Chapter 99

The setting sun is dyed and hangs in the western sky, elongating the figures in the alley.

Shiba Inu Alps ran ahead, chasing the front of the shadow.It's just that the length of the dog leash is limited, and it can't run far if it is tight.

The other end of the rope was held by Soya, and Yoshikawa walked aside, only to find that the old house of the Kirino family was no longer visible when he turned his head.

"Going this way?"


When she regained her senses, Soya stopped at the intersection and asked her opinion.

"Anywhere is fine." Yoshikawa looked around, "I can walk back anyway."

"Then listen to it."

Soya complied with Alps' wishes and chose the intersection on the left.

Yoshikawa also followed.

"What is Soya doing today?"

"Today." With his back to the setting sun, he looked at the shadow in front of him, "I helped clear the land and plant vegetables in the morning, and went to the market in the afternoon."

"Sounds interesting..."

"It's not boring."

Soya looked at her, "Where's Yoshikawa?"

"watch TV."




He glanced at her again.

Yoshikawa laughed, "What kind of expression do you have?"

"Aren't you boring?"

"Boring. That's why I'm out walking the dog."

Sogu quickly returned the dog leash to her.

"By the way, does Yoshikawa walk this far every time he walks the dog?"

"...what are you doing?"

"just asking."

Yoshikawa pulled the leash, and Alps looked back at her.

"I have more time today, so I walked a little longer. By the way..."

She remembered one thing, "Soya is going to cook at the Cooking Institute tomorrow, right?"

"Well, there is a recently opened campsite on the shore of Lake Biwa in Otsu City, and not many people should know about it."

"That's it. When will you be there?"


"If you can't get up, you can wake Soya up when I pass by." Yoshikawa raised the rope in his hand, "Walk the dog by the way."

"...Do you want to walk the dog in the morning?"

Looking at Alps' chubby butt, Soya didn't quite understand what its movement consumed.

"No, I can still get up. And the gathering time is not too early."

"Okay. Is Suzu going too?"

He shook his head, "Ling has an appointment with someone else."


"Senior Amamiya from the Department of Literature and Art, invite her to the National Museum."

Yoshikawa blinked, "Going to it okay for Suzu to be alone?"

"Don't treat her like a child."

"Isn't Bell just a child?"

1000 children over two hundred years old.

Soya shook his head, "All in all, I will go out with her, and we will leave at Yamashina."

"so good……"

Looking at the burning sky, Yoshikawa sighed.

"It must be interesting to camp and have a picnic by Lake Biwa."

"Maybe, at least it's more interesting than staying at home."

She glared at him, and then took advantage of the situation and said: "Since Soya is alone, take me with you. I also know someone in the cooking research institute."

"It's not alone." Sogu looked at the other side, and there was a narrow drainage ditch beside the road, "Kyoko will go with me tomorrow."


There was silence all around.

When he looked back, Yoshikawa just looked at him calmly.


"I made an appointment when I went to the shrine the day before yesterday."

"That's all."

After a while, she went on to say: "Golden Week... Don't Miss Sugawara need to stay in the shrine?"

"Need. It's just that I'm not too busy these two days, and I still have time. After that, I really don't have time."

"It's a pity." Yoshikawa pulled Alps with no expression on his face, "I planned to invite her to go to Kyoto together."

Sogu turned to look at her, "Really?"


She glared over immediately.

"I'm going back."

Since he had already traveled far, Yoshikawa did not return the same way, but returned home from another direction.

The dog-leader became Soya again, and he wanted to send her back.

"...Then, my sister also came back from Tokyo."


"The reaction was so flat... Oh, I didn't tell Soya, did my sister plan to travel to Hokkaido?"


Alps, who was walking in front, now had to be led by Soya to move, and fell behind the two of them.

Yoshikawa glanced back, and then said: "It seems to be because of a quarrel with my brother-in-law."


Soya was perfunctory, raised his eyes and looked ahead, Yoshikawa's house was not far away.

"Are you listening?"

"I'm listening. Yoshikawa-san is back?"


She bumped his arm.

The two continued to move forward and came to the yard of Yoshikawa's house. Someone was standing at the door and talking on the phone.


