Code Name: Flame

Chapter 55 Express Delivery

Chapter 55 Express Delivery

In Dai Li's office at No. 137 Honggongci Temple in Nanjing, he was looking at the telegram sent by No. [-] from the Shanghai Special Team.

The telegram only said two things, Lie Yan will go to Japan before the end of the year, and will stay in Japan for a while.Six American firms including Diners & Co. seem to be in trouble and are going bankrupt and liquidated.Silver dollar smuggling was temporarily suspended.

Dai Li put down the telegram, his mind spinning rapidly.According to his information, a [-]-ton ship of Diners was robbed in the East China Sea, and a large number of silver dollars were robbed, so Diners, which was heavily in debt, declared bankruptcy.

The incident of the ship being robbed was well concealed. The insider heard a word from the military attache passing by at the US Consulate, and only then did he know that the Orleans seemed to have been robbed.

Of course, Dai Li would not contact Lie Yan. Although Lie Yan is good at special warfare, he is not good enough to rob a ship by himself, and there are twenty US Marines on board.

Intelligence work is very complicated, and I don't have to believe what you tell me.The authenticity of intelligence must be confirmed through various channels to ensure its authenticity.Flame's information only confirmed the inside information of the US consulate.

What Lie Yan gave Zhang Min was a series of numbers, and Zhang Min sent the numbers to Dai Li, who then translated him into a telegram.

Lie Yan is a great spy master.The telegram he sent was handed over to Dai Li, and Dai Li could translate it according to his password corresponding to different newspapers.A little troublesome, but a high degree of confidentiality.What Zhang Min mastered was the first layer of codes, and what Dai Li mastered was the second layer of codes, which was sent to the newspaper of the day.

What Dai Li is worried about now is whether Lie Yan will show his feet after going to Japan.Many things are exposed in details. No matter how familiar Chen Jia is with Yasushi Fujiwara, it is impossible for Chen Jia to be familiar with everything. The reason why he risked his life to arrange a car accident is not only a reasonable explanation for the change in appearance, but also amnesia. Details that would be overlooked cover up the past.

In order to achieve a degree of damage close to amnesia, Chen Jia consulted a lot of information before formulating the details of the car accident, including where the injury would cause amnesia.

Dai Li suddenly smiled. His own father didn't find anything unusual after spending several days together, let alone other people.Maybe it's just being concerned about chaos.Chen Jia's identity is too important. It can be said that Dai Li is still very proud of how much effort it took to achieve this level.

Dai Li didn't call back, but burned the telegram he had translated, and archived the original telegram as top secret.

It took Chen Jia two days to produce a batch of penicillin, a small part was to be tested by Dean Collins, and most of them were put into six biscuit boxes and padded with cotton, a total of 330 bottles, and now they can only So many.In fact, he is not sure whether his production environment will produce pollution. The condition is this condition, and there is no way to do it. It will be fine when the US factory is established in the future.

At night, he drove the car to stop near Xie Keqiang's clinic, and then went to investigate the surrounding area to ensure safety before returning to the car to take out the penicillin.

When Xie Keqiang saw Chen Jia again, he was so excited that he grabbed his hand and refused to let go, his eyes were moist.A full US$100 million, plus an advance payment of 5 yuan, is an extremely large sum.

You must know that after the Red Army's Long March, Taizu searched the entire army of 7000 people and only had more than 1000 oceans. He asked Xu Haidong to borrow [-], and the mother of the country, Qingling, mortgaged the house to send [-] US dollars.Although this is a later story, it can also show how difficult the Communist Party was at that time.

The Red Army was maintained by the money and food obtained from the local tyrants and the land, and the organization was maintained by party members paying party dues.In order to organize, Wang Wei, who was born in a scholarly family, was forced to become a stingy king, so he can know how difficult it is to organize.

Let’s just talk about Xie Keqiang, the leaders of Shanghai’s underground party, what do they eat?When Chen Jia entered the room, he could smell a faint smell of vegetables, either porridge or noodles in vegetable soup.

It is this group of people who live in poverty, but still burn their lives to illuminate the world, that have such a charm that many young men and women from wealthy families have resolutely thrown themselves into the torrent of revolution.What they opposed was precisely the class they were in, and what they opposed was their parents.To borrow the words of a famous American reporter, a group of poor people have firm beliefs.Poor, but clean, they are the real fighters.

"Let go, do you dislike the lack of money? I will give it to you when I make money." Chen Jia pretended to be disgusted and shook off Xie Keqiang's hand, and put the six biscuit boxes in his hand on the table.

