74 Death notice
After paying the price of skipping classes to make up for sleep, Soya realized that the blind emergency cut made him tired and restless, and had no effect.

The crux of the matter is Tsukuyomi, who is sensing the trace of Zhilei.


"That god, is he working seriously?"

Looking at the sky outside the window, Soya took a deep breath, then withdrew his thoughts and returned to the classroom.

And under the same sky, Yueyue, who hadn't slept all night, was lying in the living room loudly, and hadn't woken up from his sleep.

Even if someone sat down beside him and stroked his cheek, Yuedu couldn't wake up immediately.

"……Ha ha."

Until the laughter that had not been heard for thousands of years sounded again, his dream suddenly reversed.

Time freezes, and a familiar sword keeps zooming in before his eyes.After piercing him, all the beauty in the dream was smashed to pieces, leaving only monotonous barrenness—just like Huangquan.

And the laughter was so real, as if right next to his ears, that instinct opened his eyes.


For a moment, Tsukuyomi stopped breathing, and her heart seemed to stop beating.

"Ha ha."

Izanami looked down at him and smiled sweetly.

"It's already afternoon, when are you going to sleep until?"


I can't move my body.

Yuedu stared, not even knowing if it was from her own fear, or because of what she had done to herself.

Looking at the mother god who was right in front of him, he had only one thought in his mind: If he had known that he would die when he woke up, he should have spent all the three thousand yen before going to sleep.

"What's the matter, long time no see, don't you know me anymore? I greeted you some time ago."

Seeing that Tsukiyomi didn't respond, Izanami rubbed his face with the back of her hand again.

"However, I remember this face very clearly." She laughed, "It's exactly like your father."


Yuedu finally squeezed out two words from his throat, and his forehead was already covered with sweat.

"very happy."

With Izanami in between his eyebrows, Tsukuyomi found that his body had regained consciousness, "I haven't heard the child's call for a long time."

"Even though you're not physically separated from me, I'm still happy," she said with a smile.

Yuedu got up speechlessly, neither sitting nor running away, just knelt and sat where she was, waiting for her next sentence or stabbing her with a sword.

It's just that he was so afraid, and his words were like a blade, and he realized that there was not much difference between the two.

"You are shaking." Izanami looked at him, "What are you afraid of?"


"I remember."

Izanami reached out to touch his chest, and pulled off the old-fashioned shirt that belonged to Uncle Kirino Akane, exposing the roundness inside to the air.

"Don't you think it's in the way?"


Getting in the way...do you mean the breasts?

Yuedu was speechless.

She raised her hand to press on his chest, and with a little force, the bulge gradually became flat.


Izanami observed the delicate skin on his heart, "I can't see the wound anymore. Do you still feel pain?"


"Don't worry." She patiently fastened all the buttons on his chest again, "I have already thrown away that sword."

"By the way, you have been staying in that place before, have you seen it?"

"Never seen."

"Do you remember the name of that sword?"

Yueyue's throat moved.

"...the clouds in the sky."


Izanami laughed, "It's one of the three gifts your father gave me. Up to now, only one is still in my hands."

At the moment of life or death, Yuedu didn't care about this kind of thing at all, and she just mentioned it casually.

She quickly stood up again, looking left and right at the living room of Kirino's house.

"It turns out that Fang Ming's place looks like this."

"He went to school..."

"I just came from there. Where is Suzu's room?"

"The third room on the second floor."

Yuedu immediately replied, but did not get a response, and looked up to find that she was looking at him.

"Master Yuedu doesn't lead the way, is he waiting for death?"

In a daze, he seemed to see Zongya's plain and strange expression, and quickly got up.

"...I will lead the way."

Izanami smiled, "I'm honored."

When she came to Zhao Wuling's room, she walked to the window with the best view on the second floor, and looked out for a while.

"This room is really nice, I want to live here."

What Yuedu could say, he could only stand dumbly.

"Come here." She greeted him back.

He walked to the window, Izanami raised his hand and pointed.When he looked over, it was an ordinary fir tree.

"What did you see?" she asked.

Yuedu does not hide his short-sightedness, "a tree."