It was Aoko Yoshikawa.

She first glanced at Zongya who was leading the dog, then looked at her sister at the side, and raised her eyebrows.

"Go to Hokkaido by yourself, goodbye! See you!"

Hanging up the phone fiercely, Qingzi didn't greet his sister, but turned around and shouted at the door:
"Mom, Hongzi has brought her boyfriend back."

"Eh... no no no!"

Hongzi hurried over to explain.

"Wang Wang!"


Looking down at the happy Alps, Soya realized that he would not be able to leave for a while.

When she learned that Soya was going to have dinner at the "passing" Yoshikawa's house in the evening, Kirino Keiko, who was dizzy with work, still took a few seconds to regret.

It's just that the matter has come to this point, and it is too late to regret.She can only hope that Zong Gu can "have no intention of falling in love for the time being" as he himself said.

"Then get ready to eat... Qian, call Mr. Ling and Yuezi down."

On the other side, the meal at Yoshikawa's house was earlier, and Soya, who was left behind, had already eaten for a while.

On the cassette stove, the rich soup is bubbling in the cooking pot, and the cut tofu is piled up together, next to it are enoki mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, lettuce, green onions... all kinds of ingredients are gathered in a pot, and the aroma is tangy.

Sogu picked up a large piece of freshly blanched beef, stirred it in the egg liquid a few times, and accidentally bumped his elbow into the person next to him.

"Feel sorry."


Hongzi shook her head, moved to the other side, and was immediately pushed back by her sister.

The sisters looked at each other, Yoshikawa Aoko raised his eyebrows, and then winked at Soya.


Hongzi pursed her lips, and moved a centimeter away.

The eldest son-in-law did not come back with the eldest daughter, and Soya was also an unexpected guest, so Mrs. Yoshikawa chose a low table on the tatami as a place for dinner from the beginning.

A family of four sits on one side, intimate and not crowded.

But after Soya is left for dinner, things change.Parents and elder sister took each side, and Hongzi could only squeeze together with him.

"Why don't you go to the restaurant..."

"Why do you want to go to the restaurant? I came back after a lot of trouble, and I want to get close to my parents and my sister while eating."

"You obviously only came back last month."

"After Hongzi gets married, she will know how rare it is to go home."


"—If Hongzi doesn't do anything, the beef will be eaten up by Dad and Sogu-kun."


When it was mentioned suddenly, Soya nodded to the two sisters, "The beef is really good."


Hongzi glanced at him, and Qingzi smiled, "Mr. Zonggu, feel free to eat. I bought a lot and I still have it in the refrigerator."

"Huh?" Hongzi turned to look at the kitchen again, "The beef in the refrigerator is all bought by my sister?"


"This is very high-grade beef... Has my sister paid you a bonus?"

"No, this is the cost of the original plan to travel to Hokkaido."

Afterwards, while drinking beer, Aoko complained about the sudden cancellation of the trip, not minding that there was an outsider, Soya, at the dinner table.

The Yoshikawas paid more attention to him, although the youngest daughter has strongly denied their speculation.

"Coming from the northeast...that's really far enough."

"Live at Kirino's house?...The Kirino who runs the izakaya? He is my middle school classmate. By the way, his elder brother seems to have been abroad for many years. That old house is really big..."

After the meat and vegetables in the sukiyaki were almost eaten, Mrs. Yoshikawa brought udon noodles, and Soya was very satisfied;
Hongzi, who cared about the distance because of his family's gaze, let go after a while, and should eat and drink, just like how he usually gets along with him.

"Thank you for your hospitality..."

When Soya left, the sky had already completely darkened, and when he looked up, he could see the clear night sky.

"It looks like there should be good weather tomorrow."

Standing at the door, Hongzi lowered his head to look at him again, "It's better to have a sudden shower when Zonggu is lighting the fire."

"You have a bad heart." Sogu stood outside the door and looked behind her, "Miss Qingzi, is it alright?"

"It's okay. My sister will talk nonsense when she drinks too much, just sleep."

"Then I'll go back first."

"Do you want me to take you?"

Soya shook his head.

"Then I have to send you back."

Hongzi smiled.

"Be careful on the road."

(End of this chapter)

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