Kyoto Shenyin Love Story

Chapter 420 Restart

Chapter 420 Restart
The divine power surged and expanded rapidly, completely enveloping Chao Wuling in just a moment.

Expanding, contracting, and congealing the divine power is like a beating heart, repeating this process constantly.And the limit of each expansion seems to be smaller than the previous one.

Standing in the beam of light, Chao Wuling levitated, and involuntarily opened his body to accept the tempering of divine power.


Tianzi Ju struggled to his feet and rushed towards his adopted daughter.

However, once the process of changing gods begins, she cannot be disturbed, even if she is the mother god of creation.

The beam of light falling from Gao Tianyuan seemed to have a substance suddenly, blocking her out.

"Bell! Come out! Bell!"

Ju Tianzi beat the beam of light, and Zhao Wuling inside closed his eyes tightly and did not respond.

In vain, she grabbed Soya who was defenseless on the throne again, trying to push him into the beam of light, but the result was still the same.

Although he is her chosen successor, the three artifacts are in Chao Wuling's hands, and the most critical divine power has already begun to temper her body. Sogu has become the same "disturbing factor" as her. excluded.


Powerless to resist, being pressed on the beam of light, Soya looked at Asagiri bell inside, unable to do anything.


Tianzi Ju threw him aside, and continued to beat the beam of light.

"Bing! Let go of the artifact, you can't become a god! Let go!"

However, Zhao Wuling still didn't respond, and the beam of light separating them seemed to block the sound as well.

Soya fell to the ground and couldn't move, but Kyoko helped him up.

"Student Asagiri..."

Jingzi looked at the beam of light, and the goddess who was leaning on the side suddenly looked over, eyes full of hatred.

Powerless to stop, the target of her anger is Soya who should have become a god.

"Bell has become a god, and Fangming has no need to live anymore."


Startled, Kyoko immediately stood in front of Soya.

Ju Tianzi waved his hand, Jingzi closed his eyes subconsciously, and then realized that he was just slightly pulled by an invisible force.


Both sides were startled.

Tianzi Ju soon understood that she had suddenly lost the supernatural power of Huang Quan, and she could no longer kill and kill at will like before.

She walked over directly, trying to snatch Soya away from Kyoko.

"Step aside!"

Of course Kyoko would not let go, and continued to protect Zongya, while Tachibana Tenko grabbed her by the neck.


Even after losing most of her divine power, she is still a god that ordinary people cannot resist.

Holding her hand, Kyoko kept struggling.

Sogu, who was already extremely weak, sat up with force, threw himself on Tianzi Ju's arm, and opened his mouth to bite.

Let go of Jingzi, Ju Tianzi gave him a backhand palm, then grabbed him before flying backwards, and landed on his forehead.

"It's all because of Fang Ming's indecision that Ling made this choice..."

Tianzi Ju murmured, gradually closing his palms, "I will kill Fang Ming, and let Fang Ming stay here with Ling forever."

"do not want!"

Kyoko who was pushed away screamed and struggled to get closer, but was kicked away by Tianzi Ju, almost fainting.

"It's not just Fangming, they will all die here too." She stared at Zongya under her palm, "And all this is because Fangming didn't agree early."


The pounce just now had consumed the little bit of energy he had left, and Sogu couldn't respond to anything other than looking at her.

Folding his fingers together, Ren's heart was filled with hatred, just when the Jutian Emperor was about to kill him, a burst of extremely strong divine power suddenly erupted behind him.

She turned her head abruptly, and the beam of light covering Chao Wuling's body gradually dissipated.

She slowly opened her eyes, the pupils were golden.

——Divine power blended, divine body completed, she has become the brand new master of this underworld.


The orange emperor was full of remorse.

She should have understood her attachment to him long ago.

After the brilliance dissipated, he looked down at Wuling, looked at his body, and then looked at her again.


"Becoming the master of the underworld means exiling yourself into an endless emptiness. Is he worth it for you?"

"I think it's worth it."

Zhao Wuling looked at Soya and Kyoko, raised her hand a little, and all the wounds on their bodies healed.


Finding that the strength in his body was recovering rapidly, Soya got up and wanted to get closer, but she pushed him away with divine power.

After staring at him deeply for a while, he raised his hand towards Wuling and opened a crack.

