are not the same as possible.

The models and mechs in the cart piled up more and more, and Soya still felt that it was not enough, so he went through one row of shelves and got into another row of shelves.


He stopped, looked at the saleswoman in the mall who suddenly spoke, and was also taken aback for a moment.


"It really is Fangming..."

She smiled, and immediately walked closer, "It's really you, haven't you been kidnapped? Why have you been missing for so long?"

"It's a long story..."

Soya kept his story short, skillfully repeating what he had said countless times.

"So it is."

Nana nodded slowly, and complained, "I liked Fangming at the time, but you disappeared suddenly, and there was no news at all. I was so sad that I didn't come out for half a year."

Soya just smiled, "Sorry."

"I saw Hitomi and the others just now. Did you come here with Fangming?"

"Well, I want to buy some gifts for everyone in the orphanage. They are here to help."


"Is Nana working in a mall now?"

"Yes." Nana shrugged, "Who made me fail the county high school? I moved out of the orphanage last year, and now I live with Qianhui. By the way, our apartment is nearby. Come and sit down?"

Soya smiled, "Next time."


The two chatted for a few more words, and when they saw a middle-aged man who looked like a supervisor paying attention, Soya reminded him in a low voice, and Nana didn't chat with him any further.

"Do not bother you……"

Soya pushed the shopping cart and continued to move forward.

"Who was that handsome guy just now?"

Nana turned her head, and a female colleague came over at some point.She bent down and pretended to be arranging the shelves, but her eyes were fixed on Soya who was picking out toys.


"Ordinary friends?"

"Before living in the same orphanage for children."

"Really, I really can't tell..."

"Of course I can't see it." Nana shook her hair, "He is the lucky one who was adopted, and he is also very good, but I am just an idiot who was not adopted and couldn't get into high school. We are people from two worlds. "

The female colleague looked at her, and said after a while: "However, you seem to have a good chat."

"It just looks like that. He treats everyone like that."

Nana walked to the shelf on the other side.

"When I was in the orphanage, any girl could have an affair with him, but no one could get closer to him...except that loli who didn't grow up."


The female colleague didn't know why, and Nana had disappeared between the shelves.

After looking at Soya who was still bending over to pick out toys, she returned to her work area.

Several girls walked towards each other, talking and laughing, pushing a shopping cart full of various dolls. The leader was a small girl who looked like a junior high school student.

"Hmm... loli?"

He glanced at Wuling at her.


Zongya raised his head, and several people came over pushing the cart.

"By the way, have we bought too much... These should cost a lot of money."

"Money is not a problem." Sogu looked at the two almost full carts, "I'm afraid there are too many to carry."

Putting the last toy in the cart, he said, "Let's take a taxi back."

After paying the bill and leaving the mall, Soya picked up the two heaviest bags, and several girls took turns carrying the smaller bags.

He hailed two taxis, and for the convenience of checkout, Soya and Asagiri took one each, and put the presents in the trunk.

Before driving far, Soya suddenly signaled the driver to stop by the side of the road for a while.

"Please wait."

The car stopped on the side of the road, he got out of the car, and got into a bookstore on the side of the road.

The two girls who were riding with him watched from the car, "What else should Fangming buy? Books?"

"Comics, boys like to read that kind of stuff. A comic can make them quiet for at least half an hour."

After a while, Soya came out with two bags.

"Wow...that's how much I bought."

"There are dozens of books at least."

"Could it be that Fang Ming's adoptive father is actually a rich man?"

"Fang Ming said he earned the money himself."

"I want to go with Fang Ming."

"What did you say suddenly... Actually, I also want to."

Putting the manga into the trunk, Soya returned to the passenger seat and sat down, looking back at the two of them.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Can Yoshiaki take us to Kinki?"


"Look, I'm laughing at Yoko's whimsy."

"I'm smiling at Hitomi too."

Soya also smiled, and turned back.

The other taxi didn't stop to wait, so when they returned to the orphanage, Chao Wuling and the others had already gone in with their things.

After moving the toys and manga down, Soya asked the two girls to wait at the door and carried them by himself.

Looking at his back, Yoko sighed, "I really like Fang Ming."

Hitomi didn't speak, but nodded.

"But only until you like it."

"Hey, I want to marry Fang Ming and have children, and we will grow old together."

Yoko glanced at Hitomi, "Really?"

"Just kidding."


Hitomi bent down and picked up the bag containing the manga, but found it was too heavy, so she put it down again.

"The guy has matured a little bit more and feels more attractive...but in some ways he's grown a lot."

Yoko continued: "I'm used to being ambiguous, and I never show my sincerity. I wonder if he really likes girls... He and Ling don't feel much like a couple, it's still the same as before."

"Even if I can associate with Fangming, I won't feel safe."

"I really want to see what he looks like when he really likes someone..."

After a while, Soya put down his things and came out, followed by several children.

"Wow... Ming Sa Tai didn't dare to talk to Fang Ming just now."

"Corrupted by money."

"Corrupted... Fang Ming!"

Soya looked over, "What?"

"Even me corroded together!"

"...What are you talking about?"

 [Q: Which is more difficult to write about battles or write about daily life? 】

  [A: Codewords are more difficult. 】

(End of this chapter)

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