Kyoto Shenyin Love Story

Chapter 358 Heartache

Chapter 358 Heartache
Kirino Akane had never experienced such a real dream.

The cause is unknown, but when she came to her senses, she was already fighting with Soya against the demons gushing out of the underworld.

She didn't have any experience in dealing with spirit bodies, but she was dancing like a fish in water while dancing with a long and thin branch. No matter how nimble and cunning the spirit body was, she couldn't get close to it. Instead, she scattered and fled.

Hong Zi, who didn't know when to appear, kept clapping and applauding from the sidelines.

And Soya, who was holding a black samurai sword, was a little stronger than her—although she didn't know exactly what he was, but she just thought he was stronger.

The two teamed up to sweep away all the demons and goblins around, Zong Gu went back with her on his back, but Hong Zi disappeared again at some point.

Back at the old house, the two lay on the edge to rest.

Driven by an inexplicable impulse, she suddenly wanted to kiss him, and she crawled on top of him.

"Aren't we friends?" he asked.

"Can't friends kiss?" she kissed.

Obviously they were still on the edge just now, the two of them rolled around on the floor and arrived at his room.

"Why did Kirino do this kind of thing with me?" Soya asked, but his actions were much more active, and he was counting her heartbeats with his big hands.

"You're so dull," she said.

"Does Tongye like me?" He asked.

"Is this what you like?" She asked back.

Zong Gu suddenly stopped what he was doing: "Whether you like it or not, you will know the answer in the future."

Although the movements were rusty, they were more comfortable than when she touched them herself. She wanted him to continue, but his hand just stayed on his heart, without any more movements.


She called, but he sat up.

"I should go find Kyoko."

"Eh... no!"

Kirino Akane yelled, reaching out her hand to keep him.


Soya vanished into thin air and turned into a ceiling.


She froze for a while, and then realized that she was still raising her arms, as if trying to grab something.

Putting down her arms, Akane Kirino lay still for half a minute.

This dream is too real...

She turned her head and took a look, but found that there was no bedding beside her, and then looked to the other side, and she realized that she was lying on Soya's bedding, and he was no longer in the room.

Stretching and curling up, she pulled up the thin quilt on her body, smelling the residual smell on it.

"Hmm... Strange dream."

Recalling the scene in the dream, she raised her hand to touch her heart again, but she couldn't find the feeling in the dream again.


She suddenly felt a vague sense of restraint in her upper body.

Lifting the quilt and sitting up, she looked down and found that the button of the pajamas was wrongly buttoned.

"Did you make a mistake last night..."

Untiing the pajamas and re-tying them, Akane Kirino looked at the time again, it was neither too early nor too late.

Unbuttoning her pajamas again, she changed her clothes, got up and went downstairs, and saw Soya staring at the cooking pot in a daze in the kitchen.

She didn't make a sound, but as soon as she got closer, he turned around.

"Ah, the 'feeling' is here..."

Their spiritual powers touched together.

"Good morning."

Zonggu looked at her, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, not sure how much she knew about what happened in his sleep.

Waking up to find her sleeping in his arms with his hands stuck in her underwear, he immediately realized that he fell asleep last night before driving her back.

Temporary lust will almost cause irreversible consequences, but fortunately she has not woken up.

Cleaning up the mess in a hurry, even if he found that he had fastened the wrong button of his pajamas, he didn't dare to take the risk of unbuttoning it, so he came down quickly.

"Good morning……"

The dream in the morning is still clearly reflected in the mind, Kirino Akane is also a little unnatural at this time.

Soya turned around again, "Breakfast is almost ready, let's go wash up."


After staring at his back for a few moments, Akane Kirino went to wash up.


Turning on the faucet, she took a small handful of water with her hand and patted it on her face first.

Pop, pop!

After washing up and returning to the kitchen, Akane Kirino reminded herself that dreams are just dreams and not to be confused with reality. When she walked into the kitchen, she realized that there were more people inside.

"Bell... good morning."

