Kyoto Shenyin Love Story

Chapter 368 Pain, cry

Chapter 368 Pain, cry

In the moment before his body nearly collapsed and he lost consciousness, Soya thought that he might never be able to wake up again.

But he still woke up.

Not only that, but he seems to be "moving".

The body was extremely heavy, and there were pains everywhere, and it took a while before Soya managed to open his eyes.


He was really moving—being carried on his back, moving forward slowly like a snail.

It's Hongzi.


Hearing her heavy breathing, Sogu opened his mouth, but no sound could be squeezed out of his throat.

She had never had much strength, but now she carried him completely on her back instead of dragging him. Every step she took was extremely difficult, slow and heavy;

In order to prevent him from falling down when he was unconscious, she also bent her waist very low, making it even more difficult to walk.

Zonggu remembered that before he fell into a coma, he was chasing and killing Dalei's god, but Hongzi appeared beside him.

Why does Hongzi also appear in Huangquan?
And now, where is she taking him?


With a short exclamation, his body fell with her.

Hongzi fell down.


Even though she was cushioning him underneath, the severe pain from all over his body at the same time made him almost pass out.

The shock of pain made Soya close his eyes again, facing the boundless darkness, his consciousness began to slowly sink again.

After a while, he felt Hongzi crawling out from under his body.

She was already delicate and frail, and she was carrying a heavy burden on her back, so she would only suffer more shocks.


After moaning in pain a few times, her hand fell on his face again, her voice hoarse.

"It's okay, Soya..."

His consciousness became increasingly drowsy, and he didn't even have the strength to open his eyelids, unable to respond to her.

In the darkness, a few drops of coldness suddenly fell on his face.

What followed was her uncontrollable sobs.


Don't cry, I'm still alive...

Zonggu wanted to open his eyes, tell her that he had woken up, and raised his hand to wipe away her tears, but suddenly lost the last bit of support and fell into a deeper darkness.

Fall, fall.


After an unknown amount of time, he opened his eyes again, she was carrying him behind her back, and was still moving forward slowly and firmly, the surroundings were still desolate Huangquan, nothing had changed.

Waking up briefly, then falling asleep again.

Awakening and deep sleep are repeated countless times, just like a heavy dream that cannot be shaken off when you are about to wake up in the morning.

After an unknown number of times, he finally maintained his consciousness for a while longer, until he could speak.



His body shook violently, his footsteps stopped, and he suddenly relaxed. It was too late for Hongzi to stand up again, and he even brought him to the ground.


Even though she had fallen like this many times, she was already mentally prepared for the pain, but she couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, and immediately got up again.


His body was still unable to move, and it was only with her help that he could turn over.

Looking at each other, he squeezed out a smile, "It hurts so much."

"I'm sorry... I... I... Ugh—"

After half a sentence, Hongzi couldn't continue, sobbing and crying more and more.

Sogu moved his fingers, and could only comfort her with his eyes.

After crying for a while, she finally stopped crying.

"What exactly is going on……"

She wiped her tears herself, "Where is this place, is it really Huangquan?"


Zonggu's heart sank a little, and he looked at her, "I want to know why Hongzi appears here."

Placing his hands under his head, Hongzi said:
"When I was still in Liuliguangyuan, I saw Zongya walking and suddenly disappeared, so I ran over to look at it, and then my eyes suddenly went dark, and the sky was spinning... When I woke up, I appeared here. "


She is just an ordinary person, she can neither see the daughter of the underworld, nor the torn passage between the two worlds.

With his eyes closed, Zongya took a deep breath and opened it after a while: "I'm dragging you down."

He couldn't raise the volume due to chest pain, Hongzi bent over and listened attentively.

"We can't get out anymore..."

"If there are others who see me and Hongzi falling into the underworld, there is still hope."

"A lot of people should have seen it... right?" Hongzi couldn't be sure.

"Well, so all we can do now is wait..."

Sogu murmured, he didn't want her to despair, but he didn't have much confidence.

"What about Soya's injury?" Hongzi asked.

He regained his composure before saying, "I met a few enemies."

"The enemy..."

"Eight Thunder Gods."

"Ah..." Hongzi was stunned for a while.

"Don't worry. Except for Dalei, I have killed the other seven." Zonggu looked at the void above his head, his mind was full of the scene of the last knife being thrown in vain, "The one who escaped will never dare to come again revenge."


Hongzi looked down at the blood on his chest, and tears fell down again.

"I came to this kind of place suddenly, I couldn't see anything, I finally met Zongya, but I saw you vomited blood and fell down... I... woo... I thought you were going to die."

Soya pursed his lips, "Sorry..."

She took a sharp breath, wiped away her tears, and continued: "Zongu has been unconscious all this time, and I don't know what to do. After I got that mirror, I suddenly could see the spirit body, and then A man told me..."

"What mirror?" Soya frowned.

"This is it." Hongzi took out a palm-sized bronze mirror from his pocket, "I picked it up from the place where Soya appeared."


