Chapter 417
The last day of each month is called the dark day.

And the last day of the last month of each year is a big dark day.

December 31st, the big dark day.heavy snow.

Waking up from sleep, Soya looked out the window and couldn't help sighing.

"Hopefully it won't affect the trams..."

In order not to disturb Hongzi and Akane Kirino when they woke up, he specially didn't sleep in the middle last night.

Quietly got out of bed, changed clothes, Sogu went downstairs to wash.


There is some pain in the forehead.

Facing the mirror, Sogu raised his bangs and looked at the red mark on his forehead.

That was hit last night.

When Hongzi came back from pouring water, he passed out in the corridor without any warning, and his head hit the wall, leaving this mark.

Although he woke up in a blink of an eye, he couldn't get up until Akane Kirino, who hurried out after hearing the voice, offered a helping hand.

Besides hitting his head and pouring water all over Hongzi's body, there seemed to be no other problems with his body.

Apart from the blackness in front of his eyes, he was also unconscious of the coma he had just experienced.


Putting down his bangs, Soya looked at the mirror for a while and wiped his face.

There must be something wrong with his body.

The more severe lethargy recently may be related to this.

It's just that he couldn't confirm what the problem was.

"When will you go to the hospital for a checkup?"

If there is no problem with the examination at the hospital, that is another possibility.

"It's only been four months, and the power of the underworld should not be exhausted... Hongzi is fine."

It can't be because he is an "old man from Huangquan", and he consumes more power from Huangquan, right?

Thinking has no results, and time is still moving.

After washing up, I casually prepared something to eat for breakfast.After eating, Soya went upstairs to look at Hongko and Akane Kirino who were still sleeping, and went out to the shrine.

"It's so cold..."

It's snowing heavily outside the house, and the wind is not small, so you can't do it without an umbrella.

When I arrived at the station, the tram was still operating normally.

After rushing to the bottom of the shrine, there were more than a dozen people sweeping snow on the snow-covered steps.

Soya didn't know any of them, so he guessed that they were volunteers from the town who came to help.

Walking up, he finally saw someone he knew.

"Miss Hanai!"

"Oh, Miyaji-san. Good morning."

"Miss Huai..."

Hanai Mayu smiled slightly, "Soya came early enough, and I just came here."

"It's almost nine o'clock, and there are still many things to be busy today."

Soya looked back at the snow sweepers below, "These people must be volunteers."

"That's right." Huajing nodded, "Because of the heavy snow, they also came here earlier."

"Very helpful."

If only relying on the few maidens in the shrine, it would take half a day to clear the snow, let alone arrange other things.

Soya continued upward.

Arriving at the shrine, the snow in the courtyard had been completely cleared away, and Kyoko was moving out of the warehouse of the shrine office the tent that had been washed and dried yesterday afternoon.


"You came."

After saying hello, Soya also helped to carry things.

"Soya, you came just in time." Noma Minami was also in the warehouse, "The signboard on the side of the station is missing, and it may have been stolen."


The so-called standing sign is a sign that guides worshipers from the station all the way to the shrine.The structure is simple, just an ordinary iron frame, and then a piece of paper with the words [Hatsuchi→Fuyun Shrine] pasted on it.

"How could it be stolen?"

"Ghost knows. Someone must have taken a fancy to Jingzi's calligraphy."

The iron frame can be used for a long time, and the paper pasted on it is changed once a year, written by Jingzi himself.

The standing sign was placed there yesterday afternoon. I don't know who owed it and took it away. He didn't notice it when he came over.

Looking at the ceiling of the warehouse, Soya said again: "Are there any spares in the warehouse?"

"No. There are only two in total. One is placed outside the station and the other is placed at the entrance of the mountain road. There are not many of them." Noma Minami said.

Soya thought for a while, and said, "Then buy a larger A-shaped stand and post another instruction."

"Sayaka hasn't come here yet, I asked her to buy a pair on the way."


"Why don't you just order an A-shaped stand dedicated to Chuyi, the plastic one with lights, and the iron frame is also laborious to move around."

"It's too late this year, let's talk about it next year."

Noma Minami nodded, and asked again, "What are you doing here?"

