Li Family's Leisure in the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 52 52 Steady Development

Chapter 52 52 Steady Development (Thanks for recommending 200)

49 years of Tianchen calendar

It has been a year since Li Xiaoyao returned to Banyue Island. He has returned to live in Xiaoyao Mountain, but Liu Lizhu is still in Qingzhu Mountain. He wants to move to Xiaoyao Mountain after the two of them build their foundation.Another person who returned to Xiaoyao Mountain with Li Xiaoyao was Li Xiaoyao's cousin Li Xiaobai.

"Brother, let's discuss it, let's change our name, how about my name is Li Xiaoyao?"

"Brother's life-saving grace, my younger brother will never forget it. But brothers belong to brothers. When I grow up, before sister Ling'er is taken down by you, I will make a move."

"Brother, when will you teach me how to practice? I'm already a 2-foot-tall man."

Because Li Xiaobai's physique was getting weaker and weaker, Li Xiaoyao wanted to try using the Taixuan Fruit to help him improve his physique, and the effect was very good. After only refining one, he improved obviously.But Li Xiaoyao could only use the spiritual power of the green lotus flower to help him refine it, and the spiritual power of the rest of the family couldn't do it, so Li Xiaobai ran to Xiaoyao Mountain.

Li Xiao, who is more than 2 years old, speaks a lot of vernacular, and many of them are incomprehensible. Li Xiaoyao and Su Yueying once wondered if they were taken away by the big monk.But it took a long time to realize that, except for liking nonsense, everything else is quite normal, and he is extremely yearning for immortality, not like a great monk who seizes his home.

"Get out, don't hinder me from refining alchemy, you go play with Xiao Hei." Li Xiaoyao rested for a year, and after settling down several kinds of spiritual plants, he was ready to refine Qi-enhancing pills.

Xiao Hei is the son of Da Hei, the only orangutan in the orangutan group who was born with weak aura fluctuations, and is extremely psychic.Brought to Xiaoyao Mountain by Li Xiaoyao and carefully cultivated, it may benefit the entire ethnic group in the future.

Li Xiaoyao divided a part of the soil and gave it to Su Yueying, Zhao Yan, Li Dongyan and Li Shengxue to nourish the Lingqing bamboo.All the rest is used to cultivate congenital tea trees. After a year, the tea trees can't see any growth, and they are still the original size.The tea trees were placed in the Green Bamboo Cave, after all, the aura there was the strongest in Banyue Island.

Some of the spirit mines were also refined by Qinglian Fire Gourd, and the rest were classified by Su Yueying and Liu Lizhu. The lowest ones were all third-tier spirit mines, and there were a small number of fourth-tier spirit mines.Although the grade of spiritual ore is high, after refining, there will not be many spiritual materials that can be used. Liu Lizhu selected a few and prepared to integrate them into the flying sword.Her flying sword has a very good foundation and is refined according to the standard of the flying sword of natal life.

The two taixuan fruit trees and five-color gourds are planted in the elixir garden of Muling Mountain. After all, the second-tier elixir garden only grows first-tier elixir.Li Donglai was given some green lotus spirit water to cultivate five-color gourds. The second-level spiritual plants are still very valuable. Once mature, at least five second-level magic weapon embryos will be obtained.

Liu Lizhu has become very familiar with everyone in the Li family in the past few years, and often teaches Li Shengguo and Li Liqun how to refine weapons, and also learns the way of formation from Su Yueying.It was only because she was extremely interested in the blueprint of the magic weapon spaceship that Su Yueying gave her, but because she didn't know the formation method, she couldn't study it all the time.

The Li family is developing rapidly and steadily. After deducting everyone's training expenses every year, they can still earn nearly [-] spirit stones, which can be afforded by several junior Foundation Establishment Pills in the future.The population of the ordinary tribe has doubled to about [-] people, and more tribesmen with spiritual roots will be born in the future.

Li Xiaoyao finished alchemy and walked out of the cave.

"That's right, we've got the elixir for the late stage of Qi training in the past few years, so we don't need to buy it anymore." Li Xiaoyao was very satisfied with himself.Enhancing Qi Dan is full of spiritual energy, so it is not suitable for consumption in the middle and early stage of Qi training. Fortunately, there are also coconut fruit and spiritual tea.

Feng Qing drew a cyan arc and landed on the top of Xiaoyao Mountain.

