Elf Grass Master

Chapter 17 "16, Kanto Royal Family"

Chapter 17 "16, Kanto Royal Family"

This time the alliance's siege operation was very unsuccessful, and all the people caught were some outsiders from the Hunter Association. The really important hunter W had disappeared long ago, and Junsha stomped her feet in anger.

What was even more irritating was that two police officers died on the periphery. According to the report at the scene, a large group of crazy butterfly elves besieged them, and finally lost to death.

'If only it were that simple. Junsha sighed in her heart, "It's a coincidence that they were the ones who died." '

These two people were actually sent over by the upper echelons of the alliance to make their resumes more attractive, so they actually don't have much strength themselves, and this time they had an accident, Junsha knew how many reports she had to write just by imagining, How much responsibility has been taken, after all, she is the main person in charge this time.

An Ye didn't know Junsha's thoughts at all. At this time, An Ye had already changed back to the clothes in the hunter's union, and then quietly waited for the arrival of the 'guest'.

After a while, a purple-haired man flew over on a toucan not far away, and his disdain and abuse could be heard from the hole.

Hearing this sound, Anye knew that the prey was about to enter the fishing net, so she ordered Super Miaomiao to get ready.

The moment the other party stepped into the cave, he was controlled by the blue superpower, unable to make a sound or move, and then he suddenly felt as if he was falling, until he saw a body that had lost its head, Only then did he realize that his head had been chopped off. At the last moment before he died, he saw the iron-masked ninja who chopped off his head and a lifeless face.

That's right, it was An Ye who was ambushing here early in the morning to solve Hunter W. Long before Hunter W went to the association to issue a mission, An Ye discovered this cave a long time ago, and the surrounding terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there are signs of people living in the cave , after squatting for a period of time, the dark night became clear. This is the base that Hunter W has used for a period of time. It is specially used to collect the terrain around the poisonous swamp and store data.

After solving Hunter W, An Ye began to search for his belongings. He locked the five elves' poke balls for a week and then unlocked them. He found several unnamed alliance cards and a storage cabinet for the EMI Hunter Association. You must know that the group of people in the Hunter Association only recognize the key but not the person. Only if they don't open the cabinet for ten years will they be confiscated by the Hunter Association.

"It seems that this is all this guy's property. Forget it, these are not important, and it's time to leave."

Randomly throwing Hunter W's body and a few poke balls down the mountain, An Ye left. As for what would happen to the corpse and the elves inside the poke balls, that was not An Ye's concern.


On the other side, Junsha led the team back to Zhuqing City. This time the operation can be said to be a big failure. Not only did they fail to catch the people who should be caught, but they also lost so many police officers.

At this time, the Elf Center where Xuandu is located also knew what happened.

"Oh...Xiaolan looks very sad." Joey said with a sigh.

"Sister Joy, is Sister Junsha really okay?" Xuan Du appropriately showed 'concern' to Junsha.

"Don't worry too much." Hearing Xuandu's words, Joey turned around and said to Xuandu, "Xiaolan is actually a very rough-natured person. She will be fine after a while. Go back today."

Hearing what Joey said, Xuandu did not refuse and left directly.


At this time, the receptionist of the underground black market once again wanted to swear, "What happened to this * * * * * * *, Arceus!Get him now!I'll just switch departments!I really don't want to see this face again! '

Then he said with a smirk, "Sir, we have already counted the elves you brought this time. First, there are 20 well-qualified poisonous butterflies and 15 well-qualified Moru moths, of which there are a total of 8 with hidden characteristics. Because they are all elves that have finally evolved, their potential has almost been tapped out, so our purchase price is 15 points for each of the two types of elves, and 200 points for the one with hidden characteristics, do you think it is okay?"


"Okay, thank you for your cooperation, and then there are three poisonous white butterflies and two Molu moths with excellent qualifications. Our purchase price is 200 million 1000 points, because this time the qualifications are very excellent, and the talents have not been fully tapped. , and it can be directly counted as an elf with combat power, so the price can be a little higher, no problem."


"Okay, so the total purchase price of the elves you brought over this time is 1445 million alliance coins and 12800 points. Please wait a moment. Is there anything else you need?"

"...Are there Yusanjia and Ibrahimovic from other regions?"

Hearing this, the receptionist felt like he was about to cry. You know, the person in front of him has always only collected money, but never spent it. If this continues, the Hunter Association's working capital will be emptied by him. So I said "please wait a moment" and ran out. After a while, I came back with two registered cards and a form.

First hand the two cards to An Ye, then show the form to An Ye, and then say, "These are the Yusanjia we bought from other regions, you can see what you need."

Immediately afterwards, Anye shifted his gaze to the table.

"There are a few small charmanders, but the main attacker of the Qingtian team who doesn't have the power of the sun, let's give up, and then ... the grass-type Yusanjia, chrysanthemum grass leaves and grass seedling turtles, just skip it; then Mu Shou Gong, huh... the best aptitude is only good, give it up; Mu Muxiao and vine vine snake are not there; in the end, there is only the seed of the frog, oops, there happens to be a chlorophyll one, and the aptitude is excellent, so let's take him up. '

"I want No. 9 Frog Seed."

"Okay, no problem, can it be 500 million in total?"


"Okay, then here, there are a total of 8 Ibrahimovic in the association, and they are all here, you can take a look." After speaking, the man pushed the cage containing the 8 Ibrahimovic.

An Ye immediately began to check the aptitudes of the eight Ibrahimovic in front of him, and finally found an Ibrahimovic with the hidden attribute of danger prediction, and bought him for 150 million.

Then he was invited out with 'enthusiasm' by the receptionist.

After returning to the villa, An Ye said, "My mission is basically completed."

"Well, then leave it to me. You can take a good rest for a while. During this time, I have developed in the alliance." Xuandu finally handed over two elf balls from An Ye, and then An Ye turned into one The doll returned to the system backpack.

Then Xuandu looked at Super Miaomiao, Sakura Treasure, Desert Naia, Little Wood Spirit, Iron Mask Ninja, and Shelter Ninja in the room, then raised two poke balls and said, "There are our new partners inside, everyone must remember Get along with."

After getting responses from several elves, Xuandu opened the elf ball and released them.

"Seed~" "Buy!"

The two elves showed different attitudes, one was afraid and the other was wary. Xuandu looked at their identification materials.

Elf Name: Frog Seed

Sex: male

Attributes: Grass, Poison
Rating: 15
Features: Chlorophyll

Intimacy: 50
Qualification: Excellent
Carrying props: none
Skills learned: Impact, Absorption, Growth, Vine Whip, Flying Leaf Blade, Parasitic Seed, Sleeping Powder, Poison Powder, Paralysis Powder, Rooting

Elf name: Eevee

Sex: male

Attributes: General

Rating: 20
Ability: Danger Prediction
Intimacy: 0
Qualification: Excellent
Carrying props: none
Skills learned: Crash, Sand Splash, Howl, Lightning Flash, Eagerness, Tail Waggle, Round Eyes, Bite, High Speed ​​Star, Renew, Iron Tail, Burrowing

Seeing the almost perfect information, Xuandu took out the elf food that he had prepared for them a long time ago, and then asked Sakura Bao, who had a strong affinity, to communicate. Conquered, Xuandu clearly saw the slowly rising favorability.

(End of this chapter)

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