Kyoto Shenyin Love Story

Chapter 95 In the Vegetable Field

Chapter 95 In the Vegetable Field
The morning sun climbed up, and the gradually fading morning light shone into the window, lighting up the room.

After sleeping soundly for a certain moment, Soya opened his eyes and woke up naturally from the dream.


Looking at the room that was much brighter than when he woke up normally, he tensed up instantly and sat up all of a sudden.

But soon, he relaxed again and fell back under the covers.

"Almost forgot……"

That's right, today is Golden Week, so you don't have to go to school.

Reaching for the cell phone next to the pillow, Soya looked at the time.

It's only after eight o'clock, and today's late waking up is not considered lazy.

Today is the first day of the holiday, he has no plans, whether it is a picnic or a trip to Kyoto, they are arranged in the next few days;
But in line with the principle of "you don't have to sleep late, you can't skip breakfast", he only lay down for a few minutes and then got up.

After changing his clothes and walking out of the room, Soya knocked on the door next door.

Without a response, Zhao Wuling probably woke up.

When I came downstairs, I saw that it was indeed the case, and she wasn't the only one sitting in the living room.

"Good morning~"

"Good morning."

Zong Gu glanced at Akane Kirino, then turned to wash, "Aren't you resting today, why did you come here so early?"

She got up and followed, "Some things."

"Didn't Saitama's relatives arrive in the afternoon?"

"It's not about this, you'll find out later."

Soya didn't ask any questions, and came to the washroom, brushing his teeth on his own.

The eyes of the two met in the mirror, Kirino Akane smiled slightly, her eyes bent into crescents.


Too cute, this guy.

When she is not talking, she has a demure demeanor and a sweet smile, and it is only natural that she can attract boys one after another to fall for her;
But in fact, Akane Kirino has never been a person who can calm down.

From the outside to the inside, compared to those agile eyes, the most active thing is always her head that doesn't know what she is thinking.

——At least yesterday, Soya did not expect that she would sneak into the school broadcasting room with Yoshikawa and announce their Golden Week travel plan to nearly a thousand teachers and students in the school.

["A date—ahem... a date—"

"Hey, who are you! What are you talking about on the school radio without authorization!"

"Hongzi, run!"


Fushimi stared at Soya, and Soya stared at the cut-off broadcast, and began to regret returning to the classroom first;

And when the school radio rang again, the speaker became the dean, and the content was to inform Soya Yoshiaki of class A of the first year to go to the student guidance room.


Although Soya was very innocent, he was left in the student guidance room to receive training, and was not released until the end of the first class in the afternoon—of course, Kirino Akane and Yoshikawa who were caught on the spot were no exception.

As a recidivist, Akane Kirino also received extra treatment by inviting a guardian to the school.

On the phone, the guardian said that now is the busy time, and he entrusted the temporary guardian with full authority to handle the matter.

So, when school was over in the afternoon, Soya was invited by the teacher of class B of the first year.

Akane Kirino, who was waiting for him in the student guidance room, had the same smile on her face as now.


Soya looked away, brushed his teeth and washed his face, then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

"have you eaten."

"Yeah, mom made breakfast."

It seems that Kirino Keiko also got up early today.

Just as Soya was thinking like this, there was a sound of footsteps outside.Soon, Kirino Keiko walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Soya really didn't sleep in late."

"Miss Kirino...good morning."

Keiko Kirino was dressed to do farm work, and so was Hiroyuki Kirino who appeared later.

They are going to receive relatives in the afternoon, and the couple plan to spend the morning tidying up the vegetable field in the backyard.

"This season, some vegetables can also be sown."

After breakfast, Soya thought about it, and went upstairs to take a look at Yueyue's room.

It was a little surprising that he had already woken up at this point, and was lying on the window looking down.

"What are they doing?"

"Weeding. We will turn over the soil later, and then sow the seeds."

Soya also went to the window. In the backyard below, Kirino and his wife were weeding in the fields.

"That's how the vegetables you eat grow out of the ground."

"Yeah, that's is the meat grown?"


