Douluo metal legend

Chapter 23 Chapter 22 The Tragic Boy Wu Pengfei

Chapter 23 Chapter 22 The Tragic Boy Wu Pengfei

The students of Xingluo Royal Academy are divided into three levels. Those who have just entered the school and those whose strength is less than 25th level are called Tianxing, and those between 25th and [-]th are Xingyue level. If you are above level [-], you will enter the highest level, Star Luo.

Now Tang Xuan has just entered school, and he is only the most ordinary star star. Even if Tang Xuan's grandfather is Contra, he can't break this rule. In Xingluo Royal Academy, he can only climb up step by step through his own strength. .

Tang Xuan thought in his heart, set a small goal first, to reach the Star Luo level before the age of 11.

The admission procedures were completed very quickly. After Tang Xuan walked around the academy, Teacher Su Fan led Tang Xuan to the campus where Tian Xingxing was located, which was where Tang Xuan was going to study.

Then he led Tang Xuan to the student dormitory.

Tang Xuan's room was a single room, and in the end he led Tang Xuan to an inverse cultivation environment suitable for Tang Xuan's cultivation.

At this time, the sky was already gray, and the teacher left. Tang Xuan went to the student cafeteria to eat, and then returned to the dormitory, cleaned the dormitory and sat cross-legged on the bed to cultivate his soul power.

After spending the whole night in cultivation, Tang Xuan got up early in the morning, wearing his own custom-made special weight.

Doing this exercise on campus, Tang Xuan didn't run fast, but he won for a long time. When Tang Xuan ran to a forest named Yunlei, he saw a young man exercising here, bursting out from the boy from time to time. It can be seen that this boy is not weak.

Tang Xuan stopped and observed the boy's movements. The boy didn't have any special movements. He just hit a boulder tightly there. The boulder was already full of fist and paw prints, which can prove that the boy was here. Has been practicing for a long time.

This is the first time for Tang Xuan to see someone who is as persistent as himself in cultivation, and Tang Xuan just quietly looks at the young man in front of him.

The young man who seemed to have sensed something looked back at Tang Xuan, and the eyes of the two met each other, the black pupils and the golden pupils met each other.

In Tang Xuan's eyes, this young man was not handsome. He had a smile on his face, and there was an air of cheapness in the smile.Wearing a yellow suit, without any decoration.The whole person gives people a very simple feeling.But this kind of simplicity makes people feel very funny.

Suddenly this funny boy came to Tang Xuan, stared at Tang Xuan and asked: "What's the matter? Junior."

"No, I just saw the seniors working hard here, stop and observe."

Seeing the weight on Tang Xuan's body, Doubi boy said to Tang Xuan: "The younger brother is also practicing."

In the process of talking with this young man, Tang Xuan understood that this young man's name was Wu Pengfei.


Independent Chapter - Wu Pengfei's Growth History
The day I was born, the fat nurse carried me to the baby room, but my feet slipped and I fell on my stomach!And put me under the pressure!If it weren't for Laozi's tenacious vitality, he would have been crushed to death by these 200-jin meat balls!

Dad is uneducated, so he was confused when it came time to choose a name.Just at this time, I saw a flying peng by the side of the road, so my father was inspired immediately, and he patted the table and said, "It's called Li Pengfei!"

Submit the birth certificate to the relevant department and register me.

In the end, I don't know which grandson made it, but Li Pengfei was written as Wu Pengfei!
So the biggest joke ever appeared on my household registration book!

My biological father's name is Li Guofu, and my name is Wu Pengfei. I'm a sucker for your uncle. Which 2B idiot gave me my household registration?Have you ever seen a son who doesn't have the same surname as his father?
But the family is from the countryside, and the parents are uneducated, so this matter will be left alone.

When I was 3 years old, I was wearing open crotch pants and playing stone throwing with four children. In the end, I smashed the glass of Uncle Li’s house next door!

I swear!I definitely didn't throw the stone that hit the glass of Uncle Li's house!It was the other four kids who did it!As a result, Uncle Li came out and asked who did it.

The hands of these four grandsons pointed at me at the same time, that was a tacit understanding!Silence is better than sound here!I'm sorry, so you grandchildren, cheat on me, right?I will never play with you again!I was thinking viciously...

As a result, my father lost the money for the glass and beat me up when I got home.

When I was 4 years old, I walked behind my mother's butt, but I forgot that my mother had the habit of closing the door casually. As a result, my head was caught by the door, and I cried loudly at that time. It took months for the swelling to subside.

When I was 5 years old, because I confused Xingluo Pinyin with Tiandou alphabet, the teacher refused to let me advance from kindergarten to first grade, and I was gloriously squatted!

When I was 6 years old, I showed off my bad smell during class. I took out a bottle of Jianlibao drink and dangled it in front of other children. When I opened the tab, all the drink sprayed out, making Xiaoxue at the same table wet. I hurried to help her wipe!As a result, the class bell rang, and the teacher came in. It was a bald, middle-aged man with a rather wretched appearance, who yelled loudly: "Let go of that girl!"

