Code Name: Flame

Chapter 21 Lurking

Chapter 21 Lurking
In the early morning of the 29th, Chen Jia took Shen Hongyan into a three-story house, tied up a dozen members of the family, and gagged their mouths with cloth.

Chen Jia was so vicious that he shut the whole family in the next room on the third floor, and sealed all the windows with cloth.The Patriarch and Chen Jia were locked together.If the person next door wants to run away, or signal for help, the first one will cut you off.

The location of this building is excellent, away from the street, but with a panoramic view of the whole street.Behind is a messy slum, with densely packed streets and crooked streets, which is very convenient for escape.

On the far side of the river, Zhu Xuefan and the boatman were waiting on a black-covered boat. His task was to meet Chen Jia. As long as the boat reached the other side, he would be completely safe.

In order not to expose it as much as possible, Chen Jia wrapped the telescope in sackcloth so that there would be no sunlight reflection.

I made several gun holsters with cloth and rice milk, and they were hard after drying.Put a cloth over the muzzle of the gun when shooting so that the flame cannot be seen by the outside.

Put on the uniform of the Japanese Marine Corps, move two tables, spread cotton pads, cover the body with a quilt, and lie on the table.

"Aren't you tired like this?" Shen Hongyan knew that he was going to lie on his stomach like this all the time, and felt very strange.

"It's okay. I have been practicing for several months. I have been sleeping on my stomach at night in the military academy. I can hold on to this position for a day and a night."

Shen Hongyan opened his mouth twice, and said in admiration: "I don't know what you have in your head? Did you learn it in America?"

"An American veteran taught me."

Now Chen Jia is telling lies casually, without changing his expression or beating his heart, the lie detector probably won't work on him anymore.

Shen Hongyan went to the next door to check on the situation of the prisoners, and they were very honest.It's okay to be dishonest, Shen Hongyan made it clear to them, and left after finishing the work.If the Japanese find out that you are all tied up, they will not embarrass you, let alone they may not be able to find out.If you want to save your old man's life, just stay obedient and obedient.

As for shitting and urinating, I have made it clear, just pull it in the crotch, and I will not die for a day.

His father is a middle-aged man in his 40s. He was tied up like a rice dumpling by a bed sheet and lay quietly behind Chen Jia, not daring to move.His eyes were full of fear, and he didn't know where these two people came from, nor what would happen in the future.

However, the two of them did not overdo anything to his wife and daughter, nor did they rob his family of money. Obviously, they should not be bad people.

At dawn, the Japanese army began to attack the national defense line, and the sound of artillery and gunfire rang out.The counterattack of the national army in the distance was very firm, relying on fortifications and civilian houses to launch fierce confrontation with the Japanese army.

Chen Jia fell asleep, didn't have a good rest all night, and had been lying on the table for almost four hours, he couldn't stand it anymore.

Shen Hongyan hid behind the wall and held up a telescope to observe, carefully searching every corner.In the camera, he saw the devils who bent over and hid behind the houses and shot, and saw the anger of the national army's machine gun fortress.

After watching for a while, he put down the binoculars and looked back. The middle-aged man seemed to have fallen asleep and remained motionless.

A few stray bullets hit the eaves in the morning, startling both him and Chen Jia, thinking they had been discovered.The middle-aged man was so frightened that he peed his pants, and the urine stains on the floor have not dried yet.

The battle was not intense, because it was a street fight and the houses blocked the shooting range, so the machine guns were of little use at this time, and a hundred guns might not be able to kill a person just by relying on soldiers from both sides coming and going.

At noon, the devils mobilized several infantry artillery to bombard the national army's defense line intensively, but unfortunately it was useless, because it was a direct-fire artillery, as long as there was an obstacle in the middle, the shells would be blocked.Shen Hongyan saw with his own eyes a shell hit the bunker and exploded. When the smoke dissipated, several figures jumped out from behind the bunker.

"Damn it, isn't the devil's artillery not good enough? Can you still occupy the Northeast like this?"

Shen Hongyan held up the binoculars and murmured to himself, but he couldn't figure out how a place as big as the northeast could be collapsed for thousands of miles.If the Northeast is not allowed to fight, what about North China?The Chinese army was also defeated.

"This is an infantry artillery. It's not as powerful as a mortar. This little Japan doesn't know how to fight. The infantry artillery in urban warfare is useless. There are too many obstacles in the shooting range, and the artillery shells are not powerful enough." Eyes closed Chen Jia who was sleeping suddenly spoke, which startled Shen Hongyan.

Shen Hongyan looked down, this guy was still sleeping with his eyes closed.

"You didn't fall asleep?"

