Elf Grass Master

Chapter 35 "31, first meeting, Zifuqi Dawu"

Chapter 35 "31, first meeting, Zifuqi Dawu"

Elf name: Pallas
gender: female

Attributes: Grass, Bug
Rating: 29
Features: dry skin
Intimacy: 50
Qualification: general

Carrying props: big mushroom
Skills learned: Grab, Paralysis Powder, Poison Powder, Mushroom Spores, Drain, Slash, Grow, Cleave, Bug Bite, Parasitic Seed

Frankly speaking, Xuandu has always had a kind of sympathy for elves like Pallas.

After all, according to the introduction of the Elven Illustrated Book in the previous life, once Pallas evolves, his consciousness will be swallowed by the mushrooms on his back, and it is better to simply die than to be treated like a puppet.

Thinking of this, Xuandu looked sympathetically at Pallas who was stealing grass-type energy cubes on the ground, and didn't let the elves stop him.

At this time, Mikri on the side found this Pellas who was stealing food, and just about to stop him, he saw Xuandu stopped him, so Mikri hurriedly asked why.

"He's dying..."

Although Mikri was born in a big family, all of them specialize in water-type elves. For elves like Pylas, he only knows their names, so Xuandu explained to him.

"Pylas' classification is Mushroom Pokémon, do you know why?"

"I've only heard from family members that the mushroom on Pylas's back is in a symbiotic relationship with him, and it can also be made into a good recovery potion, but what does it have to do with it?"

"The mushrooms on Pyras are not so much symbiotic with Pyras as pure parasitism."


"That's right, and the bodies of Paras' bugs are their hosts. They parasitize on the host's back, absorb the host's nutrients, and then further devour the host."

"...You mean..." Hearing Xuandu's words, Mi Keli suddenly felt a chill down his back.

"That's right, mushrooms will devour the host. Once they have fully mastered the host's body, they will enter the next step—evolution!"

"In other words... Plaster is..."

"That's right, the parasitic mushrooms occupy Pyras' body and control the remaining body to move. Once the evolution is complete, Pylas's consciousness will disappear completely, and the mushrooms will control his entire body."

Hearing this, Mikri's heart sank, and he asked, "Then is there any way to get Pylas out of the mushroom's control?"

"Theoretically, it is not possible. Dr. Elf has done experiments before, and put the eggs of Paras in a sterile room to hatch, but the result will still grow mushrooms, and completely pulling out the mushrooms will also hurt Paras. body, even if it is successfully removed, Pylas will die soon..."

After listening to Xuandu's explanation, Mikri closed his eyes and sighed, "What a pathetic elf."

"So, don't bother her, maybe this is the last time she eats with her mouth, and she will have to rely on rooting and absorption to eat in the future." After finishing speaking, she walked aside and continued to prepare dinner.

Not long after, after eating the energy cubes on the plate, an evolved white light appeared on Pylas's body, and then the mushrooms behind her merged into one, and then rapidly grew in size, gradually enveloping Pyras' body, and finally Evolved into Palast.

Elf name: Palast

gender: female

Attributes: Grass, Bug
Rating: 31
Features: dry skin
Intimacy: 50
Qualification: general

Carrying props: big mushroom
Skills learned: cross scissors, paralyzing powder, poisonous powder, mushroom spores, absorb, slash, grow, split, insect bite, parasitic seeds, super absorb, root

After watching the pale-eyed and lifeless Plaster leave, Mikri was sad but didn't say much. Natural selection and survival of the fittest are the eternal iron laws of nature.

After dinner, the two were about to rest when they suddenly heard a sound from a stone wall not far away.

Hearing this, Xuandu and Mikri immediately cheered up, summoned all the elves, and stared at the stone wall.

"How is this going?"

"I don't know, but I heard the sound of metal colliding with rocks, and there is also the sound of elves digging. It seems that there are more than one."

Hearing Xuandu's words, Mi Keli couldn't help but want to swear, but he held back and just muttered a few words in a low voice
"Damn it, it's hard to be able to rest, why come to find fault at this time!"

Hearing the voice getting closer and closer to them, Xuandu's face darkened, and he said

The stone wall in front of it collapsed, and a Kedora came out of it, followed by a Nianli clay puppet and a strange-colored metal monster.

"Hey, why do these three elves look so familiar?" Mikri asked suspiciously the moment he saw the three elves.

Xuandu probably guessed something, resisted the urge to complain, and asked "doubtfully" "Know?"

Next, Mikri saw a dirty figure behind the three elves, resisted the urge to say 'I don't know, don't know', and explained to Xuandu, "It should be him, I just told you about it." Stone Maniac..."


Before Xuandu finished speaking, he heard the dirty figure say, "I'm sorry, my elves and I got lost underground, and the supplies have run out. Can you please help me?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Mikoli twitched the corners of his eyes and said, "Dawu, why did you become like this?"

"Is it Mikoli?!" Hearing the familiar voice, Dawu hurried to the front of the elves, and seeing the familiar figure of arrogance, Dawu couldn't help but stepped forward to hug Mikoli, and Mikoli saw The dirty Dawuchao ran over by himself, and ordered with a black face, "Meinas! Water cannon!"


The dirty figure was hit by the water cannon by Menus to the stone wall behind, and it didn't take long to stand up again vigorously, Xuandu nodded secretly, "Sure enough, the physique of a super real newcomer does not only affect Master Zhi." '

At this time, the figure had already walked to Mi Keli again, crying and saying, "Mi Keli! It's great to see you again!"

Mi Keli said with disgust, "What happened to you? Aren't you mining in the black gold mine? Why did you suddenly arrive in Tianguan Mountain, Dawu?"

Hearing Mikri call out the name, Xuandu said in his heart, "That's true", and then quietly listened to the "exchange of feelings" between the "old couple" from behind.

"I don't know, I dug well in the black gold mine, but a few days ago, an earthquake suddenly caused a landslide, and then I called out all the elves and asked them to take me to dig the hole in the original direction , and ended up digging here for some reason... Woohoo! My life is so miserable..." Then he stuffed his head into Mikri's chest and cried loudly.

"Emma, ​​seeing the 'passionate' appearance of the two future Fang Yuan champions, I won't be silenced, no, no, I have to leave quickly. '

Thinking of this, he gestured to Mi Keli to go to prepare food for Dawu and his elves first, and take a step first, and Mi Keli's eyes would roll to the sky when he saw Dawu who looked like this.

(End of this chapter)

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