Chapter 49 49 Great Harvest

Suddenly, a flash of spiritual light flashed, and Li Xiaoyao thought of a neglected question.

The witch clan is not good at using spiritual objects, and they probably don't care too much about spiritual objects. Thinking of this, Li Xiaoyao made up his mind to sneak slowly for a certain distance.

Then he quickly ran towards that courtyard, at the same time, a black figure also ran towards that courtyard, and met Li Xiaoyao not far from the courtyard.

As soon as Li Xiaoyao saw this person, he immediately released the flying sword streamer and rushed towards the courtyard at high speed. It turned out that the person was the nun Heisha.

The female cultivator was also taken aback when she saw Li Xiaoyao, then released a yellow shield and flew towards the courtyard, but Li Xiaoyao was much slower.

Without slowing down, Li Xiaoyao plunged into the room that the monk from the Wu tribe entered just now. There were all kinds of spirit mines inside, and it seemed that the rank was not very low. Li Xiaoyao immediately muttered something, and quickly collected the spirit mines in the belt.

Sister Hei Sha also flew here, saw Li Xiaoyao was absorbing the spirit ore, stomped her feet angrily, and collected the spirit ore muttering in her mouth.

While Li Xiaoyao was collecting the spirit ore, he urged the flying sword streamer to hover over Li Xiaoyao's head.The black-gauze female cultivator was obviously shocked, and the speed of collecting the spirit mine was also slower.

But Feijian Liuguang didn't attack her, but quickly penetrated the wall and opened up another room. Through the hole, Li Xiaoyao saw that the other room was also full of spirit mines.He was overjoyed and thought about going to another room to collect it later.

"Boy Li, I feel the fluctuation of the innate spirit, probably in this direction." Qinglianhuo suddenly gave a direction

That direction is not the center of engagement, but it is also close to the battlefield.Li Xiaoyao's heart fell, he stopped collecting the spirit ore, and quickly approached the location given by Qinglianhuo.

The Heisha female cultivator was also obviously taken aback. After seeing that there were still many spiritual mines, she gritted her teeth and followed Li Xiaoyao's direction.

"It's underground, look for it quickly" Qinglian Huoyou gave a hint

Li Xiaoyao looked around, and then searched from room to room, but found nothing.Sister Hei Sha also followed suit. Although she didn't know what she was looking for, it must be a good thing if she could give up so many spiritual mines.The battle center was not far away, and Li Xiaoyao was anxious.

Suddenly Li Xiaoyao's spiritual sense found a hole in the ground, he immediately found the entrance, and ran in quickly, leaving the flying sword streamer at the entrance.When the black yarn nun saw that Li Xiaoyao still had a flying sword guarding her, she stomped her feet angrily, and went back to collect the spirit ore.

Li Xiaoyao walked inside, there were four items in total, flashing with various lights, confusing his eyes, but Li Xiaoyao didn't even look at them, quickly stuffed them into the storage belt, and then fled here.

Yu Jian flew to the courtyard of the Spirit Mine, and the black-gauze female nun had already started to collect the spirit mine from another room. There were three rooms in total, and Li Xiaoyao didn't compete with her, and went to another room. As it got closer, Li Xiaoyao saw that there were still many spiritual mines, and left without looking back, Yu Jian flew to the mountains.

The black-gauze female cultivator was greedy, and kept collecting spirit mines.Li Xiaoyao ignored her, flew over more than a dozen mountains in a row, went round and round, came to the first mountain that had just entered the secret realm, landed on the mountainside, and quickly found the camp at that time, after making sure no one was following him, I camouflaged at the entrance of the cave again, and cast 2 concealment charms, so I felt a little relieved.

Li Xiaoyao didn't meditate immediately to recover his spiritual power, but circulated his spiritual power to his ears, magnified his hearing, and looked around.Because once the consciousness is revealed, it is still possible to be noticed.After several hours in a row, there was still no abnormality, so Li Xiaoyao began to meditate cross-legged to recover his spiritual power.

