Chapter 5
August of the 25th year of the Tianchen calendar

The morning glow is all over the sky, colorful, Xiaoyao sits on the paper crane, rippling in it, there is a touch of dreaminess, which is fascinating, because it is short-lived, it is doubly cherished.Zi Xiao followed behind the paper crane, flickering her wings, trying to catch up.With an eagle cry, Feng Qing also joined the team.

Li Xiaoyao came to the cave of his mother Zhao Yan, and his sister-in-law Li Dongyan also moved here, and followed Zhao Yan to learn how to make talisman paper and draw talismans.The practice of a formation master requires the formation of five elements of spiritual objects, but now Banyue Island has no spiritual objects for Li Dongyan to use. He can only learn the way of talismans first, but his talent is also good, and he is already a low-level spiritual talisman master.

"Mother is well, my child greets you." Li Xiaoyao respectfully greeted you

"Xiaoyao, it's just in time for you to come, just now Dongyan was still talking about you." Zhao Yan said with a smile

"What are you talking about me?" Li Xiaoyao asked suspiciously.

"I want to eat fish." Zhao Yan covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Oh, sister-in-law, didn't you mention it first?" Li Dongyan argued with a slightly red face
Li Xiaoyao said everything clearly, "I knew it"

"What do you know, eldest nephew, why don't you say hello to my sister-in-law?" Li Dongyan asked knowingly and wanted to change the topic
"Tell me, there are no fish, I'll catch some." Li Xiaoyao asked directly, with an expression that I understood.

"Xiaoyao is so good, I knew my sister-in-law wanted to eat fish, so I went to catch it right away." Li Dongyan joked and continued

"There is a hot spring near the sea in the south of Qingzhu Peak. There is a kind of fish that is not afraid of heat. It tastes very good, but it is difficult to catch." Li Dongyan said with a bit of aftertaste
"Got it, Miss Greedy Cat, I'm leaving, mother." Li Xiaoyao ran out after finishing speaking, afraid that Li Dongyan would come and pull his ears.Zhao Yan kept smiling and waved her hands.

The paper crane slowly flew out of the Green Bamboo Peak, with Zi Xiao and Feng Qing chasing and playing around behind.

It was easy to find the hot spring Li Dongyan mentioned.The water vapor is lingering, and you can see it from a long distance. Near the sea, the cliff to the west of the hot spring is the blue mask of the island guard.

Put away the paper cranes, the hot spring is about 2 acres in size, with countless big stones soaked in the water, and red figures wandering back and forth in it, the big ones are a foot long, and the small ones are only a few inches long.

Li Xiaoyao took off his clothes, jumped into the water, and the school of fish ran around in shock.The water depth is about 5 meters, and the rocks at the bottom are criss-crossed. The rocks are so big that Li Xiaoyao can get in some gaps.Slowly floated out of the water, found a flat stone, lay back, closed eyes and soaked in the bath, Zi Xiao and Feng Qing tried to catch the fish in the water, but they couldn't catch them, and the fish were scared and hid at the bottom of the water.

"You two go far away to play, I will tell you to eat after I finish catching," Xiaoyao said to Zixiao.In fact, the meaning is conveyed through the seal of the spirit beast.The two of them haven't been psychic yet, so they don't understand.Zi Xiao reluctantly took Feng Qing to play in the distance.

Eyes closed, water bubbles gushed out from under the body, and rushed out of the water across the body, very comfortable
Li Xiaoyao suddenly opened his eyes
"Just now I felt like there was a trace of fire aura disappearing with the bubbles, it must be" Xiaoyao said to himself
Li Xiaoyao's main spiritual root is fire, and he practiced the Agni Fire Sutra, so he has a keen sense of fire aura.

Excited, Li Xiaoyao quickly swam to the bottom of the water, and used the Turtle Breath Artillery.But after searching again, there was no gain, and he didn't feel the pure presence of spiritual things, so he continued to search for the gap.After searching for a long time, I finally found it. Through a gap, I went down to the bottom.

There are more than a dozen long stone pillars overlapping horizontally under the water. The top is a large stone, but the bottom is very flat.Checked around a few times and found nothing.

When it surfaced, I couldn't help but wonder if I felt wrong just now.

Reluctant to investigate again, the only harvest was to catch 5 red fishes that were more than one foot long.

Li Xiaoyao went ashore and put on his clothes, took out the support and pot, picked up some dry branches and hay, grilled 3 fish, and stewed 2 fish in the pot.After a while, the aroma came and slowly spread.

With two "cuckoo" sounds, Zixiao and Fengqing flew back, drooling greedily.Yiying threw one over, Xiaoyao ate one by himself, it tasted really good.But Xiaoyao was still thinking about that trace of fire aura, so he shouldn't be wrong, why didn't he find anything.

2 The eagle finished eating in a short while, and looked at me eagerly

"It's in the pot for a while, I'll just drink the soup, and I'll give it to you two"

Looking at the fish soup bubbling and bubbling in the pot, Xiaoyao woke up suddenly, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became
Bottom of the pot, yes bottom of the pot.

"You two eat it by yourself." After speaking, the paper crane spread its wings and flew up.

The surrounding area is relatively flat, there is nothing special, so I slowly flew to the edge of the cliff and took out a section of spiritual bamboo, which is the key to the formation. The special spiritual power frequency can be used to enter and exit the large formation.

A hundred meters high on the cliff, slowly flying down to look for it.Only a very thin crack was found, and Li Xiaoyao stepped sideways to get in.

After the slit meanders twice, it gradually becomes larger, and a straight cave appears in front of it.Holding a talisman in each of his left and right hands, Li Xiaoyao walked forward slowly.After walking for about 2 miles, I still couldn't see the end.Slowly, the temperature of the stone wall began to rise, and Li Xiaoyao was a little excited, feeling that he was about to find a treasure.

Suddenly, there was a circular stone cave with a larger space in front of it, and there was no way.

"How come, it's obviously warm."

Li Xiaoyao carefully inspected the cave, it looked ordinary, and then touched it with his hands, only to find the difference.

The temperature in the center of the cave is higher than other places.Li Xiaoyao thought it should be right under his feet.He took out the 1st-rank mid-grade blazing sword that his grandfather had given him, and suddenly stabbed downwards. The blade pierced all the way in, then pulled it out and pierced it again, drawing a circle.Withdrawing the blazing sword, he suddenly exerted force on his feet.

With a click, Li Xiaoyao fell down together with the stones. He quickly took out the flying talisman in the air and stimulated his spiritual power. The talisman flickered and turned into ashes.In a panic, he took out a flying talisman, ready to activate his spiritual power.

Suddenly a huge force pulled Li Xiaoyao downwards, and instantly accelerated to fly downwards, urging spiritual power, the flying talisman was activated, but the paper crane stayed where it was, and Li Xiaoyao continued to fall.Li Xiaoyao, who was at his wit's end, glanced down, and there was a touch of blue floating on the fiery red magma.

"It's over, it's over, is this ground fire, spiritual fire?"

Just as he was about to watch, suddenly Li Xiaoyao's head was hit by a sledgehammer, he slowly closed his eyes, and passed out.

Before coma, a voice came from my mind, "The sky is endless, I finally have a chance to survive, but my qualifications are poor, it seems that this is the only way to go."

The comatose Li Xiaoyao was suspended above the magma like a baby holding his fists, his whole body was surrounded by a flame in the shape of a cyan lotus platform
The gourd on Li Xiaoyao's waist slowly flew to the lotus platform.

(End of this chapter)

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