Chapter 35 Chapter 35

41 years of Tianchen calendar

The time agreed by the three families arrived, and the Liu family dispatched 2 foundation-building monks and more than 30 Qi training monks.Liu Yanpo first brought Liu Minghao to Banyue Island and informed the departure
"Boy Li, go ahead" Liu Yanpo threw a storage bag to Li Xiaoyao with no expression on his face.Liu Minghao winked at Li Xiaoyao, but didn't dare to speak.

Li Xiaoyao was surprised by Liu Yanpo's attitude, so he checked the storage bag anyway.

There are a total of 3 sets of Spirit Beast Soldiers in Kaishan Battle Formation, and each set includes 1 rank 2 low-rank formation flag and 36 light red long knives.

"Senior Liu is righteous, thank you for handing over the spirit beast soldiers to me at this time." Li Xiaoyao quickly bowed and saluted, he immediately knew the meaning of being able to hand over the spirit beast soldiers to Li Xiaoyao at this time.

"Hmph, let's pay the red copper for these three sets of spirit beast soldiers after the development of the spirit mine, and set off together in half a day." Liu Yanpo snorted coldly and set the departure time.

Although Li Xiaoyao didn't know why Liu Yanpo was like this, he was still very grateful.

In the vast sea, Zi Xiao and Feng Qing are flying side by side.There are Zhao Yan and Li Dongyan above Fengqing, and besides Li Xiaoyao, there are 8 orangutans above Zixiao, and the rest of the orangutans are nestled in the spirit animal bag.The Li family has 3 spirit animal bags, but they still can't hold a total of 72 orangutans.The Liu family cultivator did not have a flying spirit beast that could carry people, so he could only sit on the magic weapon of the two Foundation Establishment cultivators, and the speed was much slower.

As soon as everyone landed on the ground, Li Xiaoyao immediately released all the orangutans, fearing that there would be accidents in the spirit animal bag.The orangutans collapsed to the ground, and the funny picture made everyone laugh.Li Xiaoyao glanced around in embarrassment, only to see Liu Lizhu turned sideways in the distance and did not look here.

Li Xiaoyao felt a little depressed, and brought a group of orangutans to an open space, and distributed the spirit beast soldiers to the orangutans.First, gather the essence and blood of all the orangutans into the battle flag, and then let each of them refine the spirit beast soldiers.

Li Xiaoyao studied the two battle flags, and dripped his blood essence into the two battle flags. After simple refining, he could sense the minds of the orangutans in the two battle formations. The animal mark is much more domineering.

Although the spirit beast soldiers are magical weapons refined by the orangutans, they can be controlled by the Zhanqi, and the minds of the orangutans cannot be sensed by the owner of the Zhanqi. The pawn explodes, causing great damage to it.

Su Yueying had already planned the mining route of the Ling Mine in this year, and also arranged a Tier 1 high-grade cloud sea array, which was mainly responsible for hiding the surrounding of the mine veins, so that no one could detect it, and everyone in the Liu family went to build it. Ground fire furnace.

A few days later, the three families began to plow the land according to the planned location.If you want to mine this spirit mine quickly, it will take a lot of time if you just mine in the traditional mine, so Su Yueying directly uses the 36 sword qi of the green bamboo formation to blast a big hole in each of the three directions of the spirit mine , and then everyone uses spiritual power to activate the magic weapon to mine violently.The loss must be huge, but it is acceptable.

Each family will transport the collected ore to the ground fire furnace, and start smelting directly, and finally smelt it into red copper ingots and red gold copper ingots of the same size.

The Liu family dispatched a foundation-building monk and more than a dozen Qi-training monks, as well as two second-level spirit beasts, white-tailed tiger eagles, and more than 1 first-level sea green cattle. The overall mining speed was comparable to that of the Liu family.

But the Li family was small, and Li Donglai and his wife stayed on Banyue Island.Su Yueying, Zhao Yan, Li Xiaoyao and Li Dongyan, and 72 orangutans. In the early stage, the orangutans simply refined the spirit beast soldiers and could not mine ore. They could only transport it. The mining speed was slower than the other two, but there were The green bamboo array is there, and the speed is not much slower.

Each family is racing against time, in full swing, and they don't care about the tiredness of the harvest.

After mining the spirit mine for more than three months, Su Yueying and Zhao Yan chopped out large pieces of ore, and 72 orangutans wielding spirit beast soldiers' long knives chopped them into small pieces.It was during these three months that the orangutans had initially refined their long knives, which could be activated.The Li family's speed increased all of a sudden, showing signs of overtaking.