The harvest this time is huge, and the number of spiritual mines alone is very impressive.But the biggest harvest should be the four spiritual creatures in the cellar.

Li Xiaoyao slowly took out a yellow bead, a ball of soil wrapped around a seedling, a dagger and a blue stone.

"The yellow bead is an earth spirit bead. I don't know the seedling wrapped in the soil. The short sword is a non-attribute low-grade innate spirit sword embryo. The blue stone contains the innate wood spirit. What is it? I don't know, after all, my memory comes from the main body, and I don't know much about some low-level things." Invisibly, Qing Lianhuo pretended to be 13
"Innate Lingbao? I..."

"The earth spirit bead belongs to me, and the wood spirit spirit belongs to me. I will help you fuse the soil with another ball to wrap the seedlings. It should be fine in a short time. Before going back, it will be in the gourd. This low-grade Xiantian Lingbao flying sword Just don’t count on it, let’s not talk about whether you can refine it, even if you can, you will be found when you go back, it has no hidden characteristics, unless..." Qinglianhuo directly proposed the exchange condition.

"Unless what?" Li Xiaoyao was a little annoyed when he saw that Qinglianhuo was so ink-stained.

"Unless, let me absorb it and fuse it"

"Then what are you waiting for, what do I need to do?" Li Xiaoyao was overjoyed.

Strengthening the Qinglian Fire Gourd is also strengthening oneself.He was still very unwilling to turn over a Xiantian Lingbao to the Tianchen League like this. If he turned in the Xiantian Lingbao, he still couldn't enter 10, and he would have to vomit blood.He can get Xiantian Lingbao so easily, so should others.

"You just need to keep helping me gather spiritual energy. There is still spiritual energy here, which is of great benefit to me." Qinglianhuo's request was very simple

Li Xiaoyao immediately meditated and practiced Qi, placing the Xiantian Lingbao sword embryo in front of him.The Qinglian fire gourd slowly increased its rotation speed in the dantian, and absorbed all the gathered aura into the gourd, absorbing a full three days of aura.

Li Xiaoyao grasped it with his right hand, and a ball of green lotus fire spewed out, covering the Xiantian Lingbao sword embryo, which slowly hung in the air, as if struggling to escape.Although it is immature and does not know good and evil, it also instinctively knows to seek good luck and avoid evil.

Qinglianhuo slowly pulled the sword embryo closer, and suddenly increased the firepower, pulling the sword embryo into Li Xiaoyao's acupoint in an instant, and then slowly pierced into the meridians.The severe pain almost made Li Xiaoyao cry out, he gritted his teeth and endured silently.The Xiantian Lingbao sword embryo was taken into the Qinglian fire gourd along the meridians, and the pain gradually subsided.

Li Xiaoyao absorbed the spiritual energy for nearly a month, but he couldn't perceive the fairy spirit that Qinglianhuo said.The green lotus fire gourd in the dantian was spinning more and more slowly, and finally returned to calm.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoyao's consciousness flew into the gourd, and he saw a flying sword circling around Qinglianhuo.

"Is it done?"

Qinglianhuo shouted excitedly
"If it doesn't work now, when will it be"

I saw the flying sword hovering around him quickly flew to hover over the four swords of the fire dragon, and a fat and puffy child suddenly appeared, sitting on the flying sword, breathing in with his small mouth facing the bottom.

Immediately, the four swords of the fire dragon flew out a red thin line, entangled with each other and turned into a scabbard. Seeing this, the little fat pier clapped his hands happily, then left the flying swords and came to Li Xiaoyao's consciousness.

"The flying star has seen the master" Xiaopangdun clasped his hands together and bowed slightly

"Fei Xing, are you Fei Jian's tool spirit?" Li Xiaoyao asked curiously
"Yes, master, Lord Qinglianhuo didn't kill my spirituality, but also helped me grow. Master, I just awakened, and my original source was not stable, so I went back to cultivate. Flying star sword master can break the spirit, I hope the master will make good use of it." After finishing speaking, Xiaopangdun returned to the flying sword body
(End of this chapter)

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