"Bing!" Tianzi Tachibana immediately understood her plan, stepped over, and restrained Kyoko and Soya at the same time, "They must stay here!"

Seeing her blocking, Zhao Wuling decisively opened a passage on the other side, and sent Hongzi and Akane Kirino back to the world who had been in a coma.


The ground suddenly shook, and the hall also shook.

Ju Tianzi understood that not only this place, but the whole of Huangquan was in turmoil.

Now that a new god is established, the next world will soon be reshaped.

Except for this hall, everything in Huangquan will return to its original state - including the boundary between this world and the other world.

"I'm going to end this."

Looking at the hall above his head, he lowered his head towards Wuling and looked at Tianzi Ju, "Including the real pain of mother."

Tianzi Ju was puzzled, "What is Ling going to do..."

Chao Wuling didn't answer, and flew out of the hall.


Tachibana Tianzi hurriedly chased after him, and at the same time, he did not forget to grab Soya and Kyoko as well.

When I rushed outside the hall, I saw Chao Wuling volleying alone in the air, waving her hands continuously, as if conducting a concert.

When the baton falls, what is produced is not a symphony, but cracks leading to the world from all over Huangquan.

[Undead in the world, listen to my order——]


The three people who were driven out of the hall all heard her voice.

"What are you doing!"

He lowered his head towards Kirin and glanced at the faces of Tenko Tachibana and Soya respectively.

"I'm going to end this. Just wait, mother."

After all, she ignored them, but as the master of Huangquan, issued an order to all spirits in Huangquan and the world:
[Leave the underworld, attack all the shrines you can see, and destroy all the gods and gods! 】


The Orange Emperor was shocked immediately, "Bing! Stop!"

Without the divine power of Huang Quan's ruler, she could no longer stop her.

Soya and Kyoko glanced at each other, only bewildered and shocked could be seen on each other's faces.

And where the three of them could see and couldn't see, countless spiritual bodies were gushing out of the underworld through the opened cracks, heading towards the human world.

Huang Quanjun and Huang Quan's daughter stood silently, turning a blind eye to everything.

"……came back?"

The surroundings suddenly changed, and Noma Minami quickly recognized that he had returned to the atrium of Fuyun Shrine.

Standing beside them were colleagues who had just performed the ceremony of ascending the gods in the underworld together, and there was silence all around, and all the worshipers looked at them, these witches who appeared out of thin air, in shock.

There is heavy snow, and the New Year is here.

"what happened……"

The worshipers who came to Hatsachi were in shock, and the priestesses were also at a loss.

Some time ago, they were taken into the Underworld by the master of Huangquan who suddenly appeared, and performed a ceremony of enlightening the heavens and ascending the gods in a wide square. Before the result was reached, they were suddenly sent back to the world.

"Anan, Kyoko hasn't come back yet!" Huai said anxiously.

Jingzi left suddenly before the ceremony, and rushed to the hall in the underworld.At this time, they returned to the world, but there was no sign of her.


Noma Minami quickly scanned the Miko beside him, looking for her trace.

"I looked for it just now, and there is no Jingzi!"

Minami Noma stopped, frowning.

"Where did Soya go at a time like this..."

And Izanami, the master of the underworld who appeared once and then disappeared, is it real or fake?
Too many things happened all at once, but the two children who were most dependent on him disappeared, Minami Noma only felt a headache.

But right now, there is still a very troublesome problem that needs to be solved urgently.

"Hey, can you see it... It's not my illusion, is it?"

"I saw... these witches suddenly appeared."

"Is it a hallucination? Who will touch them to see if they are real?"

"It turns out that witches really have supernatural powers!"

Witnessing the miracle with their own eyes, the ordinary people around have forgotten their original intention of coming to the shrine in the snow.


The flashlights of mobile phones were turned on in the crowd.


Kobayashi squeezed behind Noma Minami, "What should I do, Miss Noma..."

"Don't hide behind me." Noma Minami was helpless and didn't know what to do, his eyes searched around.

Soya, Kyoko...

What the hell are you guys doing... wait a minute, what's that over there?
Searching for the two, she suddenly saw something unusual behind the crowd.

Spiritual body?

It's strange that she actually saw a spirit body in the shrine.

How dare you cross that boundary and set foot in the realm of the gods, do you want to die?
What shocked her even more was yet to come—more than one spirit body.

It's dozens of hundreds of spirit bodies!


