People are in Douluo, not martial arts

Chapter 6 Teacher Han Yi, Stay Online

Chapter 6 Teacher Han Yi, Stay Online

It was half a month in a flash.

The east is white, and the first ray of light from the early sun pierces the sky.

Ordinary people in the village have already woken up, carried plows and cattle, and went to the fields in the cool morning. Daily farm work is the theme song of their lives.

"Another day full of energy."

Since he had the blood of Thousand Hands, he meditated every night, and his efficiency has risen to a higher level.Half a month later, Han Yi's soul power has broken through the twelfth level, and he is now at the twelfth level.

"Don't I need to awaken my martial soul, and I can keep upgrading without absorbing the spirit ring?" This feeling is good, Han Yi thought to himself.

In Han Yi's view, this is a good thing.After all, according to the theory in previous life novels: the increase in soul power brought about by absorbing the soul ring is definitely not as easy to use as the soul power cultivated by oneself.

One is foreign, miscellaneous but not pure; the other is self-practiced, pure and concise.

"Brother, are you up too?" Xiao Wu got to know Han Yi a lot after half a month of contact.

"Brother what, please call me Mr. Han." Han Yi put on a straight face.

"Brother, don't be funny." Xiao Wu was no longer afraid of him.

"Hey, I haven't been teaching you for a day or two, it's been half a month. Before breakfast, do the moves of Rou Quan Ba ​​Gua Zhang and 64 Palms. Let me have a look.

If you make a mistake again, be careful with me, a ruler will blow your head off. "


Seeing Han Yi's unkind and cold face, Xiao Wu had no choice but to obediently go to the courtyard and practice the Rou Quan Ba ​​Gua Zhang, starting from the first form, one by one.

"Brother, the fight is over." Xiao Wu came to Han Yi panting.

She wanted to hear Han Yi's evaluation, and she wanted his approval.

"It's okay, just barely, even if you pass. Note that the No. 70 second form, 68 form, and 35 form are not coherent."

"Master, breakfast is ready. By the way, we don't have enough carrots in the vegetable garden." Sister Mei came over to call the two of them to have breakfast, and said something casually.

"Tell Aunt Hua to go shopping in the city every three days and buy more."

Han Yi shook his head, thinking, "This little rabbit is really good at eating radishes." '

"Ahem. It's time again, daily cultural class time."

"Xiao Wu, can you concentrate?"

Han Yi sighed slightly when he saw Xiao Wu looking around, fidgeting.

'Hey, in the final analysis, it is only a moving rabbit, and its nature is hard to change. '

"Open the textbook, Chapter 3, Section [-]: Summary of Daily Etiquette and Communication Salute."

"Shua..." Xiao Wu was embarrassed by being stared at by Han Yi, so she quickly turned to the book to follow.

"In this section, the main thing to learn is the language, manners, movements and several common salute postures in daily communication with people..."

In the courtyard, Han Yi read aloud to the textbook; he also demonstrated several common salute postures; he also explained the equivalent objects of each salute, including peers and elders.

"Chapter 3, Section [-]: The difference between men and women and the rituals of men and women."

"Xiao Wu, you must pay special attention to this section. I don't want to see you suffer a loss without knowing it."

Han Yi's words were so emphatic that the ruler in his hand hit the table hard and broke into several knots.

Thinking of the previous life, this little rabbit started to suffer at the age of 6 because of a small quilt, and he was still complacent.Thinking of this, Han Yi's anger rose up, and he seemed to lose his composure unknowingly.

Looking at Xiao Wu again, she looked frightened.His eyes were red and he was about to cry at any time.

"Okay, it was my fault just now. You should read the book carefully first, and remember that girls must learn to protect themselves."

After speaking, Han Yi left quickly.He ran back to the room, sat cross-legged, and made a fist with his hands.Through meditation, we can forget things and me.Use this to calm your mind.

After a quarter of an hour passed, Han Yi stopped his work and kept his breath restrained.

'This teaching is too difficult. 'Han Yi shouted silently in his heart.

"Do you remember everything? Especially, this, this, the content of these few paragraphs. This is the key point I gave you, remember it firmly, and don't touch it.

Unless one day, you meet that person in your life.Of course, these are still very early for you. "

Han Yi acted as a teacher again with a sad face.

"Well, I will keep it firmly in mind." This time, the little rabbit cooperated surprisingly without any rebellion.

'Did you just get freaked out? 'Han Yi had an incredible meal.

"Now, turn to the textbook, Chapter 5, Section [-]: Four seasons can change the wisdom."

"Shua..." Xiao Wu cooperated extremely this time, without any small movements.

'Could it be that scaring is so useful?Or was she too gentle with her before, as a teacher, should I be a little tougher?" Looking at Xiao Wu who sat down, Han Yi's thoughts raced.

"Ahem. Xiao Wu, you should read it for yourself first, and ask me if you don't understand. After you finish reading, tell me what you understand, and I'll give you my explanation."

"Shua." Xiao Wu raised her small hand.This is Han Yi's request to Xiao Wu. During class, if you have any questions, you should raise your hand.

"what's wrong?"

"Brother, I don't know this word."

Han Yi "."

"Xiao Wu, let me tell you what wisdom is. Just this sentence in the book, 'Wisdom can be changed in four seasons'. There are several things to learn in it."

Xiao Wu propped her chin with one hand, tilted her head, and looked at Han Yi quietly.

This situation made Han Yi think of the phrase 'I will just watch you quietly and see how you play. '

"The first and fourth seasons are to understand the seasons and government orders of the four seasons; this teaches us that if we want to be a wise man, we must have enough knowledge and a basic understanding. This is the first condition for a wise man .

Being able to change can be divided into following the four seasons to make changes; and when the four seasons are abnormal, you can not blindly follow the four seasons and make adjustments yourself.This teaches us from the side that if you want to be a wise man, you must have your own thoughts, and your thoughts must maintain a high degree of freedom and flexibility. "

"Xiao Wu, do you understand?"

"I don't really understand." Xiao Wu switched hands and continued to look at him.

"Then let me put it simply:

First, I hope that when you practice on the mainland in the future, you can see more, learn more, think more, accumulate enough knowledge, and broaden your horizons enough.

Second, I hope you, even if one day you find that person in your life, you will have independence and freedom in thought. "

"Brother, what you said is too profound and complicated, and I don't understand it at all." Xiao Wu looked dumbfounded.

'Ah, you are still that one, stupid rabbit.You are hopeless, I tell you. 'Han Yi feels sad.

"Okay, let's learn this today. You are tired too."

Han Yi announced that today's study was over, but he didn't put down the books, but took out a few books from the bedroom and studied them carefully.

If you don't look at it, you can't do it, maybe one day you won't be able to fool that little rabbit paper.

Feng didn't care if it was right or wrong, at least he didn't have to be speechless when facing the little rabbit.For the sake of face, we have to preview the preview first.

'This teaching is really too difficult. 'Han Yi felt that his head was getting bigger again.

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(End of this chapter)

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