Juvenile Song Xing's Reappearance

Chapter 77 Untitled Chapter Chapter

I read in the comments, some people said that this is a green hat article.

I'm here to say, no!no!no!

To me, Yin Luoxia only has some feelings for Song Yanhui, but she didn't completely like Song Yanhui, because she knows what the consequences of completely liking Song Yanhui are.

Also, the King of Jiangling knows. I also said in the article that the King of Jiangling is stronger than Beili controlled by Emperor Mingde.

Yin Luoxia left Xiao Xiaohan for two reasons,

One, I also said in the article.

Second, because of Xiao Xiaohan's fate.

In the original text of Juvenile Gexing, it seems that there is no such thing as fate, this is what I added.

Also, I want to take the first exam, and I failed the last one, so I have to make up the exam

I'm going to brush questions these days

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