Chapter 13 Chapter 13
Time-limited task: Tianchen League recycles the first-level spirit wood iron wood core, each root is 1 spirit stones and 90 contribution points. After the agreement is signed, iron wood tree seedlings will be provided free of charge.

Li Donglai and Su Yueying mentioned that if they saw ironwood tree saplings, they must buy them.Although the iron wood core is only a first-order spirit wood, many medium and large magic weapon ferries use iron wood core as the basic material, and the demand is extremely high.It only takes 15 years for ironwood tree seedlings to produce ironwood cores, and the demand for aura is not very high. This price is more suitable than planting first-order spiritual rice, and there are also contribution point rewards.

"Hello, I want to accept the task of recycling iron and wood cores." Su Yueying came to the task processing window
"Show the family token," said a young man impatiently.Su Yueying handed over the family token.

"The Foundation Establishment family can receive up to 500 ironwood seedlings, and after 20 years, at least 8% of the ironwood cores will be handed in. How many plants will you receive?" the young man introduced

"Receiving 500 plants" Su Yueying ignored the youth's attitude
"This is proof of receipt. The agreement has been bound with the family token, so we can go." The young man handed over the family token and said with a small jade token.Su Yueying received 500 seedlings and put them in the spiritual planting bag, and then went to the recruitment hall to check, if there were suitable spiritual planters, she would recruit a few. There were a lot of complicated information about spiritual planters, but most of them were recruitment information , very little self-recommendation information.

A few self-recommendation requirements were particularly high, and there was no recruiting value at all. They turned around and left, preparing to return to the family.

Not far from the door, a quarrel came

"You said that it's fine if you bring a child with a spiritual root, and you have to bring more than 20 mortals. If the descendant of a mortal has a spiritual root, you have to have your last name. You are only a mid-level spirit planter. The spirit planter is Rarely, then no family can use you," said a middle-aged man
"Officer Zhao, find a way to help me, for my father's sake, please, I can't help it," a dark-skinned man begged
"I introduced you because Senior Brother Li had helped me before he was alive, but you are good. The foundation building families overseas have agreed. You still don't want to go overseas. That's all. You can do it yourself." The middle-aged steward shook his arm, Turn around and leave.

The dark man stood indifferently, his eyes were slightly red.

"Zhao Changlin" Su Yueying shouted
"Second Aunt?" the man rubbed his eyes and said

The dark man was the son of Su Yueying and Lin Weifeng who had sworn brother Zhao Hongbo and saved their lives.

"Brother, sister-in-law?" Su Yueying asked

"My mother died during the opening battle, and my father did not survive the nine-day calamity with the golden pill, and he is no longer here," the man said with a slight bow.

"Oh! My eldest brother is so talented. I never thought about it. It's really difficult to walk the road." Su Yueying said

"Can Second Aunt take our family in?" The man suddenly knelt down

"Get up and talk." Su Yueying quickly helped Zhao Changlin up.

"Father exchanged all the contribution points for the auxiliary alchemy, but it still failed. Our family of 26 has lived a difficult life in the past few years. I can't bear to abandon the mortal blood relatives. My child also has spiritual roots. The road to cultivation in the future will also be bumpy. I beg my second aunt to take me in, and I am willing to be a vassal." The dark man burst into tears.

"Hey, I can't repay you for saving my life. I should have helped you, but my family's land is far away. It's hard to bring you three monks back to the island, not to mention there are mortals. I can only help you with some spiritual help." Stone lives." Su Yueying shook her head helplessly and said
"Second Aunt only said that she would accept my Li family as a vassal?" The man raised his head and said resolutely
"It's only natural. How can my Li family forget Brother Li's life-saving kindness?" Su Yueying said

"I know that my second uncle and my aunt are affectionate people, please leave me your contact address, I have a way to try it myself." Li Mufan's eyes sparkled, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

"That's all, this is the address, I will stay for 3 days," Su Yueying said

"After 1 day, my second aunt please don't go out, my Zhao family is grateful to my second aunt whether it will be successful or not." Zhao Changlin turned and left quickly after speaking.

Before Zhao Hongbo crossed the catastrophe, he gave the three jade slips of the immortal cultivating classics to his son.It also tells the past of Zhao Hongbo's 3 years of practice, focusing on the captain of Zhao Hongbo's pioneering war, a golden core casual cultivator, who has been envious of Li Hongbo's flying sword for a long time, and once proposed an exchange.He was prevaricated by Zhao Hongbo with the technique attached to his exercises.Later, Zhao Hongbo was designed to be in danger during the mission, and almost died, but he was still injured after he escaped by chance, so he didn't dare to leave Tianchen Island to survive the catastrophe.

He also talked about the past adventures with Li Weifeng and Su Yueying, and said that if he didn't dare to leave Tianchen Island, otherwise he must first entrust the whole family to Li Weifeng and his wife to cross the catastrophe, etc.

After Zhao Hongbo failed to cross the tribulation, Huang Jingyi, a casual cultivator of Jindan, came to propose a deal. Zhao Changlin resented this person, thinking that if Zhao Hongbo hadn't been injured before and delayed the time, it would be possible to form Jindan, so he didn't send jade to him. Jane handed it over to him.Huang Jingyi searched all the storage bags before leaving, how could there be such a deal.

Zhao Changlin came to the courtyard at the farthest corner of Tianchenfang City, where a family of 25 people lived crowded together.After talking with Taoist Zhang Yazhi and agreeing with him, he came to the room of a mortal old man.

"Brother, arrange for the clansmen to leave in 3 days, and they must not reveal the rumors, remember to remember," Li Mufan finished.Take out a wooden box under the old man's bed, this wooden box has the function of isolating the detection of spiritual consciousness.

A foundation-building technique, inherited from a first-level spiritual planter, a fragmented flying sword technique, three jade slips and two blue-black beads.Li Mufan put everything into a storage bag and went straight to the auction house in Tianchenfang City. There will be an auction in 1 days. The foundation building technique and the inheritance of the first-level spiritual planter will be engraved and handed over to the auction house for auction. Xing gave a base price of 3 spirit stones for the foundation building technique, and 3 spirit stones for the inheritance of the first-level spiritual planter.

In Tianchenfang City, spirit beasts can be rented. There is a large spirit bird, a third-level low-grade wind sculpture, which flies extremely fast, and is often rented by monks to take people with it. The speed of the third-level low-grade letter Fengdiao is comparable to that of a middle-stage Jindan monk, but he is not good at fighting.Huang Jingyi is only at the early stage of Jindan, although I don't know if Huang Jingyi has been watching him, but it is always right to be careful. The rental price of the third-order letter wind sculpture is naturally expensive, 3 spirit stones per month, a deposit of 3 spirit stones or contribution points, and family tokens as guarantee.

When Li Mufan came to the inn, he told Su Yueying about his plans, but he didn't mention the Golden Core Loose Cultivation.Su Yueying not only agreed to Li Mufan's plan, but also said that the auction of the exercises was not enough for 4 spirit stones. She can not only use the family token as a guarantee, but also pay the deposit for the remaining spirit stones

Practice exercises are very popular, especially skill-based inheritance.A total of more than 1 spirit stones were obtained in the auction. Su Yueying used the contribution of the family token to make up the deposit and left Tianchenfang City immediately.

Su Yueying was very cautious. Although the letter wind eagle was extremely fast, it would be dangerous if it was intercepted halfway.After flying out of Fangshi, she has been flying on an irregular route. Because of this, she saved her life

(End of this chapter)

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