He turned to Wuling and glanced at her, then nodded.

"Good morning."

Originally, she wanted to talk to Soya about her dream in a circumstantial way, but now she swallowed it all.

"What's for breakfast?"

"That's all, come and see for yourself."

Akane Kirino walked over, only glanced at the pot, and then her eyes fell on his face again.

Soya was normal, just the way he was.

What's not normal is her.

Akane Kirino reminded herself again not to confuse dreams and reality.

After all, when I was in elementary school, it happened that I became good friends with a classmate I had never spoken to in my dream, and when I greeted her at school, the other party looked inexplicable.

Soya also looked over, "Are you not satisfied?"

"No no...that's fine."

Akane Kirino went back to the dining table and sat down, looking at his back thoughtfully.

Sitting opposite, Zhao Wuling looked at her calmly for a while, and when she looked away again, her gaze became a little deeper.

If you don't realize it until this kind of time, it's better not to understand it all your life...

After a while, breakfast was ready.

Not long after breakfast, Hongzi also came here.

The summer vacation homework has been finished, the four of them have nothing to do in the morning, watching TV in the living room to pass the time;
In the afternoon, Soya still went to the shrine.

Because of Hongzi's presence, Akane Kirino reluctantly agreed to stay at home.

"Hongzi and I may come over anytime."

"Let's go with you."

When Zong Gu went out, she suddenly realized that what she said just now was a bit of a warning.

"Are we really going there?" she asked Hongzi.

Hongzi just said to follow her.

On the other side, Soya came to Fuyun Shrine alone, accompanied by several witches, and repeated yesterday's story.

When the shadow of the sun moved to the west, Kyoko brought Noma Minami and the others to the courtyard of the shrine and rehearsed the ceremony.

Compared with yesterday, Miko has become more skilled.

Kyoko was meticulous and extremely demanding. After several rounds of "teaching", even the lazy Noma Minami's face became a bit more solemn.

"Rare? What are you talking about, I'm a professional shrine maiden."

"Miss Noma usually shows a professional attitude."

"Let me tell you the first rule of survival in the workplace: don't always show a serious look, then you won't get much appreciation at all, you will only get a steady stream of jobs. Only when you show your hand at the critical time will you ...Hey, are you listening?"

"Listen next time."

In the evening, when the company was about to close, Minami Noma remembered another thing.

"Soya has been resting for two days, too."

"Well, it's the same as Miss Noma."

"You're not like us—it's time to go see if there's any new arrangements today."

"I see."

No matter how many days the Soul Sacrifice will last, the priestesses of Fuyun Shrine will have no other arrangements, they just need to concentrate on rehearsing the ceremony, and he is not included in this scope.

So after going down the mountain, when passing by the agency station at the station, Nante Noma stopped for a while and asked him to get off the car to ask about his work arrangement for tomorrow.

"Fuyun Shrine in Yasu Town, Yoshiaki Soya."

"Please wait."

After a while, the miko in the window handed over a document and handed it to him.


Back in the car, Minami Noma saw that his expression was not right, so he asked, "Why, did the organization let Soya dance with us?"


He handed the document to Jingzi in the back row, "The new arrangement is for me to go to Kyoto to stand by."

The witches in the car were all taken aback.

"Eh, why?"

Noma Minami was well-informed and surprised the most, "It's impossible for Soya, an unknown person who just debuted, to be selected?"

Soya shook his head, "I don't understand either."

"It can't be because you were too capable when you were on duty a few days ago, and you were noticed by the higher-ups, right?"

"Hard to say."

"The time is tomorrow night." Jingzi looked at the schedule on the document, "Is it only one night?"

"Are the psychic beings on standby in Kyoto rotated every day?"

Noma Minami glanced back, "Still, the people above think that the Soul Sacrifice will end tomorrow night."

The few people in the car had no relevant experience, so they could only shake their heads and say they didn't know.