The corner of Izanami's mouth twitched, she turned and walked out, whispering in her mouth like a sigh:

"My child, in two days, you will die in that direction."


As if struck by lightning, there was a loud bang in Yuedu's mind.What she said afterwards, he didn't listen to a word.

Izanami ignored him, walked into the next room, and looked at it with interest for a while.

"There is nothing."

She stood in the room, with her eyes closed, it was the whole appearance of Soya's daily life here.

"I really like you, Fangming..."

Izanami muttered to herself, "Resisting fate is also a part of fate...it's up to you."

After a while, she walked to the window and kicked her toes lightly.

Yuedu didn't know when Izanami disappeared, and he didn't see anyone after searching for two times. He didn't care too much, but felt that his death was approaching.

After thinking about it, he ordered the most expensive pizza within [-] yen.

"It's delicious..."

After licking his fingers and eating the pizza with tears streaming down his face, Tsukuyomi lay down on the living room floor again until it was dark, and Soya and Asagiri brought the guests back home.


There was a pizza box on the table, and Kyoko looked at the disheveled god on the ground, with food residue on the corner of his mouth.

She looked at Zongya again, and he was also looking at her, especially wanting to know how she felt right now.

After the work at the shrine was over, when he and Asagiri had dinner at Sugawara's house, Kyoko expressed that he wanted to come back with him and visit the long-lost god;
Of course Soya did not refuse.No one answered the phone, and what he saw was within his expectation, what he expected was Kyoko's reaction.

"Master Yueyue."

And she just squatted down, gently shaking the Yueyue on the ground, her face was calm, and she didn't act rude as he expected.


Yuedu woke up soon.

Seeing Kyoko in front of him, he was startled for a moment, then stretched out his hand.

"Do you have money?"


Soya on the side looked away, and couldn't even get angry.

All he expects of him is the touch between gods. As for being a human being or being a god, he has long given up hope.

"Ling, you go first..."

The applause was unbelievably crisp.


Soya opened his mouth, and Tsukiyomi covered his face, both in disbelief.

"Be sober, Tsukiyomi-sama."

Jingzi knelt on the ground, grabbing his neckline with one hand, and still didn't let go of the other hand after slapping him.

"You are the noble son of the moon, one of the three noble sons who made Izanagi great god proud. Takamahara, 800 million gods are still watching the world, and you are so depraved. Don't you feel embarrassed?"

Of course Yuedu didn't think so.

"Who cares about them, I'm going to die! Give me money..."

With another slap, he immediately shut up.

Neither struggled to resist nor opened his mouth, Tsukiyomi let Kyoko grab him and shed tears silently.

"I was negligent."

And Jingzi quickly let go of him, and knelt down in front of him.

"The innocence of divinity, who descended into the world, deserves correct guidance and regulation. This is our responsibility; but I let Master Tsukiyomi drift with the tide, float and sink in the turbid secular world, let loose, and forget himself... This is all mine. fault."

She raised her head and looked at Yueyue who was crying and silent.

"Please follow me back to the shrine, and I will help you get back on the right track."

Soya who was on the side felt a little pitiful for Yuedu, and immediately refused after hearing the words.


Jingzi looked over, and he added, "At least not for these two days."


"I need him."

Kyoko frowned, "What does Soya-san need Mr. Tsukuda to do?"

Sogu couldn't explain, so he could only let her sit in the living room for a while, and then dragged Yuedu outside.

He had already noticed that something was wrong with him just now.

"what happened?"


Tsukiyomi sobbed and said nothing.

"I said you...huh?"

Soya's eyes fell on his chest, which was originally plump, but now it was not as good as Kyoko's.

He reached out and touched it, and it was flat, not an illusion.

"What exactly is going on?"

Yuedu didn't speak, and the tears flowed down again.

"...Can you act like a man?"

"I'm not quite a man!"

Saliva splashed all over his face, Sogu raised his hand to wipe it off, but he didn't care.

As long as he can talk, he is afraid that he will keep crying.

"what is the problem?"

Soya asked for the third time, "What happened today that made you look like this? Also, what did you mean when you said you were going to die?"

"She's been here." Yue Du looked at him, "I went to your room with Ling..."

Sogu pushed him away, and ran upstairs without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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