"The gunfire is so loud, how can you sleep? I just take a rest, my eyes are blurred. By the way, their infantry haven't advanced yet?"

"We lost two streets, and our army suffered a lot of casualties. But we can still defend. I saw them setting up bunkers behind."

Chen Jia yawned, "Tell me when they break through the Third Street."

Time ticked by, and it was not until after three o'clock that the Japanese army advanced another street.

"The third street is broken, our army retreats to the fourth street, Chen Jia, we will be very passive if this continues."

Chen Jia raised his head suddenly, and put the gun on his shoulder, "Look for their commander, above the rank of lieutenant commander. It's better to be at the rank of commander. If we kill a few, we will withdraw immediately."

Shen Hongyan nervously raised his binoculars and kept searching. About 10 minutes later, he was pleasantly surprised to find that a man who looked like a senior officer was surrounded by a group of officers and arrived behind a house.

"Come here, Colonel, turn your right hand at thirty degrees, behind the two-story building."

Shen Hongyan handed the binoculars to Chen Jia, and Chen Jia took them over and saw them.

"One chief and two lieutenants, that's fine. Help me look around, I'm going to work."

Shen Hongyan took over the binoculars and began to investigate the surroundings. Now there are people shooting at each other on many roofs, and almost every street has become one, and they are just behind the Japanese attack line.

More than 300 meters, just within the range of the rifle.

Chen Jia took a few deep breaths and let it out slowly. After mixing the breath, the door cover framed the chief, and slowly adjusted the sight.There was a sharp howl in the sky, and the shells pierced the air with a screeching sound, and then exploded in the distance.

There was an explosion, and Chen Jia pulled the trigger.

It was too late to watch, the second shot was loaded, almost without aiming, another shot, two shots..., five bullets were fired.

Chen Jia immediately lifted the quilt, jumped down, pulled out a dagger and cut the middle-aged man's rope, "Clean up, we're leaving."

After speaking, pulling Shen Hongyan, who was still observing with binoculars, ran downstairs.

Shen Hongyan followed behind, extremely excited, "You hit, hit, and I saw a lieutenant fell down too."

"Stop rambling, hurry up, there are still two streets to cross in front of you, whether you can survive or not is up to you."

The two rushed out of the room, ran as fast as they could, and ran for more than 200 meters along the narrow alley to the first road.At this time, there were two Japanese soldiers on the road hiding in the alley and shooting, and there was also a Japanese soldier on the opposite side.

Chen Jia and Shen Hongyan hid in the recess of a family's door, not daring to move.Running 200 meters quickly made them both a little breathless.

"Don't reveal your secrets for a while. Let's approach slowly. I will kill these two while the other side is not paying attention, and then immediately attack the one across the street. As soon as that person falls down, you run as hard as you can. Whether you can survive depends on how fast you run Not soon."

Shen Hongyan nodded and thought: "Understood. You can do it."

Chen Jia stabilized his mind and trotted towards the entrance of the alley with a gun in his hand. When he got very close, a Japanese just shot a gun and retreated. Turning around, he saw the two of them.

The man stretched out his hand and said, "気をつけて, ここは敌が多いから. There are many enemies here, so be careful."

Chen Jia also replied loudly: "Secret は toilet paper を send り に 行 き masu. あなたたちは private を aid します. I will deliver the letter, and you will cover me."

The two Japanese soldiers had no doubts, and agreed: "はい, 私たちがを撃たとき, あなたたちはfull speed, force, walk, line, きました. Okay, when we shoot, you all run over with all your strength."

The devil also greeted the devil on the opposite side.

The three devils leaned out and shot forward together. Chen Jia and Shen Hongyan rushed out desperately, ran across the street in one breath, and rushed into the alley opposite.

Seeing them coming in, the devil on the opposite side smiled and waved his hands, signaling them to leave quickly.

Chen Jia said thank you, and led Shen Hongyan to continue running until a turning point, before leaning against the wall for breath.

Shen Hongyan wanted to speak happily, but was stopped by Chen Jia shaking her head.Just kidding, speaking Japanese and Chinese at this time will be unlucky.Who knows if there are Chinese soldiers or Japanese soldiers in the room behind?
Regardless of the closed doors of every house, how many eyes are looking at them?
After resting for a while, I stretched my head to observe that there was nothing unusual, so I continued to walk forward, and saw three or four Japanese soldiers shooting in turn at the alley.

This time, with experience, I used the excuse of delivering a letter, crossed the street, and ran to the opposite alley. The end of the alley was a small river.

The two were dumbfounded when they ran to the small river, because the fight was also going on here.

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(End of this chapter)

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