"Forget it, let's go eat first. When I get there later, I'll ask someone I know." Minami Noma restarted the car and drove towards the destination.

We had dinner together not too far away, after the end, Soya and Kyoko chose to walk back instead of getting in the car.

After walking for a while, Jingzi said, "Tomorrow night, I can go to Kyoto to accompany Fang Ming."

Soya hesitated, "It may be dangerous."

"There are too many spirit bodies over there, and the situation after the mutation is even more unpredictable. I don't have the confidence to protect myself and Jingzi at the same time."

"I'm also a psychic, so I don't need Fang Ming's protection."

She paused, "I will never be more vulnerable than ordinary citizens in Kyoto."

"of course not."

Soya also stopped, and smiled at her, "Kyoko is my true love, and I don't want you to take risks for nothing."


Jingzi blushed slightly, and looked at him: "I cherish myself as much as I do Fang Ming, and I will never let myself be in danger."

"Don't say you're in danger..."

Soya let out a breath like a sigh, "My heart aches when Kyoko loses a single hair."

She raised her white wrist, stroked her long hair, and then showed him.


Obviously she didn't see the pulling action, but there were several strands of hair lying in the palm of her hand.

"Long hair is like this, it falls very casually..."

As she spoke, she picked up the hair again and wrapped it around his fingers.

"Look, I'm losing my hair."

Sogu covered his heart, "It hurts."

Kyoko laughed, but her eyes were still fixed on him.


Since she insisted, Soya had nothing else to say, took her hand and continued walking forward.

"Then let's go to Kyoto together."


Walking in the night, the two stopped and stopped, and it took almost an hour to arrive at Sugawara's house.

Sugawara and his wife went out to socialize and took Yuzi away.

"Student Fangming, would you like to come in and sit for a while?"


After drinking a few sips of water, the two sat on the sofa and rolled together after a while.


Jingzi tensed her body, and after a while, she let out all her strength and collapsed.


Looking at the wet fingers he picked up from under the scarlet hakama, she bit her lip and looked away.

Zong Gu leaned forward and continued to kiss behind her ear and on her neck.


"Hmm... there's a strange feeling..."

The witch's clothes were half opened and half closed, and his hand fell on her heart again, his fingertips twirled and outlined back and forth.

"Kyoko's heart is beating so fast."


She kissed him again.

In order to avoid leaving a smell in the living room, the two went upstairs again.

"is that so……"

Kyoko looked up at him, her lips parted.


Zongya took a deep breath, exhaled heavily, and soon lost the ability to think.

Get drunk and get carried away.

After another half an hour, Soya left Sugawara's house.

"See you tomorrow."


Jingzi had already changed her clothes, leaning against the door frame, her legs were still a little weak, "See you tomorrow."

After kissing her goodbye, Soya returned to Kirino's old house, and it was almost ten o'clock at night.

Hongzi has gone home, Tong Yeqian is waiting for him in the living room.

"Soya came back so late."

Jingzi smelled all over his body, he stood at the door of the living room without going over, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Of course I ate... what time is it?"

"You prepared it yourself?"

"of course."

"That's good." He turned and left, "I'll take a shower first."

"Ah good……"

Akane Kirino was stunned for a while, and suddenly felt fooled.


As soon as Soya closed his eyes while soaking in the bathtub, the scene when he was intimate with Kyoko was in his mind.

If they hadn't prepared beforehand, they would probably have done it to the last step.But even so, they still used other ways to bring great satisfaction to each other.


Looking down, he realized that he wasn't completely satisfied.

"Boys in high school are like monkeys in heat... Who said that?"

He thought about other aspects for a while, diverted his attention, and waited until the desire gradually subsided, Soya got up from the bathtub.

When I came outside, Akane Kirino was no longer in the living room.

"Have you gone up?"

After wiping his hair, he looked at the message he received while taking a shower.

Jingzi said that not long after he left, his parents and sister returned home, but found nothing.

"Hasn't it been discovered..."

When she said this, he had a furtive sense of immorality.