Soya glanced at Yueyue, pointed at him as a knife, and slashed at his arm.

"That's how the meat comes from."

I have been an ordinary person for nearly a month, but the common sense of this godly lord is still like a colander, full of loopholes, and often asks some inexplicable questions;
Obviously, he clings to the TV every day and watches all kinds of programs, but he doesn't want to watch the set of early childhood education courses he bought—that set of courses cost him a lot of money.

Zonggu was suddenly a little angry, raised his hand and slashed a few more times.

"Eh? Eh? What are you doing..."

Tsukiyomi dodged to the side with a face full of surprise, rubbing his arms.Before he could complain any more, Soya turned and left.

"Breakfast is left in the kitchen."


He responded, but didn't go down immediately, and stood by the window for a while.

In the vegetable field, Kirino and his wife were still bent over and busy, Tsukuyomi soon saw Soya also come out.

The latter felt something, looked back upstairs, and then pointed to the kitchen below.


Kirino and his wife also heard Tsukiyomi's voice, and when they looked up, they first saw Soya approaching.


He has already changed into sportswear for easy movement, "Miss Kirino, let me help."


Of course Keiko Kirino would not refuse, she looked back and forth, and pointed to a nearby piece of land.

"Soya, pull out the weeds in that area."


After being idle for a winter, and being nourished by the rain in the spring, the ground is overgrown with weeds, which must be cleared before the soil can be turned.

Soya rolled up his sleeves, bent down, and grabbed the nearest weed.

"Wait, Soya."

Kirino Keiko kept watching, stopped him when he was about to make a move, and shook his head again.

"Although he is diligent, he is still a son who has never been to the ground."


Soya was at a loss, she didn't answer directly, but raised her voice and shouted:


Akane Kirino quickly came to the edge of the backyard, "Mom?"

"Go to the warehouse and get a pair of work gloves for Sogu."

"I see."

"and many more……"

Keiko Kirino suddenly had a new plan, "Take two pairs. You also come to work for me."


Although reluctant, Akane Kirino came over with two pairs of gloves.

"Thank you."

Putting on the gloves, Soya began to pull weeds, and Akane Kirino also helped on his side, or was lazy.

"Is this what Kirino said just now?"

"more or less."

She held a weed and didn't pull it out for a long time without exerting any strength. "I have to go to the market in the afternoon. Because I have to receive relatives, I have to have a big dinner."


"By the way, Soya hasn't been to the market here, has he?"


The ingredients Soya ate here were either delivered by Kirino and his wife, or bought in nearby shops.He knows the location of the market, but he hasn't been there yet.

"Then do you want to go and see together?" Kirino Akane asked.

He nodded, "Okay."


Kirino Keiko looked over.

"Soya is going to the market too!"

"Okay, no problem."

She immediately agreed, and pointed to the land in front of her daughter, "Be more serious, I didn't care about what happened at school yesterday. Otherwise, I'll eat weeds at noon."


After pulling out the weeds for a few minutes, they finally broke through the ground.

Akane Kirino had to get serious, Soya piled up the weeds that had been pulled out, and the two quickly cleaned up the weeds in front of them.

Soya was about to go to the other side, but Keiko Kirino stopped him.

"Forget it over there, it won't take much space, and it would be a waste of effort to pull it out."


He looked around, "What is Miss Tongye planning to grow here?"

"Of course we need to grow summer vegetables in this season. This side and this side are used to grow cucumbers and eggplants..."

Kirino Keiko raised her finger and said, "Over there, I plan to use it to grow some corn. Akane likes boiled corn very much."

The weeds had been uprooted, and Hiroyuki Kirino took a short rest before picking up the hoe and starting to dig the soil.

"If Soya wants to plant something, you can use the remaining land as you like." Keiko Kirino said again, "There are all kinds of seeds in the warehouse."

Sogu didn't have any ideas, but since she mentioned it, he planned to try it.

"In that case, what should I plant..."

He looked at Akane Kirino, and she also looked over.

"I want to eat tomatoes."

"Then tomato."


(End of this chapter)

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