Kyoto Shenyin Love Story

Chapter 383 New Semester

Chapter 383 New Semester

When the morning sun shone into the room, Soya on the ground also woke up.

After turning off the alarm clock, staring at the ceiling to wake up for a while, he turned his head and looked again.

Chao Wuling had already woken up and was looking at him by his pillow.

Soya turned over, hugged the naked girl into his arms, and stroked her smooth back.

"Good morning……"

She drilled in again, "It's still early."


Today is not the weekend, even if he wants to just hug her and lie down, he still has to get up and go to school.

Lying down until the original alarm clock rang, Soya lowered his head and kissed her forehead, "Get up."


After getting dressed for each other, Soya went downstairs to wash up, and then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Breakfast for three.

Akane Kirino hasn't come here for half a month, and Hongzi's absence is only one or two days less than her. In the past two weeks, there are only him, Zhao Wuling, and Yuedu on the dining table in Tongye's old house.

"Xiaoqian hasn't come here for more than ten days, right?" Yuedu asked when it was time for dinner, seeing that there were still only the three of them.

"Yeah." Putting down the soup bowl, Sogu sat down opposite him.

"Is your problem still unresolved?"

"It's not that simple."

What's more, she has been avoiding them.

"Is it complicated?"

"It's very complicated, and Master Yuedu can't understand it."

"That's true." Yuedu didn't deny it.

After taking a few mouthfuls of food, Soya shook his head to get himself out of the matter Tsukiyomi mentioned, and then asked about his situation.

"Still nothing."

Speaking of this, Yuedu's appetite was greatly reduced, "It's already halfway through September, and there are still three and a half months left. If we can't find Dalei again, let's wait for death together."

"The only one who is going to die is Tsukiyomi-sama." Soya glanced at Asagiri Suzu next to him, "Even for Suzu's sake, the teacher will not kill me."

Yuedu looked up at the sky, "Who knows..."

Lowering his head again, he found that Zhao Wuling was looking at him, and he avoided her sight again.

"Although it's very important, it's not a particularly urgent matter." Soya said, "I can't put down the school right now and search everywhere."

What's more, they have no clue about Da Lei's whereabouts. Even if they want to look for it, they can't find it anywhere. They can't just run around all over Japan and try their luck.

Tsukiyomi also understands this, but Tachibana Tenko's warning is still in his ears, he can't be as calm as Soya.

"I should think of another way..."

"I'll think about it later, let's eat first."

After breakfast, Tsukiyomi left the dishes to wash, and Soya and Asagiri cleaned up a little before going out.

The new semester has already started for half a month, except for Hongzi who came to go to school with them on the first day, and thereafter it was just the two of them.

When he came to the station, Soya searched intentionally, but he didn't see Hongzi.

Also did not see Akane Kirino.

A moment later, the tram pulls into the station.

Pulling the Asagiri bell and squeezing onto the tram, looking at the crowded situation in the carriage, Soya didn't go deep, just stood by the door.

Accompanied by a quick beep, the door was tightly closed.

"Next stop, Shinohara—"

The moving tram swayed slightly, Soya grabbed the handrail with one hand, and the Asagiri bell with the other, staring out at the constantly retreating street outside.

After one stop, at the next stop, the tram slowed down and stopped, and the doors opened again.


The three looked at each other, Jingzi hesitated for a moment, and got into the car from his side.

It's crowded inside, but seems to be able to squeeze a little more...

But she couldn't make it through.

When Soya stopped her, she stood by the car door, and turned her back to him and Zhao Wuling.

"It's been a long time since I saw Kyoko in uniform," Soya said.

The two are in different grades, and the classrooms are not on the same floor. They don't have much chance to meet each other in school.


After another half a minute, the doors were closed again and the tram restarted.

The momentary shaking made Kyoko a little unsteady, and a hand stretched out from behind to support her.

Pursing her lips, Kyoko tilted her head slightly, "Thank you."

The hand didn't move away, but slowly moved to her waist.

