Chapter 56 Chapter 56
60 years of Tianchen calendar
In the early morning, I didn't wait for the morning glow, the hazy sky was dark and depressing.In the deepest part of the dark clouds, occasionally there will be bursts of thunder and lightning flashing, which makes people shudder.The waves gradually became angry, roaring, and hit the beach.

Li Xiaoyao looked up at the sky and silently calculated the time
"This haze has lasted for more than a month, and the wind is getting stronger. I don't know if Que'er can build a foundation safely."

Five years have passed, and the sufficient resources for cultivating immortals have greatly increased the cultivation base of the Li family's children.Li Xiaoyao's cultivation has already reached the middle stage of the ninth level of Qi training, and Qinglong Xinsu has also visualized to the final stage.A month ago, Li Donglai brought the news that Que'er had already practiced Qi at the late stage of the ninth level, and was preparing to retreat and build a foundation.

Li Xiaoyao moved his eyes down, and the four spirit beast formations were practicing with each other, fighting back and forth.Li Dongyan and Li Shengxue bared their teeth and claws after they walked behind her, wishing they could rush up and beat up Dahei and Erhei.

Li Xiaoyao and the Liu family customized another set of spirit beast soldiers, and there was still one set left.Let Li Dongyan and Li Shengxue select 72 orangutans from Banyue Island to form a spirit beast battle formation.The orangutans of the two of them are generally at the middle level of the first level, while Dahei and Hei are both at the top level of the first level, and they are at the pinnacle, but there is no way to break through.Without using formations, even if the two of them participated, they would not be able to beat the big black and the second black.

Liu Yanpo came with Liu Minghao, begging Li Xiaoyao for nothing, Li Xiaoyao pretended to be difficult and gave him 36 orangutans, and also handed over the inheritance of the spirit beast battle array to him, which is a little bit compensate.And Liu Minghao also vowed that he would never spread it to the outside world, etc., which made Li Xiaoyao dumbfounded.

Li Dongyan and Li Shengxue came to Li Xiaoyao dejectedly
"Haha, sister, Xiaoxue, you two have only practiced battle formation for a long time, and you dare to fight Dahei and Erhei!"

Li Dongyan curled his lips unconvinced, Li Xiaoyao said again
"It's because they kept their hands. You two know that the two battle formations of Dahei and Hei can not lose the wind against two low-rank monsters of the second level. When they cooperate with Zixiao, they can kill one of them."

Hearing what Li Xiaoyao said so powerfully, the two of them had bright eyes, thinking that they would also have such a spirit beast battle formation in the future, they suddenly became happy with each other
Suddenly, a blue light passed through the formation in an instant, and came to the three of them, it was Su Yueying
"There is no need to be too polite, you pack your things immediately and return to Banyue Island with me. I will take back the Green Bamboo Cloud Formation, and take back half of the spirit flower seedlings in the Lingquan, and leave the rest here."

The three of them were shocked, but without hesitation, they immediately packed up their things.Li Xiaoyao led 140 orangutans to quickly harvest the spiritual rice, which was more or less a spiritual stone.

Su Yueying took back the spirit green bamboos and the spiritual objects in the formation, and changed the formation method, leading the spiritual energy only to the Lingquan cave, and then arranged a second-level hidden formation in the cave, directly destroying the passageway violently, and turning the 2 All the caves were destroyed together.

The traces of the spirit field were also cleaned up, and the entire Xuanshui Island was just a destroyed first-level low-grade spirit island from the air.

The spirit beasts were also collected into four spirit animal bags. These spirit animal bags were bought by Zhao Yan at a high price. They have a large space, enough to accommodate 36 orangutans.

After operating the island for several years, it only took 3 days to destroy it.

Su Yueying Yujian took the three of them back to the Green Bamboo Cave on Banyue Island, where all the family monks on the island were.

"Dong Lai, how are the arrangements at home?" Su Yueying acted resolutely
"Back to mother, I have already sent several talisman letters to inform the Liu family and the Wang family. Nearly 8 mortals on the island have been transferred to Muling Mountain, and the three monks of the Zhao family have been arranged at the foot of Xiaoyao Mountain. My sister-in-law also sent a number The Daofu letter has roughly the same content, but there are no details about the Pang family," said Li Donglai.
"I'll change the formation right away, and Donglai will tell Xiaoyao what happened to them, and then they will all wait for me." Su Yueying rushed away with Yujian after finishing speaking
Li Donglai handed the three talisman letters to the three of them, and the three of them opened it to check it, and the two girls suddenly exclaimed.

