Elf Grass Master

Chapter 27 "24, Decisive Battle!"Sakura VS Menus"

Chapter 27 "24, Decisive Battle!"Sakura VS Menus"

"Meinas, use Praying for Rain."


Mikri clearly knew that Xuandu's output of cherry blossoms relied on the assistance of sunny days, so he immediately decided to control the weather, but the result was beyond his expectation.

"how so?!"

Seeing that only a small dark cloud appeared above Menus' head, Mikri felt incredible.

'My Menus is already at the peak of gymnasium level. It stands to reason that it should be able to compete with the cherry blossoms in Xuandu in terms of weather control alone, but why is Menus' rain prayer suppressed? ! '

Seeing Mikoli's puzzled expression, Xuandu burst into laughter in his heart.

'Hahaha!Don’t be dumbfounded. This is the fiery rock that I spent [-] Union Coins on and absorbed part of Gulardo’s origin. At the same level, it’s just a dream for you to control the weather! '

"Oh! What's going on here! Menus' praying for rain didn't work! Failure to release the skill is a big penalty!" Vivian screamed.

Hearing the host's voice, Mi Keli also understood that now is not the time to be dazed, so he said, "Meinas, use the dragon wave!"


"Sakura, use the green grass field after jumping."


At the moment before the dragon's wave hit, Sakura leaped up with a graceful figure and immediately turned into a green look under her feet after landing.

"Sakura uses growth, and then uses the power of nature to match the falling flowers!"


With the help of Da Qingtian, Sakura's size increased slightly, and she could clearly feel a stronger aura from her body.

Then, a huge green energy ball appeared in the hands of Sakura, followed by a lot of cherry blossom petals around Sakura, I saw Sakura throwing the energy ball forcefully, and the petals around her also flew forward together .

"Meinas, freeze the light, the freezing wind builds a wall of ice!"


Mi Keli is a trainer born in a big family. In the next moment, Menus successfully used two skills to build several layers of ice walls on the field, but due to the effect of the sunny day, he still had half of his energy. Passed through the ice wall and hit Menus.

Because of the restraint of attributes, the current Menus can't see the glamorous appearance before.

"It's really a hot and gorgeous final move, no, you must recover your physical strength quickly, Menus, self-recovery and water ring plus a new look!"


I saw Menus closing his eyes and using all his strength to release these three skills. At this time, the self-healing light and the water flow ring echoed each other, and the new look exuded a mysterious smell, which gained a lot. point.

And at this time, when Menus recovered, Xuandu said, "Sakura, use the sun and flames!"


I saw that the cherry blossoms began to charge but did not launch an attack for a long time. Mikri knew that the cherry blossoms in Xuandu could be activated quickly with the help of a sunny day, but this situation showed that the power of the sun and flames this time was greater than Much larger than usual, so Mikri said anxiously, "Meenas! Hurry up! Hurry up!"


Hearing the master's call, Menus was already in cold sweat, and finally recovered when he heard a sentence


The next moment, Menus saw a huge beam of light shooting towards him, and then heard "Meinas, don't give up, use the water cannon!"


Menus finally used the water cannon with all his strength, but was completely vaporized the moment he came into contact with the sun and flames.

boom! ! ! !

The Sunshine Flame hit Menus head-on, and Menus completely lost his fighting ability after eating the Sunshine Flame, and passed out on the ground.

"Completely knocked down! The final winner of the EMI Contest is Mr. Xuandu from Celebration City!" Vivian was the first to react and announced the result.

Hearing the host speak, everyone recovered from the battle just now, and started applauding and screaming every minute. At this moment, Xuan Du took the cherry blossoms to Menus who fainted on the ground, only to hear Xuan say
"Sakura, use Green Grass Field and Heal Wave on Menus."


Grass fields appeared again under Sakura's feet, and faint pink fluctuations appeared on her body. After undergoing the healing of these two different forces, Menus woke up.

Seeing that Menus was awake, Mi Keli also recovered from the state of being absent-minded just now, walked over and began to check on Menus' injuries.

At this time, Xuandu took out a box of energy cubes from his storage ring and gave them to Mikoli, "This is a pure water energy cube made by myself, which should be able to replenish the energy lost in Menus' body."

Mikoli looked at the box of energy cubes in his hand, his eyes trembled slightly, and then said, "Thank you." After speaking, he fed the energy cubes to Menus.

After eating the energy cube, Menus suddenly closed his eyes, and the momentum around him rose steadily. Seeing Menus like this, Xuandu whispered to Mi Keli, "Your Menus is about to break through, first Go down and talk."

Hearing this, Mikri also understood what happened to Menus, so he put Menus away and left the stage with Xuandu.

The audience watching this scene was stunned. The host was the first to get rid of this embarrassing scene, and then said that the third place competition would start immediately.

On the other side, after Xuandu and Mikoli left the stage, they immediately asked the staff for a room, and then let Menus out. At this time, Mikoli saw Menus' appearance and understood that she still needed a room. A breakthrough opportunity, just when he was worried that his things were still in the backpack in the locker room, Xuandu took out a water stone from the storage ring, and said
"This is a high-grade water stone that I got before, which is infinitely close to the best water stone. If you don't dislike it, use it."

Mikri looked at the water stone in Xuandu's hand with a look of shock. How precious is a water stone that is infinitely close to the best quality? It can be seen that Xuandu can hand over this water stone to himself without any scruples, which makes Mikri confused for a while.

Seeing the doubt in Mikri's eyes, Xuandu went on to say, "Don't worry, I got this by accident. I originally planned to subdue a starfish and let him use this water stone to evolve, but now Menus More important isn't it?"

Hearing this, Mikri didn't hesitate anymore, took the water stone, and let Menus absorb the energy in its body. The next moment, the energy in the water stone poured into Menus's body crazily. Inside her body, it filled the emptiness in her body. After a long time, the energy in Menus' body slowly stabilized. Xuandu knew that this was about to break through, so he released the super-power Miaomiao and asked him to use superpower to make a A barrier, and then continued to look at Menus.


A melodious singing sounded, and the white light on Menus finally disappeared. In Xuandu's eyes, she had become a quasi-king spirit.

Elf name: Menas
gender: female

Attribute: Water

Rating: 53
Trait: Charming Body
Intimacy: 50
Qualification: Excellent

Carrying Item: Mysterious Water Drop

Skills learned: Water Waves, Water Gun, Water Play, Renew, Tighten, Charming Sound, Water Ring, Self-Regeneration, Dragon Tail, Charming, Temptation, Coiled, Water Cannon, Freezing Wind, Mysterious Guardian, Praying for Rain , Freezing Rays, Gratitude, Hot Water, Surfing, Waterfall Climbing, Dragon Wave, Water Tail, Mirror Reflection, Self-Recovery, White Mist, Iron Tail

Seeing that Menus' condition was stable, Mikri breathed a sigh of relief, and then suddenly remembered what happened just now

"It seems that this time I really owe Xuandu a huge favor..." Mikri thought with a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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