"Come a little further, it will be safer to rely on me."

"No need."

Zong Gu didn't say any more, just took a step forward and put his arms around her waist.


Jingzi struggled a little bit, but it didn't use much strength, and naturally it didn't work.

Turning his head to take a look, Soya looked down at her, and pulled his uniform towards Kirin, looking back with a calm expression.

Just the two of them.

Kyoko turned around again and looked out the car window.

"Kirino-san and Yoshikawa-san, aren't you here today?"

Soya lowered his head, sniffing the smell of her long hair, "Like Kyoko, they also 'abandoned' me."


After a moment of silence, Jingzi moved his hand again, "Because no one would accept such a thing."

"Ring accepts it. I do too."

Zonggu put his arms around him tightly and held on tightly, "It's just a matter of time."


"——I'm not here to argue with Kyoko." He looked down at her profile, "I'm just worried that you won't be able to stand firmly, and I'll let you go when you get there."

She pursed her lower lip and said no more, and the next stop was coming soon.

The tram stopped, the doors opened to both sides, and the people waiting on the platform would not stop because the carriages were too full, and rushed up.

Crowded by people, grabbing the handrail tightly, and protecting the petite Asagiri, Soya couldn't find a third hand to control Kyoko.

"Hold me tight."


Looking at the inside of the overcrowded carriage, Kyoko turned around and pressed against him, grabbing his arm.

When the tram restarted, even if she tried to separate, she would not be able to make room.

Facing each other head-on, she lowered her head and her eyes fell on the school badge on his chest.

"It seems that it has been a long time since I have been so close to Kyoko."


Soya moved closer, "Kyoko and I will never be separated."


Kyoko remained silent.

Stop after stop, the tram continued to move forward, and there were only a few more people on board, and the two of them got closer together.

For a brief moment, she seemed to relax completely, leaning on him relentlessly, only to straighten herself up quickly.

"Yamashina Station, here we are—"

At the transfer station, Soya tightened Asagarisuzu's hand and squeezed onto the platform with the flow of people.Kyoko, who squeezed out of the carriage first, stood there, as if waiting for them, but turned around when he saw him coming down.

When I came to the transfer platform, I got on the tram of the Kosei Line, and there were still some empty seats inside.

Kyoko sat in the corner as usual.

Just as Soya was about to go, a few girls from the same school chatted and laughed and sat down on the remaining seats next to him, so he had to pull Zhao Wuying and sit down nearby, lest the few remaining vacant seats be taken up by others.


Both of them were a little annoyed, but they showed it more or less.

"Next stop, Otsukyo Station—"

While shaking, Kyoko turned her head to take a look, and found that he was also looking at her, and looked away again.

Looking away, Soya let out a long breath.

"Ling said before that she could solve these troubles for me. How did she plan?"



He glanced at her, very suspicious that the so-called solution did not exist at all, she just wanted to keep herself from being left behind;

But now, she looked like she had nothing to do with herself, she didn't care about anything related to them, and she didn't say anything.

"Then what should I do."

"Just do it according to your own ideas." Chao Wuling leaned forward and closed his eyes. As early as when he escaped from Huangquan again, the matter was out of her and Ju Tianzi's control, "Even if it can't be solved, you can still With me."


What she really wanted to say was probably only the second half of the sentence, Soya thought to himself.

After a while, the tram arrived at Omi Naniwa Station, where the students of Danhai High School got off one after another.

When Soya got out of the carriage, Kyoko had already left the platform from the other side.

He didn't chase after him either, he pulled Zhao Wuling out of the station, climbed the long stairs, and came to the classroom.

"Good morning."

As expected, Hongzi had arrived early.

After glancing at him and Zhao Wuling, she turned her head and looked out the window.

"Good morning."

The two sat down on the seat in front of her, Soya turned around, "Hongzi seems to be coming earlier and earlier."

She pushed his arm, "Don't turn around and talk to me..."

"Even if Hongzi doesn't say a word to me, she won't come to you."


Hongzi pursed her lips tightly.

