Elf Grass Master

Chapter 23 "21, First Arrive in Dai City and Clearing Up the Loot"

Chapter 23 "21, First Arrive in EMI City and Cleaning Up the Loot"

After leaving the research institute with the tortoise in his arms, Xuandu rode his bicycle to the nearby forest, and then led the elves into the system home.

When the tortoise entered this system home for the first time, it was shocked. The ecological environment here is really good, and the energy of the grass system in the space is also very sufficient. There are several different fruit trees and a tree not far away. Large pond.

Then Xuandu called all the elves over. Everyone was very excited to see this little guy staying behind Xuandu's feet. After introducing the grass seedling tortoise to everyone, the following things are familiar to the elves. it's time.

[Hello, little guy, I am your third brother Mengge Naia, if you want to come to exercise, please feel free to come to me]

[Little guy, I'm your fourth brother, the dead wood demon. I've been living in the forest. If you want to chat, I welcome you.]

【Hello, I am Froggrass, my neighbor, please give me your advice】

[Hello, I am Ye Yibo, I just evolved not long ago, you are always welcome to come and play with me]

【I am an Iron Masked Ninja, the one who is floating in the air and does not speak is my transformed Shelling Ninja. He cannot speak, but he can understand what you mean, and he is also welcoming you now】


[Hello, I am Sakura, the second sister here, if you are injured, come and find me, ah, the one who has been with the master is our big brother, Super Miaomiao, he is very powerful, so let's count it together I can't beat him, oh, yes, our master still has a half body, but he is not here now, maybe you will see him in the future]

The grass seedling turtle was taken aback by what they said, and it took a long time to react. Xuan Du looked at this scene and found it a little interesting. After a while, he set off again.

This time when he returned to Zhuqing City, Xuandu did not stay, and directly entered the Baidai Forest.

Half a year ago, because of the highly toxic swamp incident, almost all the elves in the forest were in a commotion. The alliance could only temporarily ban the trainers from entering. In the end, Fuji, one of the four kings of Sinnoh (the self-established Sinnoh number one On behalf of the Four Heavenly Kings, it was the Grass Heavenly King from the Yuan family who came forward to restore the forest to its original state.

Xuandu looked at this familiar forest, without much nostalgia, immediately rode his bicycle and left on the main road, and finally arrived at an elf center in EMI before night fell.

Speaking of EMI City, the first thing people think of is the building of the Galaxy team. At this time, the building has not yet been officially completed, and Chihi is currently only the high priest of the temple.

After entering the room of the elf center, Xuandu called Anye out again.


"I remember that the black market in EMI City I found out before is near the statue of Arceus...I'll look for it..." An Ye whispered in front of a statue of Arceus in EMI Park.

Finally, I touched a strange bump on the statue, so I pressed it down.

I saw that after the button was pressed, the statue retreated a certain distance, and then revealed a passage, stayed up all night without hesitation, and immediately got in, and the next moment the statue sealed the entrance again.

After walking through the long corridor, Anye finally saw a glimmer of light ahead, then accelerated his speed, and finally came to the underground black market in EMI City.

"It doesn't look any different from the black market in Celebration City. Forget it, let's go shopping first. Let's go to the Hunter Union first." Then An Ye began to search for the location of the Hunter Union in the black market.

It didn't take long for An Ye to find the location of the Hunter's Guild. Looking at the layout similar to that in Celebration City, An Ye sneered and walked to the counter.

"Hi sir, may I help you?" the receptionist smiled.

An Ye lowered his voice, then took out the key he got before and said, "I want to open this safe..."

The staff took the key, looked at it carefully, and said "please wait a moment." Then left.

After a while, the receptionist came back with another person, and said to An Ye, "Sir, please follow this one, he will take you to the vault."

After finishing speaking, he went back to work at the counter. An Ye looked at the person brought back by the receptionist just now. Walk freely.

Seeing this, An Ye followed, and after a while, the man brought An Ye to a warehouse, and heard him say, "This is here." After speaking, he took out the elf ball and summoned a key ring.

'This is Carlos' own key ring, I didn't expect to see it here. '

Because the two characteristics of the key ring are very practical and the rich skill pool allows him to better serve as an auxiliary position, and the distribution of attributes makes him not afraid of the poison and steel that restrain the fairy system, so in the previous life people often took it. Key ring for PVP.

Immediately afterwards, the man took a key from the key ring, and then took out the key he had just taken from Dark Night, and inserted the two keys into the lock of the warehouse door together. The next moment, the warehouse opened.

An Ye looked into the room, and found that a large number of evolutionary stones had piled up into a hill as tall as a person, and there were several storage rings beside it. It seemed that there were still many things inside.

At this time, the person who just opened the door said, "Remember to lock the door when you leave, otherwise the association will not be responsible for anything lost." After speaking, he turned and left.

An Ye was not annoyed when he saw that person leave, and directly started to move all the things in the warehouse into his storage props, and whispered in his mouth, "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

After a while, all the things in the warehouse were installed by An Ye. Just in case, An Ye did not let go of the cracks in the wall. In the end, he actually found a skill CD. Seeing today's harvest, Anye left the union with satisfaction.

When leaving, An Ye suddenly remembered one thing, that is, he only knew how to get in, but didn't know how to get out. Just when An Ye was worrying about whether he should enter the system's home, a few "well-meaning people" gathered around and planned to Give yourself 'guidance', after some guidance, Anye successfully got the way out of the black market, and then sent those people to see Giratina with a grateful heart.

Soon, An Ye returned to the elf center, handed over all the gains this time to Xuandu, and then went back to the system backpack to sleep.

Xuandu also began to check the harvest this time, and found that although this hunter W is a fool, he still has a lot of treasures in his hands.


Seeing these evolutionary stones, Xuandu suddenly wondered one thing, why didn't this guy just replace the evolutionary stones with resources that are useful to him?

With such doubts, Xuandu opened the remaining storage rings, one of which was full of blueprints, Xuandu opened one to check and found that it was a map, and the end point guided by the map was an evolutionary stone mountain range in Iron City. But this road is not on the map of the alliance, so Xuandu guessed that this should be a method discovered by hunter W to enter the evolution stone mountain. for sale.

After thinking about this, Xuandu then began to check the remaining drawings, and found that they were almost worthless, so he asked the shelling ninja to burn all the waste paper with a will-o'-the-wisp (Shelling ninja: I * * become your exclusive lighter Yet?!).

In the third ring, there are three unnamed alliance cards, which seem to be the entire net worth of Hunter W, so Xuandu plans to find some time to confirm, after all, mosquito legs are also meat.

The last fourth ring contained some books. Xuandu found that these were some cultivation experience of poison, grass and insect; some fairy tales about the world of elves; In the bookcase of my system home, I plan to use it as a reading to pass the time when I am bored.

(End of this chapter)

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