"Xiaoyao, count the time, the sister of the Wang family is coming, are you going to hide?" Li Dongyan smirked

"Sister-in-law, you are counting the time correctly, the coconut fruit and spirit tea are about to ripen." Li Xiaoyao tit-for-tat
"Oh? Then I'll go?" Li Dongyan pretended to turn around on purpose

"Haha, sister, spirit tea, coconut fruit, you can eat whatever you want, but don't move the biggest red fish in the pond. They have the hope of becoming spiritual fish. Let's see if we can expand the breeding capacity in the future." Li Xiaoyao immediately apologize, please

"Got it, got it, Xiaobai, I don't know how to say hello to my sister-in-law. It seems that I want to ask for a beating." Li Dongyan saw Li Xiaobai who was still playing in the gazebo, and immediately threatened

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, you've become pretty again recently, how can you go out after this, those monks won't all be fascinated by sister-in-law." Li Xiao ran away to flatter her, making Li Dongyan giggle.

"Sister-in-law, then I went to the Green Bamboo Cave, and you just said that I have retreated. Xiaobai has also been taken care of by you. I just refined a Taixuan fruit for him. In a short time, there will be no problem. If there is any problem, please let me know." Immediately let Zixiao find me." Li Xiaoyao rushed directly to Yujian and flew to the Green Bamboo Cave. Zixiao wanted to follow, but was stopped by Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao came to Qingzhu Cave and immediately took Liu Lizhu out to play

"Li Xiaoyao, what's on your mind?" Liu Lizhu questioned with one hand on her hip and the other pointing at Li Xiaoyao, blushing.
"No, no, Que'er, you have been misunderstood," Li Xiaoyao explained awkwardly.It turned out that Li Xiaoyao brought Liu Lizhu near the hot spring, and kept talking about how comfortable it was to soak in the hot spring.

"Humph, Grandma and Aunt Zhao both said that you will look good if you dare to bully me." Liu Lizhu stomped her feet angrily
"Hehe, I just want to bring you here to grill fish, where do you think you are?" Li Xiaoyao was still playing with fire
"Oh, why don't you hurry up and catch the fish?" Liu Lizhu deliberately sneered again

"Delinger" Li Xiaoyao immediately went to catch fish
Seeing Li Xiaoyao walking away, Liu Lizhu burst into laughter, and then went to pick up firewood.

The two had a delicious meal, but the fly in the ointment was that Li Xiaoyao's spirit wine was gone.Then the two went to Muling Mountain to play again, Liu Lizhu went to the Lingyao Garden to chat with his third aunt Song Tianxia about the family, and Li Xiaoyao came to Lingtian at the foot of the mountain.

"Third Uncle, is the aura in Muling Mountain enough for you to cultivate?" Li Xiaoyao worried that so many spiritual fields and plants in Muling Mountain would affect the cultivation of Li Donglai and his wife.

"Look at what you said, as far as the spiritual roots of the two of us are concerned, it's a waste to give a first-level high-grade spiritual vein, haha." Li Donglai has become more relaxed and humorous since the establishment of the foundation.

The quality of spiritual roots is not an absolute measure of qualifications, but the more spiritual roots, the slower the speed of refining spiritual energy, and the effect of taking pills is not as good as that of monks with good spiritual roots.Only after breaking through to the golden core, the effect of the spiritual root gradually weakened.

"Haha, third uncle waits for me to enter the second-level alchemist, and guarantee that you and third aunt will have a steady stream of Qi-increasing pills." Seeing Li Donglai so free and easy, Li Xiaoyao felt relieved.

"Hehe, if there is extra for the two of us to use, our couple is very good now, your third aunt is pregnant again, and she will be born next year. I hope that I can have spiritual roots like Xiaobai. Even if I don't It's okay, the life in Qingzhu Town and Chuyue Town is also very good, and I can have grandchildren early." Li Donglai is now full of hope for life.After chatting for a while, Li Xiaoyao came to the Spiritual Beast Garden
The spirit beast garden is very large now, and a lot of space has been reserved.Dahei and Erhei still stayed in Xiaoyao Mountain to lead their clansmen to practice. The orangutans here are not familiar with Li Xiaoyao, but they can feel a strong sense of closeness to Li Xiaoyao.They seem to be able to feel the blood, only for members of the Li family, just like Song Tianxia does not have this kind of closeness, but they are very close to Li Shengzhi and Li Xiaobai, let alone the members of the Zhao family

The orangutan group is developing steadily, and there is already a case of Xiao Hei. In the future, it will definitely develop into a group of spirit beasts, and its rank will also be improved.

The development of the entire Banyue Island is relatively comprehensive, and there is no more room for improvement. After all, the aura and land are limited, and the Li family did not participate in the Golden Crocodile Island. After jointly operating the store in Baishafang City, there is no need for garrison tasks Well, it only takes Su Yueying to maintain the formation for a year, and she can also get [-] spirit stones

(End of this chapter)

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