Li Family's Leisure in the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 2 2 Banyue Island's Green Bamboo Cloud Sea Formation

Chapter 2 2 Banyue Island's Green Bamboo Cloud Sea Formation

Thirty years ago, Gu Yuezong succeeded in another elder and aging baby, and Xiao Chenjian, the master, also broke through to the Nascent Soul Dzogchen, and he was even a 30th-rank top-rank formation mage.So he formed an alliance with the Cangyu Sect and the Beast King Sect, named Tianchen League, with Xiao Jianchen as the leader, and jointly developed the huge island occupied by the monster beast water ape clan, and many vassal families of the three sects were also recruited into the alliance.Although he was recruited forcibly, the rewards are really attractive. There are quite a few Foundation Establishment Pills and Golden Yuan Pills, and there are countless other spirits.And the outer disciples of the three sects can exchange for family tokens through contribution points, and the tokens can be exchanged for Lingmai Lingdao, and they will also help their families transport mortals by ferry with magic weapons.

In this battle, three sects were mobilized, with a total of 13 Nascent Soul stage, nearly 2 Jindan stage, and more than 3000 Foundation Establishment stage. It took a full 15 years to completely occupy the giant island named Tianchen Giant Island. , It took several years to clean up the many subsidiary islands.Tianchen Island has a vast area and many spiritual veins, but there are still many monks and few flesh.The fifth-rank low-grade spirit veins belonged to Gu Yuezong, and the two fourth-rank high-grade spirit veins belonged to the Cangyu Sect and the Beastmaster Sect.The fourth-order and third-order spirit veins on the island are all occupied by the powerful Yuanying Jindan family.

Families who want high-level spiritual veins all choose the subsidiary island of Tianchen Giant Island. Grandpa had to take the risk of choosing the subsidiary island Banyue Island for the development of the family.
Li Weifeng and Li Dongqi went out to perform the last mission, and they would not be recruited for a long time after the mission was over.I don't know when I can come back.

"Yan'er, tell me about the situation of ordinary people," said grandma Su Yueying

"Yes." Mother Zhao Yan replied solemnly and continued.

"Mortals set up two towns, Qingzhu and Chuyue. Dongzhi and Dongyong are the mayors. There are a total of 2 people in the two towns, mainly with the surname of Li, supplemented by the surnames of Su, Zhao, and Song, and various in-laws. A total of 2 surnames”

"And the two towns are not small, there is a lake, two rivers, and the land is flat and fertile. It is expected to feed 2 people"

Su Yueying nodded and said, "Come to the east, tell me about the exploration of Lingtian and the situation of Lingtian on the island."

"Muling Mountain can reclaim 150 mu of second-level spiritual fields, Chuyue Mountain can reclaim 2 mu of spiritual fields, and spiritual eyes on the mountainside of Muling Mountain can build second-level elixir gardens. Since this island has been cleaned many times by others, valuable spiritual plants The spirit grasses have been taken away, and even the advanced spirit trees have been cut down or uprooted."

Third Uncle Li Donglai said regretfully
"With this spiritual island, I should be satisfied. The master and I have discussed each cultivation cave before. The eldest couple is in the south of the green bamboo mountain. Yan'er sacrifices the second-level high-grade spiritual green bamboo as soon as possible. The third child is in the wood spirit mountain, and fully develops it. Lingtian. Dongyan planted a second-level low-grade spiritual green bamboo in the Beiling Eye of Qingzhu Mountain, which can also be used for preliminary sacrifices. Xiaoyao is in Xiaoyao Mountain. There are few family monks. First, plant some spiritual trees in Chuyue Mountain, and let the Lingyan be idle for now." Su Yue Ying paused and continued

"The formation for protecting the island has been completed. It is a low-level "green bamboo cloud sea formation" of the third level. The main formation is the upper-level spiritual green bamboo of the second level in my cave. Because it is only a second-level spiritual bamboo, this third-level formation is empty now. In other words, it can only display the power of the second-level top-rank. Yan'er, Dongyan is full of array eyes. The power of this array is directly related to the rank and quantity of the array eyes. The killing power of this array is strong, and the defense is not weak , and has a good concealment effect”

The reason why Su Yueying was able to arrange the third-order Green Bamboo Cloud Sea Formation was not only because the plate and the spiritual objects were all finished products, which were obtained by that great chance, but also because the formation was of the same origin as the Green Bamboo Scriptures practiced by grandma, so it could be used The power of the array can be maximized.

