Code Name: Flame

Chapter 58 Black Market Weapons

Chapter 58 Black Market Weapons
Counting the things at hand, the business company, the penicillin, the ship, the construction of a factory in the United States, and now the robbing of the Red Maru, Chen Jia felt a little overwhelmed.

Fortunately, Boss Dai had asked for leave in advance. If he sent another order to come over, he would probably be fired.In fact, intelligence personnel are not like in the TV series, one thing after another, that is called artistic processing, making the TV plot more compact, the plot more ups and downs, and everyone looks better.

A real intelligence officer may spend his life doing nothing all his life, just like an ordinary person.Many people have been lurking for several years or more, and after being awakened to work once, they were found and killed.

Chen Jia's current situation is not suitable for doing more intelligence work, as long as he finds some useful information from the letters between Fujiwara Trading Company and Japan, it will be very good.

Dai Li hoped that he would lurk longer, be buried deeper, and have a higher status, so that the effect of his shots at critical moments would be better.Even his special team is in a latent state, doing nothing.

The first thing Chen Jia did after waking up was to go near Itochu's pier. The Benimaru was moored quietly in the port, with the sun flag on top fluttering in the wind.

It's an old-fashioned transport ship of about five or six thousand tons, and the bow is still the kind that goes straight up and down.Looking at the structure, you can tell that the speed of the ship is not fast, and the transportation capacity is limited.This kind of old-fashioned ship has a tall chimney, the chimney is slightly inclined to the back, and there is a platform on it, which should be used to remove the soot.

Although old-fashioned, like the Orleans, there are hanging masts at the front and rear for loading and unloading cargo.The only difference is that the shape of the suspension mast is somewhat different, which makes the Orleans' ability to load and unload cargo much stronger than that of the Benimaru.

The ship did not moor at the shore, but stopped in the waters 40 meters away from the shore, relying on anchors for positioning.At the berth in front of it is another ship loading and unloading materials. Obviously, the Benimaru will not berth to the shore until the ship has finished its work.

There are more than 100 workers on the dock unloading the goods. Looking through the binoculars, the words ITOCHU are on the wooden boxes. Obviously, the cargo is also the goods of ITOCHU itself.

As Japan's top trading company, Itochu Corporation and Sumitomo Corporation, Mitsui & Co., Mitsubishi Corporation, Yasuda Corporation, etc. under the four major chaebols are also known as Japan's nine largest trading companies, and are Japan's largest foreign trade companies.

The Fujiwara family with a long history has great influence in the political world, but it can only be regarded as moderate in the Japanese business world.Therefore, ITOCHU has its own docks, warehouses, and ships, while Fujiwara Trading Co., Ltd. can only rent others'. This is the gap.

Fortunately, these days, the business of Fujiwara Shanghai Trading Co., Ltd. has grown by leaps and bounds. It has sold more than 300 million yen in just over a month. If it can maintain this scale, Fujiwara Shanghai Trading Co., Ltd. should be able to rank among the top five Japanese trading companies in Shanghai.

After taking a picture of the boat at the pier, I just caught up with a ferry.Chen Jia drove to Citibank, where Quinn was already at the bank.

"My friend, you came just in time. The contract has been signed, and this is yours. The inspection is scheduled for five days later, what are you going to do? Do you need me to find someone for you? This is a loan contract, After you sign, there will be 600 million US dollars in your account, and the interest will be the lowest. My God, I am so kind to you. Should you thank me?"

Chen Jia ignored his nagging, took a sip of Quinn's famous wine, gin and martini, and then slumped on the sofa without any image.

"Oh friend, you look tired, did you spend too much energy on the girl's belly last night? Tell me, where is the woman? Chinese or Russian? I suggest you stay away from those white women , in addition to asking for your money, they will also spy on you. These damned women dare to make any money. "

Chen Jia picked up the contract and read it carefully, no problem.

"Hey, don't ignore my advice. Shanghai is now the number one information exchange place in the Far East, and spies from all over the world have gathered here. Tell me, how many did you sleep last night?"

Chen Jia put away the contract and reached out to Quinn.

Quinn was confused, "What do you mean?"

"Didn't you say that the loan contract needs to be signed?"

"OK, here you are, I've already prepared it. Tell me, did you go to Paramount last night? That Lulu's voice is so beautiful, it makes my heart itch all the time, hahahahaha."

Chen Jia read the loan contract, signed it, put away one of his own, threw the other on the table, got up and left.