Li Xiaoyao always finds some reason to come to Liu's mine, and wants to meet Liu Lizhu.And Liu Lizhu seemed to be avoiding Li Xiaoyao on purpose, so it was difficult to see each other once.On the contrary, it was Wang Yuyan from the Wang family who often visited Li Xiaoyao with Wang Yuhu, and Liu Lizhu noticed all of this.

In the blink of an eye, it took more than a year. During this period, some monks wanted to come to Lingdao to investigate, but they were all blocked by the big formation. Because they didn't know the situation inside the formation, they didn't know which family territory they thought it was.

For more than a year, the red copper ingots were allocated every four months, and then the foundation-building monks of each family sent them back to their respective family islands, because the storage bags really couldn't fit them.In the latest distribution, the Li family can already get 4% of the harvest, the Liu family [-]%, and the Wang family can only get [-]% of the benefits.Although there are many spirit beasts in the Wang family, none of them are as intelligent as the orangutans.

The three heads of the family
"It seems that the mining can be completed in another year or so, but it's too much waste." Liu Yanpo felt distressed.

"It's not a waste. After the main mining is finished, the corner ore can be slowly mined," Wang Qingwu said.
"Let's study how this island will develop in the future." Su Yueying didn't feel much distressed.

Wang Qingwu took the lead in proposing, "My Wang family is not only good at controlling beasts, but also good at planting. My Wang family wants to manage the Lingtian and Silver Thread Flower Valley on this Lingdao and the surrounding Lingshan. I will hand over 5 Lingshi to each of your two families every year."

Liu Yanpo and Su Yueying looked at each other and nodded in agreement.Although he knew that the Wang family had taken advantage of it, but the Wang family allocated the least in the Spirit Mine, so he didn't care about it.

Liu Yanpo went on to say, "My Liu family will continue to mine the remaining spiritual mines, and I can hand over 5 spiritual stones to each of your two families every year."

After the mining of the spirit mine is over, the remaining spirit mines can only be at the level of miniature spirit mines. It is already a lot to distribute 1 spirit stones to 2 companies every year.Both of them agreed to this matter.

Both Liu Yanpo and Wang Qingwu looked at Su Yueying in embarrassment

Su Yueying said with a faint smile, "Then, does my Li family only need a Foundation Establishment cultivator stationed on Lingdao every three years for one year to get [-] spirit stones every year?"

Seeing Su Yueying's generosity, Liu Yanpo and Wang Qingwu were willing to add one thousand spirit stones to the Li family each, and the three families were very happy.

Su Yueying's calculation is that there are few monks in the Li family, as long as they sell the spirit mines, there will not be too much shortage of spirit stones, and they still want the tribe to focus on cultivation.Moreover, Li Xiaoyao's spirit beast battle array has achieved initial results, and Li Donglai and his wife have also established their foundations. After Li Xiaoyao and Li Dongyan's foundations are established, they are fully capable of independently developing the spirit island.And here in Lingdao, there are 1 spirit stones in the account every year, which is excellent.

After more than 2 years of violent mining by the three companies, the main body of the spiritual mine has finally been mined, and a total of nearly 150 million spiritual stones have been harvested, and the Li family has benefited from nearly 50 spiritual stones.

When they were about to separate, Liu Minghao found Li Xiaoyao
"Brother Xiaoyao, what do you think of my sister?" Liu Minghao secretly asked mysteriously.Although he has been mining for more than two years, Liu Minghao has successfully entered the late stage of Qi training.

"Of course Miss Que'er..." Li Xiaoyao was a little embarrassed and couldn't open his mouth. After all, he didn't have much contact with Liu Lizhu, and it was probably his own wishful thinking. There is not much intersection.

"Oh, I knew you were tempted by my sister, didn't you?" Liu Minghao asked with a sigh when he saw this

Li Xiaoyao didn't know why, but he nodded with his face flushed.

"Brother Xiaoyao, to be honest, you should give up your heart. The family plans to marry my sister into the young master of a big Jindan family. That family is the top of the Jindan family in the Tianchen League. You There is no chance..." Liu Minghao directly told Li Xiaoyao that a bolt from the blue

Li Xiaoyao stood there blankly, and did not hear what Liu Minghao said afterwards, let alone when he left.

Years of love, countless illusory smiles, and finally only my own self-deprecating chuckle.

(End of this chapter)

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