Chapter 17 Chapter 17
Li Donglai was taking care of the second-order spiritual field, Xiaoyao jumped off Zixiao and walked towards his third uncle, who saw that Xiaoyao was not in a good mood
Asked "what's the matter? Happy"

"Third Uncle, I made you and Third Aunt work so hard for nothing, I don't have much talent for alchemy." Li Xiaoyao said sadly with his head down
"It's okay, it's okay, what are you afraid of if you don't have talent, our family has a field, if you fail, you will fail. The next batch of elixir can be used as medicine again in a year, and there will only be more elixir after that. I'm afraid it will delay your cultivation." Uncle smiled and patted Xiaoyao on the shoulder and said

"And I made a bet with your third aunt." The third uncle followed me, and Li Xiaoyao raised his head curiously.
"I bet with your third aunt whether you can succeed in refining, and I bet that you can't succeed. Your third aunt bets that you can succeed in at least one furnace."

The third uncle smiled and continued, "I also said that your third aunt is delusional. The first time you refine the spirit enhancement pill, you can succeed with only fourteen elixir? How talented is that? It's not as good as the beast spirit pill." A simple pill."

Li Xiaoyao was slightly taken aback.Second Uncle went on to say

"Before I came to Banyue Island, I used to take care of elixir for the family of a second-level high-grade alchemist. I heard that the most talented junior in his family had to refine Zengling Pill 10 times before he succeeded. There are still elders Give pointers."

"It took a second-level high-grade alchemist to give advice and it took 10 times to succeed. You just learned the jade slips inherited from the first-level, and you are all groping for the rest. How could you succeed?"

"Don't be discouraged, we have a field, practice makes perfect, third uncle believes in you"

Li Xiaoyao touched his nose, took out a jade bottle from the storage bag a little embarrassedly and said
"Third Uncle, you lost, but I succeeded once."

The third uncle took the jade bottle and laughed loudly, "My boy, I really have you."

The third aunt took Li Shengzhi by the hand and saw the two of them walking over talking and laughing and asked, "Why are you so happy? What's the matter?"

The third uncle handed over the jade bottle and said, "You have won, and Xiaoyao succeeded."

The third aunt took it excitedly, "Really? Really? Great, great, Xiaoyao is awesome." Li Shengzhi stood aside, not knowing why.

"Okay, okay, you still have to go to the elixir garden, the herb grows too fast, you should hurry up and have a look." The third uncle waved his hand.Yinxiangcao is the weed used for "Yinguidan". See Xiaoyao before, so I planted a little, but it needs to be watched for a long time to avoid growing too much.

The third aunt came over and shook Xiaoyao's hand and said, "Xiaoyao, thank you so much."

"It's just a few pills, third aunt, don't be like this, we are a family, the spirit grass was prepared by you and third uncle," Xiaoyao said quickly

"Yes, family." The third aunt said a few more words, and took Li Shengzhi to the mountainside elixir garden
"Do you not understand? Why is your third aunt so excited?" After the third aunt walked away, the third uncle smiled wryly

I didn't speak, the third uncle went on to say

"You are young and have good talent, so of course I don't understand. It is difficult for us to increase our cultivation recently. Your second aunt and I are both 50 years old. If we are here, there is no hope of building a foundation."

"Earlier, there were two Condensing Yuan Fruits left at home, and your third aunt and I didn't count on them. Later, Tianchen Island sent 2 Foundation Establishment Pills."

Speaking of this third uncle sighed and continued:

"Now your third aunt and I have expectations. The foundation building pill belongs to you and Xiaoyan. We don't want extravagance. But there is also the condensed fruit. My parents, elder brothers and sisters all use the condensed fruit to build the foundation. It's successful, and we both have the possibility to succeed."

"But at the 8th level of Qi training, the growth of cultivation base is too slow, too slow. I don't have the confidence to reach the 10th level of Qi training in 9 years. I don't know how many years it will be until the 9th level of Qi training reaches perfection. After that 60 years old, the older you are, the lower your chances of building a foundation."

