Li Family's Leisure in the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 10 10 Lingzhu advanced orangutan meritorious service

Chapter 10 10 Lingzhu advanced orangutan meritorious service
April 27 of the Tianchen Calendar

The morning glow every day is dreamy, Li Xiaoyao lay on Zixiao's back shaking his feet, and the glow fell on his face.Li Dongyan also sat on Fengqing's back and hugged Li Shengxue. Both of them were going to Lingtian to help harvest today.

Feng Qing also entered the rank not long ago, her body size is a lot smaller than Zi Xiao's, but her speed is a little faster than Zi Xiao's. She can cast wind blades with her wings, and her power is not bad, after all, she is only a low-rank one.A spirit beast like this that can comprehend spells as soon as it enters the stage has great potential.

"Oh, Xiao Shengzhi also has a cyclone, come on, it won't take long to reach the first level of Qi training." Li Xiaoyao praised Li Shengzhi

"Uncle, I have already entered the first level of Qi training, why don't you praise me. Everyone has gifts, but you don't." Xiaoxue muttered and said dissatisfied
"Here, didn't uncle give you Qiling Pill?" Li Xiaoyao said with a little embarrassment

"It's for the birds, I don't want to eat it," Xiaoxue became more and more angry.Li Dongyan covered her mouth and laughed, she must have been instigated by her sister-in-law. Sheng Xue was bold in the first place, but now she has a sharp mouth.

"Well, didn't uncle wait for Sheng Zhi to reach the first floor of Qi training and give you gifts together?" Li Xiaoyao said bravely.How can he have a gift that he can take out?

"It's a deal, uncle is a puppy for deceiving people." Xiaoxue said with a smile after seeing her success, and Li Dongyan couldn't straighten up from laughing.Everyone is laughing too
"Thank you uncle, I will work hard." Li Shengzhi has a simple and shy personality.

Neither Su Yueying nor Zhao Yan came over this year, they were busy refining the Lingqing Bamboo.

Everyone talked and laughed and finished harvesting and sowing.Just about to disperse.

All of a sudden, the blue light in the Green Bamboo Cave shone brightly, countless blue light spots fell on the entire Green Bamboo Mountain Range, and the Green Bamboo Sea of ​​Clouds rippled layer by layer.Li Xiaoyao and others rushed to the gate of Qingzhu Cave.Countless cyan light spots are still falling, Xiaoyao grabs them with his hands, the cyan light spots are floating in his hands, exuding vitality, and when he gently raises his hand, the blue spots float away to the distance again.

"Advanced, mother's Lingqingbamboo has advanced, and..."

Zhao Yanshan came late, and halfway through her excited speech, the blue light dissipated, the cave door opened, and Su Yueying's words came from inside

"And it is an extremely rare "King" class"

Li Dongyan jumped up excitedly, obviously she knew what "Wang" class meant.

Everyone walked into the cave and watched for a long time around the low-grade Lingqing Bamboo of the third rank. The green Lingzhu was 3 meters high and was as crystal clear as jade. .The cyan halo, from bottom to top, reached the tip of the bamboo and merged into the bamboo body.

"Unexpectedly, this spirit bamboo not only advanced to the third level, but also became a "king" level existence, which is very rare in the records of the true spirit of the green bamboo."

"Not only does this spiritual bamboo have the hope of continuing to advance, the blue light spots are seeds, which will grow many advanced spiritual bamboos, and the green bamboo mountain range will be full of green bamboos. I also entered the building because of the spiritual green bamboo. It's the base level 5." Su Yueying still couldn't hide her excitement
Zhao Yan also happily took over the words, "The most important thing is that as a cultivator, my mother can expect a golden elixir, and I have also benefited from it. Qingguang helped me successfully consecrate the second-level high-grade Lingqing Bamboo." After everyone listened, more excited

"This bamboo has been sacrificed by me for nearly a hundred years. To have this achievement is both a gift from heaven and a destiny from man." Su Yueying glanced at Li Xiaoyao and said meaningfully

"Okay, everyone, go to the front hall, I'm going to announce something." Su Yueying continued
Seeing everyone take their seats, Su Yueying said
"The Tianchen League is ready to fully open the square city. We don't have extravagant expectations for shops or anything, but it is also good to prepare more things in exchange for spirit stones. And after Lingqingzhu enters the third-level king, the Qingzhu Feijian has become my favorite! My natal spirit treasure can leave its body and travel far away with me, and my cultivation level will also be improved. It is estimated that it will only take 3 months to go to Tianchenfang City. Therefore, I will go to Tianchenfang City to purchase spiritual objects. What do you want to do recently? Thinking about what I need, I plan to set off in January next year, after all, Lingqingzhu has just advanced and needs stability."