Staring at the bronze mirror in her hand for a while, Sogu suddenly remembered that when he was about to split the thunderbolt in half with one knife, he encountered a barrier at his waist, and the knife even broke. this bronze mirror;

It was so hard that even divine power could not destroy it, and it was still in such a shape, he quickly thought of a possibility.

"The Mirror of Sutra..."

Hongzi was stunned for a moment, "Three artifacts?"


After Izanami killed Tsukiyomi, she discarded the Amacongyun sword in the depths of Huangquan, and gave the eight-foot Qionggouyu to Chaowuling, but the mirror of Zhenjingjin was nowhere to be found.

Now it seems that this artifact was obtained by Da Lei by some unknown means.

He also remembered that Da Lei sensed his pursuit from afar, perhaps it was the effect of the mirror of the Sutra.And Hongzi can see the spirit body with the bronze mirror, which should be one of its effects.

"Hongzi just said that he met a spirit body, then what?"


She regained her senses, put down the bronze mirror, and continued, "That person came to remind me that if Zonggu and I stay here, we may be eaten by passing spirits... Do spirits really eat people?"

"Well. Anything can happen in a place like this."

He who lost consciousness and Hongzi, an ordinary person, are like two pieces of fat to a spirit body with the intention of devouring it.

Hearing that he said yes, Hongzi lost his mind for a while, and then said: "Fortunately, I have been walking to places where there are few people."


With the speed at which she carried her on her back, Soya could only feel that they were very lucky.

"So, Hongzi carried me all the way to the present?"

"Are you going to let me leave you?" Her eyes were red again, "I don't know where I'm going, but even if I die, I will die with Sogu."

Zongya was silent for a long time, until his head became dizzy again, and he braced himself and said, "I won't let Hongzi die here."

She smiled with tears in her eyes, nodded again, "Yeah!"

"It's just that it takes too much energy." Zongya continued, "Hongzi just finds a corner with broken walls and ruins, and puts me down. When I recover a bit, I can act on my own."

"I see."

"At that time we will..."

Soya wanted to say something, but his eyes went dark, and then he lost consciousness.


Hongzi looked at him, shouted a few more times, but still couldn't respond, so he tried his breathing and heartbeat.

"...still alive."

Looking at his face, which has been suppressed in a strange and desperate environment until now, she felt like crying again.


She didn't dare to press on him, but gently pressed against his chest, letting tears flow.

"Soya finally woke up...that's great."

After calming down a bit, Hongzi looked left and right, squatted down again, and with all his strength, he carried the unconscious Sogu behind the nearest broken wall, and collapsed beside him.

After he woke up, she got the most solid support in her heart, but the strength in her body could no longer be concentrated as before, and she had reached her limit after walking this short distance with him on her back.

Looking down at the various bruises and scars on his arms and legs, he touched his face again, Hongzi was stunned for a while, then turned his head to look at the wall behind him.

"At least there are no bugs in Huangquan..."

The extreme exhaustion and the peace of mind brought by his brief waking up together impacted her mind. After sitting against the broken wall for a while, sleepiness hit her. She held his hand and soon fell into a deep sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Hongzi woke up again from hunger.

There is no sun rising and moon setting in Huangquan, and it does not distinguish between day and night. She looked at her mobile phone with little battery left, and then realized how long she had slept.

"Did you sleep for so long..."

Looking at Soya who was lying beside her, it was still the same as before she fell asleep.

Touching his face and staring at it for a while, Hongzi bent down and listened to his heartbeat.

According to the time in the real world, it should be morning now.

"Good morning, Soya."

Leaning against his chest for a while, the strong sense of hunger coming from her stomach brought her back to her senses.

"I'm so hungry..."

Hongzi stood up, looked around, and saw the gray steamed bun on the broken wall at a glance.

"Has it appeared again?"

She picked up the steamed bun and squeezed it in her hand, it felt neither soft nor hard.

She had seen with her own eyes the process of this kind of thing appearing out of nowhere, and it was everywhere along the way, just like those wild vegetables growing everywhere in the countryside.

"No matter how fast a wild vegetable grows, it doesn't 'grow' as fast..."

After pinching the steamed bun, Hongzi stared at it for a while, hesitating.

"Is this kind of thing really edible?"


The stomach growled again.


She has no other choice.

Hongzi sat down, tore off a small piece from the steamed bun, and slowly put it into his mouth.

There was a sound next to her, and then a hand suddenly stretched out and strangled her neck.

"Spit it out."


"Don't be nervous." As soon as he woke up and saw such a scene, Zonggu's eyes were tearing apart, and he was much more nervous than her, "Don't swallow it, spit it out quickly."


Hongzi's eyes widened, but he followed suit immediately.

After spitting out the small piece of steamed bun, Zongya asked her to open her mouth again, stared at the inside of her mouth for a while, and made sure that there was no residue left before she collapsed.


Hongzi quickly helped him up, and let him sit against the wall.

After closing his eyes for a while, Zonggu said: "This is the food of Huangquan, as long as you eat one bite, you will become a citizen of Huangquan country, and you will never be able to leave here."