Zonggu didn't make things difficult for her, he turned around and leaned back again: "You still can't speak?"

"...Cy doesn't want to see me at all."

Hongzi sighed softly, "She neither reads nor answers the messages."

Soya took a breath and looked out the window.

It was the same result when he went to Akane Kirino.

"Don't worry too much, she can't bear it for too long."

"But it's been half a month!"


Everyone around looked over.

Knowing that her emotions were out of control, Hongzi bit her lip, ignored those gazes, and turned her head in silence.

Using his gaze to drive away the looking eyes one by one, Soya turned around, took her hand and squeezed it.

"It's all your fault..."

"Blame me."

Several eyes that were still secretly watching here met in the air.

【"The couple quarreled."】

【"It's just a couple quarreling."】

Half an hour later, when the class bell rang, Makoto Shibasaki and Minami Noma, who was rarely seen in the classroom, came over for the morning class meeting.

After the roll call, Makoto Shibazaki tapped his shoulder with the attendance book and said:
"There is nothing special this morning, but in the big class meeting in the afternoon, everyone needs to discuss and decide on our school festival project for Class A of the first year. In order to save time, if you have any plans, try to think about them during the day."

The students below immediately became agitated.

On the last three days of the first full week of October every year, Danhai University will hold a school festival, and each class needs to launch at least one school festival project.

The club is more casual, and it's all voluntary—if you don't consider applying for club funding for the next year.

There is still more than half a month before the school festival, and the classes or clubs that already have plans have already started preparations as early as the beginning of school.

As for some clubs, this year's school festival probably won't be able to publish any ghost stories... Soya thought to himself.

Got poked in the back.

When he turned his head, Hongzi lay down on his stomach and asked in a low voice, "What should we do?"

"Unnatural phenomenon research department?"


"The minister is not in the state, and he refuses to show up. Let's talk about it next year."

"There will probably be no such association in the coming year..." Hongzi was very pessimistic about this.

"No." Zong Gu smiled at her reassuringly, "Why don't you use this as an opportunity to try to find her again."

Hongzi looked at him for a while, and then her body completely lay down on the desk.

"I really don't know where your confidence comes from."

"I have no confidence at all."


"But the problem has to be solved." After Soya said, he turned around again.

After staring at the back of his head for a while, Hongzi rested his head on his head and looked at the blue sky outside the window.

"……so be it."

After explaining the matter, Makoto Shibazaki and Minami Noma, who just walked around, left the classroom together.

Then the teacher walked in from the front, and the morning class began.

"stand up--"

It was noon soon.

Zongya took out the bento, and was about to turn around when Hongzi pushed him back.

"In case Qian wants to come over to have dinner with me..."

"Since I can face you, why can't I face me?"

"Always take it step by step!"


Soya didn't force it, and Asagiri, who had turned around early, was already eating on his table.

"You are so at ease."

She glanced at him, then picked up an egg roll and brought it to his mouth.


Soya was silent, and opened his mouth to catch it again.

After lunch, Soya felt a little thirsty, so he got up to buy drinks.

"What do you want to drink?"

"It will be all right."

"Where is Hong Zi?"

"I do not want."

"I'll secretly give it to you."


Before leaving the classroom, Fushimi Keisuke came over with a wave.

"Going to buy a drink?" He put his arm on his shoulder.


Fushimi looked back again, "Why didn't Kirino come to look for Soya recently? Besides disappearance, did anything else happen during the summer vacation?"

"Almost." Sogu looked forward, "There is some misunderstanding, and I haven't been able to find a chance to solve it."

"Misunderstanding... How far have you developed?"

"Talk about marriage."

"Stop." Fushimi tightened his arms.

Soya smiled.

"Are you going to buy drinks too?"

"Is Soya treating you?"

"Within fifty yen."

"Then count it as the next treat, just buy a bottle of [-] yen."

When they came to the stairs, both of them froze for a moment.

"Let's make up for it next time."

Fushimi patted him on the shoulder, walked to the other side, and went to drain the water.

