Kyoto Shenyin Love Story

Chapter 71 Vague Thunder

Chapter 71 Vague Thunder
The interior of the car was dark, and his consciousness was also hazy and drowsy.

Half asleep and half awake, Yoshikawa Hongko overheard several conversations intermittently.

One of the voices was so close, it seemed to be right next to my ear.

"...It was only the second field operation, and we encountered such a dangerous thing."

It was Soya's voice.

Another voice, a little further away, laughed, it was Minami Noma, the assistant teacher.Even with her eyes closed, she could still imagine her smiling casually.

"Whether it's dangerous or not, you can't tell until you actually encounter the spirit body."

"Then you shouldn't take them with you."

"What are Soya talking about, you are the one who brought them here."


Soya seemed to say something, but Yoshikawa didn't catch it.

She is like an apple dropped into the bathtub from a high place, floating and sinking repeatedly until someone picks her up.The voices from the outside world are sometimes clear and sometimes blurred.

And when the sinking consciousness surfaced again, the two who had been awake were chatting about the weather outside.

"Wow, did Soya see that?"


"Lightning. The dark cloud in front suddenly brightened up. It's not going to rain."

"Really, I didn't pay attention. It rains when it rains."

"Children are really annoying. They are carefree and don't care about anything. Adults have to worry about the clothes hanging outside."

"Then don't pester the children to chat."

Yoshikawa wanted to laugh, but he didn't know if he was laughing in a dream.

Holding the thunder that she didn't hear, she sank again.

Sure enough, it was raining heavily in the sky, and my parents and my sister who came back home for some reason were busy collecting clothes.Shiba Inu Alps ran back and forth in the yard and finally knocked over the clothes basket.



Soya turned his head and looked to the side.

Yoshikawa, who was leaning on his shoulders, closed his eyes tightly, holding the glasses he had taken off in his hand, and there was an obvious smile on the corner of his mouth.

"'Alps'?" Minami Noma glanced at the rearview mirror, "What did this kid dream about?"

"Probably a dog. Alps is her family Shiba Inu."

"Really. Strange name."

She looked at the road signs that were getting closer and closer above the road, "It's almost here, Sogu can sleep for a while now."


Sogu rolled his eyes and ignored it.

"Send Yoshikawa home first, right?"


"At this time, Kyoko should have returned from Kyoto. Is Soya going to see her?"

"not see."

Minami Noma slowed down and drove into the gas station on the side of the road.

"Come on."


She turned on the interior lights.While waiting, Soya yawned and looked at Asagiri Ling and Kirino Akane in front of him.

The latter had a lot of trouble when he was awake, but slept soundly on the way back;

And Chao Wuling turned his head to look at the staff outside who were refueling, with a sober look on his face, probably not sleeping all the way.

She didn't join their conversation either, she just listened.

Near the gas station, Soya is already familiar with the street scene.After filling up the gas, Minami Noma asked him to show the way, and sent Yoshikawa home first.

"Yoshikawa, wake up..."

And he lived close to Akane Kirino, and Minami Noma put the three of them down together at the intersection.

"Go to bed early, don't be late tomorrow."


Watching the white commercial vehicle sink into the darkness, leaving only two red taillights fading away, Soya checked the time again and found that it was already past ten o'clock at night.


Akane Kirino took his arm, yawned, and pointed to the dark stone path.

"send me home."


boom -

After taking a bath, Soya walked out of the living room to the side, looked up for a while.

There are bursts of thunder, lightning surges among the dark clouds, and a long-prepared spring rain is coming.

"It's been so long, the clothes should have been taken back."

After watching for a while, Soya lowered his head and looked at Tsukuyomi lying at his feet.

After staying here for nearly two weeks, he had already changed out of the priestess costume he wore from Fuyun Shrine, and he didn't mind wearing whatever he had, men's and women's clothes—they were all clothes from Uncle Akane Kirino's house.

"Go to eat barbecue, but you didn't call me."

"I've said it all, we're on Hikone's side."

"If you take the train, you will arrive soon!"

Soya ignored it.

Yuedu sat up again, looked up at him, "order me a pizza, I didn't have dinner."


Soya looked sideways slightly, and glanced at the instant noodle bowl that hadn't been thrown away on the table in the living room.