Soya almost forgot, "Move the tent."

The last tent left in the warehouse was moved out together with the shelf and tarpaulin. Two tents have been set up with the help of volunteers on the edge of the atrium.

There are a total of five or six tents to be built here, connected together, with wires and light bulbs hanging on the edges, and benches underneath, which is a special place for worshipers going up the mountain to rest.

On the other side near the Palace of the Moon, there are two tents where sweet wine is distributed.Because there is no kitchen in the social affairs office, the sweet wine is also freshly brewed under the tent here.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Soya thanked the volunteers who helped set up the tent, and Kyoko came over.

The two stood together and patted the snow on each other's heads and shoulders.

"Over there at the station..."

"I heard from Miss Noma."

Jingzi smiled helplessly, "It's the first time."

"Miss Hasegawa will bring an A stand when she comes over, and Kyoko will write an instruction when the time comes."


Beside the two of them, there was also a special place surrounded for the bonfire specially prepared for Hatsuya.

At this time, the firewood has been moved over, placed randomly, and covered with a transparent plastic sheet to prevent it from being wet by the snow.

"Mr. Ario will help build the bonfire."

"Hmm." Although Zongya was a little moved, he didn't intend to do it himself. It's better to leave this kind of matter to professionals.

The first time is after midnight, but there are not many preparations that need to be done in the early stage. Basically, you have to be busy from the morning to the evening of the big dark day. This is not counted as the work of clearing snow on the two roads up the mountain.

And after nightfall, around eight or nine o'clock, people will come over one after another.Wait until the zero o'clock bell rings, and then go to the temple to pay homage to complete the New Year's Eve.

It was busy until noon, and the snow became smaller.

After lunch, Soya took a short rest at the social affairs office. Soya went down the mountain with volunteers who came to pick up lanterns from the warehouse, and hung lanterns on both sides of the stairs, extending from the foot of the mountain to the shrine halfway up the mountain.

On the way, Kyoko and Noma Minami went down the mountain together.

"Where is Kyoko going?"

"Inspecting the landmarks." Jingzi stopped and said, "Today is the last day of the year. According to the past practice, an inspection is required."

"The snow is so deep, be careful when climbing the mountain."

Zong Gu thought for a while, and then said: "Or I will go with you later."

"No need." Kyoko smiled at him, "I will be careful."


Stepping on the deep snow, Soya continued to install the lantern.

The pine wood on both sides of the stairs soars to the sky, which is perfect for hanging lanterns.The lantern is also specially customized, with the words [Fuyun Shrine] printed on it.

This is the change he brings.

The Fuyun Shrine, located halfway up the mountain, will be closed after nightfall, so there is no need for night lighting. Although there are stone lanterns connected to the circuit on both sides of the stairs up the mountain, they have long been in disrepair.

In the past few years, Takayuki Sugawara has always had a muddled attitude and didn't think about solving it.As a result, at the beginning of each year, worshipers either go up the mountain in the dark, or turn on their own lights, which is very inconvenient.

And that's where it ends.

After hanging the last lantern on the tree trunk, Soya had already descended to the foot of the mountain.

From top to bottom, the lines are connected to the lanterns on both sides of the stairs. After dark, the road up the mountain can be lit by turning on the power.

"OK. Now try to plug in the power."

A test command was issued to the people above, and within a few seconds, the lanterns on both sides lit up at the same time.

Several volunteers let out small cheers.

"Thank you, everyone has worked hard." Soya thanked several people.

"you are welcome."

"Do you want to turn it off?" the person above asked again.

"Just leave it like this."

After installing the lanterns and having nothing else to do, Soya came to the exit of the forest patrol and looked for it.

The woods are withered and the snow is deep.After climbing up with difficulty for a few minutes, Soya finally saw a touch of red besides black and white.

Kyoko was alone, trying to pull the long rope with the wooden sign out of the snow.


Sogu quickened his pace and walked up, "Why are you alone, Miss Noma is being lazy again?"

"No...Miss Noma fell down just now, and went back to the social affairs office to rest from the path above."

The two of them worked together to pull the rope out.