"Hey buddy, why don't you talk to me? Where are you going, bastard?"

Chen Jia walked out of the office and walked directly in front of Guo Shuyi, Guo Shuyi quickly stood up, "Hello, Mr. Li."

"Mr. Guo, I am very busy now. I have to prepare for a shipping company, go to the United States to build a pharmaceutical factory, and invest in other companies. I am really too busy. I hope you can help me. Before the pharmaceutical factory is completed, you The treatment will be slightly worse than it is now. It will be very rich after it is built, think about it?"

Guo Shuyi looked blankly at Quinn, who was already so angry behind Chen Jia, and didn't speak.How to say?If he agreed, Quinn would probably yell at him now.If he didn't agree, he couldn't bear it. After all, the effect of penicillin is so good, this is definitely a money printing machine.

"Don't look at him, think carefully for yourself, and give me an answer tomorrow. If you agree, go directly to Jiangnan Shipyard to discuss the purchase contract. This is the list of ships I need. The above Liu is the captain. Take him to Diners, we need him to inspect the ship."

Chen Jia gave Guo Shuyi the list and the address of Liu's brother's home, and when he turned around, he saw Quinn's angry face.

"Don't be so stingy, there are so many executives in Citibank, there is no shortage of him. Besides, you are familiar with me to find an assistant, isn't it convenient for you?"

"I didn't promise to manage the pharmaceutical factory."

"I didn't agree with your mismanagement. Let's go, I still have too many things to do." Chen Jia didn't give him a chance to reply, turned around and walked to the door.

Quinn wanted to swear, his self-cultivation obviously couldn't bear Chen Jia's dominance.Suddenly, he saw Chen Jia turning around and smiling at him, "Kuin, talk less and do more, maybe one day you can become the richest man in the world."

fuck you.Quinn was furious, this man surnamed Li was too arrogant.

Arrogance is not in Chen Jia's nature, the reason for this is that he has noticed that Quinn is not as simple as it seems.Perhaps growing up in a family, complex interpersonal relationships have long taught them to say one thing and do another.

He didn't want to have a showdown with Quinn at this moment, they weren't close enough yet.Business partner, hey, take it easy.

When I got home, I called Yamada and asked him to buy weapons on the black market.Fifty Colts, 120 gun magazines, six Thompson submachine guns, eight [-]-round spare gun magazines, [-] rounds of bullets each, [-] Japanese-style grenades, [-] German-style long-handled grenades, steel helmets six.Go to the iron factory to buy a few thin steel plates, and then cut them into small curved steel plates.

In addition, the tactical vest is made of canvas, with steel plate pockets, magazine pockets, grenade bags, and leggings pistol holsters.There is a sewing team in the trading company, which specializes in sewing product logos on sacks, and it happens to be able to do this.

Yamada was a little confused by the pattern. He was familiar with buying guns on the black market. He had been in Shanghai for more than ten years, and he was much more familiar with the underworld than Chen Jia.People in the Shanghai Kuomintang garrison often resell supplies. It is not too difficult to buy what Chen Jia wants, the only difficulty is money.

But there are too many of these weapons, and this is not a merger of the Qing Gang, but a small war.

"Tell me how much money you need, and give me the things as soon as possible, the sooner the better."

Yamada estimated that it would cost at least 6000 to 1 yuan to get these goods. If it is imported brand new, it will be a little more expensive, and the total will not exceed [-] yuan.

Chen Jia handed over [-] U.S. dollars to Yamada, "Help me rent a few more houses in the concession, and let different people rent them. The distance between the houses should not be too far. It is best to be separated by a street. The fewer neighbors, the better. For three months, I will let you know if the lease is renewed. Remember to keep it a secret and not tell anyone.”

"Master, are you?"

"The world is getting more and more chaotic. Let's buy some weapons just in case. Hurry up and buy them. Before I go to the United States, I want to train Takahashi and them."

After Yamada left, Chen Jia went to the basement of his home. There was a darkroom here, which Chen Jia used as a storage room and a place to develop photos.

The photo was developed and the imaging effect was very good. The Benimu was lying quietly in the photo like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Hmph, Benimaru is really not a lamb.Americans are careless and careless, so they are full of loopholes.The Japanese are rigid and dogmatic, and those soldiers will definitely perform security tasks meticulously. It is almost impossible to get on the ship by mistake, so...there is a high probability of fighting.

 Please vote for recommendation, it is also an encouragement to me!


(End of this chapter)

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