Looking at Akane Kirino, who hadn't noticed it in front of the vending machine, Soya had a thought, and restrained his spiritual power with the help of Bachi Qiong Gouyu.


The person in front bent down to take out the dropped juice, turned around and walked away. Akane Kirino took a step forward and stuffed a hundred yuan coin into it first.

She was still hesitating, when suddenly a hand was stretched out from behind and pressed on the juice she drank the most.



Drinks dropped.


Akane Kirino was stunned for a moment, then turned her head subconsciously, her face changed instantly.

She turned her head and was about to leave, but Sogu swung her arm across, she reacted very quickly, she got under his arm as soon as she lowered her body, and then ran away without looking back.

Drinks were not taken either.

Soya shook his head, bent down to take out the drink, and stuffed a few coins into it.

If he really wanted to keep Kirino Qian, no matter how flexible she was, she couldn't escape a few steps.

Bang, bang——

Returning to the classroom with four bottles of drinks in his arms, Soya picked up the bottle belonging to Akane Kirino and went to the door of Class B to show her face.

Akane Kirino saw him immediately, her eyes wandered and she refused to meet his gaze, but she waited for him again, as if she would go out immediately when he came in.

Just like a frightened animal.


Soya had no choice but to look away and called out a girl from class B who was closest.

"Guyuan-san, please hand this over to Kirino for me."

"Good, good!"

After handing her the drink, Soya turned around and returned to Class A.

After receiving the drink, Akane Kirino breathed a sigh of relief, and forced a smile at the female classmate who brought the drink.

"Thank you."

"What's the matter, did Akane have a falling out with Soya recently?"

She pursed her lower lip and clenched the drink in her hand.

"I just don't know how to face him."


Soya returned to his seat, Hongzi immediately asked, "Have you gone to see Akane?"

"She bought a drink and forgot to take it away."

"Are you sure you weren't scared away by you?"

"Is she afraid of me?"

"how could I know……"

Hongzi lay down on the table, the drink in her hand still hadn't been opened, "It must be that she doesn't know how to face me and Zongya."

After unscrewing the bottle cap for Chao Wuling, Sogu turned around and said, "After school today, are you going to block her?"

"What do you want?" She sat up straight again.

"Does Hongzi want to continue like this?"

"I don't want to..." Hongzi imagined the confrontation with her best friend, "but when I really have to face Akane, I probably won't be able to say a word."

"Then let's not talk about our affairs for the time being."

"What's the meaning……"

Zong Gu opened the juice for her, "Isn't there a ready-made reason?"

"The reason... you mean the school festival?"


He nodded, "I said that I would discuss the preparation of the school festival. Didn't I say that I would make a popular science magazine for the supernatural and sell it during the school festival? I said that I wanted to prepare it with her."

Hongzi thought for a while, "What if Qian doesn't want to participate."

"Are you really planning to make this magazine?" Zong Gu glanced at her, "This is just an excuse. Whether she agrees or refuses, it can be an opportunity to continue the in-depth conversation."

"...You are really full of bad water."

"I'm trying to come up with an idea."

After hesitating again and again, Hongzi finally nodded.

"Then try it. Where do you want to block her?"

"It's between us. I don't really want to draw attention to myself if I can."

"So, you want to go somewhere where no one is?"

"Well, she'll probably run away at first, preferably somewhere desolate and secluded with no one around."

"Then... do you need a rope?"

Zong Gu glanced at her, "Are we planning a kidnapping?"

Hongzi was taken aback.

"Sounds like it is."

"Let's play by ear."

So in the afternoon, Hongzi kept planning the "kidnapping" after school in his mind, and didn't listen to much of the class, but luckily he didn't get called.

Jingle Bell--

When the bell rang for the last class, she pulled Zonggu to go out, but he didn't move at all.

"Are you stupid?" He held her back, "There will be a reunion next."

 Good August.

  Thanks to the two lords of [Book Friends 20170809201623217] for collecting another thousand monthly tickets for me, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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