Chapter 34
The good days of big fish and big meat passed quickly. After a month of nourishment, the recruits were obviously in better physical condition than before.After gradually adapting to the training volume, Chen Jia began to increase the volume, increasing the daily morning running from five kilometers to ten kilometers, and the speed was even faster.

Sit-ups, push-ups and the like are indispensable, stretching, volleyball, dagger sparring, wrestling, capturing prisoners, cross-country with weights, diving, jumping...

Each person carries a [-]-pound sandbag every day, and wears it all the time except when taking a bath or entering the water.

In just a few days, the little bit of meat that was originally raised was obviously gone.

In order to strengthen nutrition, Chen Jia asked the cook to buy dozens of sheep, let the group of little kids let them go, and planned to eat roasted whole sheep when they grew up, but the children couldn't cry anymore, so they had to give up in the end.Since then, Chen Jia has learned a lesson, don't let the little kid raise animals, it will lose money.

Fortunately, there are sheep herders nearby, and there is goat milk, so that the soldiers can not only eat mutton, but also drink goat milk.Of course, goat milk is diluted with water. More than 300 people drink it every day, and drink up as much goat milk.

Fortunately for Chen Jia, the fish in Shajiabang was too much to eat, and the fish soup was also very nourishing, so the soldiers' physical fitness was slowly improved without any impact on their bodies.

These amounts sound scary, but they are actually a little worse than the amount of the army in the previous life. The reason is that people in this era have poor foundation, and I don’t have a military doctor.

There are also things that are better than the previous life, that is, being able to endure hardships, really being able to endure hardships.And be obedient, basically listen to everything. For them, don't talk about national justice and national concepts, they don't understand.But they know who treats them well, and they should treat others well.

What gave Chen Jia a headache was that this group of people could eat all the food. In the past, it was not enough to eat a bowl of rice, but now the amount is increased, one and a half to two bowls.Just kidding, a bowl of rice is about seven or eight taels of rice, plus vegetables, it's almost a catty. If this group of people can give you two catties, it's still a meal.

Because of the war, prices around Shanghai have actually risen sharply. Shajiabang is better off living alone in the countryside, but he can’t afford to eat so well.So 10 yuan seems to be a lot, and the consumption rate is also very fast. In two months, 1 yuan will be gone.

Chen Jia felt dizzy looking at the bill. The military salary was about 3000 per month, and a little over 7000 for two months. The rest was nothing to eat.This kind of clothes can be regarded as a foresight, and most of the time they are shirtless for training, otherwise they will become beggars if they are mended.

Fortunately, the one-month physical fitness improvement is over, and the next day is shooting or cultural classes, another day is small, and the next day is large, so as to ensure that the physical fitness is always at a high level.Especially after a lot of practice shooting, the difficulty is virtually increased, but it fits the actual combat.

Shen Hongyan is still in charge of Japanese education, because everyone speaks Japanese, so they improve very quickly. Even Chen Youhong and Shen Tong have started to speak Japanese.

Chen Jia is in charge of shooting and combat analysis.Including team assault, three-three cooperation, two-two cooperation, and teaching them things from the military academy and their own thinking.The actual training is handed over to the veterans. They have come out of the flames of war and have trained two months in advance, so there is no problem leading the team to train.

Chen Jia is also researching special warfare ideas in his spare time. After all, it is not enough to rely on his superficial knowledge from the media. It must be improved on the basis of his current military knowledge.

Chief among them is the study of guerrilla warfare.

In addition, he found a blacksmith shop and asked them to make military shovels and pickaxes. The steel was bought from the 87th Division's left-behind office. It cost him more than 3000 yuan. The money was spent, and my heart hurts.

Because of technical problems, the military shovel is a short-handled shovel. There is no other design, and it cannot be made if it is designed.

The reason why so much money was spent on this thing is that in the Songhu War in the previous life, the Chinese army suffered a loss because the trenches were not well done, and too many people were sacrificed under the guns of the Japanese devils.If one division is disabled a day, no matter how many troops are filled in, it will be for nothing.

Fortunately, Japan is also a poor ghost, and it is impossible to do indiscriminate bombing like the United States, otherwise the Chinese army would have collapsed long ago.