The wooden signs collided and rattled.

"Did you fall? Is Miss Noma alright?"

"It shouldn't be a big deal if it fell in the snow... Is the lantern installed?"

"Yeah. Kyoko will see you later."

She smiled, "Yeah."

The two continued to patrol, and on the way they solved a few dazed wandering spirits trapped by the boundary until they reached the foot of the mountain.

"The inspection is over."


Going up the stairs and looking at the lit lanterns on both sides, Kyoko looked quite emotional.

"At night, people with better eyesight will be able to see the stairs here when they come out of the station." Soya said.

She nodded.

Back at the shrine, Kyoko went to the warehouse to check other supplies, and Soya went to check the condition of another road up the mountain.

There are also some lanterns hung along the Panshan Highway, but as lighting, it is obviously not very effective. Street lights have to be installed, and this is something that will happen in the next year.

After two o'clock in the afternoon, Akane Kirino and Hongzi also visited the shrine.

"After hanging lanterns on both sides of the stairs that go up the mountain, it looks pretty nice."

"It looks even better at night."

"Then we'll come back tonight."


The two were going to the shopping mall in Otsu, but they just stopped by and didn't stay for long.

Thanks to the help of many volunteers, most of the busy work was over by around four o'clock in the afternoon.

Most of the volunteers left one after another. Before midnight, Soya and the witches would have a long, not too busy time to rest.

After sitting in the warm office for a while, Soya felt a little dizzy.

"Fang Ming."

" What's wrong?"

Jingzi looked at him, "Do you want to sleep for a while? I'll call you when I get busy."


Just as Soya lay down, an old man poked his head at the door and asked, "Can we start building the bonfire now?"

"Mr. Ario." He stood up again.

"It's getting dark."

"Then let's get started."

Soya became much more energetic, and went out with Mr. Yuo to watch him build a bonfire.

"No matter what age a man is, he will always be interested in this kind of thing." Minami Noma, who was lying in front of the air conditioner, said.

Kyoko looked at her, "Has Miss Noma's foot recovered yet?"

"Ouch! It hurts..."


As the bonfire gradually built up, the sky became darker and darker.

The snowflakes were falling one after another, Soya looked up for a while, and said to Mr. Ario: "Let's light the fire now."


The bonfire quickly ignited, bright flames licking the piled logs, spreading warmth around them.

After roasting by the fire for a while, a young man came over: "Mr. Soya, Mr. Nobumoto said that it is almost time to start making sweet wine."

"Let's get started." The person who came was an apprentice from Xinben Hotel, Soya nodded, "I'm counting on you."


As night falls, the shrine on the mountainside is illuminated by lights and fires, and it becomes brighter and brighter.

The tent where the amazake was brewed was emitting white steam. Before the worshipers went up the mountain, Soya, as the first taster, ordered a glass of amazake.

The heat spread to the hand through the double-layered paper cup, Soya blew twice, took a sip, and his body also warmed up.

The distiller's grains used to make liqueur are non-alcoholic, or the content is extremely low, and children can drink it.

After ordering a cup for Kyoko, Soya went back to the agency office for a while.

When he came out again, there were already some early worshipers sitting under the tent in the atrium.

The light from the lanterns on both sides of the stairs penetrated through the branches, faintly.

Walking to the stairs, Soya looked down from the top, and there were strings of lights on both sides, extending all the way to the bottom, illuminating the stairs and the woods.

On the long path, there was only one figure, walking up alone.


Wearing an ominous black kimono, she walked slowly and looked at him at the end of the stairs.

After a few minutes, she stopped in front of him.



He looked at the kimono on her, "Is this New Year's clothes?"

"I'll take you to Huangquan." Chao Wuling said.


Soya was stunned for a while.



Is the teacher finally ready... It's just this time.

But the work that should be done has already been done, and then, even if he is not there, it will not have much impact.

"I'll go talk to Kyoko."

"Need not."

"Will you be back soon?"

She didn't speak.

"Okay. Then how do we..."

In the middle of speaking, Soya saw the answer himself.

The two daughters of the underworld landed together with the snowflakes, one behind the other behind him and Chao Wuling, and raised their hands at the same time.