In addition, the spirit bamboos of the Azure Bamboo Cloud Sea Formation can be refined by the monks who practice the Green Bamboo Scriptures. The cultivator breathes spiritual energy with the Lingqing Bamboo to increase the refining speed, and the bamboo tip can be turned into a flying sword to defend against the enemy without affecting the spirit. Bamboo is advanced, and its power is one level higher than that of the spiritual bamboo itself, but the green bamboo flying sword cannot be too far away from the green bamboo cloud sea formation, and cannot be used outside, unless the spiritual green bamboo enters the third rank, and the green bamboo flying sword becomes the monk's natal spiritual treasure.

Everyone was very excited to hear that.Su Yueying went on to say,
"The big formation will be fully activated in one month, you all go back to repair the caves, happy and free, Dongyan stays behind"

The third uncle and the third trial haven't established the foundation yet, so they can't fly with power, but they have a mid-level wooden crane puppet of the first rank to travel.

After the family left, Su Yueying took out 2 eggs the size of a human head, one purple and one cyan
He said, "This is a gift from the owner of the family, the eggs of the second-level top-grade green-scaled eagle, and the purple ones are mutated. Let's share it between you two."

Li Dongyan and Li Xiaoyao looked at each other, and said mischievously, "Let my lovely nephew choose first."

Xiaoyao's expression turned embarrassing, this sister-in-law often made fun of Xiaoyao, made a face at her, happily took the purple animal egg, and said "Thank you, grandpa and grandma" to grandma with a smile.

The sister-in-law also took the beast eggs, thanked her and said to Xiaoyao, "Why don't you thank Auntie, this big nephew is really not good"

Xiaoyao just glanced at her lightly, without saying a word.

Grandma helped me out and said, "You have all practiced the spirit beast seal, and cast spells on the beast eggs twice a day. The beast eggs will slowly establish a relationship with you, and when they see you for the first time after hatching, they will put you Although it is not a strong restriction to be a relative, after getting along day and night, you will gradually have telepathy, so that it is difficult for the spirit beast to rebel. You put the beast eggs in the spirit spring, and it will hatch in less than a month."

Dongyan and Xiaoyao each found a place to cast the Spirit Beast Seal

Half a month later, there were two consecutive "click, click".Xiaoyao opened his eyes and looked, there were two cracks on the purple beast egg in the Lingquan, and the two eagle claws were trying hard to peel the eggshell, Xiaoyao hurried forward and dragged the beast egg on his hands.

Soon a little purple eagle completely broke out of its shell, gnawing on the eggshell, and the connection established through the spirit beast seal gradually became clear.

The purple kitty raised his head, opened his eyes, looked at Xiaoyao, then rubbed his head affectionately on Xiaoyao's hand, and Xiaoyao happily stroked it gently with his hand, the kitty gradually closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The grandma and sister-in-law saw that the little eagle had recognized its master, and came over, the grandma said with a little excitement, "It's rare, it's really rare, the green scale eagle is a second-level high-grade monster, it can spell spells with wind attributes, it is fast, its body is strong, and its claws It also has the spirit-breaking attribute and is extremely sharp. I can also sense the fluctuation of the thunder attribute in this mutated green-scaled eagle, and the monster beasts with the thunder attribute are very rare, it is really rare."

Grandma looked at me and said, "If you cultivate it well, you will have a chance to enter the third level. Have you named it yet?"

Xiaoyao pondered for a while and said, "Well~~~, let's call it Zixiao, Xiaozi, Zixiao." I happily sent Xiaozi into my arms.

A few days later, my sister-in-law's green-scaled eagle also hatched, and it was a female, dark blue, named Fengqing.

Half a month later, Banyue Island roared continuously, and a blue light curtain slowly enveloped the whole island, and the green bamboo cloud formation was officially launched.

(End of this chapter)

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