At this time, the standard trenches of the national army were chest height, which means that people could only squat in the trenches, and had to bend over when walking.But when the trenches are baptized by artillery fire, they are almost flattened.What happens to soldiers who lose the cover of their trenches?A machine gun can overturn a company.

Later in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, the trenches of the Volunteer Army were optimized a lot, with depth, cover, artillery, and traffic. Soldiers still had a certain survival rate under the indiscriminate bombardment of aircraft and cannons.

Another little-known use of the handy shovel is as a cover for machine gunners.Bury the handy shovel in the soil, and the wide shovel provides good protection for the machine gunner.The bullet penetrates into the soil, and then hits the shovel surface, basically there is no possibility of penetration.

In World War II, one hundred rifles were not as powerful as a single machine gun. The reason was that the machine gun fired in a fan direction, had a long range, strong penetrating power, and a large hole in the body.That's why there is a saying that recruits are afraid of guns and veterans are afraid of guns. This gun refers to a machine gun.

To this end, Chen Jia racked his brains to formulate several trench requirements. The depth must reach 1.7 meters to 200 meters. There must be sniper trenches and guard trenches in front of the main trench, and machine gun trenches, support trenches, and artillery trenches behind.A second trench should be built at a distance of [-] meters, and a third and fourth trench should be built if conditions permit.

There must be traffic trenches and traffic trench blocking bunkers between each main trench.The direction of the trench facing the enemy is high, and the direction facing one's own side is low, so as to prevent the enemy from occupying the trench and attacking oneself.

The anti-blasting hole is covered with logs, then covered with a layer of soil, then a layer of logs, and then a layer of soil, at least two layers of wood are required.In the Battle of Songhu, facing the Japanese naval artillery, the three layers were useless, but the anti-mountain artillery infantry artillery was more than enough.

The Japanese devils are poor, and a naval gun is worth 8 taels of gold.As far as Japan's economic situation is concerned, they can't afford it.This is why although the Japanese naval guns also participated in the battle, the participation rate was not high.

Another very important thing is the helmet.A steel helmet cannot protect against bullets, but it can protect against stones.Too many soldiers died not from the cannon and bullets, but from the stones splashed by the cannon.

However, the number of steel helmets in the national army is very small at this time, and most soldiers are unwilling to use steel helmets, because they are uncomfortable to wear, and they are not bulletproof. Why do you wear them?
After three months of training, Chen Jia announced the end of the special training.Arranged Chen Youhong and Shen Tong to live in the spy company, and set off for Taihu Lake with No. [-] special warfare chicks.

Speaking of Taihu bandits, it has a long history.The vast water of Taihu Lake gave the bandits an excellent cover.Taihu Lake straddles the two provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. There are countless rivers and lakes connected to Taihu Lake, and the terrain is very complicated.

Bandits usually pretend to be all kinds of good people during the day, fleeing from famine, fishermen, peddlers, farmers... At night, they gather to rob everywhere, rape and plunder.

The local government has also made great efforts to suppress the bandits, but with little success.Either there was no clue, or the bandits fled to other provinces by boat, and inter-provincial pursuits were not allowed at that time.Let's unite the two provinces, people hide, there are so many rivers and branches, isn't it easy and happy to find a place to hide.If it really doesn't work, hide in big cities like Suzhou, Jiaxing, Changzhou, and Huzhou, and wait for the wind to pass before coming out for activities.

After finally catching a batch, a new bandit was born within a few days.It is really a wild fire that burns endlessly, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

This kind of small group of bandits is just for the special forces to train their hands. Soldiers who don't see blood are not real soldiers, and they will definitely give up when they go to the battlefield.

I contacted the 47th Division of the garrison in advance and told them that the special forces team is about to enter the Taihu Lake area to suppress bandits for training, so please don't be nervous if there are gunshots.

All the troops are in plain clothes, the veterans are equipped with pistols, and the recruits are all equipped with long guns.Two hundred bullets per person, ten yuan.

"Remember, after entering Taihu Lake, [-] of your groups will act separately for a period of one month. You are not allowed to sleep in residential houses or hotels. Even if there are knives in the sky, you must survive in the wild. Return to the army to report today after one month. Not allowed Stealing, robbing, molesting and raping women are not allowed. Those who violate the regulations will be severely punished. Thirty percent of the confiscation belongs to you, and seventy percent is handed over, you hear that?"

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(End of this chapter)

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