"Or like me, even if you escape by chance, you will still be chased and killed by the daughter of the underworld, and will eventually be captured and brought back to this darkened underworld."

After waiting for a while, but did not hear any response from Hongzi, Sogu opened his eyes, only to see her looking down at the steamed bun in her hand, with a complicated expression on her face.


He was stunned, and an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his heart, and his spirit immediately tensed up.

"Hongzi...didn't eat it?"

She raised her head with a forced smile on her face.

"Sorry... I don't remember how many steamed buns I ate."

Zonggu suddenly felt dizzy and dizzy, and his heart fell to the bottom all of a sudden, he was speechless.

"Sorry, I'm so hungry." She leaned on his shoulder, "I can't find any other food here. I saw this kind of steamed buns on the side of the road, so I picked them up and ate them... sorry."


Sogu closed his eyes and remained silent.

Once upon a time, he also ate the food of Huang Quan in this way, and he ended up in the current situation.

"It would be nice to eat more when visiting the festival..."

Hongzi raised his head, "A festival?"


She was silent for a while, then said, "Zongu thinks how long he has been in a coma."

Zongya opened his eyes and looked over, Hongzi continued: "Five days have passed since I met Zonggu."


He opened his mouth and stared straight.

five days...

Has it been five days since he fell into the underworld?

"If you eat the food of Huangquan, you will become a citizen of Huangquan country. Of course I know the legend..."

Hongzi lowered her head, pinching the steamed bun in her hand, "But, I'm really hungry... I don't want to starve to death before Zongya wakes up. I can't let you starve to death either."

"If I don't eat, I won't have the energy to carry Soya on my back... I have no other choice."

As Hongzi said, she sucked her nose violently, holding back her tears.

But when she raised her gaze again, she saw two lines of tears streaming down his face silently.


Five days have passed, and the teacher still hasn't come to save me;

Making the body into what it is now did not completely kill the Eight Thunder Gods. The escaped Great Thunder God disappeared like a mud cow into the sea;
What's more, Hongzi was also implicated by him, not only fell into the underworld, but also ate the food here, and could never escape...

Letting the tears flow down, Sogu lowered his eyes, his vision blurred, fixed on the bruise on her calf.

And the feeling of drowsiness struck again, despair and guilt held him hostage from left to right, trying to pull him into the bottomless abyss.

"I'm the one to say sorry."


She raised her hand to wipe away the tears from his eyes, but found that she couldn't wipe them off, so Hongzi stopped trying in vain and hugged him instead, burying her head on his shoulder.

"I like Soya, this is my own choice."

Closing his eyes, Soya raised his arms with the last bit of strength and hugged her waist.

"Soya... Soya!"

Consciousness sinks.

Soon, her cries were also lost.

He kept falling in the darkness, and when he woke up again, Hongzi was sitting next to him with his legs crossed, his eyes closed tightly, as if he had fallen asleep.

Looking around, they were still in the ruins before, but they didn't know how much time had passed.

The body is still unable to move.

Lying on the ground, Soya stared blankly into the dark void.

May not be able to get out.

Once he accepts that he has been in the underworld for at least five days, and when he thinks about it again, he won't even feel as much anxiety as before.

He didn't think he had given up his plan to leave Huangquan, but now, he wanted to "rest" a little.

"Are you resting..."

He soon realized that he was still subconsciously avoiding the thought that he might not be able to get out.


Sogu came back to his senses and found that Hongzi had woken up.

"Are you still in good spirits?" She bent down, touched his face, and listened for a while lying on her chest, "Have you recovered a little?"

He raised his wrist and felt it, "It's recovered a little bit."

"That's good."

He looked at the top of her head, "How long has it been since I woke up last time?"

"Let me see... about seven or eight hours."

"Is it night already?"


"I want to sit up."

Hongzi lifted him up and sat against the wall.

"Are you hungry?" she asked.

Soya was silent for a few seconds, "A little bit."

"Do you want to eat?"


She stood up and "picked" a few gray steamed buns that had just grown on the broken wall next to her.

Tear off a small piece and feed it into his mouth, watching him chew slowly, Hongzi took a bite too.

"It's hard to eat."

"No smell at all."

"I have eaten this kind of food for two years."

"Maybe we..."

Hongzi stopped talking halfway through, and Soya didn't mention it again, and the two continued to eat steamed buns.

"Did Hongzi feed me like this when I was unconscious?"


She was silent for a while, "When Sogu is unconscious, feeding is a little more troublesome."

Sogu looked over, she tore off a piece of steamed bun, and brought it to his mouth.

"Because Soya has been in a coma and can't chew, I'm worried that if you feed it directly, you will choke in your throat, so..."

He got it.

"Thank you."

She looked at him, "Would Soya mind?"

Soya sighed softly, "I just feel sorry for Hongzi."


She lowered her head and tore off another piece of steamed bun.

"Eat more while you're awake."


(End of this chapter)

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