Minami Noma shouted to remind his colleagues around him that he quickly entered a fighting state.

"The spirit body is rioting!"

Under her reminder, the witches also noticed the attacking spirit body, and they all looked like they had seen a ghost.

"Are there no boundary markers around your shrine..."

"What nonsense, I checked it myself this afternoon!"

The attacking spirit body moved extremely fast and had a strong purpose. It didn't even look at the priestess or ordinary people, and went straight to the temple.

"What are you still looking at, stop them!"

Under Noma Minami's command, nearly a hundred shrine maidens quickly formed a line of defense to stop the constantly attacking spirit bodies.

Some of the witches went to the social affairs office to take out weapons and talisman papers, and got armed, and the witches immediately started to fight back.

"Kill them directly, don't show mercy!"

However, the influx of spirit bodies seemed endless, constantly attacking the defense line, and they couldn't be killed no matter what.

And they didn't have any interest in the priestess in front of them, and they tried their best to get close to the shrine guarded behind.

What is there in the temple that deserves such a desperate effort by these spirits?

While resisting the invasion of spirit bodies, Noma Minami secretly guessed.

Relying on the tenacious resistance of nearly a hundred witches, the line of defense was slowly pushed out, but a new accident happened again.

"What? There is also a spiritual riot over there... Our shrine has been captured?!"

"The throne has been destroyed?"

"The spirit smashed the idol... oh my god..."

A priestess kept getting contact from her own shrine, saying that Fuyun Shrine was not the only place where spiritual riots occurred.

East, West, South, North...

Minami Noma glanced at the anxious priestesses, feeling more and more shocked in her heart.

what happened?

Not a single place in the southeast, northwest, and shrines in the Kinki area is suffering from the impact of a large number of spirits.

It has been several months since the Soul Sacrifice, where are there so many spirits in Kinki?

Moreover, the actions of the spirit bodies are surprisingly consistent: attacking the shrine, destroying the gods or statues.

Being able to order all the spirit bodies to act like this at the same time, Noma Minami could only think of one possibility - this is the order of the master of Huangquan.

"Group leader Nan, I have to go back!"

"Our shrine has also fallen!"

Mikos kept coming over and saying they wanted to leave.

"Even if you go back now, it won't help." Minami Noma could only try to persuade him to stay.

"Don't you want to just sit back and watch!"

"That's not what I mean. But once you leave, we will definitely have to..."

As Minami Noma spoke, he suddenly stopped and looked up at the sky.

Its daybreak?


That is not the light of the sun.

All the maidens and spirits stopped, looking at the inexplicably shining colors above the clouds.

"What is that... Heaven?"

"Perhaps it is. With us it has another name."

Kingdom of God, Gao Tianyuan.

Gao Tianyuan, which disappeared after the creation of the world, reappeared?
Noma Minami stared blankly for a while, and suddenly countless figures descended from the light, flying in all directions.


Is that the god descended from Gaotianyuan?
Several of the figures flew over here, and after approaching, they formed a circle in mid-air.

With them themselves as the center, several beams of light suddenly lit up, quickly enlarged, and connected together to form a larger beam of light, which surrounded the entire mountain where the Fuyun Shrine was located.

Is this the enchantment that blocks the spirit body?

Noma Minami guessed, and the next moment, the beam of light shrank suddenly, turning into a hair-thin beam of light.

Where the light passes, all spirit bodies are instantly wiped out, leaving nothing behind.


With such majestic power, all the priestesses present were speechless.

With just one blow, all the spirit bodies that attacked the shrine here were wiped out, and those figures in mid-air flew to other places.At a very high altitude, the Kingdom of God still shines with charming colors on the top of the clouds.

"Just now...was it a god?"

"I think so..."

The god came to the world, and within a short while, wiped out all the spirits that attacked the shrine.

And gods don't just come to the world.

In the sky of the other world, one can also see the figure of a god descending slowly.

Soya looked up, and the face of the god soon became clearly visible.


Kyoko beside her suddenly took a deep breath.

Monthly reading?


Looking at the face that was exactly the same as Tsukiyomi's, another name came to Soya's mind.


When he landed at a certain height, he stopped, and then raised his hand a little.

Zhao Wuling, floating on the other side, fell straight down like a bird whose wings were suddenly broken.