"You order it yourself. Don't you already know how to use the phone?"

Only then did Yuedu reach out his hand, "I want money."

Zongya took out the envelope that Kyoko gave him during the daytime, took out three thousand-yen bills from it, and handed it to him.

With [-] yen in hand, Tsukuyomi was still not satisfied, "The money is all mine, right?"

"Not yet."

Because she didn't tell others about Yueyue's identity, Kyoko has been supporting this god with her own money for the past two weeks;

And he has never had the concept of making money, he spends as much as he has, and desire is like a bottomless pit.

Kyoko was soon overwhelmed, so she had to quietly ask Soya to help slightly restrain the expenses of the gods.

"If this goes on like this, the eldest lady of Sugawara's family will be hollowed out by you."

"Isn't she my disciple?"

Tsukiyomi borrowed Soya's mobile phone, and while talking, he called the pizzeria, "It's a natural thing to worship the gods...why can't I get through?"

Soya looked down at him, "Do you think this is some kind of big city, and don't even look at what time it is."


Yuedu was stunned for a while.

"You know the pizzeria is closed, why give me money?"

"This is your lunch money for the next three days."

"...Are you kidding me?"

"It's not a joke." Sogu put away the envelope, looking serious, "You reminded me of one thing: I'm not your believer, and there are conditions for letting you stay here. Do you understand?"


Of course Yuedu understood what his so-called conditions were.

"But this is Kyoko's money..."

"It's in my custody now, and of course it's at my disposal."

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Soya turned his head and saw that it was Asagiri who had just taken a shower.

She came over with a dry towel and sat down next to the two of them.

Soya took the towel, sat down and wiped her hair.

"The reason why we humans believe in gods is nothing more than two reasons: the fear of the power of the gods, and the desire for the gifts of the gods."

He looked at Yueyue who was much more honest, "But Mr. Yueyue doesn't like anything."

"...I am the noble son of the moon."


" father is Izanagi!"

"It's heaven."

Yuedu had nothing to say, so he just lay down on the floor.

Soya couldn't help but sigh.

If Jingzi lived here during this time, she would probably lose her faith in a few days;
And with her overly serious personality, she might be so disappointed that she persuaded her father to let the Fuyun Shrine, which worships the third noble son, sacrifice one less god from now on.

Surely you can't rely on him...

Soya looked down at Asagiri who let him brush his hair again. From the end of February until now, Izanami in Kyoto has not contacted him.

Zhao Wuling went back alone a few days before Tsukiyomi showed up.

Izanami left a strange mark on her back, which couldn't be washed off, and then disappeared suddenly, and she herself didn't understand the purpose of it.

"I was wondering if I should send Tsukiyomi-sama to stay with Izanami-sama for a while."


Yuedu suddenly got up, "I won't go!"

Soya didn't look at him either, "Then ask Tsukuyomi-sama to live a more serious life, otherwise I will be very embarrassed."

"First read through the set of early childhood education courses I bought, and at least have a general understanding of the basic common sense of modern society, not to mention complete mastery."

"Then, be more serious about what you promised me. Finding the Eight Thunder Gods as soon as possible is good for everyone."

Yuedu did not forget to ask his own doubts in his resistance: "What good is it for me?"

"No need to be sent to Izanami-sama."


This is obviously a threat.

While wiping his hair, Soya suddenly came closer and sniffed.

Yoshikawa gave both Asagiri Ling and Kirino Akane a bottle of shampoo her sister brought back from Tokyo. Among other things, at least the fragrance was very special and fragrant.

"Have you used it yet?"

Chao Wuling tilted his head slightly, "Yes."

No wonder it tastes the same as Yoshikawa's...

Zongya continued to brush his dry hair, his mind was wandering, but Yuedu suddenly stood up.

He walked to the edge and stood facing a certain direction for a while.

boom -

There was lightning in the clouds, thunder in all directions, and a wind blew in the courtyard.

After a while, Tsukiyomi turned his head and looked at Soya who had been watching him.



Sogu's face was quite calm, but the towel was already clenched tightly in his hand.

"where is it?"

Yuedu closed his eyes again to sense, then shook his head.


 Not sure if it will be on the shelves today, the update at noon will be slightly delayed.

(End of this chapter)

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