Elf Grass Master

Chapter 47 "42, The Secret of Creation"

Chapter 47 "42, The Secret of Creation"

Not long after, Xuandu could see a huge black dragon on the stone platform in front of him from a long distance. This must be Giratina, the overlord of the reversed world.

Xuandu cautiously walked to a place far in front of Giratina, and then said respectfully, "See the great master of the reversed world, Master Pluto Dragon Giratina!" A standard bow that I would never make in my life.

The next moment, Giratina raised his head, and then looked down at Xuandu on the ground, and then Xuandu heard it.

【Hello, soul from another world】

One sentence revealed Xuandu's true identity, if it was someone else, then Xuandu would have silenced him long ago, but this is not good, this is a strong man who can catch him no matter where he escapes, so Xuandu They could only admit it in silence.

【Don't be afraid, if I want to do something to you, there is no way you are still alive now】

That's right, if this boss just moves his mouth, there will be countless elves under him who can kill him, and it is impossible for him to live until now.

【Boy, do you know how I know you exist? 】

"I don't know if I'm small, please tell me clearly."

'I * * die to die to understand! '

[I am in charge of not only the reversed world, but also the trajectory of the soul and destiny, so I would have known the moment your soul entered this world. If I hadn't helped you cover it up, I'm afraid those two ** You solved it]

"Thank you, sir, for your help. If there is anything you need, I will do my best!"

【Haha, what a sensible boy, do you know why all the beasts in this world were created? 】

Xuandu pondered for a while, and finally said "... the law"

Hearing this word, the smile on Giratina's face became even bigger [Yes, that's right!It is the law! 】

After saying this, Giratina calmed down, and then told Xuandu the story of the creation of the world

[A long time ago, the world was in chaos, and at this time Arceus, the god of creation, was born. Arceus used chaos to create the world, but the creation of the world was not as easy as he thought at first. 】

[After repeated failures, Arceus finally understood what was lacking in his own creation, so Palkia and Dialga were born, representing the initial time and space respectively, and then Arceus transformed the world The dark side of the world and the chaos left over from creation were all mixed to create a reverse world, and then I was born. 】

Listening to Giratina's storytelling became more and more secretive, Xuandu felt more and more that he was caught in a huge conspiracy, "This guy is not planning to do something to the creator of the world!" '

[Later, I moved into the reversed world, and Palkiya and Dialga helped Arceus create the world together. First, they divided the original chaos into three and created the earth, sea and sky. , this is the three gods of Fang Yuan after you, Gulardo, Kioka and Rikakuza]

When talking about these three elves, Giratina's eyes seemed to look like a fool.

【Then from the sky was born Ifeltal representing death, from the ocean was born Zernias representing life, and from the earth was born Kigard representing balance, and it was only later that Kieg was discovered Deer is actually an existence created by the law to maintain order through the power of the earth. Except for Arceus and me in the reverse world, no beast can beat him. 】

At this moment, a trace of dread and a slight fear flashed in Giratina's eyes.

【Later, Necrozma, who represented light, was born. He illuminated the world with his light, but later, he became dishonest. 】

Only Giratina smiled contemptuously and continued to speak.

[He separated one-half of his theocratic power, and then used that half of the theocratic power to create the sun and the moon, and then he took advantage of the moment when the law was completed and stole a trace of it from my inverted world. Chaos intends to create the world by itself. 】

At this time, the sarcasm on Giratina's face was even worse, and she was a little gloating.

[I never thought that idiot could not create a complete world with his own power, and later had to "explode himself" to supplement the missing laws of that world, but it has not been completed yet, and he has to open time and space channels from time to time. Learn from this side to complement your own side.Later, he wanted to take back half of the origin, but he didn't expect them to grow into independent individuals, completely ignoring his command, which made him incomplete now, and his strength was only the original brute force. In order not to let him come back, the guy also created four guys who guard the entrance and clean up things from that world at any time. 】

'Bright God of Alola!There is such a relationship with the gods of the sun and moon! '

[Later back to reality, Arceus simply became a hands-off shopkeeper and fell into a deep sleep. The creation of life naturally fell on these beasts. Feltal chose to sleep because of his attributes, but Kigard, who was supposed to be in the formation of the earth, gave up because of the divine right. Next, in order to seize this right first, the ocean and the earth finally shocked the sky. It was Likongzao who came to mediate, and the final result was that the beasts of their generation were not allowed to create life, and each one was allowed to create at most three assistants, and the creation of the assistants was responsible for this matter, and then they all agreed. 】

Giratina closed her eyes when she said this, and recalled it, as if she remembered something interesting.

[The next step is to divide up the rights. Gulardo handed over one-tenth of the land authority to Kigard, and then used one-tenth of the authority to create Regichkas, who is responsible for the movement of the continental plate. , and then fell into a deep sleep. With the help of the law, Gaioka created Rogia, which represented the ocean current, and Manafei, who managed the ocean on behalf of himself, and then fell into a dormant sleep. Manafei deserved to be followed The sea attribute is the most suitable for the water attribute and then began to create the creatures in the ocean. Rogia got the remaining 3 attributes, and then used them to create the first three holy birds. Finally, the job of creating life was given to Zhe Ernias, but what should he say...]

Giratina closed her eyes and thought for a long time before coming up with a word
【oh!Yes, he is too rational. He knew that he would be hindered by many parties when he obtained the authority to create life, so he simply copied a part of his theocratic power, and used these parts to create the Phoenix King representing resurrection and the bud crown representing new life and withering Wang He and the dream representing the bloodline didn't care about it. 】

'Why are all these mythical beasts hands-off shopkeepers!Is there no one doing business? ! '

【Later, King Leiguan was in charge of life, old age, sickness and death. Dream created all elf life. King Feng also obtained three attributes from Lugia a hundred years ago. Together with Kigard, he created a guard that patrols and judges order. 】

'In this way, the task of creating the world has been fully satisfied, then...'

[Later Dialga created Celebi, gave him the right to manage time, and then fell into a deep sleep. Palkiya created the gods of the lake who connected them, and then fell into a deep sleep. The gods are in charge of emotions, and then two elves in charge of nightmares and sweet dreams were born from emotions. Later, King Leiguan created Xie Mi and Sanyun God to represent purification and season cycle respectively. 】

'It looks like the guys from Hezhong are coming out soon'

[Later, when the emotions of the elves increased, there was a deviation between ideal and reality, which created Reshiram and Zekrom, and then the emotions gave rise to battles, and Kyurem was born. 】

Speaking of this, Giratina paused for a moment, and then continued to say [So far, the basic laws of creation have all been completed. This is the original creation. Is there anything you don’t understand? 】

Xuandu was silent for a long time, and finally said, "You have said so much about 'Creation'. Could it be that you plan to do something to that mighty one?"

(End of this chapter)

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