"Brother Xiaoyao and his family can read it; the beast tide is approaching. If you can arrive in Baishafang City within one month of the receiving date, please come quickly. This time is extremely critical. The closest giant island to Tianchen Giant Island, one from Qianjiao Island The fourth-order demon king successfully crossed the catastrophe and transformed into a dragon, and the new fifth-order demon king summoned the monsters in the sea area to attack Tianchen Island. If we can't capture Tianchen Island, we will also face the disaster of the beast tide. Hope to meet up with brother Xiaoyao after the catastrophe, and drink fine wine together—Pang Qingfeng's own handwriting"

After Li Xiaoyao saw it, he was shocked, and the deep sense of powerlessness came again, just like when he just learned the sad news about his grandfather and father.Li Xiaoyao stood still in a daze, expressionless.

Li Dongyan just patted him on the shoulder and sighed.

When Su Yueying returned, she saw that her family members were panic-stricken and bewildered, she was furious

"Hmph, a bunch of cowards, just like this, how can the Li family prosper."

After speaking, he walked to the main seat and sat down, while the others silently sat down according to their seniority.

Seeing everyone sitting there, Su Yueying slammed the table and reprimanded everyone
"Look at your appearance. What kind of immortals will you cultivate in the future? It's really shameful. Although we are powerless to change this catastrophe, we must do our best to protect ourselves. Even if Banyue Island is destroyed and my Li family perishes, it is right to open up The family sacrificed Wei Feng and Dong Qi." After speaking, they sat down again, and everyone gradually came to their senses, their eyes gradually brightened.

Seeing that everyone's minds had settled down, Su Yueying continued to say
"I have reorganized the Banyue Island formation and divided it into two layers of defense. The island's protective formation is the first layer. The defense has been weakened, but it has become a shield that is replenished in time. The second-level monsters can easily enter. Qingzhu The mountain range is the second layer, and the defense is strengthened. As long as it is not a third-rank mid-level monster, it can defend it. In order to reduce the burden on the spiritual veins, I will also set up a defense guard that can be turned on and off at any time near the sea in Xiaoyao Mountain. covered area”

Su Yueying switched and looked at Li Xiaoyao
"Leaded by Li Donglai and Li Xiaoyao, the three members of the Zhao family are in charge of killing the first-order monsters and reducing the burden on the spirit veins."

Li Xiaoyao got up immediately, with high morale

"Yes, the blood of the monsters at the foot of Xiaoyao Mountain will flow into a river"

Su Yueying nodded, and continued

"Song Tianxia, ​​Li Shengzhi, Li Shengguo, Li Liqun, Li Xiaobai, Li Xiaoyu, and Li Litian who have not practiced the Green Bamboo Scripture all stayed in the Green Bamboo Cave to provide spiritual power for the eyes of the main formation."

Song Tianxia is still at the first level of foundation building, Li Shengzhi, Li Shengguo, and Li Liqun are all in the middle stage of Qi training, and they can all provide a little help.And the cultivation base of the three children who are only on the second level of Qi training is purely to protect the three of them.

Su Yueying then arranged
"Li Dongyan, Li Shengxue, guard the eyes of the formation on the left and right of Qingzhu Mountain, and increase the power of the formation." Li Dongyan is at the middle stage of Qi training at the ninth level, and Li Shengxue is at the early stage of Qi training at the seventh level, and can also share a little pressure for Su Yueying.

After the two took orders, Su Yueying took out two small pieces of spirit bamboo and a large pile of 1st and 2nd talismans and handed them to Li Donglai and Li Xiaoyao
"This is the key to the big formation. Not only can I communicate with me through it, but it can also mobilize part of the power of the big formation. Xiaoyao, Ling'er is in retreat to attack the foundation, and she didn't tell her, so you can rest assured."

Su Yueying scanned the crowd again, and said indifferently

"If the two layers of defense are breached, Green Bamboo Mountain will be our last bastion"

Everyone was upset when they heard it, but there was nothing they could do.Green Bamboo Mountain is the center of the formation. Once a battle starts, the spiritual energy will fluctuate greatly. Ordinary people can't bear it, and they will be shocked to death. Therefore, it is the same to arrange people in Muling Mountain and Green Bamboo Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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