Then, the gate of the underworld opened, engulfing the two of them.


Returning to Huangquan again, their position is not in the land of nothingness.

Seeing the formation of the Underworld Army in front of him, Zongya quickly realized: "The Great Hall of Underworld."


Turn towards Wuling and walk towards the main hall.

Soya followed quickly, "Where's the teacher?"

"You'll find out later."

She walked in front, and the Huang Quanjun on both sides were silent, and did not respond to the intrusion of the two.

Shuttle among them, Sogu looked left and right, suddenly staggered and nearly fell down.


There was nothing on the ground, it was his own legs that suddenly became weak and tripped him.

Chao Wuling stopped.

"I'm fine... I just..."

Soya supported her shoulders, trying to stand up straight, but found that he couldn't lift his strength.

"We'll be there soon." Zhao Wuling took his hand.

"Hmm... bell?"

She turned around, tears in her eyes.

"It will be over soon."

Zonggu opened his mouth, he couldn't get rid of the groggy feeling, he couldn't speak, so he could only follow her and continue walking.

After only three or two steps, his legs lost strength and he fell to the ground.

"It's reached its limit..."

With only a little bit of consciousness left, Soya heard Asagiri whispering, and then felt himself being lifted up.

It's Huang Quanjun.

Chao Wuling walked in front, Huang Quanjun carried him and followed behind, passed through the formation, and came to the wide square in front of the main hall.

From the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of a color that shouldn't be here on the other side of the square, and Soya turned his head with difficulty, only to see a large group of witches gathered there.


Are they preparing for some ceremony... Why are they in the underworld?

No one could answer him.

He also didn't understand why the Huang Quanjun who was carrying him under him was able to set foot on the square.

Or they couldn't come up with it, just his misunderstanding?
His head became heavy, he became sober for a while, then drowsy for a while, he raised his head, and vaguely saw a figure floating in midair.


Monthly reading?

The Huang Quan army under him suddenly stopped, and Zong Gu also suddenly became much more sober.

He opened his eyes and looked into the sky again, but saw nothing but darkness.

Is it an illusion?

In front of him was the long steps to the main hall. After Huang Quanjun stopped, he let him down again.

After shaking twice, Soya found himself able to stand still.

It seems that you have to go up by yourself.

He looked at the other side of the square, those witches formed a circle, roughly counted, there were nearly a hundred of them, and they didn't know what they were doing.


One of the figures suddenly squeezed out of the crowd and ran towards this side, Zongu felt more and more familiar with it.


Isn't she in the social affairs office? How could she appear in Huangquan?

"Let's go up."

Chao Wuling also saw Kyoko, but obviously had no intention of waiting for her, so she pulled him up and walked up.


"Don't worry about her. I'll explain to you later."

Seeing the two standing figures moving again from a distance, walking towards the main hall above, Jingzi gritted his teeth and sped up a bit.

She, Minami Noma and others, as well as other maidens in the square, were all brought here by Izanami, the lord of the underworld who suddenly appeared, in order to carry out an unprecedented grand ceremony—revelation from the heavens and gods.

Not only that, but she also learned something from the mouth of the god that shocked her beyond measure.


They kept chasing after each other, but the distance between the two sides was too far.

When she climbed up the long stairs, Soya stood alone in front of the main hall, and Chao Wuling seemed to go in first.

"Fang Ming!"

Kyoko ran towards him with the last bit of strength, but Zonggu suddenly pushed open the palace door, intending to go in.

"Fang Ming!"

Even though she knew that what was about to happen was unstoppable, she still wanted to hold him back... At least, she wanted to be with him.

The distance between each other is getting closer and closer, until they are within reach, Kyoko stretches out her hand, but catches nothing.


He disappeared.

From real to virtual, like a puff of smoke, it dissipates into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

Ding, ding, ding——

Seven five-yuan coins fell down, bounced, or rolled to her feet, or rolled into the dark hall.

In the depths of the hall.

After nearly three years of long "sleep", Soya woke up on the throne of the high platform, looking down at his chest.


A sword pierced his heart from front to back.

(End of this chapter)

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