Chapter 22 Chapter 22
"Dahei Erhei lead your brothers and follow me." Li Xiaoyao brought all the orangutans to the hot spring, where Su Yueying was already waiting.

"This is the orientation map, and this is the first-order earth talisman." Su Yueying handed over a blueprint and a large stack of talismans and said

"Yes, grandma, leave it to me," Li Xiaoyao took over and said.Su Yueying descended from the cliff to the ground fire first, and destroyed the stone cave passage.

Li Xiaoyao selected a location and began to direct the orangutans to dig holes.Where Li Xiaoyao obtained the Qinglian Fire Gourd, there was still a piece of Tier 1 high-grade ground fire and a piece of pyrite vein.I want to build a passage here, prepare a ground fire refining room for future clansmen to refine weapons, and mine Tier 2 fire crystal ore.

After digging a winding passage for more than 3 miles, an earth spirit talisman was used to stabilize the passage wall every time a section passed, and gradually dug to the place where the ground fire was located.Su Yueying has already arranged the formation to surround the ground fire, and built two large refining rooms and an alchemy room with the excavated earth and rocks. The formation can not only absorb spiritual energy to feed the ground fire, but also can be used for a long time. Worrying that the ground fire will gradually go out, it can also stabilize the surrounding earth and rocks and prevent them from collapsing.

Su Yueying Yujian released countless sword qi at the position of the fire crystal mine, and the sword qi pierced two mine tunnels.

"Xiaoyao, just mine ore in these two mines, as much as you can mine, and save some for future clansman refining." Su Yueying put away the green bamboo flying sword and said to Li Xiaoyao

Da Hei Er Hei led the orangutans into the mine, and started mining with hoes.After sending Su Yueying away, Li Xiaoyao also joined them.The mine road is not long, and after digging more than 3 jin of ore, he sent the orangutans back to Muling Mountain. He simply smelted the ore by himself, and obtained the fire crystal fine ore, which can be used for refining after being extracted by the refiner. device.

Back to Xiaoyao Mountain

"There are a total of more than 200 catties of fine ore. After refining, there should be 30 catties of fire spar. After adding some spiritual things and rice, it should be able to exchange for flying swords, haha." The big man was happy when he thought that he would have a flying sword laugh it out.

"Here. Xiao Zi" threw a Blood Essence Pill over.Xiaoyao went back to the cave to meditate and visualize the green dragon.

Li Dongyan took Li Shengxue and Li Shengzhi back to Qingzhu Mountain, but this time the spirit test did not find any young children with spiritual roots.

"Little grandma, when will I be able to go home to visit my mother?" Li Shengxue asked Li Dongyan with red eyes, and Li Shengzhi was also very sad.

"Didn't your grandma say that when you both break through to the third level of Qi training, let the white-feathered crane's eggs hatch for you two, as long as it doesn't affect your practice, you can go back at any time?" Li Dongyan comforted

"Xiaozhi, how long will it take you to break through?" Li Shengxue asked his brother

"Sister, I just arrived at the late stage of the second level of Qi training, and it will be a long time, unlike you, who have reached the peak of the second level." Li Shengzhi said

"Brother, you have to work hard to cultivate." Li Shengxue encouraged me old-fashionedly.
"Hahaha, go back and rub your little grandma's shoulders, and I'll make you some spiritual tea." Li Dongyan said with a smile

A few days later, Li Xiaoyao came to Muling Mountain

"Third Grandpa, Uncle is here." Li Shengzhi was playing outside the cave, saw Zixiao flying, ran into the cave and said
"Haha, Xiaoyao is here, I just made some spiritual tea, let's drink some together" Li Donglai said with a smile

"Spiritual tea? Is it sister-in-law?" Li Xiaoyao asked suspiciously
"Yeah, hehe, the tea made by Dongyan is really good," Li Dong said

Li Xiaoyao's face was full of anger, "My sister-in-law took away all the tea leaves from the advanced tea tree, and still didn't give me the roasted tea leaves, it's so annoying"

"Haha, spirit tea is only low-grade 1st grade. It was given to Sheng Zhi by Dongyan. It is useless to you and me. I just smell the fragrance and drink some secretly. I dare not let your third aunt know." Li Donglai said quietly
"Third Uncle, this is Qiling Pill, this is Qi Enhancing Pill for you and Third Aunt to practice. This is Spirit Wine, you secretly, don't be found out." Li Xiaoyao took a careful look before taking out Spirit Wine.