Then he took me to the office and gave me ideological education.Said that I was precocious, blasphemed female classmates, and had a bad nature, and almost expelled me.Later, my father gave the grandson two big roosters, so he finally kept me. He also said that the death penalty is inevitable, but the living crime is inevitable, and let me continue to stay in the kindergarten for another year.

At the age of 7, I finally graduated from kindergarten!Successfully promoted to Xingluo Royal Academy, the father burst into tears, and told everyone he saw: "My son is promising!"

When I was 8 years old, a few friends and I went to steal apples from other people’s gardens, only to be discovered by their venomous dogs and chased us fiercely!We run like hell!I don't know what's going on, I'm clearly the one running ahead, but that dog just fell in love with me!Surpassed several other children, threw me to the ground, and bit me violently!Those grandchildren were not loyal enough, they all ran away without a trace!Later, I went to the hospital for several stitches and a rabies vaccine. The college was afraid that I would infect my classmates, so they gave me a 6-month vacation, which was longer than the TM summer vacation.

9 years old, my parents are not at home, I want to clean the glass and give them a surprise.In the end, he didn't stand still and fell straight down!I live on the second floor!Just live on the 2nd floor!But I broke a leg!

At the age of 10, I ran to the toilet with my classmates to learn to smoke, and the dean suddenly came to the toilet to check!These grandchildren are very experienced, throwing cigarette butts directly into the toilet and flushing the water, and then quickly took out gum from their pockets and chewed hard!I'm the only one who is still foolishly smiling at the dean of students with a cigarette butt in his mouth...

At the age of 11, I failed to confess my love to a girl!Decided to buy a bottle of Tiandou brand pesticides to commit suicide!I exchanged 1 silver soul coin for the pesticide from the owner of the pesticide store, but I drank a piece of my toenail, and I vomited at that time. I vomited for a whole night, and I collapsed the next morning.

At the age of 12, looking back, I found that my life was full of tragedies, and committed suicide by buying pesticide for the second time!But this time I got smarter and changed to a pesticide store. After I bought it back, I unscrewed the cap and found that I had been hit by one and had another bottle!Tears welled up in my eyes, and I said Nima has been there for 12 years! 12 years!I finally won a drink and have another bottle!At that time, I didn't care about committing suicide. I took the bottle cap and ran to the pesticide store. I asked the boss to change another bottle. Then I returned home with a smirk. I saw my parents sitting on the sofa without the cap. They put the pesticide bottle on the coffee table, and they looked at me sternly, and I was beaten up again. From then on, I swore that I would never drink pesticide again!

In the same year, standing under the electric pole to urinate, who knew that the electric pole leaked electricity!Damn, almost electrocuted me to death!I was crying at that time, damn, I provoked someone, I just wanted to take a piss, and almost killed myself!

At the age of 13, I was finally promoted to Xingluo-level student, but my report card can be described in a poem: there are a sea of ​​people in front of me, but I am the only one behind.So I was able to be promoted to Xingluo-level student entirely because my martial soul is the top-level beast martial soul-Golden Winged Lei Peng.

Although the grades are poor, the bottom one or something, but after all, he was promoted successfully!Dad decided to put on a school banquet!
In the same year, my mother bought me a Soul Guidance Bicycle - 1258', and asked me to ride it to school every day. I have no complaints. The college is not far from home, and I can ride home in about 15 minutes.

Riding a bicycle, I am becoming more and more proficient in bicycle technology. Now I can completely loosen the handlebars and ride, just like acrobatics.But something unexpected happened!When I let go of the handlebar, I didn't notice a small stone in front of me. As a result, the front tire ran over it, and I fell directly. I didn't even have time to use my martial soul. Mom rushed me to the hospital for treatment.

He spent seven days in the hospital with a plaster cast on his arm and the hook on his jaw was put back on again.

My girlfriend who had been in the hospital for three months came to visit me in the hospital, left me saying that you are a good person, and left.I thought to myself that you actually want to call me an idiot, and that’s right, who can endure my boyfriend’s head being caught by the door when he was young, squatting in the kindergarten for two years, falling from the second floor and breaking his leg, and drinking pesticide for the second time Failed suicide, almost got electrocuted when he pissed, a hunk who can still drop his chin hook while riding a bicycle?
On the day I was discharged from the hospital, the doctor told me that after the chin hook fell off once, it would be easy to fall off again in the future, so he taught me how to connect the chin hook by myself, and asked me to pay attention not to chew too fast when eating, and to talk The speed can't be too fast, you can't open your mouth and shout, sing...

Despite my best efforts to pay attention to this problem, accidents still happen from time to time.Once when I was eating in the cafeteria at noon, my jaw dropped and my mouth was drooling. As a result, the three old ladies on the opposite side called me a stinky BT, a stinky hooligan. Are you three dinosaurs drooling?Really speechless...

Soon, my name spread throughout the entire Star Luo Royal Academy.

In Star Luo City, Star Luo Royal Academy, you don't have to know the number one beauty, but you absolutely must not know the number one joke - Mr. Wu Pengfei.


 This article is an independent article, and I wrote it specifically for one of my best friends. (evil laugh)

  There are many details that do not conform to the setting, so everyone can treat it as a funny article.

  Thank you for your support, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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