Suppressing the awakened desire, Sogu wiped his head a few more times, and then went upstairs.


The door was opened, and two quilts were spread on the floor. Akane Kirino was lying on the side near the door, her legs dangling up and down.

Hearing the movement, she turned to him and smiled at him again.

"How about it, am I very considerate?"

The pajamas on the chest drooped down, the whiteness was more than snow, and the inside was faintly visible.

Soya tried not to look there, did not enter the room, but hid some behind the door.


Akane Kirino looked at him, turned her eyes, and glanced at the air conditioner hanging on the wall.

"Well... it can save power."

"I'll pay for the electricity."

"Okay, I'm a little scared to sleep alone... Hongzi said she would come to accompany me in two days."

"I'd be scared if you were here."

"What are you afraid of!"

I was afraid that I would obey the impulse of desire, cater to her unconscious intimacy, and even take the initiative to do something.

"All in all, not today." Sogu grabbed the sliding door, not looking at her, "I'm sleepy too, you should hurry back to your room."


Pat, he turned off the light at the door.

The room was plunged into darkness, Akane Kirino screamed, but still refused to come out.

"Yeah - don't!"

She looked at him with her mobile phone, "Why not?"

"I have gynophobia."

"That Soya will go to the shrine in the afternoon!"

"I got infected on the tram coming back."

"Do you think I'll believe it—stop talking nonsense, come in quickly, the air conditioner in the room is almost gone."

With a click, Soya closed the door.


As soon as she reached the door of the next room, Akane Kirino got up and opened the door, she was taken aback when she saw this.

"You're going to..."

Soya didn't give her a chance to finish speaking, he opened the door and entered the room, closed the door behind his back and locked it behind his back.

咣 咣 咣!
Akane Kirino came after her, pulled the door still, and took a few more shots.


"I'm already sleepy." Soya said from behind the door, "Kirino should rest early, too."


There was silence outside the door for a long time, and there was a vague complaint first, and then her footsteps and the sound of closing the door.

It should be fine.

Opening the closet, taking out her quilt, Sogu turned off the light and lay down, the phone suddenly vibrated.


He was a little helpless when he answered the phone.

"Are you so afraid?"

"Of course." Kirino Akane said.

"afraid of what?"


She couldn't tell.

Turning on the hands-free, Soya put the phone aside and closed his eyes.

"Go to sleep. You won't be afraid when you sleep."


She was a little dissatisfied, "What did Soya do when he went to the shrine in the afternoon?"

"Assisted colleagues to deal with some spiritual issues."

"How did you deal with it?"

"Hmm... verbal treatment."

"I knew it."

Akane Kirino snorted again, her voice suddenly pulled away, "Soya is not here, I sleep on two quilts by myself, it's really comfortable."

"Even if I'm here, isn't it the same?"


There was silence for a while, and when he spoke again, the voice drew closer again.

"It turned out that Soya was worried that I would snatch your bedding in the middle of the night."

"It's okay if you want to think so."

"I didn't mean to!"

"But it might make me do something on purpose."


Soya took a deep breath, "Nothing."

"Zong Gu—"

"I am going to sleep, good night."

"Hey, wait...don't hang up the phone!"

He opened his eyes and looked at the mobile phone next to his pillow. The call was on hold, but the screen had already dimmed.


"Hang up after I fall asleep."

"I can't wait for that time." He yawned, "I'm already sleepy."

"At this hour, Soya is sleepy? He obviously didn't do anything this afternoon."

But do almost everything at night.

Of course he couldn't say such words, he just continued to cry sleepily.

"Then Zonggu, go to sleep first...I'll hang up the phone after you fall asleep."

"Well, is it the opposite of what it was just now?"

"Who made you sleepy first?"

"Then ask Kirino to guard my sleep."

She smiled.

"What protection, fool..."

Smelling each other's scent, listening to the seemingly invisible breathing in the microphone, both of them closed their eyes.

"Good night."

(End of this chapter)

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