Sogu ran towards the place where she fell, but before she got close, several slender arrows of light flew towards her, nailing Chao Wuling to the ground.

"Master Huang Quan, what do you want to do?"

"I want Takamahara to reopen." Zhao Wuling didn't struggle, watching Izanagi who landed quietly, "The old master of Huangquan has succeeded, and it's time for her to return to Takamahara."

Speaking of the old master of the underworld, Izanagi turned to look at his wife on the other side.

Tachibana Tenko, or Izanami, just glanced at him, and then his eyes fell on Chao Kirin.


Izanagi also looked over again: "You have shaken the foundation of the existence of 800 million gods."

"I plead guilty." Chao Wuling confessed everything she had done.

"You should be punished."

Chao Wuling closed her eyes, "I will be punished."

Izanagi raised his hand, and in the next moment, arrows of light rained down on her completely, and only the mournful cry that she tried to suppress could be heard.


Zong Gu just took half a step closer when a trembling hand was raised in the light and pointed at him.

He immediately froze in place, unable to move, but another figure was out of her control and jumped on her.


Thousands of arrows pierced through her body, and Izanami wailed loudly, not hiding the pain she suffered, and at the same time she tightly protected Chao Kirin under her body.


Zongya couldn't move, and stared blankly.

After a long time, the rain of arrows finally stopped falling.

The light arrows piercing his body gradually faded and dissipated without leaving any traces, and both Asagiri Ling and Izanami were dying.


"...It's okay, Suzu."

Izanami wanted to say something more, but her body involuntarily separated from her, and kept going backwards until it stopped beside Izanaki.

He looked at his wife, then at Zhao Wuling who was lying on the ground, but he didn't say anything after all.

The meeting was speechless, and the grievances were difficult to dispel. Izanami stared at her husband, but also remained silent.

The ground shook even more.

The sky in Huangquan is no longer dark, but aurora-like brilliant colors are constantly changing.

Izanagi floated into the air again, and Izanami followed suit.

"The reshaping of Huangquan is imminent, and you should do your best."

He raised his hand again towards Wuling, and then flew higher and higher with his wife, disappearing into the brilliant light.

"everything is over."

Chao Kirin climbed up, and the shock he suffered just now was completely eliminated with Izanagi's fingers.

Opening a passage leading to the human world, she walked towards Jingzi, raised her hand, and supported her to stand up with divine power.

"Yellow Spring is about to restart. After completion, the boundary between the other world and the human world will be restored as before, and no one will be able to travel between the two worlds."

"Student Asagiri..."

"It's time for me to take you back." Chao Wuling said, pushing her into the passage.

Jingzi fell to the opposite side, and hurriedly got up again: "Fang Ming!"

"He'll be here soon, and I have a few words to say to him."

After finishing speaking, Chao Wuling raised his hand again, closing the passage like zipping a zipper.

In front of the shaken Huangquan Hall, there was silence.

Asagiri held Soya in her arms, and took a deep breath.

"Now, we are the only ones left here."

"Let me stay." Zongya also hugged her tightly, greedy for the last bit of time.

She lowered her head and pressed it against his chest, "Then what should they do?"


Soya closed his eyes and hugged her even tighter.

"Sorry, I kept it from you all this time."

"No need to say any more."

"I regret that I didn't stop my mother at that time."

"Can Bell stop her?"

"Can't stop it."

Chao Wuling rubbed against his chest, then looked up at him again, "Otherwise, you wouldn't be 15 years old now."


Soya touched his face, but couldn't feel anything.

His body has been static here for nearly three years, still maintaining the appearance when he was stabbed to death by a sword.

"What kind of state am I now?"

"The gods are attached to the human body." Zhao Wuling said, "They are in the same state as I was before, and their bodies will not grow or age again, and you are not in it."

Suddenly, the ground shook even more violently, and there was a huge roar in the colorful sky.

Looking at the sky, he sighed towards Wuling.

"Those who want to say a few more words...there is no time."

She opened the passage again, and finally hugged him for a while, but when she let go again, he refused to let go.

She smiled, with tears streaming down her face, and gave him a light push.


Soya couldn't resist and was pushed into the passage.

"After a hundred years, your body will eventually age and die, but the gods will still come back here..."

Covered in Guanghua, he stood at the other end of the passage towards Wuling, showing a final smile.

"I will always wait for you."

 Finish tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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