"Hehe, Zengqi Dan is really a good thing. Without it, your third aunt and I couldn't have reached the 9th floor of Qi training so quickly," Li Donglai said with emotion.

"By the way, third uncle, are there any weeds from last time?" Li Xiaoyao asked
"Here, it's the last point. This kind of grass has already affected the growth of the elixir, and I and your third aunt got rid of it all. Do you want me to find a place for you to plant some?" Li Dong said

"No need third uncle, I'll go first." Li Xiaoyao waved away
Li Xiaoyao and Zi Xiao flew out of Banyue Island and came to the island reef where they had encountered Chasing Wind Eagle before.

"Try here and see if you can catch a turtle, Zixiao, go there and hide better, don't make a sound," Li Xiaoyao waved to Zixiao
"Cuckoo" Zixiao received it, trotted to a bush and got down on the ground

The boring waiting time was not long, the sea surface was tumbling, and several black water turtles surfaced.

"Zi Xiao lie down, I'm coming." Li Xiaoyao quickly hid beside Zi Xiao and also lay down.

"1 2 3..., that's a bit too much, 6 black water turtles, what's the matter?" Li Xiaoyao said to himself. "Cuckoo" Zixiao called out softly

"No, no, there are too many. If you can't beat it, just wait." Li Xiaoyao lay on the ground and observed.
After the Xuanshui turtle ate the Yingui Pill, 4 of them scraped the sand on the beach, and 2 of them looked around with their probes to watch and watch.

"What is this for? Is there something hidden in the sand, could it be?" Li Xiaoyao continued to observe puzzledly. This party lasted for 3 hours.

"It's moving, it's moving, 3 of them are gone, and 3 of them are filling the soil. Zixiao is ready. I will hit the two on the right, and you will hit the one on the left. Don't use Zilei, go up." Li Xiaoyao and Zixiao assigned after a good job

Whoosh, whoosh, three fire gourd spirit fires flew out, the divine sense locked and hit 3 of them, and the other one dodged in time.The fire gourd spirit fire is very powerful, but it flies too slowly, and even the sneak attacks cannot hit all of them.

Zixiao spread his wings to raise the altitude, and swooped down rapidly.Li Xiaoyao's knowledge of the sea turned into ripples, and he pinched his sword with both hands and pointed forward.Two fire dragon sword qi meandered and stabbed at the Xuanshui turtle rapidly.

One was stabbed in the neck by the sword energy, and ran into the sea staggeringly with red blood flowing.The head of the other ghost shrank, protected by the mysterious water cover, the fire dragon sword energy pierced through the mysterious water cover, hit the turtle's back, and then flew straight to the sea on all fours.

On the other side, Zi Xiao swooped down, clutching the turtle shell with both claws, and the eagle's beak was facing the back door.Then quickly lifted off, and swooped down to intercept the Xuanshui turtle that was about to run to the beach. With its claws like hooks, it picked up the Xuanshui turtle and threw it to Li Xiaoyao's side.

And Li Xiaoyao also dealt with the Xuanshui Turtle who was injured in the neck. The Chihuo Sword slashed forward, and the falling Xuanshui Turtle was hit straight.But the head was a bit off, it was cut on the back of the turtle, sparks flew everywhere, and a ball of spiritual fire in the palm of his left hand hit the Xuanshui turtle that had just landed, it exploded, and he ran for a few steps without moving.

"Zi Xiao, hurry up and bring all the turtle corpses to the beach." Li Xiaoyao said as he ran to the beach
I scratched the sand with both hands at the position I remembered, and soon received 3 turtle eggs, followed the same method, and harvested a total of 13 soft-skinned turtle eggs, each of which was as big as two fists.The water was rolling on the sea surface, several black water turtles surfaced, and 4 larger ones were about to go ashore.

Li Xiaoyao put away the turtle carcass, jumped onto Zixiao's back, and shot several water arrows from behind, but Zixiao passed them more nimbly.Only the last shot hit Zi Xiao's ass.

Zixiao yelled "cuckoo" and was about to go back to go shopping, Li Xiaoyao hurriedly activated the spirit beast seal

"Hurry up, there are still many in the sea." Li Xiaoyao comforted Zixiao, and Zixiao yelled angrily and flew back to Banyue Island
"Who told you to talk about other people's ass, you will be punished, haha" Back on Banyue Island, Li Xiaoyao laughed gloatingly

(End of this chapter)

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