"We both know that even if you reach the 60th level of Qi training before the age of 9, the chance of success in foundation building is very low."

"Our pursuit is very simple, and we know that the foundation building period is our upper limit. But the lifespan of a monk in the Qi training period is about 120 years, and the lifespan of a monk in the foundation period is 240 years. We are now 50 years old, and we have not To have children is to live a few more years after the foundation building period, to have more children, to enjoy life more, to work hard for you juniors, that is enough."

"Look at how kind your third aunt treats Sheng Zhi, and you know how much she wants a child of her own."

After separating from the third uncle, Li Xiaoyao has been thinking about it, as if he understood something, but also seemed to have nothing, and flew back to Xiaoyao Mountain in a trance

Li Xiaoyao was shocked suddenly, "Xiaoyao Mountain, Li Xiaoyao, it turns out that grandpa wants me to be "happy" on the road of cultivation. Third uncle and third aunt want to achieve "longevity""

It turned out that there were waves of excitement in my heart.As the saying goes, all people have no self, gods and men have no merit, and saints have no name.

Li Xiaoyao returned to Xiaoyao Mountain and went directly to the cave to practice. The sea of ​​consciousness rolled, five five-color light spots sprinkled five-color rays of light, the sea of ​​consciousness slowly expanded, the spiritual consciousness increased, and the spiritual energy gathered like a pillar, pouring into Xiaoyao's body. The gourd rotates quickly in the dantian, and the dantian easily refines the aura, and the dantian's blue-red vortex spiritual power increases rapidly.

"This kid has an epiphany? His aptitude is not good, but his comprehension is not bad. Does this mean he has great luck?" Qing Lianhuo was alarmed, and fell into a deep sleep after knowing everything that happened.

For three days and three nights, the aura vortex gathered the aura from the entire Qingzhu Mountain Range in Xiaoyao Mountain, alarming everyone.But they all waited at the gate of the cave, and did not disturb Li Xiaoyao's cultivation.

The cave door opened slowly, and Li Xiaoyao walked out of the cave refreshed and refreshed. After greeting everyone, the corners of his mouth raised
"I've reached the 7th floor of Qi training"

Zhao Yan smiled and said nothing, third uncle Li Donglai was thoughtful, sister-in-law Li Dongyan opened her mouth wide in disbelief.

"I don't know what's going on, this spiritual energy is suddenly very easy to refine, and it went smoothly to the late stage of the 6th floor, and then broke through to the 7th floor without any bottlenecks." Li Xiaoyao knew that he had benefited, and he seemed to know why So, there is no way to copy it.

"This should be an epiphany. I heard rumors before that the ancient Yuanying ancestor of the Gu Yuezong had a sudden epiphany on a mountain. He crossed the golden elixir stage and passed the golden elixir to perfection. He didn't use any auxiliary spiritual objects to transform into an infant directly. Success, the vortex of spiritual energy swept across the whole area, even Heavenly Tribulation avoided him, I don’t know if it’s true or not,” said Zhao Yan

Everyone was very surprised. It turned out that there was such a rumor. They didn't know if it was true or not, and they felt it was very mysterious. Combined with the movement of Li Xiaoyao's cultivation in the past three days, they felt that the possibility was quite high.

Everyone exchanged for a while and then went back to the cave. They didn't know that Li Xiaoyao's real benefit was in the sea of ​​knowledge, and Li Xiaoyao didn't mention it. After all, it involved the innate spiritual treasure Qinglian Huogou. Knowing it might be a form of protection.

Li Xiaoyao's sea of ​​consciousness has been expanded again, and the number and strength of his consciousness are almost the same as those of the monks in the early stage of foundation establishment.If the foundation building is successful, the Sea of ​​Consciousness will be expanded again. I don't know how far it will go.

The spiritual sense felt the green lotus fire gourd for a while, the spiritual water and the spiritual fire have not changed much, and the power of the fire dragon sword energy has obviously increased
(End of this chapter)

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