"Three hundred bottles, that's all I can do at the moment. You have to hurry up and send them to the Soviet area. I heard that the war in the Soviet area is unfavorable, and it is very likely that you will leave Ruijin, so you have to hurry up."

Xie Keqiang was still looking greedily at the biscuit box in front of him, and his face turned pale when he heard the words, "What? Where did you get the news from?"

"Don't worry about it, I guess you don't have much time, so you must hurry up. These medicines can save many Red Army soldiers, and one day later is life. Also, tell the Soviet Union not to be stingy with these medicines, because medicines have time Restricted, it may become invalid after time, so use it where it should be used.”

Xie Keqiang lowered his head and groped for the box, then raised his head and said bitterly: "Our transportation line has been destroyed, and it will take a long time for this medicine to reach the front line. How long does it take for it to expire? Can you tell me the exact time?"

Chen Jia's mind buzzed, and he said in a bad mood: "I don't know, maybe half a year or a year. Don't you have fast transportation channels?"

"No, because of the traitor's betrayal, we lost more than 30 people. Now the only effective transportation line is too long, and it may take three months to reach Ruijin."

Chen Jia was speechless, the SF Express arrived in three days, and you need three months, are you crazy?what to do?It is impossible to reach Ruijin quickly.Now hundreds of thousands of troops have surrounded the Soviet area tightly, and it is impossible to send things in without mature communication lines.

Suddenly a place name jumped into my mind, ZY. The ZY meeting was a turning point in the history of the Chinese revolution. The local faction defeated the international faction and finally reached the end of success. ZY is the starting point of success, and it is here that we have returned to the core of leadership.

ZY seems to have been occupied more than once, so the Red Army's stay here will not be short.

In fact, Chen Jia has forgotten when the Long March started. He remembered it clearly when he was studying to prepare for the exam. Now he can only guess from the war, and roughly estimate it.

"Old Xie, do you have anyone in ZY, Guizhou?"

"Guizhou ZY? I don't know."

"Where's Chongqing? Do you have anyone?"

"There should be..."

Chen Jia was suffocated, and asked three questions, how to deliver this product?
"In this way, you choose two people to take the goods to Chongqing, and then go to ZY. Just wait in ZY until the Red Army arrives. Don't talk, I have the urge to fuck you now. There is a plane from Shanghai to Chongqing. When you arrive in Chongqing, you Find a local organization to send it to. Remember, don’t make up your own mind, let you wait in ZY and wait in ZY, and the Red Army is not allowed to leave if there are no people. Well, you can talk now.”

"No money to buy a plane ticket."

Chen Jia stared at the boss, "Where is the money for you?"

"It's all gone."

"...I am... well, I owe you. I will send you the plane ticket tomorrow, and you arrange two people to protect the goods. I will get you two more identifications of Japanese trading companies. When you arrive in Chongqing, you will destroy."

Xie Keqiang was excited again, he stood up and wanted to shake Chen Jia's hand, but he slapped him away, "You must remember every word I told you, if you dare to obey others, don't blame me for turning against you."

Chen Jia went out, and heaved a sigh of relief in the darkness.Dealing with Xie Keqiang is too tiring, I don't have anything to ask for, I guess apart from a life, I can't get a few dollars from my body.

Shen Hongyan should have sent the news. After receiving the news, Dai Li probably won't assign him any more tasks in the near future, so that he will have a lot of free time to do his own things.

Letting Shen Hongyan pretend to be Lie Yan was his plan long ago. Only Dai Li and Shen Hongyan knew that there was a real Lie Yan. There was no other way. To protect themselves, they had to plan ahead.Shen Hongyan didn't know himself, so he could only stay in the store and passively accept instructions.

Dai Li knew the phone number of Chen Jia's office, and there was a code between them. After receiving the code, Chen Jia would go to the long-distance telephone company to call him back.

Dai Li was very dissatisfied with Chen Jia's extremely inefficient contact method, and the long-distance phone company might leak the secret, but Chen Jia insisted.Just kidding, there was no long-distance phone at that time, only the military had this ability, so if you call me, you won't be afraid that I will be exposed?Am I still the treasure in your palm?
However, at this time, the construction of civil long-distance telephones has already begun. In the foreseeable future, Nanjing and Shanghai will be able to use long-distance telephones.

In addition to safety considerations, Chen Jia also consciously set the difficulty to make it difficult for Dai Li to find him so easily, so that he would be given fewer tasks, and who the hell knew which one would cost him his life.According to the law of spies, only spies who are always silent are the safest, but anyone who is active has a probability of being discovered.

There is a saying that motionless is a bastard, he would rather be a bastard than lose his life, especially when he has money, life is worth a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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