Everyone has concerns, no one speaks

"Don't worry, dangers are everywhere on the road to immortality. We can't slow down our pace of development because we are afraid of danger. If we can hire a suitable spirit planter, Chuyue Peak can also earn spirit stones. We also need to buy some first-level 1 The Qi-increasing Pill of the first level will speed up our cultivation. We also need to buy a large number of spiritual plant and spiritual medicine seeds, and we need to use such a good spiritual vein from Banyue Island."

Seeing that Su Yueying had made up her mind, everyone stopped talking and dispersed.Li Xiaoyao deliberately stayed until the end.

"Grandma, there will be a lot of Lingshui until next January, why don't we dilute it and sell it in exchange for more needed things." Li Xiaoyao tried to say

"I'm also hesitating about this matter. I don't have many spirit stones at home. There are more than 7 contribution points in the family token. I don't know what I can get in exchange for it. It's just that this will delay your mother's spirit bamboo advancement speed." Su Yue Ying said

"Grandma, Lingshui has always been there, but before the opening of Wahaifang City, everyone will only agree with you to go to Tianchenfang City this time. After all, there are too many dangers at sea. Just bring back a little more." Li Xiaoyao said

"That's the only way, I'll take it with me first, and we'll decide whether to sell it or not" Su Yueying said
Back to Xiaoyao Mountain

Back in the cave, Xiaoyao didn't start practicing directly, but thought wildly for a while, "Everyone is working hard for the family, and they don't hesitate to take risks, but I can't help the family except Qinglian Huogou. Alas, grandma didn't mention the theory In the General Assembly, we know that we have no way to compete with the children of other families, but the power of my fire gourd and spirit fire has already reached the power of the second-rank inferior. The four fire dragon sword qi have also been warmed up for several years, so I will find a chance to try its power. Discussion conference, Jidan."

Xiaoyao withdrew his thoughts and began to practice.

In the early morning, an eagle chirps to break the darkness, and the five-color glow flows.Xiaoyao was relaxing in the morning glow, when suddenly he heard two cries of "Aww" in the jungle below.The rays of the sun dissipated, and they swooped down with Zixiao.Two dark orangutans stood on the branches and screamed, they activated the spiritual eye technique, there was no spiritual energy fluctuation, they were just two beasts.

Xiaoyao was about to leave, and the two orangutans were waving like psychics, and Xiaoyao's interest slowly dropped when Xiaoyao came.Xiaoyao looked at the two chimpanzees calmly, but they were obviously afraid of Zixiao and did not dare to come over.

Xiaoyao waved his hand, and Zixiao let out a dissatisfied "cuckoo..." before flapping his wings and flying into the distance. Seeing this, the two orangutans ran up to Xiaoyao, put their hands on the ground, and said something, but Xiaoyao didn't move. The two orangutans got up and wailed at each other, and waved to Xiaoyao.Xiaoyao understood this time, and wanted him to go with them.

Xiaoyao followed the orangutan's footsteps and came to a valley where there were many orangutans. After seeing Xiaoyao, they fell down.

"This is a group that has produced monsters? They are all psychic, but they don't have spiritual fluctuations." Xiaoyao thought to himself while following

Xiaoyao was amazed. It turned out that there was a huge cave in the depths of the valley, and there was a dead tree more than 10 tall.Flying over it is invisible at all, and there is no aura fluctuation. The 2 orangutans fell to the ground after arriving here, so it should be here.

Xiaoyao walked into the dead tree to check, only to find that a bud grew on a branch of the dead tree, and there was an extremely weak aura fluctuation on the bud.I urged the spirit beast seal, and Zixiao flew over quickly, hovering in the valley.All the orangutans in the valley were frightened and fled.Only the orangutan who led the way, although his body was shaking violently, could not stand up and refused to leave.

Ask Zixiao to invite the third uncle to come, and Zixiao circles around and quickly flies to the Qingzhu Mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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